I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 314 313 This is the best researcher in our space department

Chapter 314 313. This is the best researcher in our space department

In fact, Lloyd knew very early that the "history and archaeology" in this world are absolutely high-risk professions, so they are not allowed to easily touch them in the outside world.

It's just that the academic atmosphere here in Mitzkatok is simple and honest. Even [Distortion] dares to study and get involved, so of course they are not afraid of history and archaeology.

However, does archaeology also need the participation of the space department?

Lloyd was a little curious, so he asked:

"I'm not trying to shirk responsibility, but I'm a little confused. Does a project like archaeology also require our space department to join?"

"Of course, otherwise how can we escape when we encounter danger? Rely on our two legs?"

"Uh... don't you have the corresponding equipment?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure if it works..."

Professor Lawrence said helplessly, stretched out his hand to draw a light screen, on which there were a lot of numbers that made people's scalps numb, and then showed it to Lloyd, and said in a lecture-like tone:

"This is the space reading on the danger zone, you can see..."

He paused and shook his head awkwardly.

"Oh no, I forgot that you shouldn't understand these, I'm used to it..."

"Eh? It's okay, you continue, I can understand the general idea."

Lloyd replied quickly.


Professor Lawrence couldn't help but be stunned.

Lloyd recalled the knowledge in the book, pointed to several readings on the light screen, and explained:

"Didn't you explain how to read and understand these readings in the book you gave me? Although I only have a partial understanding, these readings seem to indicate... the space disturbance there is very serious? The changes are very drastic? This may interfere with the correct operation of space-type equipment?"

"Uh... you have already learned those chapters?"

Professor Lawrence asked quickly.

Lloyd smiled and scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Yeah... I'm embarrassed to tell you that it took me two days to learn this part..."

"Two days?!"

"Yeah, what's wrong? Is it because my learning ability doesn't meet the standards of the Space Department? Then... I can keep working hard!"

"No... don't say anymore..."

Professor Lawrence quickly made a 'hands down' gesture, then rubbed his eyebrows, beat his chest and stamped his feet, and kept muttering:

"He's not human... He's not human..."

Lloyd didn't know why the professor suddenly became 'Dandy', was he angry or something?


Professor Lawrence suddenly raised his head, his expression was still a little dazed, and he said incoherently:

"Ahem... Nothing... Nothing... In the future, without my permission, you are not allowed to disclose your learning progress to anyone, understand?"

After that, he looked at the other researchers present.

Fortunately, they were all busy with their own things, and no one noticed what they were talking about.

Professor Lawrence couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief, and regained his spirits and returned to normal.

But Lloyd followed up and asked:

"Ah? Then is my progress fast or slow?"

Professor Lawrence's goat beard shook, and he answered unhappily:

"I don't know! Don't think too much! Don't ask too much!"

Just at this moment, the adventurer professor who was "dozing off" next to him shuddered and woke up.

Then his eyes fell on Lloyd again and said:

"Okay, we have discussed it over there. This project is of great importance. Even if it has to bear some unplanned risks, it must be completed as soon as possible...Okay, we agree to his joining."

Although he has tried his best to hide his emotions, people can still detect the slight disgust in his tone.

And uneasy...

But Professor Lawrence was unhappy, frowned immediately, and said:

"What? You don't like the youngest and most outstanding researcher in our space department?"

"Huh? Isn't he a freshman who just enrolled?"

"Can't freshmen be the best?"

"You... Forget it, there's no point in arguing with you about this. Anyway, your name is Lloyd, right? I'm Fernando from the history department, welcome to join my archaeological team."

The adventurer professor introduced himself, shook hands with Lloyd politely, and then continued:

"My teaching assistant will contact you soon and explain our project in detail to you. I have to make preparations before departure, so I'll leave first."

As he said, he turned around and looked at Professor Lawrence, motioning him to open the portal to send him out.

But Professor Lawrence put his hands in his pockets, looking helpless, but asked back:

"What about the credits? How many credits will you give him for helping you?"

"Well? All students participating in the project will get 20 credits. Didn't I tell you before?"

The Adventurer Professor spread his hands and replied.

But Professor Lawrence smiled evilly and raised the price directly:


"Are you kidding? This is totally against the rules, not to mention that he is a freshman!"




The Adventurer Professor was so anxious that he jumped up and down, and quickly raised his hand and saluted in French style.

"Okay, okay! Don't add any more credits! I really can't do anything about you! Remember not to let others know!"

After that, he looked at Lloyd with a complicated expression and walked into the portal opened by Professor Lawrence.

After he left, Professor Lawrence showed Lloyd a wicked and complacent smile and asked:

"Have you learned how to deal with these people?"

"Ah, this... I learned... I learned..."

Lloyd replied slightly embarrassedly.

It was the first time he had seen this kind of "bargaining" method...

He certainly didn't dare to learn it, because he was afraid that others would have an "academic dispute" with him.

But the old professor's move to help him seek the greatest benefit still made him very grateful.

"Thank you... But you recommended me to participate in this project, it must not be just for credits, right?"

"Of course not, at the beginning I just wanted you to know more about how our space department works, especially the various troubles caused by other subjects. You will encounter things like today often in the future, so you can adapt in advance."

Professor Lawrence said, and reached into his arms again, as if he was looking for something, and continued to add:

"By the way, you can also participate in practice and experience the state of 'space disturbance' in person, which will help your subsequent learning...

But now I am I regretted it a little. I shouldn't have agreed to it. Maybe it would be better for you to study on your own? So I did that just now to make him give up. Who knew that this guy actually agreed? It seems that this project is really important to their history department?

