I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 310 The origin of 309 distortion

Chapter 310 309. The origin of distortion

Although this page of forbidden knowledge is a bit too safe, it is a brand new content that Lloyd has never come into contact with before-

It describes the development history of the system of [Distortion].

It does not involve any substantial knowledge, but it can actually bring spiritual pollution?

Lloyd was a little surprised by this.

However, he has always been curious about his own system. Who discovered this system that is obviously not prepared for humans? How is it practiced and explored? These are questions that have troubled him for a long time.

So he did not dislike this knowledge for being too basic, and he still read and studied it very seriously.

And the development history of this page, in a simple summary, is probably-

A person went crazy and became stronger...

Although this simple record did not mention what kind of foundation this person had, even his name was erased, and only the words "■■■■" could be seen.

Lloyd had no choice but to call him the Cube Man in his heart...

This Cube Man lived in the glorious era of the past, but he was not [Glorious Gold], but a mediocre person with the third stage of fighting power. Because of his poor talents in all aspects, he could only engage in paleontological research.

Later, during an excavation of paleontological fossils, he unexpectedly gained the power of [Twist], just like when Lloyd completed [Enlightenment].

At that time, he was still in the era of ‘Sword and Magic’, and there was no such term as ‘Superhuman’, not to mention the ‘Superhuman System’, so in a sense, this Cube Man should be the first Superhuman who meets the modern definition.

After completing [Enlightenment], the Cube Man seemed to have suddenly opened up, and all kinds of knowledge appeared in his mind, and he began to gradually improve and become stronger according to the guidance of this knowledge.

In that beautiful era without spiritual pollution, relying on the various magic and technology at that time, the rituals of the [Twist] system did not seem so dangerous, at most they were just a little curious and disgusting.

So, apart from his increasingly worse mental state and craziness, the Block Man was actually alive and well.

And his strength also surged in a short period of time, and he could soon defeat those top mages or warriors one-on-one. Later, even [Brilliant Gold] was no match for him.

His situation immediately aroused the curiosity and attention of many [Brilliant Gold], so they took advantage of his madness, set up an ambush, and captured him alive after paying a high price.

After that, there were various investigations and studies, as well as inhumane experiments, and the initial [Twist] came into being.

Then there were many strong people and scholars who came one after another, happily involved in it, gradually perfected it, and optimistically believed that this new power had the possibility of changing the fate of mankind and bringing a new future.

As a result, before they could get more results, the doomsday catastrophe suddenly came, and mental pollution began to spread...

The originally safe and calm "knowledge" also began to become restless and dangerous, and could be "air-transmitted" without a carrier in a way that humans could not understand.

It was also with the dramatic changes in the environment of this era that the research on [Distortion] that could have been carried out quickly turned into a dangerous suicidal behavior.

Even the knowledge related to it has all become terrible taboo knowledge...

Those who have been involved in it have quickly fallen into madness under the influence of mental pollution...

At the same time, because of the rapid fall of those [Brilliant Gold], humans have lost their most powerful support and are completely unable to resist this change.

Afterwards, with the death of the last person involved, the development and improvement of [Distortion] completely stagnated.

The entire system seemed to be "banned"...

It was not until many years later that [Distortion] was able to see the light of day again with some "archaeology", "retro" and other activities, as well as "the spread of knowledge".

Lloyd paused when he saw this and sorted out the information in his mind.

So [Distortion] is a power born in the past era? So, [Distortion] is the first extraordinary system that humans have come into contact with?

I used to think that the first supernatural system was [Redemption]...

No wonder [Distortion] is so unbalanced and so suicidal.

This is because no one can do research, so it is impossible to optimize and improve it. The "suicidal" and "suicide" content is still retained, making [Distortion] completely incompatible with the current era.

Without the support of magic, fighting spirit, and even magic technology and alchemy technology in the glorious era, this system is completely unsuitable for human involvement.

Uh...wait, that doomsday catastrophe, could it be related to [Distortion]?

Lloyd couldn't help but think of a very bad possibility...

But he immediately made up for himself in his heart:

It shouldn't be like this, the time is completely inconsistent. From the capture of the cube man by the strong, the research was carried out, and then the catastrophe came. Although there is no clear time in between, from various descriptions, it is at least hundreds of years.

Although [Distortion] seems to be "banned", it is not just [Distortion] that has been banned. Isn't other ancient knowledge the same and has become taboo knowledge?

However, in comparison, although knowledge like [Ancient Magic] has also become very dangerous, ‘magic’ itself is the mainstream core of that era. It has been improved, supplemented and optimized by countless people for countless years, and it is completely different from the ‘newcomers’ like [Distortion].

Therefore, the key to the doomsday catastrophe should be why knowledge has become dangerous and will bring spiritual pollution.

In the final analysis, why can something at the conceptual level of ‘knowledge’ be separated from the records of the carrier, spread inexplicably, run around, and even actively drill into other people’s minds? Obviously, there was no such thing in the glorious era...

Lloyd’s thoughts just came to this point, and a gong and drum began to beat in his mind, reminding him to prepare for the feast.

And this time, even inspiration got involved, and it jumped happily.

This shows that the danger of this problem is not limited to the ancient related aspects.

Uh... I don’t want to think about it anymore, I’m wrong, I’m wrong...

He shook his head vigorously, then raised his head and looked at the shapeless Professor Hazlade.

"Have you finished reading? How do you feel?"

"It's okay, although there are some doubts that I dare not associate..."

