I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 325 324 Incomplete Miracle

Chapter 325 324. Incomplete Miracle

The style of the crystal ball is somewhat similar to the one held by Professor Fernande before. Both have a trace of active substances flowing inside, constantly flowing and changing.

But in comparison, the one held by the professor is like a poor imitation, which has no attraction to Lloyd, and even feels a little weird.

The one in front of him is more mysterious, dreamy, beautiful, and intoxicating.

The moment Lloyd saw the crystal ball, his whole body and mind seemed to be sucked away. He stared at it intently, as if he had forgotten where he was and why he came.

It was not until about half a minute later that he was "woken up" by all kinds of movements in his mind.

Whether it was inspiration or weird intuition, or even the "Book of Truth" that had always been quiet, they were all reveling and restless, as lively as a feast in the village.

But they were not reminding of danger, but urging Lloyd to hurry up and take the crystal ball for himself.

Lloyd wanted to follow the urging, approach and hold the crystal ball in his hand.

But his gradually recovered rationality finally prevailed, making him realize in time what kind of environment he was in and what he was here for.

Lloyd stopped in a hurry, suppressed the restlessness in his brain and heart, and observed the surroundings.

Some rituals were arranged on the ground, but they were not in operation. A bottle of spiritual ink, a broken mirror, an extinguished candle, etc. could be seen near the desk.

This showed that the professor's group had indeed been here and made initial deployments.

But where were their people?

Surrounded by the towering bookshelves, the area in the center was spacious, but there was no visual obstruction, but Lloyd could not see a single figure.

There was no trace of fighting or the use of power in the air.

Even the densely packed books on the bookshelves were all well-behaved and did not rush towards Lloyd.

This place is like the center of a storm, calmer than outside, and even the air is much cleaner. Not only does the panel not remind you of mental pollution, but even the reading in the upper right corner of the field of vision has returned to a long string of ‘0’.

Except for not being able to find the professor and others, everything here is so safe and sound.

But where will they go?

“Professor? Professor, are you there?”

Lloyd tried to shout twice.

No one responded, only his own voice was stirring around, and waves of echoes came.

Although there was his own voice, Lloyd inexplicably felt that it was too quiet here, so quiet that it could make people suffocate.

Even the air was gradually getting colder, and as his breathing gradually accelerated, it scraped his throat with a stinging pain.

If he stayed here a little longer, Lloyd even suspected that he would be frozen into a sculpture.

The kind of sculpture without ice chips but motionless was like those ‘seniors’ outside...

Lloyd had to mobilize the spiritual power in his body and circulate it quickly around his body, trying to maintain his body temperature by consuming spiritual power.

But he had just used up most of his spiritual power, and he couldn't hold on for too long...

So Lloyd didn't have much time to think and hesitate. He had no choice but to walk to the crystal ball and look down.

Under close observation, the material inside was even more beautiful and charming, like a whirlpool of thoughts that could attract all thoughts and attention, making Lloyd unable to move his eyes away.

He wanted to completely give up thinking and completely integrate into it.

He had just recovered a little bit of rationality, and it seemed that he was about to fall into it completely.

Until a weak reminder suddenly heard in the silent ears:

"Quick... Run away..."

Followed by a burning pain in the brain, as if a red-hot steel needle was inserted into his brain, the pain almost made him faint on the spot.

But fortunately, he still had [Dizziness Resistance]

Accompanied by this severe pain, Lloyd suddenly ‘woke up’ and shuddered. His thoughts and rationality, which were almost frozen, were revitalized by the ‘burning’ of the steel needle.

The physiological instinct for survival instantly suppressed his inspiration, intuition, and even the restlessness of the Book of Truth, making him subconsciously raise the dagger in his hand, launch [Extraordinary Swordsmanship], and chop the crystal ball with one sword.

The tough crystal and the sharp sword blade collided, bursting out a burst of metallic sparks, and then split in two.

The fascinating substance inside was like blood, changing into a bright red and sticky texture, flowing freely on the simple desk.

