Chapter 280 279. Showdown

Each side of the hexahedron reflects Lloyd's own face, which is still showing various expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, and sorrow, and is constantly changing, making it appear extremely vivid, as if it is showing the various aspects of his life.

Lloyd just glanced at this, and then a panel prompt came to his ears:

[Ding~Please pay attention to keep your mind clear]

The next second, he felt a large wave of mental pollution coming towards him like a substance, like a terrible storm, completely sweeping him away.

In front of this tsunami of spiritual pollution, I am just a fragile boat...

No, this may not be accurate enough. It should be said that it is just a trace of endless duckweed...

Lloyd felt a slight sting in his brain and eardrums.

It was just a moment, not that kind of continuous severe pain.

But then, he entered a state of unconsciousness and numbness, as if he had completely lost his sense of perception and thinking ability. He could only stand motionless and let the tsunami-like mental pollution completely submerge him.

Normally, he would have fainted by now.

But with the help of Level 6 [Dizziness Resistance], although his consciousness was blurred, he still managed to stay awake.

It's just that he can no longer hear the panel prompts in his ears...

[Ding~Insanity value +10000]

[Ding~Insanity value +10000]

[Ding~Insanity value +10000]

This mental pollution was extremely pure. There were no fragments or knowledge mixed into it. It was just pure, pouring malice towards Lloyd.

It shouldn't even be described as malicious, it can only be regarded as a little displeasure.

It's as if someone suddenly disturbed Yaxing and frowned.

But for Lloyd, it was already a devastating mental storm that left him completely unable to resist and could only endure it silently.

Until suddenly, he felt someone holding his hand.

A soft, delicate, gentle hand was tightly interlocked with his own fingers.

The warmth in his palm made Lloyd's lost consciousness suddenly sober up a little.

Although it is still hazy and blurry, at least he can activate his skills instinctively.

But he still couldn't regain control of his body. Whether it was his limbs or the spiritual power in his body, it seemed as if he had lost control and was completely unable to be used.

All he could hear was Kandin's roar coming into his ears:

"Don't blame me!"

Then, he felt a burning pain in his hand, as if something had opened a long and narrow wound.

Stimulated by this pain, Lloyd's mind suddenly woke up, and he finally regained control of his spiritual power and limbs.

He still raised his head, looking directly at the hexahedron, and then slowly raised his left hand that was still bleeding.

But even such a small movement was extremely difficult and slow for him at this moment.

Until he felt a gentle force lingering on his arm, like a pair of gentle hands helping him to lift his arm.

Then, he felt a familiar warmth coming from behind, gently hugging his body.

She is not as gentle and firm as the strength in her arm, but has a little more attachment and seems much weaker, but she still wants to give herself comfort and shelter.

With the help of the two forces, Lloyd felt that the spiritual power in his body was boiling and surging, as if a storm was brewing to compete with the violent storm of mental pollution in front of him.

So, he whispered:

"Nothing great can be looked upon directly."

This was what he subconsciously said in his heart.

But he didn't notice that the words he blurted out at this moment were not human language.

Rather, it was small gibbering that even he himself could not understand...

The hexahedron at the top of the statue flickered slightly, and the reflections reflected in it all turned into expressions of astonishment and surprise.

It seems impossible to understand why a tiny ant can still struggle and try to resist?

But at this moment, Lloyd's face was filled with expressionless determination.

The next second, a thin crack began to appear on the crystal-clear and smooth surface of the hexahedron.

Then it gradually spread and spread until the entire hexahedron was covered with fine cracks and reached the edge of fragmentation.

The reflection of Lloyd reflected on it couldn't help but reveal an expression of doubt and incomprehensibility.

It seems that he cannot understand why a tiny ant can still pose a substantial threat to him?

Then after a second, with a crisp sound like broken glass, the hexahedron suddenly shattered and scattered into large swaths of light dust, which were instantly swallowed up by the surrounding darkness.

Immediately afterwards, the entire statue, and even the entire alien space where Lloyd and others were, heard the sound of glass breaking out of thin air.

Then scattered into all kinds of messy pieces.

Lloyd felt his vision blurred slightly, but it quickly recovered.

