I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 311 I have finished learning 310. Is there anything else?

Chapter 311 310. I’ve finished studying, is there anything left?

Astra, the Saint of Redemption...

Lloyd wrote down this name in his mind, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional. Now he has reached the point where he can discuss the existence of saints with others?

It can be considered that hard work will eventually pay off, right?

However, he asked cautiously:

"Then what's the situation of our distortion department now? Are you and me the only ones left?"

"Well... in principle, you can think so..."

Professor Hazlade replied a little awkwardly, and then sighed helplessly:

"Since the accident in front of you, [Distortion] has gained a bad reputation. No one is willing to get involved, let alone those who are truly talented and courageous... So you are very important to our Distortion Department. That’s why I have to compete with Lawrence.”

"But in this case, why hasn't the academy given up on [Distortion]? It's dangerous and weird, and it's completely unsuitable for this era..."

Lloyd asked curiously.

"Other professors have asked me this question. They also believe that [Distortion] is imperfect, full of dangers, and unsuitable for this era... But whether it is me, Hiltina, or that shameful traitor, But they all firmly believe that [distortion] has the power to change the world.”

Professor Hazred said, his invisible body floated to the window sill, looked at the dead land outside, and whispered:

"This is something only [Distortion] can do..."

These words were a bit ambiguous and could easily lead to misunderstanding. It was unclear whether he wanted to express that the accident in front of him was caused by [Distortion], or was there something else that only [Distortion] could do?

"Okay, you should be almost rested, let's continue studying."

Professor Hazlade continued, and thinking about what he had just done, he reached out and gestured in the air, and an extra page of forbidden knowledge appeared on the desk in front of Lloyd.

[Ding~Insanity value +50]

[Ding~Insanity value +50]

Uh...it's still a little too safe...

However, Lloyd didn't mind it and continued reading.

This page of knowledge is different from the one just now. It is no longer a history of the development of the [distorted] system, but more like a page of fragmented research notes. There is no signature, and it is still a middle section with no beginning or end. .

Moreover, the script used is not the current common language, but a script that Lloyd should not know.

But with the "Book of Truth" slowly turning over in his mind, he was able to understand the meaning of these words without any obstacles, which seemed very miraculous.

"In January of 3736, the sages decided to name this brand-new power [Distortion], a strange name? In my opinion, it is very lacking in taste and beauty, but who told me that I am just a speechless little guy? Where is the mage?”

"In March of 3736, after two months of research, analysis, and sampling experiments, it was basically confirmed that the power involved in [distortion] was not magic or fighting spirit, nor was it the blood and organs of warlocks, nor was it witchcraft. Herbal medicine and shamanic medicine, but a new, subversive power that makes people curious and fascinating."

"In June of 3736, my paper was actually noticed by a [Brilliant Gold]? Hahaha! This is definitely a moment worth recording! I want to let those sages who underestimate me know that I am definitely not a good person. What a bumpkin!"

"Damn it! I was so nervous that I didn't even write down the name of the [Brilliant Gold], and I couldn't even answer a single question. Damn it! Shit! I actually wasted this opportunity! I wish I could kill myself!"

"January, 3737, I have almost forgotten when was the last time I wrote a record? That bad meeting? Who cares, it doesn't matter... Through the attempts in the past six months, I have gradually figured out the [distortion] I can master the nature of this new power, yes, absolutely!"

"3737, August, hahaha, the power of [distortion] is so wonderful! Hahahaha! It is unrivaled! It can subvert this damn world!"

"January, 3738, was a really busy and fulfilling period. The sages had to kneel at my feet and beg me to grant them knowledge. No! This won't work! The power of [Distortion] is definitely not what these idiots who are just eating corpses can It’s understandable that only [Brilliant Gold] big shots are qualified to talk to me about this.”

"3739, October, hahaha, from thinking, consciousness, perception, to magic, fighting spirit, technology, and even light and air, they are all under the control of [Distortion], hahaha, all of this is in my hands , the world is in my hands!”

"Someone accuses me of becoming mentally abnormal? It's really ridiculous. I have to let him see what it feels like to be truly abnormal..."

"June, 3743, no one can stop me, no one can defeat me, my [distortion], I am invincible! I am the master of this world!"

"I heard that someone is chasing me? And [Brilliant Gold]'s participation and inspiration? Well, then, it's time to let this world feel [distorted]."

"Haha, I understand, I understand, it turns out that this is the essence of [distortion], I understand everything!"

"You can't stop me, you idiots who don't understand anything, I'm saving you, saving the world!"


The records from here onwards are all written in words that even the "Book of Truth" cannot decipher. They are basically equivalent to scribblings, indicating that the author's mental state may no longer be able to organize human language.

After reading this inexplicable record, Lloyd raised his head and asked:

"Professor, this is..."

"A little person who failed to leave his name in history, but later generations discovered some traces of his past."

Professor Hazred replied.

"But he doesn't seem to be the first paleontologist to come into contact with [Distortion]?"

Lloyd asked again.

The invisible body of the professor nodded and replied:

"Yes, although we haven't been able to sort out a clear chronology, he is definitely not the first or the second ancient person to try to contact [Distortion]. It's just that he has good luck, and with relative ease process, gaining great power.”

"Hmm... I read the description above. After he gained strength, his mental state gradually became abnormal, but it doesn't look like it was caused by mental pollution?"

"Yes, this person speculated based on our analysis that he should have encountered these things before the doomsday catastrophe."