But after only two or three seconds, they stopped flowing and no longer changed, as if they had completely lost their vitality, quickly solidified, frozen, and finally turned into a pool of blood-red ice.

[Ding~ Madness value +1000]

[Ding~ Special skill fragments +5]

[Enough skill fragments have been obtained to unlock the special skill - Incomplete Miracle]

Without the crystal filter, they are no longer beautiful and charming in Lloyd's eyes. Instead, they reveal some indescribable evil and weirdness, which makes them dangerous and deadly.

Lloyd's inspiration did not comment on this.

Instead, his weird intuition and the "Book of Truth" reminded him in their own ways to grab his things and run away!

They no longer reminded Lloyd with the carnival-like attitude they did before, but behaved more calmly and steadily.

This should be the normal state.

So Lloyd chose to 'believe in yourself' and immediately took out a pair of silver-gray lead boxes from his storage bag——

That was the last time he bought the core material for the third [Transcendence], the seller gave it to him as a gift, saying it was the best container for holding spiritual materials, and also reminded him not to throw it away after using it.

At that time, Lloyd didn't pay much attention to such trivial details, but he still believed the seller's statement and kept the box. Unexpectedly, it would actually come in handy now.

He quickly scraped the bloody ice slag off the table with his dagger, then put it into the lead box, sealed the lid tightly, and finally wrapped it tightly with oil paper, and then threw it into the storage bag. .

After he finished all this, he suddenly heard muffled sounds of 'dong dong dong' and a crisp sound of 'clatter' coming from all around.

Lloyd looked up and saw piles of bones, like a stormy wave, pouring down from all directions, trying to bury Lloyd in them.

And on the towering bookshelves around, not even a single page can be seen on them...

It seemed that the densely packed books had all turned into these corpses in an instant.

Some of these bones look like those of humans, and some look like those of monsters. They all have a gray-black decaying texture, similar to fossils, as if they have experienced thousands of years of baptism.

It looks similar to the two matches that Lloyd used for divination before...

Their texture was already so fragile that they looked like barely piled ashes. As they poured down in the air, they turned directly into pieces of powder, raising large plumes of smoke and dust in the air.

[Distortion Realm] instinctively sensed the danger, and the passive distortion function automatically turned on, helping Lloyd withstand the ashes pouring down in large areas, and gained a precious space for him to still stand.

And Lloyd found a few things that still maintained human form among the pile of ashes.

It was Fernand who taught them!

Although they looked extremely old, they were even more skinny, and their bodies were still covered with scattered ashes. They looked like some Greek god of war.

But they are still alive, and they can even moan and groan.

"My legs...fuck..."

He is a bald mage. Although his originally shiny bald head is covered with age spots and his strong muscles have shrunk to the size of a carrot, he still has the energy to cry out in pain...

Of course, Lloyd ignored him and quickly pulled out several other piles of ashes and rescued the professor and others buried inside.

This was supposed to be a heavy physical job, but somehow Royd felt that he had endless brute strength and his speed was astonishingly fast. With just a few pulls of his hands, he was already extremely old. Professor Fernand was rescued.

Although he fell into a coma, he was still alive, but he didn't know how long he could live...

Lloyd turned his head and looked again, and found that the old bald man nodded to him, but he didn't have the strength to speak, so he could only motion for him to continue.

Lloyd continued to use the seemingly inexhaustible brute force in his body to pull out several other people from the ashes at extremely fast speeds.

When the prospective professor from the engineering department was pulled out, although the other person was too old to speak, he still used his last strength to drop a metal box and then passed out.

The box fell to the ground and immediately began a mechanical expansion and transformation, like a Transformer, turning into a cart with four wheels?

Lloyd was worried about how to take these people away. Now he had a handy tool. He quickly placed a few people sideways on the trolley, then opened the portal back to the camp, and then found the two vertical control rods at the end of the trolley. The lever, pulled.

The cart immediately flew out like a sharp arrow and plunged into the portal.

It was just that there was an unavoidable bump and shake, which made the bald mage call out again:

"Ouch! My back..."

Lloyd ignored him and let the trolley rush into the elevator, then threw the people on it down one by one.

