I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 295 294 Strict school rules

Chapter 295 294. Strict school rules

"Okay, okay, let's open the box and take a look to confirm your benefits for outstanding freshmen."

The dean urged again, with an expression even more expectant and excited than Lloyd, and even kept rubbing his hands like a fly.

It always feels weird to Lloyd that a skeleton's expression can be so vivid and humane...

But he still opened the box and looked at it.

Although the packaging is pretty good on the outside and the box looks quite big, when you actually open it, it's a bit disappointing.

There are only three things inside——

A collar clip, a pocket watch chain, and a palm-sized hourglass.

However, these three items all exude a unique and full spirituality. The quality should be quite good?

Dandy on the side also glanced curiously, and suddenly showed an envious expression. He touched Lloyd's arm again, gave him a look of "you've earned it", and couldn't help but sigh:

"There is actually a synchronized hourglass. This benefit is really luxurious!"

Director Skeleton put on a smiling face and introduced:

"Remember to carry this collar clip with you. It can save your life at critical moments. As for the detailed functions, you should be able to know it by attaching it to your collar...

But having said that, this first aid lapel is a rare collaboration between the engineering department and the space department. It should be out of print now, right? I don’t know why these two disciplines no longer carry out this kind of cooperation? "

After saying that, it pointed at the watch chain again and said:

"Then this, let Dandy explain it to you. He should know better than me."

Dandy nodded and took over the conversation:

"Okay, this is the most retro space storage equipment produced by our space department. Although it is still a little behind the space storage bags and space rings in historical records, it is the maximum restoration we can make... …

But Lloyd, you have now joined the space system. With the talent you have shown, you may be able to further optimize the design of this equipment, right? "

As he spoke, he pulled open half of Roy's white coat, revealing the same light gold watch chain worn inside. He looked at the storage bag hanging on Roy's waist, and then reminded:

"Hurry up and replace that biological storage bag on your waist. It's small, dirty, damp, and easy to be stolen and spied on. Don't use such a poor imitation in the future."

"Ah...Okay, I'll replace it later."

Lloyd nodded, looked at the last hourglass that even Dandy envied, and asked:

"What about this last one?"

"This synchronized hourglass is hand-made by the dean. It can make you more comfortable when traveling between the academy and the real world...

It is very valuable! You can only get it through 'scholarship' and 'top student benefits', so be sure to keep it and don't be cheated! "

Director Skeleton reminded him very seriously.

Dandy also added:

"Yes, among these three benefits, the most important one is this hourglass. Especially if you still have a job in this world, it can help you a lot... I also spent a lot of effort to get it. One, unlike you, was given as a gift when you first entered school."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but feel envious again, and continued:

"Sigh... It's a pity that when I entered school, the rating I got was not too high, it was just 'A+', so I didn't have such good benefits. By the way, the 'S+' benefits are too good, right?"

Director Skeleton then said:

"That's of course. After all, how many years have passed since the last time a freshman received an 'S+' rating? One hundred years? Or two hundred years? After all, there may still be mediocre people with wasted talents in 'A+', but 'S+' is definitely not available!"

"Huh? What does this mean?"

Lloyd asked quickly.

"It means that in the long history of our Mizkatok, the freshmen who have received an 'S+' rating have all become the best and the best. No one has lived up to his talent."

Skeleton replied.

Dandy on the side also added:

"Yes, after all, ordinary guides have no right to give an 'S+' evaluation. The highest they can give is an 'A+', and higher evaluations can only be given by professors who lead a subject. …

And no matter which subject the professors were in, even those from the art department, they had never made a mistake. "

"Haha, it's like this. Our Mizkatok can continue from the glorious era to the present, survive the most dangerous apocalyptic era, and return to its current scale, thanks to the excellent vision of many professors."

Director Skeleton added a helpful word, then waved his hand and finally said:

"Okay, my work here is over. For the remaining details, you remember to read the novice manual carefully. This is very, very important! So finally..."

"Welcome to Mizkatok, Lloyd."


After completing the admission procedures, Dandy left the Academic Affairs Office with Lloyd, and then stretched out his hand to sign a portal, saying that he was taking Lloyd to the dormitory assigned to him.

Lloyd nodded, and then when crossing the portal, he paid a little more attention to let the spiritual power and inspiration escape, hoping to use this method to locate the space.

If he could find the spatial coordinates successfully, he could open the door and go back to the dormitory by himself.

However, it was the first time he used this method, and he failed as expected. He didn't get any spiritual power or inspiration...

Sure enough, this tricky method is unreliable. Should he still rely on his own calculations?

Lloyd felt sorry for a moment, and then looked up at the villa complex in front of him.

This place looks like a typical wealthy area, with three-story exquisite villas with small gardens and swimming pools. With Lloyd's current wealth, he obviously can't afford it.

"Well, your dormitory is here. I live over there. Can you see the one with sunflowers on the roof?"

Dandy pointed to the distance and asked.

"No... Is this place a student dormitory?"

"Strictly speaking, it should be called a dormitory for top students... In fact, I was assigned to this kind of dormitory only after I entered the Space Department. Before that, I was still sharing a double room with others. Unlike you, you have such generous treatment as soon as you arrive."

Dandy smiled, patted Lloyd's shoulder, and continued:

"Okay, I won't accompany you in. You go in and take a look and tidy up. If you need anything or are dissatisfied, there is a suggestion book at the door. You fill it in and the logistics staff will come to help you deal with it..."