"That's the Book of Truth protecting you, don't disobey it."

Professor Hazlade reminded, and then went back to the point:

"Regarding the origin of [Distortion], it's actually not as simple as the overview on this page, but more of it has been lost, making this already imperfect system even more fragmented."

"Uh... Will the missing parts... come to me by themselves?"

Lloyd asked with courage.

"I hope you don't encounter such a thing, and I hope Hiltina can help you resist it."

"Saints... they are really hard..."

"This is their choice, their responsibility, their sacrifice, and their greatness."

Professor Hazlade said in a very serious tone.

Since the topic has come to the saint, Lloyd simply brought up another matter:

"By the way, speaking of saints, I once met a very cute girl. She looked like she had no power, but she was called a saint?"

He remembered that the clerk in the antique shop said that if he wanted to know about Eloro, he could only go to Mizkatok to ask, so he simply tried to see if Professor Hazlade knew the situation.

In the end, the professor did not disappoint him——

"Oh? Are you talking about 0-266? I read about this in Hiltina's letter. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You almost kidnapped her. Fortunately, Hiltina intervened in time to prevent a disaster.

So she also specifically mentioned that I should keep an eye on you and not mess around in the academy..."

Professor Hazlade was still talking seriously, but suddenly he smirked and said:

"Hehe~ But I won't listen to her. If you like any senior or junior who is about to come in, you can tell me openly. I can get all the girls' information!"

I didn't expect that you, a respected professor, actually have this kind of "business"?

But then again, the "childhood sweetheart" recommended herself for admission through the chief judge and recommended herself to her former teacher, but why didn't she want to do it herself?

It can't be because of the "girl's modesty and shyness", right?

Lloyd was thinking about it, and heard the professor continue to say:

"But... that cute girl, forget it, she is not human, can't have children..."

"Uh... I didn't think that far, I just want to figure out what's wrong with her?"

Lloyd explained quickly.

And Professor Hazlade really answered like a 'search engine', knowing everything:

"Well... you can think of her as an artificial saint made based on the cutting-edge technology of the past, with some of the abilities of Hildyna and others, and can also resist the invasion of knowledge and spiritual pollution to a certain extent, playing the same role as a 'filter'.

But whether it is 0-266 or 0-006 derived from her, there are still too many imperfections. After all, when they were made, humans were in that precarious era, and there were inevitably many uncertainties.

To this day, I also think that the risks are too great. Once there is a problem, all the extraordinary people in the entire system may fall, and I don't know the consequences. I dare to believe that it is not just as simple as destroying the City of Joy..."

Hearing what he said, Lloyd thought for a moment and asked:

"The 0-006 you are talking about is not..."

"Yes, it is just as you think. People outside call it the Protector Saint. Although it is weak in all aspects and has many risks, it is still operating normally and maintaining the operation of the City of Joy.

And your lovely 0-266 is its "operation insurance", so you know how dangerous it is to kidnap her, right?"

"Ah, this... I didn't think so much at the time. I just found out that someone was abusing her and using her for some evil experiments, so..."

"Huh? Wait... Is someone using 0-266 for experiments?"

"Yes. "

Lloyd then told what he knew about Ai Luoluo's experience during that period.

"But fortunately, with the help of a few friends, I rescued her. After sending her back, it seems that her life has returned to normal."

"Wait a minute, I'll confirm this."

Professor Hazlade didn't seem to care at all how Lloyd rescued her. Instead, he showed obvious nervousness. His invisible body disappeared into the air, and then reappeared in the air after nearly half an hour.

"I have confirmed that those lunatics outside actually did such a thing... This really makes me... makes me... ah..."

He did not finish his words, as if he did not want to continue because it was too heavy, so he changed the subject and said:

"You and Hiltina handled this matter very well, otherwise it would have really caused a tragedy...

As for 0-006 and 0-266, I must take more supervision measures to prevent such dangerous actions from happening again."

"You said... supervision?"

"Yes, both of them were spread by Mizkatok. Although we do not have much contact with the world, it does not mean that we really stay out of it and do nothing."

Professor Hazlade explained.

But he got the point wrong a little bit-

Through his nervous attitude, Lloyd probably guessed that these two artificial saints with the prefix '0' were related to the college.

What he was really curious about was why a professor of the Distortion Department would care about and supervise such things?

In addition, his "childhood friend" is a Saint of Negation and is also quite accomplished in [Manifestation], but why is he a student of a professor of the Distortion Department?

Is he really a professor of the Distortion Department?

Lloyd was thinking about these questions, and he noticed that the professor pointed to the dead end outside the rooftop and said:

"Our Distortion Department was not like this at the beginning, but because we also needed a saint, we conducted a dangerous experiment... and then there was this scene you see now.

It's just that fortunately this is Mizkatok, and all aspects of processing and response can be relatively timely... So I have always disagreed with launching the unstable 0-006 in the outside world, and the same is true for Hiltina.

It's just that Astra has been insisting and persuaded the other three people, so the project of the City of Joy was launched."

"Uh... this is..."

"Hmm? Didn't Hiltina introduce it to you?"

Professor Hazred asked back with some surprise, and then explained lightly:

"He is the Redemption Saint."

I observed the data and your feedback, and I feel that the previous 3k+3k+2k update method is not very popular with everyone...

So try the 4k+4k or 4k+3k method a while ago.

A single chapter has more words, and the information is denser, so the reading experience will be better, right?

So will it be updated like this in the future?

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