I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 296 295 Survival Advice? ? ?

Chapter 296 295. Survival advice? ? ?

Hmm... how should I put it...

This school rule...

It's really too harsh!

Lloyd looked at it and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Even the school rules of kindergarten are more detailed and serious than yours, right?

Is the style of study in Mitzkatok too simple and free?

He hurriedly continued to read on and found some supplementary explanations about these five school rules.

First of all, regarding tuition fees, a more specific amount was given in the supplementary explanation. As expected, as Director Dandy and Zaza said before, there are different levels.

The lowest 'E-' level not only needs to bear huge tuition fees every year, but also various additional fees under various names, which are astronomical figures at random.

Some people don't treat poor students as human beings, but as money printing machines...

Once they can't pay the tuition fees, it is considered a violation of school rules and they will be ordered to drop out.

But on the other hand, the tuition fees of high-level students have not only been greatly reduced, but there are even various scholarships and welfare benefits under various names.

For example, if you reach the ‘B’ level, the tuition fee is only a symbolic 1,000 universal coins per year; and if you reach the ‘A+’ rating of Dandy, the tuition fee is completely waived; as for the ‘S+’ you get, you will receive a subsidy every month.

As for those who are below, you must at least get the ‘C’ rating, and the tuition fee can be reduced to about 10,000 per year. Although it is still much more expensive than ordinary universities outside, it is more or less within the affordability range.

Anyway, Lloyd felt that the difference in treatment was too big, even bigger than the difference between people and dogs. Basically, you have to start from the ‘C’ level to be considered a ‘normal student’.

He couldn’t help but shake his head repeatedly, and sighed in his heart:

If I hadn’t gotten the rating of the old professor, I don’t know how to get along here...

I don’t know how much the presiding judge trusts me to push me to such a place?

Lloyd was also at a loss for words, and continued to look at the supplementary instructions at the back.

About ‘No destruction of public property! 'This supplementary explanation seems to be quite normal overall, but it defines the scope of "public property" in a rigorous and serious tone.

Among them, the ones worth complaining about are probably the bizarre and ugly statue on the "Knowledge Square" and a bird called "carrier pigeon".

These two things are listed separately, with special emphasis on not being allowed to destroy, not being altered, not being hunted, and not being preyed on...

Considering the principle that there is an even more outrageous story behind any outrageous rule, Lloyd has reason to suspect that someone has really done this...

Next is the supplementary explanation of the third school rule, "It is forbidden to discuss important information of the college in the outside world!"

Similar to the second rule, it is also in a rigorous and serious tone to determine what belongs to "important information".

There are many types, including but not limited to the environment, scenes, specific teaching content, various knowledge, and even information taught by classmates and teachers in the school, etc.

Anyway, the only thing that can be revealed to the outside world is basically the name "Mizkatok".

And unlike the previous rules, this school rule must be followed even after graduation, otherwise you will be directly expelled and lose your identity and experience as a "Mizkatok graduate".

Perhaps this is the reason why this university seems to be very famous, but there is little information about it from the outside world?

Lloyd thought about it and continued to read on.

The fourth school rule, "No fighting outside the duel field!", is simple and easy to understand, without many additional explanations, but only provides up to ten duel field locations for students to resolve disputes.

The rule of "No fighting" was originally in almost all schools, but in Mizkatok, it is a bit special, and it only prohibits fighting outside the duel field...

Lloyd thought of what Dandy said before, that the best way to resolve academic disputes is to fight, and couldn't help but sigh again at the simple style of study here...

And the last remaining fifth school rule, "No modification of school rules!", did not make any additional explanations, just such a lonely one?

So if the principle that there is an even more outrageous story behind an outrageous rule is still valid, has anyone really tried to modify the school rules?

Lloyd also laughed, and couldn't help but wonder what kind of warrior would think of modifying the school rules?

I don't know if that warrior wants to modify it in a more serious and strict direction? Or in a more relaxed direction?

Just like that, Lloyd finished reading the content of the school rules, and continued to turn to the next page.

This page is more important. Just the title made Lloyd perk up all of a sudden-

"Thirteen Survival Tips in Mizkatok"

Survival Tips? ? ?

Is that right? ? ?

Lloyd was very surprised and hurried to read on.

Don't violate the school rules, please respect every one of them, and the number of students who died or disappeared is enough to circle Mizkatok five times!

Don't have conflicts with classmates or teachers other than academic disputes, try to get along with everyone, and the number of students who died or disappeared is enough to circle Mizkatok two times!

Don’t discriminate against other people’s race, system, family background, etc., and please respect other people’s privacy and secrets. This is the basic condition for friendly coexistence. Therefore, the number of students who died or disappeared is enough to circle Mizkatok three times!

Don’t try to change other people’s concepts, thinking, and views, which may kill him. Therefore, the number of students who died or disappeared is enough to circle Mizkatok three times!

Don’t get close to the mental hospital area unless you also want to become a lunatic. Therefore, the number of students who died or disappeared is enough to circle Mizkatok six times!

Don’t be surprised by those mysterious areas that are not registered, such as the ‘study room with people all the time’ or the ‘inexplicably disappeared association’, etc. If you encounter them, don’t join them, don’t panic, and don’t be curious. Therefore, the number of students who died or disappeared is enough to circle Mizkatok three times!

