I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 324 323 Deep in the Library

Chapter 324 323. Deep inside the library

"Get out of here!"

Lloyd shouted, and with a diagonal slash of the dagger in his hand, he cut off the waist of a 'senior' who rushed towards him. The upper and lower body just passed by him.

Then, Lloyd turned around nimbly again, and the matches in his left hand shot out, turning into invisible sword blades, cutting a book that attacked him from behind into pieces.

There were no screams or exclamations, and no blood or internal organs splashed out. There was only a dark hole in the body of the 'senior', as if it was connected to an unknown abyss.

Those tiny pages of the book were just scattered quietly, and then melted into the floor of the library.

[Ding~ Madness value +500, knowledge fragment +1]

[Ding~ Madness value +400, knowledge fragment +1]

With two panel prompts, the two halves of the ‘senior’ disappeared into the air like shattered bubbles.

Judging from the panel prompts, although these ‘seniors’ may be alive and have lifelike human images, they are obviously no longer human, but some unique monsters in the form of human sculptures.

The previous powerful attack destroyed many ‘seniors’ and knowledge, but this library is really big, and the place where he landed before was just a small area.

So Lloyd had not taken a few steps before he ran into several overly enthusiastic ‘seniors’ and several overly proactive knowledge books.

Fortunately, the area where Lloyd was located was a relatively narrow corridor, and there were not many ghosts left here. If he had walked into a spacious reading room or library, he would not have believed what he would have faced...

If these things were to attack one by one, it might still be a good "experience value", but if they were to attack all at once, Lloyd would probably become their "experience value"...

And the key point is that Lloyd's [Distortion], which he was proud of on weekdays, was not particularly useful against these knowledge and monsters...

The various control effects of [Distortion] were completely ineffective against these things. They seemed to have no perception and thinking at all? The biggest advantage of [Distortion] was completely useless.

Even the physical distortion that caused direct damage had little effect on these things. Even if the spine and neck of the "senior" were twisted several times, they would still rush towards Lloyd without hesitation.

It seems that a simpler and more direct way is more effective to deal with these things, such as the powerful attack just now, or directly chopping them in half with a sword.

His [projection] was left in the previous camp to guard the elevator, so [superb swordsmanship] became Lloyd's biggest reliance.

He also tried to use a gun, but the space here was too weird, always disrupting the trajectory of the bullet, and he couldn't hit it no matter what...

So Lloyd had to be extremely careful in his actions, carefully choosing the route to move forward, and must avoid those reading rooms and library rooms.

Fortunately, in the previous small mountain village incident, he accidentally gained the experience of the three senior investigators in investigating various abnormal events, which came in handy at this moment.

These experiences allowed him to remain calm and composed in this extremely dangerous state, and have a clear mind, and be able to notice those seemingly insignificant but potentially fatal "small details".

Otherwise, the book that hit him from behind might have succeeded...

A single book might still be able to survive with the help of the panel, but what if it attracts more things...

So, relying on his daily experience, Lloyd carefully avoided several dangerous areas and quietly came to a staircase without alerting the seniors inside.

According to the spatial coordinates, the professor's team is in the middle area above the second floor. If they climb two floors along the stairs, they might be able to meet them.

But the coordinates of the lecturer and the teaching assistant team point to a completely opposite direction, which is the direction of the stairs going down?

Lloyd didn't know if they got the wrong direction or encountered some kind of accident?

At this fork in the road, Lloyd didn't think too much and chose to go up to find the professor first.

After all, the combat power over there is stronger. With their help, it will be much easier to find the lecturer and the other three.

Lloyd crouched down and climbed up the stairs, trying not to make any noise.

But when he climbed up one flight of stairs and saw the scene above, his face darkened.

At the corner of this staircase, there was a spacious open balcony, where a lot of "seniors" gathered.

From their frozen body movements, it seemed that two people had some kind of argument and were pulling each other, so many people came to watch.

And these people were all holding various books and notebooks in their hands...

Some of them even noticed the movement on the stairs and turned their bodies to look over.

Lloyd quickly retracted his head and stepped back a few steps.

No, if I want to go through here, they will definitely find me, but I don’t have time to find other routes now...

Should I open a portal and go directly there?

Lloyd looked down at the space compass in his pocket.

This might be a good way to take a shortcut.

But in this undercurrent, on the eve of an already unstable storm, if he rashly opens the portal, he might become the butterfly that triggers the storm...

What's more, he doesn't know what the professors on the other side of the portal are like? He only knows that their coordinates have not moved for a long time...

Want to take a gamble?

Lloyd hesitated for about a second, then took out two matches.

At this time, he chose to believe in his divination.

Can I open the door directly? Can I open the door directly? Can I open the door directly?

Lloyd silently repeated the question in his mind and threw the matches to the ground.

This time the matches did not burn, but showed some strange weathering and decay, as if they had experienced thousands or tens of thousands of years in the blink of an eye, and only a few black sawdust were left in an instant.

This result and omen...


This shows that the door is related to 'time', which should be the [Miracle Magic: Time Freeze] I am looking for!

And the dangers and difficulties I am facing will also disappear in the blink of an eye like this!

After a simple interpretation of the divination, Lloyd's confidence increased immediately. He immediately took out the space compass and began to tap it gently.

As the portal opened, the "seniors" on the balcony upstairs were also startled by the movement and immediately swarmed in like crazy.

In this way, Lloyd had no way out and jumped into the portal.

Then, with a change in his vision, he came to an extremely wide and grand library.

The bookshelves here stood tall like skyscrapers, and people could not see the end.

They formed a large circle, as if they were building a tower of knowledge.

And what was surrounded by them was just a simple desk with some quills and parchment on it, as well as a crystal ball that was glowing slightly.

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