I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 356 Chapter 355 More difficult than expected

Chapter 356 355. Trickier than expected

Thanks to the presiding judge's previous "tap water", the name Lloyd is not only familiar to the senior leaders of the Brilliant Order, but also has a strong presence. Everyone knows that a talented new star has emerged from the 18th District of the Holy Inquisition.

However, this incident obviously has nothing to do with 'genius' or 'newcomer'.

So the knight captain who looked gentle and easy to talk to took the lead in speaking out:

"Demani, do you think that a young person like this can be involved in this incident? Do you want to place your hopes on a newcomer who has just joined the cult for three months?"

The scholar-looking presiding judge from the Holy Family Court beside him also said:

"Demani, I know you are in a hurry now. Losing Tiltus is indeed a result we don't want to see, but you won't just talk nonsense in a hurry, right? No matter how outstanding the young man you say is, this It’s not something he can get involved in.”

Then, it was the turn of the Grand Judge from the Court of Holy Grace, who was wearing a colorful clown mask and said:

"Although I also advocate rescuing Tiltus, in his current situation, unless those key sacred objects are used, I can't imagine the slightest possibility of rescuing him. Demani, you should calm down first. ”

Finally, it was the archbishop with gray hair and beard who tried to smooth things over again:

"Okay, okay, Tiltus can be considered the young man's mentor. It's understandable that he wants to help... Since he has this heart, why not let him control a sacred object first? Try it?”

As a result, the scholar-judge became anxious on the spot when he heard this.

"I have told you so many times that the sacred objects you think of are the last support of our religious order and even the entire dazzling city. They must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary! If you want to use them, you must first use them from my corpse. Cross over!"

And the great knight commander also helped:

"You, a jealous old bastard, still want to let a newcomer control the holy objects? Don't you understand the side effects of those holy objects? You still want to join in a new one when you have already lost a presiding judge. An outstanding young man?"

Faced with such accusations, the archbishop just shrugged his shoulders and said without changing his face or heart:

"Letting young people go through more tests is not necessarily a bad thing. Besides, I advocate using holy objects to rescue Tiltus. If we can get him back, then it is completely acceptable to sacrifice a few newcomers."

"Bah! I think you don't want to save people at all, you just want to take this opportunity to weaken and balance our strength, right? I guess the situation you most hope for is that you have not rescued Tiltus. , and bring in a few key sacred objects and a few young people, right?”

"You...how can you spit on others?"

"You old bastard, did I tell you the truth? You have been collaborating with those politicians outside for too long, and your whole heart has become extremely dirty and dirty!"

Obviously, except for Big Brother, the four senior executives cannot be said to have evil intentions, but they also have different thoughts and it is difficult to reach an agreement.

With the Saint refusing to come forward, once their quarrel comes to an end, Judge Tiltus may have passed the first seven...

But Big Brother, who really wants to save people, can't do anything...

I could only sit behind my desk, silently listening to the arguments of these people, and then cursed in my heart:

Insect! They're all insects!

Then, in front of these people, he made an incredible and bizarre move——

He actually reached out and took off his own head?

Then he threw it casually on the desk next to him, and the rest of his headless body leaned back on the chair, crossed his legs, and even though these people were noisy, he would not listen or speak, anyway, it was just a mess. In the end, leave everything to Lloyd to solve.

Then he recited silently in his heart:

Don't let me down, Lloyd!

Our three holy brothers cannot survive without one of them!

I have been looking forward to retiring early, then going to live in Mizkatok, and leaving the Holy Inquisition to you two.

If Tiltus can't come back, I'm afraid you alone won't be able to do anything with these insects, even if you become the face of a saint...

So... don't let me down! My little brother!


On Lloyd's side, after opening the portal and returning to the laboratory, he found that the place had returned to its usual single-layer appearance, but it was deserted. Not only could no one be seen, but the light curtains flying everywhere before could not be seen. , those data that were as good as the broader market have also stopped.

It seems like this place is completely on vacation?

But after a few seconds, a crack appeared in the space in front of him, and then Professor Lawrence walked out of the portal.

At this time, the old professor had already changed out of the big mage hat and the stereotypical mage robe. Instead, he was dressed in beach pants and a sun hat. He was holding a fishing rod in one hand and a box of fish in the other.

Lloyd subconsciously glanced into the fish box.

Ha, a few small crabs and small conchs as big as fingernails.

"Why did you come back suddenly? Isn't the vacation over yet?"

The old professor looked at Lloyd in front of him and asked a little strangely.

"I'm sorry to disturb your vacation. I'm back for what Emeritus Professor Demani told you."

"Hmm? I remember it now, but isn't that a trivial matter? With your current level, you should be able to solve it easily, right?"