Don’t enter those dangerous areas without permission, they are really dangerous, so the number of students who died or disappeared is enough to circle Mizkatok eight times!

Don't believe the stories told by the books in the library, they are all liars, so the number of students who died or disappeared is enough to circle Mitzkatok twice!

Don't underestimate any subject, except for those in the art direction.

Don't offend people in the space department, otherwise you may disappear inexplicably.

Don't question the ability and level of the medical department. You can trust them at the most critical moment; but don't trust them too much when nothing is wrong, they can do anything.

Don't attack and hunt any "dangerous creatures" you know, which may be your classmates, or your classmates' pets, or research topics.

Don't underestimate the above suggestions, so the number of students who died or disappeared is enough to circle Mitzkatok ten times!

After reading it, Lloyd was stunned and couldn't help but whispered:

"Is Mitzkatok made of bones?"

But he immediately calmed down and thought about it carefully, counted the circles again, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

This should be just some kind of exaggerated description to scare people, otherwise the number of circles before and after would not add up.

This number of circles should be just a metaphor for the degree of danger...

Lloyd reviewed it carefully again and found that in addition to "violating school rules" and "not believing in survival advice", the most dangerous places are "dangerous areas" and "mental hospital areas".

This seems to be understandable?

But what is incomprehensible is why the "mental hospital area" should be listed separately instead of being included in the "dangerous area"?

Then the remaining danger levels seem to be similar?

On the contrary, "offending classmates" seems to be safer, at least no one has gone to build Mitzkatok because of this.

As for the mysterious area, Lloyd recalled the two stories he had seen in his sister's magazine before.

That story is not completely made up? But it has a basis in reality?

But the specific content should not be like the story, because this is already involved in the third school rule and cannot be disclosed. "Important information"

So it should be that only the two titles of "The Study Room with People Always" and "The Inexplicably Disappeared Society" were spread, and then people outside took advantage of the topic to create such a story.

Well, that should be the case, right?

Lloyd sorted out his thoughts and wrote down these suggestions firmly.

He also realized that the study life in Mitzkatok would probably not be the campus life in the anime on Earth. It is not the kind of style where there are not many classes every day, and there are beautiful girls around, and you can graduate by dating.

However... it is very likely that someone will suddenly die or some kind of supernatural event will break out, right?

But I don’t know if there is a possibility of suddenly mastering superpowers or driving a giant robot?

Lloyd thought about it in his mind and continued to turn the manual to the back.

The following content is about the introduction of "grades", "ratings", "subjects", and "credits".

The regulations related to the ‘grade’ are similar to those mentioned outside of Dandy. They are calculated based on the completion of a certain subject, rather than the specific time spent here, so many ‘first-year students’ may have been old hands for many years.

And the learning method here is also very free, somewhat similar to that in District 18, which mainly relies on self-study.

There are no mandatory class times, no so-called homework, no prescribed learning methods, and no large or small exams.

After choosing a subject, you only need to complete a final ‘final exam’ to graduate from this subject.

It feels that the learning model in District 18 is probably borrowed from here.

But the specific exam methods are very different between the two sides.

In Mizkatok, the time of the exam can also be freely chosen, there is no specific regulation, as long as the student feels that he can pass it, he can find the professor in charge of the subject and take the exam.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t pass the exam, you can take a make-up exam at any time, and as long as the score is higher than the last exam, you can improve your ‘rating’.

Similarly, if you do not take the exam during a school year, or your score is lower than the last time, your rating will be lowered every year, which means that the tuition fee will increase every year.

Lloyd couldn't help but imagine when he saw this -

If there is a rich man with a mine at home, but his academic ability is not very good, he does not have to worry about being expelled directly. He just needs to bear the sky-high tuition fees and take the exam until the end of time...

Of course, there should be no such stupid rich man here...

But if there is a top student from a poor family with extremely high academic ability, it may take others several years to pass the exam, but he only needs one month to complete it. Does that mean he became a "first-year student" in one month?

But there should not be such a powerful top student...

Lloyd continued to look back and found various factors that affect the "rating".

The most direct and main influence on the "rating" is various exams, from the "entrance exam" of the guide to the "final exam" of each school year. As long as there are grades, you can get the corresponding "rating".

In addition to exams, completing various "teaching tasks" and "research topics" may also improve the "rating".

But similarly, if you do not perform well in these links, it may also reduce the "rating"...

As for the final method of improving the "rating", it is called "making outstanding contributions to the school".

However, there is no clear definition of what is called "outstanding contribution". It only mentions that it can be recognized by the dean or recommended by multiple professors.

If nothing unexpected happens, this is probably the most difficult path.

Anyway, looking at it this way, Lloyd feels that the most important thing here is the "entrance examination", which directly determines the starting line.

And his "entrance examination" was not completed at all...

How could his guide disappear?

If the old professor had not appeared in time to save his rating, he would not know how to survive here...

Lloyd sighed in his heart and could not help but feel a little more grateful to the old professor.

He continued to look through the manual and saw the "subject" and "credit" sections.

Thank you Long E for rewarding Everole with 500 points to buy a long skirt for the winter.

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