Lloyd responded and couldn't help but fell into thinking.

He actually didn't quite understand why Professor Hazlade would show him such a record?

Is it to show the power of [Distortion]? Or do you want to remind yourself not to be dazzled by powerful forces?

Maybe both?

As for whether exposure to [distortion] may lead to mental disorder?

Lloyd didn't think about it in that direction at all, or in other words, he subconsciously ignored this irrelevant issue.

My status can be checked through the panel every day, and it has always been normal, so I definitely don't have any worries in this regard.

Professor Hazlade, on the other hand, still reminded him earnestly:

"You have to learn from his lesson and don't make the same mistake again."

"Yes, I will remember it."

Lloyd nodded and replied.

Pride and arrogance can make people crazy, and I have always known this.

"Well, then take a rest for a while, and then I will show you the third article, which is also the last article today, if your mental state can still persist."

The professor said kindly again.

"It's okay for me. It's okay to read a few more articles. There's no need to rest."

Lloyd replied confidently.

Not to mention resting, he even felt that this kind of small-time learning method was not satisfying at all.

"Is this so? Okay, let me see the limit of what you can bear."

As Professor Hazlade said, he took out another page of forbidden knowledge, placed it on the desk in front of Lloyd, and then gave special instructions:

"Don't be brave. If you can't hold on anymore, give up immediately."

"Well, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Lloyd said, then looked down at the new knowledge.

[Ding~Insanity value +100]

[Ding~Insanity value +100]

[Ding~Insanity value +100]

Yes, yes, this tastes just right!

Moreover, compared with the previous historical development and historical lessons, this page is directly informative. It contains other people’s in-depth analysis of [distortion] and their experience in specific application.

Judging from the handwriting, it should be the arrogant mage just now.

Although this man's magic level is not very good, his research and understanding of [Distortion] surprised Lloyd.

He is not like Lloyd when he uses skills, being strict about what needs correspond to what function.

It's a more flexible and casual way of use.

By analogy, Lloyd is like doing a multiple-choice question, filling in the answers to ABCD according to the question.

The arrogant mage simply crossed out all the options and wrote new answers himself.

For Lloyd, this is like pointing out a new path. So [Twisted] can still be played like this?

At the same time, compared to Lloyd's slightly rough application method, this mage's thinking is more inclined to the level of details.

For example, he also uses the power of [distortion] to defend against a fireball that hits him.

Lloyd's option was to deflect the fireball and hit the innocent onlookers nearby...

The answer given by this mage was to twist the fireball into a rose, and then disintegrate into several fluttering rose petals during the flight, giving the opponent a very mysterious, very literary, and very elegant shock. .


Lloyd was extremely envious.

It's just that if you want to achieve this gorgeous distortion effect, it can't be solved by one or two pages of forbidden knowledge.

Even though Lloyd read ten pages of forbidden knowledge in one go, he still hadn't figured out the way...

This kind of detailed operation is obviously a very complex and high-end skill. It may even involve changing the properties and existence of objects, which is a level that makes one's scalp numb at first glance. It is obviously not something that Lloyd can learn in a short time. .

It seems that this guy's arrogance has the capital to be arrogant...

Lloyd sighed in his heart, raised his head again, looked at Professor Hazlade floating in the air, and said:

"I've finished reading it all."


The professor, who obviously had no physical body, actually showed a bit of embarrassment. After several seconds, he replied:

"No more..."


"You have finished reading the teaching content for the next two months..."

"Are you kidding me?"

The professor was stunned for a long time before shrugged and replied:

"I think you are kidding me... Can't you feel the mental pollution at all?"

"It's okay? I can still bear it."

After Lloyd said this, his inspiration detected that the invisible body of the professor actually began to tremble in a strange way?

The whole person just fell silent and ignored himself.

Did he encounter some other things that needed to be dealt with temporarily? Or did he go to find more taboo knowledge?

It can't be some cognitive turmoil, right?

The professor is the teacher of the saint, a big man who has seen the world, and his cognition can't be so fragile, right?

Lloyd was full of confidence in Professor Hazlade, so he waited patiently for him to see if he could come up with more taboo knowledge.

Taking advantage of this time, he secretly glanced at the panel prompt.

Why only two levels were upgraded?

Sure enough... I saw the back, the madness value began to decline rapidly, and in the end only +1+1 mosquito legs were left...

It can't be said that it's better than nothing, but it's more like a stubborn expression of 'I am dangerous taboo knowledge! I have mental pollution! Don't go too far! ' That kind of feeling.

But fortunately, the knowledge fragments are okay, ten pages of knowledge, corresponding to ten pages of fragments.

However, there are no skill fragments at all...

This is not surprising. The level involved in this knowledge is quite high, and it is probably not so easy to turn it into skill fragments and be easily mastered by oneself.

So... Is there any more knowledge? Waiting online, it's urgent!

Lloyd waited for more than ten minutes before he felt that the professor in the air had returned to normal again.

"Ahem... I had something to do just now, so I left for a while."

"Well, I guessed it."

Lloyd felt that his guess was quite accurate.

"Well... today's study will be over. When you go back, organize and digest it well, and make sure to rest more."

"Ah? But hasn't it been more than two hours?"

"That's enough. For a subject as profound and dangerous as [Distortion], two hours is already a long time. You still have to rely on your own summary and digestion. Don't be impatient... Okay, that's it. I have other things to do."

After Professor Hazlade finished speaking, his figure just disappeared...

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