Then he quickly turned the car around, preparing to rescue the lecturer and teaching assistant again.

He has already felt that as the core area, that is, the library just now, has changed, the surrounding space has also begun to 'stop acting'. The surrounding space is no longer undercurrent, but has begun to surge.

The space storm has arrived.

It's just that it hasn't developed to the most terrifying level yet, and it hasn't reached the place where Lloyd is.

But the space elevator has also begun to bump and drift under its influence, as if it will be blown away at any time.

Fortunately, Lloyd's [Projection] is still here and should be able to hold on for a little while longer.

"I'll go rescue them and be right back!"

Lloyd said, opening the portal again and locating the coordinates of the lecturer and teaching assistant.

The only person present who was still awake was the bald mage. Although he no longer had the strength to speak, he still had the last strength to open his eyes wide, as if he had discovered a madman, watching Lloyd rush in again. The portal.

This scene seemed to have given him such a strong psychological impact that the portal disappeared, and he was still staring blankly at the place where Lloyd disappeared.

Then, his lips trembled slightly and he managed to squeeze out a few unclear and unrecognizable syllables.

What he actually wanted to say was, ‘May flowers bloom under your feet’.



The assistant bounty hunter was holding his broken left arm and leaning against the wall. His face was pale. The sweat flowing from his forehead and back was flowing down, mixing with the blood dripping from the wound.

In front of him, the two lecturers were barely maintaining a temporary [intellectual barrier] to resist the crazy impact of those 'seniors' and books.

Although they are still alive and remain conscious and rational for the time being, they are at the end of their rope...

Shortly after they separated from Lloyd, the three of them also discovered that the 'seniors' and the books had come to life.

The assistant teacher was caught off guard and was touched on his left arm by a 'senior'.

The first half of his left arm decayed at the speed of light in just two seconds, and in the blink of an eye, only the yellow bones remained.

And this decadent trend has the tendency to spread throughout his body.

So the assistant coach drew out a dagger-like psychic blade without hesitation and decisively cut off his left arm.

But this can only allow him to survive for a little longer...

Although he was holding on to his life, the spiritual power in his body seemed to have been affected and was passing away at an exaggerated speed.

The 'senior' who succeeded in the sneak attack immediately began to 'shake people'. In an instant, countless 'seniors' and books swarmed towards the three of them.

Fortunately, the two lecturers were both from the [Intellect] department. They had a certain restraint effect on this kind of knowledge-based monsters and had rich archaeological experience, so they managed to fight their way out.

However, the original path plan was completely disrupted. In a panic, the three of them failed to meet the professor and the others or return to the camp. Instead, they were forced to a relatively small tea room.

The ‘senior’ and the book had no rational thinking at all, and naturally did not understand the concept of collision volume. The three of them were able to hold on for a little longer despite being crowded with each other.

However, it was precisely because of the actions of the three people that they attracted all the ghosts near the corridor and stairs, which gave Lloyd an "opportunity" behind him.

It's just the price...

"I can't get out. I will use the last [Law] to create a chance for you."

The assistant teacher said weakly, struggling to sit up.

"No need, we can't get out..."

Lecturer Lille smiled. There was not much despair on his face, but more of a kind of calmness and generosity.

Even before setting off, he had already prepared himself to face certain death.

"Huh~huh~ At least... we have to hold on until the space storm starts..."

Lecturer Randy was also speaking feebly.

He would rather be torn to pieces by the space storm than fall into the hands of these monsters.

That way, at least I can die as a human being...

"I hope Lloyd and the others have evacuated... so at least we are not completely wiped out. We can let the academy know what is happening here and stop asking people to die."

Instructor Randy continued.

In the process of resisting the monsters, the three of them quickly exchanged opinions and reached a consensus on the current situation——

The [miracle] that this operation wants to recover may no longer be the original [time freeze].

The miraculous magic that originally had high hopes and was believed to be able to change the future of mankind has been affected by some unknown factor, or 'tampered', and it no longer has the effects originally recorded.

It may also have certain [freezing] and [time] attributes, but it shows completely different effects.