"Ah? Easily?"

"It's just pulling a person out of an alien space, what's so difficult about that?"

The old man and the young man chatted for a few words, each of them was a little suspicious, and then the old professor put away the fishing rod and fish box in his hand, put on the iconic tall hat again, and asked:

"Tell me, what's the problem that stumped you?"

Lloyd then described the current situation and difficulties in detail, without seeming to be in a hurry.

With the help of the time speed difference, there must be more time to rescue the presiding judge in the academy, so there is no need to panic, not to mention that considering the difficulty of this question, it is absolutely impossible to solve it without clarifying the problem.

Professor Lawrence listened to Lloyd's story very seriously, then frowned and cursed:

"Demani, this old rogue who is so obsessed with face, actually described such a complicated and dangerous matter lightly?"


"When he contacted me, he only said that someone accidentally fell into the alien space and asked me if there was a way to solve it, but he ignored the key details such as "trap" and "cage."

Professor Lawrence said angrily.

This made Lloyd speechless. Although he knew that Big Brother was a little unreliable, he didn't expect that he was so unreliable?

At such a critical moment, he actually considered face?

But Lloyd immediately changed his mind and felt that the situation was a bit strange...

This shouldn't be the case at all? Big Brother's concern for the safety of the presiding judge must not be fake, he is really anxious to save people. Even if his mental state is not very good and he is a little crazy, he can't be careless at such a critical moment, right?

Wait! Could it be...

He suddenly thought of something and was about to ask a question, but he saw Professor Lawrence frowning and pressing his forehead with his hands. He asked in return:

"What are those difficulties you just mentioned? Tell me again?"

This reaction undoubtedly confirmed Lloyd's previous guess.

Big Brother and the old professor were both affected by [forgetfulness] without knowing it!

This effect is very slight and difficult to detect, and it will not affect the victim's inherent memory, but will make them [forget] some small details inadvertently.

And the reason why I still remember it clearly is because of the help of the "Book of Truth" in my mind. When I first confronted this [forgetfulness] criminal, I relied on the help of the "Book of Truth" to crack his conspiracy.

If I was not there, or if I didn't have the "Book of Truth" in my mind, I would probably ignore these "small details" quickly and then I couldn't find a solution at all.

Obviously, the criminals on the other side have a considerable understanding of Mitzkatok and space technology, and have already prepared for the means of opening a portal to save people.

After sorting out his thoughts, Lloyd hurriedly said:

"Professor, the criminals on the other side are using the power of [forgetfulness] to quietly affect you."

"Well, I also realized it. Don't move first. Give me the letter for help you mentioned just now."

Professor Lawrence is obviously not easy to deal with. He immediately thought of the key to the problem.

The letter for help was previously stuffed to Lloyd by Big Brother along with a bunch of the chief judge's mailing addresses. Naturally, it was also brought into the academy and was quickly taken out by Lloyd.

Professor Lawrence did not rush to reach out to take it, but changed his head into a tall hat of a certain style, and then released a force from his body to wash the letter.

The force he released made Lloyd feel a little familiar, as if he had seen it before, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

But it's not the common kind anyway.

Professor Lawrence seemed to have noticed Lloyd's curiosity and took the initiative to explain:

"This is the power of [Nirvana]. I don't know much about it, but it's just right to deal with this situation right now. It's simpler and more direct than the [Veto] outside."

He finished dealing with the letter, then changed back to the original wizard hat before continuing:

"Okay, now there's no problem. The guy on the other side is extremely cunning. He attached some weak but extremely lasting power to this letter, which can affect other people's memories silently. If it weren't for your reminder, I'm afraid we wouldn't realize it."

After that, he added a curse:

"[Forget] is really a disgusting system. Even in Mizkatok, I say this. It is born to be the enemy of all scholars!"

Lloyd nodded vigorously, agreeing with this evaluation very much.

So this is the confidence and reason why the other party allowed the presiding judge and others to seek help from outside?

He is probably not just planning to "wait for the rabbit", he may continue to use this method to make the hostages send more letters.

The people he trapped are all high-ranking bosses, so the letters are naturally sent to the top leaders of the major religious groups.

So he can quietly spread the power of [Forgetfulness] while adding to the chaos of the major religious groups, just like spreading a hidden plague...

The [Forgetfulness] system is extremely secretive and difficult to detect because of its characteristics. In addition, everyone is worried about the safety of the hostages and is anxious, so it is naturally more difficult to detect his vicious tricks.

If there wasn't a "Book of Truth" that naturally restrained him, would this guy really succeed?

【Forgetting】, everyone gets it and kills it!