There is a slang in Mizkatok: "The more important the matter, the more likely it is to have an accident." Although this saying has no scientific basis and is not 100% true, the probability of it coming true is not low, so I began to worry about your safety. "

He kept talking like this, and gradually took out a small box and a bunch of small cubes from his pocket and placed them in front of Lloyd.

"Take these. Don't use brooches to open portals anymore. They are inefficient and unsafe... Remember to use this in the future."

Professor Lawrence pointed to the small box first, then to the small cube, and continued:

"As for physical safety, there will be no problem with the history department, so it is mainly about space, and this device can help you locate yourself better. You will know after you try it."

Lloyd took the two things given by the professor and grasped them briefly.

The small box was about the size of a pocket watch and could be put into a pocket like a pocket watch. When it was opened, there were all kinds of precise and complex gears and circuits inside.

With Lloyd's current knowledge reserve, he couldn't understand it at all. He just vaguely felt that it was related to space, and the structure was a bit similar to the 'portable shield generator' he had studied before, which was the ancient relics that James gave him.

But his mind automatically grew the way to use this device, just like the first time he came into contact with a brooch.

It is similar to the principle of a brooch, but it is more convenient to use, has a faster response, more accurate positioning, and smaller errors. At the same time, it is no longer limited to three times a day.

Good stuff!

As for the Rubik's Cube-sized metal block, it is even more magical. As soon as Lloyd got it, he found that there was a micro space hidden inside it?

This micro space is a bit like a 'compass' for positioning and finding directions. If you touch it with inspiration, you can feel the approximate range of the space you are in.

Although it is impossible to locate specific and accurate coordinates, it can greatly narrow the range.

Lloyd immediately realized the role and effect of this thing-

If you can take this unique 'space compass' to Eloro, it may help to calculate the precise coordinates around her?

This is even better!

Lloyd was secretly happy and quickly expressed his gratitude to Professor Lawrence.

The other party just waved his hand indifferently and continued to tell Lloyd what he should and could do in the project.

First of all-

You must listen to the command! You must listen to the command! You must listen to the command!

Then it is -

Don't be curious! Don't be curious! Don't be curious!

Finally, it is -

Don't be naughty! Don't be naughty! Don't be naughty!

Professor Lawrence's original words were certainly not so simple, but he really repeated these three principles three times.

And each principle is accompanied by a tragic story to make Lloyd more impressed.

For example, a space researcher who was arrogant and proud of his talent was not satisfied with the route arranged by the leader, so he took a different path himself, which eventually led to the disappearance of the entire team...

His junior sister who was in love with him in the college was also forced to marry someone else in tears, and now the child is three.

For example, an assistant teacher of the space department was very curious about a page of ancient documents and read it without permission, so he was transformed into a monster on the spot, killing two students next to him, and was finally killed by a strong man from the history department...

The big villa he just bought in the present world can only be given to his wife and her little white face.

And a freshman from the Space Department, who was originally participating in a non-dangerous project, ended up dying without a complete body because he accidentally touched a certain mechanism...

He didn't have a girlfriend in the end, and he was single until his death.

In short, these three principles are painful lessons condensed from countless lives and blood and tears.

Lloyd naturally nodded repeatedly, remembering all of this in his heart.

"Remember these three principles, the rest is very simple. You just help them open the door and then open the door back. The coordinates are calculated by us. Your three seniors are busy calculating and verifying this."

Professor Lawrence continued, pointing to the three researchers not far away.

The other side quickly replied:

"There will be results soon, professor."

"Will we encounter enemies? Do we need to fight?"

Lloyd followed up.

"Maybe, but there is a high probability that you don't need to take action. They will call the barbarians of the mage department. Of course, you have to have some means of self-protection..."

Professor Lawrence said, and wanted to reach into his pocket to look for it, but suddenly realized something and put his hand back.

"I almost forgot that you are from the [Distortion] Department, so that's fine. Your system is not good at anything else, but it is very good at fighting..."

Lloyd: "…………"

"Okay, a small project lasting less than two days is just like a daily routine for our Space Department, so you don't have to worry too much."

"Does our Space Department often participate in such things?"

"Of course, otherwise how do you think our Space Department's transcendent status comes from? Relying on academic level?"

"Uh... I feel that in Mizkatok, people still pay more attention to practical results than pure academic research?"

"What else? This is not the good old days of staying in the ivory tower. Research that cannot be put into practice is just empty talk and delusion."

The two chatted for a while, and Lloyd suddenly felt that the student handbook was vibrating. It was the teaching assistant mentioned by the adventurer professor before who contacted him and made an appointment to meet at the history department's school district.

Lloyd first replied "I'll be there soon", and then he couldn't wait to take out the new equipment he had just bought and tried it in front of Professor Lawrence.

It's much better than a brooch!

It took less than three minutes to calculate the spatial coordinates, and the "feel" of opening the door was also extremely smooth, just like the difference between a rough, stiff, and burred wooden door handle and a girl's delicate and soft hand.

"Professor, I'll go first."

Lloyd said, and found that Professor Lawrence was rubbing his eyebrows again...

I hope he didn't sleep well last night, right?

Lloyd then passed through the portal and left the laboratory.

After he left, Professor Lawrence quickly let out a long breath, and whispered:

"Fortunately, compared with the last shock, this time is much better, and my cognition is gradually adapting to this kid's magic...

I hope he can listen to me and not let others know that he only took two days to finish half of the basic theory."

Ask for monthly tickets~ There are only more than 100 short of 1000, can everyone help?

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