As he said, Suddenly, he lowered his voice and reminded:

"Although you look like a young man full of vigor, as a person who has been through it, I have to remind you not to bring back those pretty and cute seniors and juniors casually...really! Believe me!"

"If you don't remind me, I really don't have any idea about this..."

"Haha, that's good...By the way, the college allows pets, so you can let the little cutie in your pocket out. I think it's been holding it in for a long time, right? It's been peeking out several times."

Dandy looked at Lloyd's pocket with the kitten and said with a smile.


The kitten immediately showed its head and looked at Dandy with a puzzled look, as if to ask him how he found it?

Maybe every time it peeped out, it always showed its pointed ears first?

"Hey? It understands human language? Not bad, very cute."

Seeing this, Dandy couldn't help but reach out and gently poke the kitten's round head, as a greeting.

The kitten also stretched out its furry paws and scratched Dandy's fingers, which was also a greeting.

This made Lloyd feel that his cat seemed to be more sociable than himself?

"Haha, then I'll go back to the lab to continue working on the data. Remember to read the freshman handbook carefully, it's very important!"

Dandy smiled, waved goodbye to Lloyd, and then opened a portal and disappeared into it.

"Is he a nice guy?"

Lloyd asked the kitten.

"Meow~ meow meow!"

The kitten waved its paws. I don't know what it was saying, but at least it didn't seem to have any objection.

"Okay, you're right."

Lloyd responded casually, then put the kitten down and took it into his dormitory.

After walking around the dormitory, he had only one feeling in his heart -

It was too big, too luxurious, and too wasteful...

Not only was it three stories high, but there was even a basement below. The garden in front had a small fountain, and the garden in the back had a small swimming pool.

Inside, all kinds of furniture, layouts, and decorations are available, and they are quite "modern", with a "mysterious refrigerator" that can store food, a "magic water heater" that provides hot and cold water, and a "ritual air conditioner" that controls the temperature.

In addition to the computer and TV, it is already very close to the earth.

Even quilts and blankets, as well as firewood, rice, oil, salt, wine, beverages, and snacks are ready, and you can move in without any threshold.

But it is really a waste for one person to live in such a big house.

It would be great if I could bring my sister to live in with me...

But then again, I have just entered school, how can these things be prepared in such a short time?

Lloyd was very surprised by this.

It is impossible to prepare these at any time and wait for the top students who are qualified to move in? How much maintenance cost and difficulty would this be? Obviously unrealistic.

Lloyd thought about it, took out a bottle of juice behind the bar in the living room, unscrewed it, and took a small sip.

The taste is fresh and sweet, just like it was just squeezed.

It's just that there is still some unique spirituality on it, which is evaporating rapidly.

Lloyd looked at the packaging of the juice carefully again. There was indeed no production date on it, but it was fresh enough...

Including the various ingredients in the kitchen's 'mysterious refrigerator', they were all fresh enough to drip water.

This is really magical. Can this degree of preservation be achieved by relying solely on the effects of various rituals?

While thinking about it, Lloyd walked around the entire dormitory with interest.

Finally, he counted that the entire dormitory was equipped with 123 sets of large and small rituals. In addition to the function of facilitating life, there are also functions such as sound insulation, protection, confidentiality, etc.

Rather than saying that you live in a small villa, it's better to say that you live in a lot of rituals...

Although it felt a little strange, Lloyd would think of the pitiful experience of Ai Luoluo before, but considering that it was comfortable, convenient and completely free, he would stay there reluctantly.

But he was a day student after all, how long could he live here?

Why did both Dandy and Director Zaza say that the dormitory was important?

Lloyd was a little confused and decided to take a good look at the freshman handbook that was repeatedly mentioned by the two.

He took the bottle of juice that had just been opened, collapsed on the sofa that could be used as a bed, and started reading.

This handbook was not very thick, but the printing and paper were very special. It felt like a flexible metal, but it was not cold and prickly.

The handwriting on it looked like it was engraved, but when he touched it, there was no trace of engraving. It should be just a very special artistic effect?

When he opened the first page of the handbook, there was a line of slightly abstract motto:

"When I look up at the stars, I never feel humble because of my insignificance."

The handwriting was ugly, just like the housekeeper's, and both were suitable to be doctors.

This sentence also seemed very abrupt and strange. It seemed inappropriate to put it in the freshman handbook?

The motto was not signed, and no one knew who left it. The handwriting was so ugly and the words were so strange...

Lloyd complained in his heart and turned to the second page.

This page was a relatively normal "new student message", which was all encouraging and inspiring words. The style was normal.

And the sentence left at the end left a deep impression on Lloyd-

"In this era, knowledge is precious and dangerous. Please keep moving forward with courage and wisdom-

May your road ahead be bright with stars;

May the road under your feet be full of flowers."

Eh? This blessing...

Lloyd saw this familiar blessing again, and couldn't help but think of the specific occasion when this word was used...

Why does it feel a bit bad?

But in such a formal occasion, using such a formal speech should not be a big problem, right?

Lloyd did not think much about it and continued to turn to the next page.

As a result, at the beginning of this page, it was written in red eye-catching handwriting:

"In Mizkatok, everyone must abide by the school rules, no matter how strict or unreasonable you think it is, you must abide by it!"

Lloyd pursed his lips, and his mentality became serious. He looked at the following strict and unreasonable school rules-

No default on tuition!

No destruction of public property!

No discussion of important information of the college in the outside world!

No fighting outside the duel field!

No modification of school rules!

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