I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 357 356 Can't you just be quiet?

Chapter 357 356. Can't you just be quiet?

Lloyd turned around and saw that Professor Lawrence had finished writing his letter. He was looking at the data on several screens. He looked very solemn and seemed to have a headache. He kept rubbing his eyebrows and his face looked very bad...

"I'm going to see the dean. You continue to monitor this space cage."

Professor Lawrence said, and first took out a tube of mental stabilization medicine from his arms in front of Lloyd, drank it, and then opened a portal and left directly.

Uh... I haven't had time to talk about my immature plan yet...

Lloyd was helpless.

But there was no way. Saving people was important at the moment, and he had to race against time. He began to follow his own ideas and carry out the preliminary steps first.

In fact, Lloyd's idea was simple. Didn't the other party make the alien space cage like a cunning sea snake, like to run around and hide in those space vortices?

Then move the three school districts under your control to squeeze the opponent's activity space, thereby reducing the floating range of those spatial coordinates, which will definitely be more convenient for positioning than now.

As for whether the opponent will be angry and kill the hostage after discovering that the activity space is restricted; or let the space cage crash into the school district and rush into the space storm, this is what Lloyd has not thought about yet and needs to discuss with Professor Lawrence.

But now that the professor is out temporarily, Lloyd can only carry out the previous steps, control the three school districts, and approach the corresponding direction.

However, the space distance between the two sides is a little far. At the current natural drifting speed of the three school districts, it is unknown how long it will take to reach the predetermined coordinates.

So in the process, Lloyd has to find a way to speed up.

This is also the second question he wants to discuss with the professor.

For now, let's leave it at that. Let's wait for the professor to come back. Fortunately, after coming to Mitzkatok, there is a lot more time. If it were in the real world, I'm afraid there would be no way to solve this problem...

And since the other party wants to take the opportunity to smuggle "private goods" with a letter for help, it means that he should not be in a hurry to kill the hostage.

After further thinking, Lloyd's mentality gradually stabilized.

But from beginning to end, he had a question that he couldn't figure out, that is, how could the other party make a piece of alien space cage so "happy and agile"?

Even with his current time dimension, it is very incredible to see the actions of this alien space cage. If it were in the real world, it would be even more impossible to capture the other party's traces.

Weird! Very weird! How did this guy do it?

Lloyd couldn't figure out the principle for a while, so he had to endure his curiosity and rescue the person first.


Professor Lawrence had just arrived at the dean's office and had not had time to speak when Dean Hazlade said:

"Hmm? Didn't you go fishing? Why did you come back suddenly? But you came just in time. I just happened to have something to tell you. I saw you were on vacation before, so I didn't rush to disturb you."

"Oh? I just happened to have something to tell you. You go first. I just happened to have a headache right now and I can't figure it out."

Professor Lawrence said, and conjured up a high-backed chair, then sat on it, rubbing his temples and eyebrows, trying to adjust his mental state.

Lloyd's previous series of skillful manipulation of the instrument and his method of tracking the space cage brought Professor Lawrence a heavy shock.

It was the first time he had seen that this instrument could be used in this way, and that such a process and method could be used to locate an area...

Professor Lawrence had every reason to suspect that Lloyd, a humanoid creature, should have been born in a different space from the beginning, so he had a natural sensitivity and mastery of this place, and could do many operations that were completely impossible for humans.

In short, it was too outrageous!

It seems that in the future, not only can he not touch these equipment casually, but he can't be allowed to participate in too many research projects. Well, after returning, similar regulations will be added to the laboratory.

After other people in the space department can gradually adapt to and accept these, these regulations will be lifted.

Professor Lawrence had already made such a decision before coming to the dean, but he rushed here not for this little thing that he could decide, but because there was a more troublesome and more difficult accident that made him not know how to deal with it.

Let's listen to what the dean is going to say first?

It's impossible that Lloyd has made some shocking news again, right? It's not long since he took vacation, right?

Professor Lawrence was thinking about it, and heard the dean say:

"The history department encountered a big event these two days, you should not know yet?"

"Of course, I am enjoying my vacation."

"So to put it simply... Lloyd has obtained the inheritance of a [Brilliant Gold]..."


Professor Lawrence was stunned.

You really can make me another big news?

You have just been on vacation for a short time, right? Can't you be a little quiet?

Do you know that you are very special and important?

Can't you go fishing during your hard-earned vacation? Can't you go on a date with a beautiful girl? You have to go to make news, right?

Professor Lawrence shouted loudly in his heart. He felt that the low blood pressure was cured all of a sudden, and the headache that was finally eliminated came back.

This was probably the first time he felt what it was like to have a headache because a student was too good.

But fortunately, he is not a history major, so he is only shocked and angry about things like [Brilliant Gold], but it does not shake his own understanding.

But in the Department of History, it’s hard to say...

"This incident has had a strong impact on the history department. One professor and two lecturers have already been admitted to a mental hospital because of this. I don't know if they can be rescued. They all believed that [Bright Gold] had all fallen. That school of thought.

The old guy Ashley was okay. He had always believed that [Bright Gold] could not fade so easily, so he was quite pleased with this.

However, this major discovery still caused a stir in the History Department. They were all waiting for Lloyd to return from vacation and then take him to the History Department to study it carefully. "

Dean Hazlade spoke first, then waited for Professor Lawrence to digest it for a while before continuing:

"In short, there is still such a thing as [Bright Gold] surviving. Although it is not unexpected, it also makes the next situation more complicated and bleak, and adds more dangerous variables to the future of mankind... …

When the vacation is over, I will hold a corresponding seminar immediately. Remember to attend when the time comes. Okay, that's all I have to say. What's going on over there? "

For the time being, Dean Hazlade didn't know that [Forget] was causing trouble again, and thought that Professor Lawrence was looking for him for some trivial matter such as equipment funding and enrollment.

It's impossible for that boy Lloyd to 'wreak havoc' in the space system again, right?

Then he heard Professor Lawrence say:

"That guy Lloyd wants to provoke a mysterious being. If my judgment is correct... it should be a descendant of the evil god, right?"


This time, it was the dean who was stunned.

Seeing that the vacation is coming to an end, this kid can still make things happen?

And you just provoked a [Brilliant Gold], now you are going to provoke a descendant of the evil god?

Why can't you stop?

If you don’t know how to take a vacation, wouldn’t you spend more time with Hiltina?

The dean also shouted in his heart and asked again:

"What's going on? Why is he related to this kind of existence outside this world?"

Professor Lawrence first briefly talked about the conspiracy brewing in [Forget] and the current predicament of Professor Emeritus Tiltus, and then conducted an analysis from the perspective of space technology.

"It is absolutely impossible for humans to be able to move a space cage at such a weird speed and trajectory, not even Lloyd."

As he spoke, he casually produced a blank page of paper, then drew a circle on it, added a small dot of ink, and continued to explain:

"If the cage is this circle, and we are this little ink dot, then its spatial position on this paper is fixed to us, but if it's like this..."

Professor Lawrence folded the paper, then raised the circled side up, and continued:

"In this way, the position of the circle changes obviously to us, because it has a third dimension... If the paper is folded into a more complex shape, the position of the circle will appear more complex to us. Complex position changes…

But after all, we are just a small ink dot on this, and we can't fold the paper... So the only ones who can make the space show such changes are those higher-dimensional beings. "

After his explanation, the dean also understood, and his tone became serious.

"Then what should we do next?"

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