Although Lloyd did not tell Professor Lawrence what he was thinking, the old professor had already formed a tacit understanding with him at this moment. He immediately changed his beach shorts into a mage robe, and then said through gritted teeth:

"How dare you spread [oblivion] in the space system? It's time for this arrogant rat to feel our anger!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the low roar of the machine sounded in the originally quiet laboratory, and the hidden light curtains flew up again.

"Okay, tell me about the problems you encountered earlier. Just in case, it's best to record them with a pen or instrument."


Lloyd then patiently reframed the previous question, and then wrote on the paper while speaking; Professor Lawrence listened while operating the light curtains to record.

However, after the letter was processed, it was safe. It could no longer emit the power of [forgetfulness] and returned to an ordinary letter asking for help.

Naturally, Professor Lawrence would not forget Lloyd's description inexplicably, so he twirled his goatee and said:

"Well, the power is indeed not strong enough to change paper records, but the more it is like this, the more insidious it is, because I don't know what it is quietly forgetting..."

Then, he took out a not-too-thick manual and handed it to Lloyd, and ordered:

"This is the operating guide and precautions for the equipment here. You should study it on your own first to facilitate the next process. I am going to write a letter to that old guy in Demani, reminding him not to accept any more letters for help!

If there are a few more letters like this, I can’t imagine what will happen. "

After that, he 'conjured' a writing desk floating in the air out of thin air, and began to write letters on it, explaining the pros and cons and warning of the risks in the letter.

As he was writing, he was still explaining to Lloyd:

"Since this matter involves [forgetting], it's better not to involve too many people. Besides, it's still a holiday, so only the two of us will do the calculations next. You must read this manual carefully. Come and help me fight in a moment..."

He originally wanted to arrange for Lloyd to attack him, but before he could finish his words, he saw that Lloyd was already skillfully controlling the light curtains and forming a circle in front of him.

He still said slightly excitedly:

"Professor, the equipment you have here is so powerful! It's much better than the ones I use!"

"No... have you finished reading the operation manual?"

"Yeah, it's quite simple and doesn't have much content."

Lloyd answered casually.

With his current [Cognition] points of up to 500 points, coupled with the assistance of skills, and the cognitive level that has been upgraded twice, learning this operation process is faster than learning a recipe.

"Professor, I'll start first. You write slowly, and please make sure to convince the boss... Oh no, it's Grand Judge Demani. He sometimes falls into that kind of inexplicable stubbornness."

Lloyd continued to talk casually, and then his hands flew around the circle of light around him. Like a professional e-sports player, he controlled the high-end equipment in the laboratory at a gorgeous speed and began to perform calculations.

Professor Lawrence looked at this scene. For some reason, he didn't want to write a letter anymore, but he rubbed his eyebrows with his backhand.

Should I tell this guy that it would take at least a year for a normal researcher to become proficient in these devices?

If you meet someone who is stupid, they have been working in the laboratory for several years and are not very good at using these equipment...

This is currently the most advanced and complex space instrument in human civilization!

Can you... have a little respect for the brainchild of the equipment development department next door?

The more Professor Lawrence thought about it, the more headache he got. He shook his head vigorously and took another breath.

Hiss... I don't think about it anymore, this guy is not human! This guy is not human!

Fortunately, I didn't really ask him to do something for me...

Fortunately, today is a big holiday in the space department, so this humanoid creature and I are...

Professor Lawrence rejoiced in his heart and decided to go back and add a new rule to the laboratory——

Royd is prohibited from using high-end instruments without authorization!

Lloyd, on the other hand, obviously did not notice the professor's abnormality, but was fully experiencing and feeling the smoothness and silkiness of the high-end instrument.

It's so comfortable! So cool! It’s like upgrading from a 2D paper man to a 3D gold mobile game!

Only then does it qualify to be called a calculator! What are the plans you gave me before?

However, it was the use of this advanced equipment that allowed Lloyd to further discover the cunningness of his opponent.

I really looked down on him before. That guy's attainments and understanding of space were obviously no lower than mine.

He has a degree of control over the alien space that serves as a prison cell that is not in line with theoretical knowledge. He can turn it into a cunning sea snake in the sea, scurrying around in various spatial vortices or chaotic areas of space, and use it to Come and hide yourself like a sea snake hiding in a coral reef.

That's why Lloyd couldn't catch any trace of him through the handheld device in front of him.

But right now, even with the help of advanced equipment, it still seems very tricky and difficult.

The current progress is limited. We have only roughly identified the location of a piece of "coral reef", but it is still very troublesome to capture a specific sea snake in it...

Since we can't catch it with our bare hands, can we change our thinking and lure this guy to come in by himself?

Lloyd thought about it and came up with an immature idea.

Let's discuss it with the professor first.

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