I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 313 312 History Department's Small Project

Chapter 313 312. Small project in the History Department

Lloyd continued to read this message, and the more he read, the more he couldn't laugh or cry.

Do these people really regard their twisted tower as a ‘campus legend’?

It doesn't matter if the key point is misunderstanding. Why does the direction of this misunderstanding keep getting weirder and weirder? Getting more and more biased?

In fact, the original poster of this message was just surprised by this "tower in the corner" and thought it was weird and mysterious. Every line of the message showed the excitement of witnessing a "campus legend" with his own eyes.

Instead, the following replies started talking nonsense:

"Wow? I heard that everyone who sees this tower will encounter misfortune? It seems that they will take the wrong path inexplicably; they will fail the exam; they will make all kinds of stupid mistakes when doing projects? You have to be careful. "

"I've also heard of it. It's said that the most outrageous one was a young elementary school girl who mistook a street lamp for a pretty and cute girl. She knelt down and confessed her love on the spot..."

"That's not all. There was a senior in our biology department who got lost once and approached this tower by mistake. After that, he was sent directly to the mental hospital area and lay there for more than half a year before he barely recovered!"

"Yes, yes, I have heard about this too, and after the senior came out, he kept silent about the things inside. No matter who asked, he refused to speak... I can't imagine how terrifying he saw it?"

"Could it be... some kind of high-ranking mysterious existence?"

"It's very possible. I'm from the Department of Occult Studies, and I'm currently studying the subject of divination. Our professor has specifically told me not to be curious about that tower, and never to divine what's in it!"

"Wow? Why does it get scarier the more you talk about it? There can't really be any man-eating monsters in there, right?"

"It might be okay if it's just about eating people... I've heard people say that that tower can destroy the entire Mizkatok!"

Anyway, that's it. As more and more replies follow, all kinds of speculations and conjectures become more and more outrageous, and further and further away from the truth, turning into all kinds of 'big horrors', 'indescribable',' It cannot be said, it cannot be seen, it cannot be thought about, it cannot be looked at directly.

The key is just to discuss the tower. Later, Lloyd found out why he was shot while lying down?

"Let me tell you quietly, I saw a boy walking out of that tower just this morning!"

"What? Someone ran in again without fear of death?"

"No, no, no, that doesn't seem to be the case. I've never seen that boy before. The armband looks brand new and there's no etching on it, which means he should be a real freshman who has just entered school. But think about it, the new school year hasn't started yet. Where can I go? A new student?"

"Hiss~ From what you said, could it be that the things in that tower disguised themselves as humans and got into our midst?"

"No? Then if it intends to harm others, wouldn't it be hard to guard against? Will it secretly attack lone students and eat them?"

"Tell me what that boy looks like? What are his characteristics?"

"He seems to be quite handsome, a rare handsome guy, but this is meaningless! Since the thing inside can disguise itself as a human, it must be able to change its appearance at will, and maybe... it will become someone you know "

"What...what should I do? Will my roommate cease to be my roommate one day? Will he suddenly eat me up one day?"

"I...I seem to have heard a similar story. There is an evil monster that will turn into the shape of the person it eats. Then this guy may eat you, then change into your appearance, and continue to eat Your friends and even relatives!”

"Wow! Stop talking! It's getting scarier the more you talk!"


The subsequent discussion turned into a bunch of people guessing what kind of monster the handsome boy was. What's the origin? What does the body look like?

Anyway, I just came up with various hearsay stories, about monsters in disguise, about extra students, about relatives who suddenly resurrected...

As for the specific image, it has also evolved from the handsome young man at the beginning to a big monster with a face like cinnabar, eyes like copper bells, and a mouth like a basin of blood. It eats people and eats people! Eat people in different ways!

Lloyd was speechless.

Why can't you get over cannibalism?

Although I have never tasted it myself, no matter how much humans think it tastes good, right?

Although I have excellent cooking skills, I really haven’t studied how to be a human being, right?

No more watching.

Lloyd shook his head and closed the student handbook.

However, through such a 'misunderstanding', he realized that even with such a convenient student handbook, the efficiency of information circulation here in Mizkatok was not as efficient as imagined.

When he first entered the academy, there were many onlookers, but no one stood up to refute the rumors, which proved that there were normal freshmen who had recently enrolled.

Among the new classmates I met, no one came forward to help explain...

Maybe it’s because not everyone likes to browse the ‘message board’, and not everyone likes to read the ‘story section’, right?

As for the distortion department’s ‘teaching building’, it was rumored that it was completely changed beyond recognition...

But since there are no students in the distortion department, there is no one to help refute the rumors...

Forget it, just pass it on as you like, just don't scare yourself so much that you can't sleep.

Lloyd complained in his heart, and then ran to take a shower and planned to go to bed early.

Speaking of which, he spent the night alone, and her ‘childhood sweetheart’ didn’t come...

And there was no way to [sneak] into Eloro’s side, so he could only sleep alone...

For some reason, Lloyd suddenly felt a little lonely.

Then the next second, he felt that there was another person beside him.


Lloyd was somewhat affected by the nonsense of those people before, and was almost scared to jump up.

Fortunately, after a closer ‘look’, it was his ‘childhood sweetheart’?

Although there was still no entity, he could feel the familiar gentle temperament and sweet smell on her body, as if she had fallen asleep.

Uh... Why is she getting more and more bold? She even ran to my bed?

Now she dares to do this, I dare not think about what she will dare to do in the future...

But as the saying goes, since they are here, Lloyd naturally can’t drive others out of bed.

And this bed is also very wide, and two people rolling on it will not seem crowded.