Immediately, a large smell of wood flooded into the nostrils, mixed with a bit of rotten smell.

Although he was still in this cult holy land, he could clearly feel that he had left that alien space.

To be precise, it should be that this alien space has returned to the real world.

"Huh... Huh... It's so scary..."

Lloyd took a few deep breaths, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and quickly touched his chest and stomach, as if to see if he was missing any parts.

Fortunately, except for a narrow wound on the back of his hand, he was still "unscathed".

Not even very tired, his physical condition is actually quite good?

But his mind was still a little dizzy, so he was stunned for two or three minutes before he started to move again.

Lloyd first glanced at Kang Ding next to him, and the two investigators who had worked hard to save him.

It's okay, they are still alive, but their mental state is not very good. They are all in a state of [moderate insanity], and they are still flashing, indicating that they are moving towards [severe insanity]

Lloyd quickly released some inspiration and spiritual power to touch them, just like when he touched Eloro before.

[Ding~ Madness value +100]

[Ding~ Skill fragment +1]

[Ding~ Madness value +300]

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1]

Lloyd ignored the panel prompts that came one after another, and hurried to the front of the previous statue, bent down and picked up one of the fragments.

It was emitting a spirituality that Lloyd could not understand.

If the extraordinary materials were graded like holy objects, the smaller the number, the higher the value...

Then these fragments should be level 0, right?

They belong to the extremely rare category.

But in fact, the main body of the fragments is just the common bronze on the market, which is not valuable.

The content that is truly valuable is that it is mixed with a kind of flesh and blood fragments -

The flesh and blood of the mysterious existence behind this statue...

And this mysterious existence, Lloyd does not know how the world should call Him for the time being, but if it is based on the standards of those novels on Earth, He should be a -

The descendant of the evil god...

This is what "The Book of Truth" told him.

This quaint old book now has a new page, on which the previous statue and the hexahedron of the head are drawn.

There is no text description next to it, only a name is listed:

[Unknown Existence Offspring]

Perhaps because Lloyd only had a brief battle with this offspring in the air and did not see his body, so the "Book of Truth" can not include much information.

And at the moment, Lloyd has no time to think about these things. He is busy picking up the scattered broken copper pieces and helping the three investigators share the mental pollution.

In fact, he didn't know what these fragments could be used for, but he knew that the rarity was absolutely full, so it would always be okay to collect them first.

So he carefully turned over the nearby area like a carpet, not even a single copper scrap was left out, all of them were picked up and placed on a piece of oilcloth.

When these scattered fragments gathered together again, they suddenly seemed to come alive, showing a mercury-like texture, began to merge with each other, and finally gathered into a palm-sized copper cake.

The statue was about two meters tall, but the valuable part collected in the end was only this small piece.

Lloyd wrapped the small piece of copper cake tightly with oil paper and threw it into the storage bag.

At this time, the three investigators were also stable, and their mental state had returned to the state of [mild insanity].

That was not a big problem. Anyway, people in their line of work were all a little crazy, and [mild insanity] was considered [normal]...

Next, we had to consider how to finish the aftermath and count the harvest.

But in this remote mountain village, all the villagers were brutally murdered, and only Lloyd could move.

He had to search in the pile of wood next to him, trying to build three stretchers and then drag the three guys away.

Fortunately, before he could do anything, Lloyd heard the sound of a steam car in the distance.

Then there was a series of hurried footsteps.

A knight leader he didn't know arrived at the lumberyard in time with more than 30 crusaders.

If nothing unexpected happens, they should have come from the forward camp we saw before, which is also the place where the lumberyard supplies.

But I don’t know how they received the news and brought people here so quickly?

Lloyd didn’t have the energy to think about these things, so he simply went underground and started pretending to be a wounded person, waiting for others to carry him on a stretcher.

By the way, he called out the panel again, took a look, and nodded.

I have upgraded a lot of levels...

There are a total of 75 attribute points to use.

Although this wave is a little dangerous, the so-called high risk and high reward, the benefits are still considerable.

And this is only a small part of the harvest...

Thanks to Long Ai for rewarding me 100 points.

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