It may still be used to combat mental pollution, freezing it in place.

However, these mental pollutions can produce some strange changes in the [frozen] state, thus giving rise to brand-new monsters such as 'seniors'.

Even if such a [miracle] is successfully recovered in the end, I'm afraid it will bring mankind not a future and hope, but disaster and despair...

"Haha, think on the bright side. At least our death was not in vain. It can make people today understand that these past [miracles] are not our hope."

Lecturer Lear said this despairing conclusion in as optimistic a tone as possible.

There was just a wry smile on his face, but he couldn't hold it back no matter what.

He actually still remembered his fiancée and the big villa that had just been renovated and he didn't have time to enjoy it...

At this time, lecturer Randy suggested again:

"How about...William, why don't you sacrifice yourself and give me a good blow? I believe in your skill in this area."

"Yes, yes, me too."

Lecturer Lille also said quickly.

The assistant teacher looked up at the monsters that were frantically attacking the temporary barrier, nodded, then clenched the psychic blade in his hand, and stood up with barely enough support.

The next second, several invisible sword lights broke through the air and struck in the direction of the two lecturers.

However, he narrowly missed the two of them and did not hurt them at all.

On the contrary, the "seniors" who had hit the hardest were immediately split in half, revealing the dark holes inside.

The assistant teacher was stunned for a moment, wondering if he had lost too much blood and was dazzled.

He seemed to have seen a few matchsticks flying over?

Then, he looked back again.

The wall he had been leaning against had turned into a space crack without knowing when, and a portal had opened, revealing Lloyd's upper body, who was saying unhappily:

"Why are you hiding in such a small place? I almost couldn't find you!"

When he saw Lloyd pop up, the assistant teacher's face suddenly became paler.

He hadn't left yet?

He was so stupid that he ran to save himself?


The assistant teacher was about to scold, but Lloyd's hand was faster, and he grabbed his shoulder directly, pulled him hard, and pulled him into the portal.

The remaining two lecturers did not expect this scene to appear, and seemed to be stunned all of a sudden, not knowing how to run away or complain.

In the end, Lloyd stretched out his hands, grabbed the belts of the two men on the left and right, and then used the extra brute force on his body to drag the two men into the portal.

Without the temporary barrier, the ghosts outside were no longer blocked and wanted to rush in again.

But the monsters in the front seemed to suddenly realize something and stopped suddenly, blocking the road behind them.

They were no longer as greedy as before for Lloyd, but became instinctively afraid and dared not go up again.

And Lloyd also smiled coldly and threw the last few matches in his hand.

"Fuck you!"

With the last amount of madness value entering the account, his upper body also retracted into the portal, and then he let out a long breath.

Then he showed a helpless bitter smile to the three "calabash brothers" he had just rescued, and spread his hands:

"Okay, the question now is, how do we get back?"

"This is..."

Landy was the first to come to his senses. He looked around and found that the place where the few people were was like half of a small store?

It was "half" in the literal sense. The floor, shelves, counters and other facilities here were all only half left, and the other half was a dark space crack, just like the alien space outside.

If the four people were characters in a comic book, then their current situation was like this page was torn off by someone, leaving only this half.

"Where is this place?"

Lille asked, and then reached out and scratched his forehead.

He felt that he had "grown hair" again.

But with the previous experience, he knew that Lloyd was helping him, so he didn't say much, but was more curious about the situation in front of him.

Before Lloyd could explain, the space where the four people were suddenly spun and spiraled upward, making everyone dizzy and losing the ability to identify the direction.

But their feet were clearly standing on the floor, and their relative positions to the shelves and counters did not change. It seemed that only their brains were spinning.

"Oh my..."

"Eh eh eh eh eh?"


The lecturer and the teaching assistant each showed various symptoms of discomfort.

Lloyd was fine, but his face was not good, but at least he could still speak normally:

"Ahem... The conditions do not allow, let's overcome it a little, and see if the storm will blow us a little further away, so we shouldn't be so dizzy."

After that, he showed a helpless bitter smile and complained:

"I didn't expect that in addition to driving the elevator, I also had to drive the boat..."

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