After all, they are childhood sweethearts, so sleeping in the same bed doesn't seem to be a big deal?

Of course, there is nothing else to do except sleeping...

Lloyd had a lot of random thoughts in his mind, and his emotions gradually calmed down. He lay down again and whispered:

"Good night."

He didn't wait for a response, but just felt a sweet and soft body rubbing against him.

In fact, there was not much charming and ambiguous feeling, but more like a kind of "natural" and "natural" atmosphere.

This atmosphere made Lloyd feel an inexplicable sense of security, and he fell asleep peacefully.


When it was the next morning, Lloyd was still awakened on time by the biological clock, and then began to follow the routine in Mitzkatok.

First, go back to [Thinking Field] to receive today's madness value. After upgrading, add 5 attributes to [Rationality], directly pushing [Rationality] to 300 points, bringing a solid sense of security.

Then he wanted to rub the kitten next to his pillow, but it hadn't woken up yet, so he grabbed it and wiped his face.

As a result, the kitten suddenly woke up, jumped up, and pounced on Lloyd's head, rubbing his face.

Uh... Why does it feel like the kitten is using it to wipe his face?

Has it learned to take the initiative?

After that, Lloyd took the kitten to do morning exercises, and then made some breakfast and prepared to start today's study.

It was just that he didn't have to comb his sister's hair, which made him feel empty...

Just at this time, the student handbook vibrated, and Professor Lawrence's message came:

"Are you awake? If you wake up, come to the laboratory. You should know the coordinates, right?"

Lloyd felt that Professor Lawrence and Professor Hazlade should have reached some kind of tacit understanding? Although there seemed to be no clear schedule, Professor Lawrence didn't contact him yesterday, which meant that they would contact him every other day.

He replied:

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

The last time he calculated the coordinates of the Knowledge Plaza in the laboratory, Lloyd calculated the coordinates of the laboratory because the spatial properties of the laboratory were very special. Now it was easy to use the results of the last time.

Before leaving, Lloyd said to the kitten:

"I'm leaving, take good care of the house... By the way, you can also invite your new friends to play at home."

He still remembered the round little fragrant pig yesterday, which was very cute.

After saying that, he passed through the portal and came to the laboratory accurately.

Compared to the day before yesterday, there were two more researchers here. When they saw Lloyd coming in, they nodded to him and said hello.

"Good morning~"

Lloyd also responded politely, and then found that there was an unfamiliar professor next to Professor Lawrence——

This professor's dress looked a little... dusty? He was dressed for adventure, with hunting clothes, long boots, waterproof hat, etc.

If it weren't for the collar clip on his collar that only professors could wear, Lloyd would have almost thought that this was the adventurer that Professor Lawrence had rescued from the monster.

The two professors were talking in low voices. When they saw Lloyd, Professor Lawrence raised his chin and asked:

"How is it? This is the person I recommended. Not bad, right?"

Lloyd immediately felt the professor who looked like an adventurer. He first glanced at his armband, then at his collar clip, and then said with a smile:

"You recommend a freshman to me? Even if he wears an honors student collar clip, he is still a freshman!"

"What's wrong with a freshman? Didn't you say it was safe? I just want him to see the world."

"Huh? Wait! Why would your space department recruit freshmen?"

"Don't worry about such trivial matters. Anyway, I have successfully convinced the dean... Anyway, you can see that I am taking a routine break here. There are only so many people, so either you take him with you, or you wait a little longer?"

"Uh... let me think about it and discuss it."

The adventurer professor said, closing his eyes on the spot, pretending to be dozing off.

Professor Lawrence was not idle either, so he asked Lloyd:

"How did you read those books?"

"Well...some are profound, some are obscure..."

Lloyd answered truthfully, hesitating whether to tell the professor that he spent two days and only finished two-thirds of the first book.

Let's not talk about it. It's embarrassing to be so inefficient...

Professor Lawrence seemed very reasonable and continued:

"Slowness is normal. Even the basic knowledge is as obscure as you said. Otherwise, our space department would not require third-year students to join... So I arranged a practical project for you."

As he said, he glanced at the adventurer professor next to him, but the latter had not woken up yet and was still "dozing off".

"Their history department is like this. They can only communicate remotely in this inefficient way, but they claim to be safe."

Professor Lawrence smiled disdainfully and helped explain.

Lloyd pointed to his nose and asked in surprise:

"History department project? Me?"

"Yes, you should have noticed it, right? Mitzkatok has many school districts, but there are more dangerous areas."

Lloyd nodded.

In the past two days, he has learned a lot about Mitzkatoke and the history department by wandering around and reading student handbooks.

Although the school districts here seem to be independent spaces with no direct physical connection, if all the school districts are added together, their area should not be smaller than the southern part of the Brilliant City.

A college the size of a city is already a very exaggerated scale.

But this is not all. In addition to the existing school districts, there are also larger "dangerous areas", which are also called "historical areas" and "archaeological areas" by some students.

If all these areas are added together, the scale of Mitzkatoke is probably not inferior to that of the Brilliant City.

And these dangerous areas were once the territory of the college, but with the advent of the end of the world, Mitzkatoke did not end well and also experienced a terrible catastrophe. The entire college was almost destroyed overnight.

After all, in that glorious era, Mizkatok was equally glorious, and the vast amount of knowledge it preserved became the most vicious poison...

Fortunately, the academy finally survived, and then it was repaired and restored to its current size.

In those dangerous areas that could not be rescued, there are still a large number of former civilization treasures waiting for future generations to discover.

The history department of Mizkatok specializes in this.

Of course, it is bound to face various unknown dangers and terrors...

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