I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 381 380 Something strange is going on

Chapter 381 380. Something is fishy

"Huh??? It's only been a day since the world appeared outside, right? How could the City of Joy deteriorate to this point? Isn't it too outrageous? Aren't all the research plans we made in the past few days in vain?"

"My home is from the City of Joy! No, I have to go back and see my parents..."

"Calm down first. This is an academy and we have plenty of time. Let's see what the professors and lecturers say first."

"Professor Toledo, Lecturer Lloyd, do we still want to continue our project?"

After Lloyd brought the news about the City of Joy back to the project team, a heated discussion immediately started. Everyone looked worried and hesitant.

Professor Toledo was not in a hurry to speak, but waited until he weighed it carefully before asking:

"Anyone want to quit?"

The place suddenly became quiet, and no one made any comment.

"Very good. Since no one has indicated that they want to quit, let's continue the project. However, due to this unexpected situation, the research plan we formulated before can no longer be used for the time being."

Professor Toledo said with regret, threw aside the thick pile of documents in his hand, and said to Lloyd:

"The situation has changed. Lloyd, have you reported it to the dean?"

"I already know. I support your decision and will increase your credits and funding accordingly."

The dean's voice happened to reach everyone's ears at this time.

These words immediately boosted the morale of the project team. Lecturer Randy immediately said:

"In this case, we have nothing to worry about. Let's solve the problem of the City of Joy first and then continue our research. Anyway, this is a very common thing for Mizkatok. We often do it for To be able to study with peace of mind, I have to do more ‘preparation’.”

"Haha, you remind me of when I helped your history department conduct archaeological excavations. As a result, we had to clear out a group of cult forces entrenched in ancient ruins."

The bald lecturer from the mage department, Bartolo, said with a smile.

Professor Toledo also laughed and added:

"There have been several times before that in order to investigate unusual events in remote towns, I had to help them solve the problem of water and electricity supply."

Their words made Lloyd feel warm in his heart.

It can only be said that Mizkatok is worthy of being responsible for the development and future of mankind. There is no shortage of responsibility and courage here.

Everyone present quickly got into the mood and began to discuss why the City of Joy collapsed so quickly.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with that heavy rain, right?"

Lecturer Lille said, tapping his head lightly again, and continued:

"The chaos in the city can be easily solved. The real trouble is the weather and the monsters that are ready to move."

Lecturer Randy took out a map from his pocket, looked at it, and said with some confusion:

"Yes, the tide of monsters has not appeared for a long, long time, especially in a place with a good geographical location like the City of Joy...

It is located in the hinterland, with the Brilliant City and the Eternal City helping to resist monsters from the wasteland. Theoretically, there should be no tide of monsters. Could it be the impact of this weird heavy rain? Or is it caused by the great development? "

At this time, an honors student next to him raised his hand and asked a question first:

"Two lecturers, I have never experienced a monster wave. Can you tell me more about it? How should we deal with it?"

But Lecturer Randy smiled, shook his head, and explained:

"Actually, none of us here have ever experienced a real wave of monsters. According to historical records, it all dates back to the Doomsday Era. But it's not that the monsters have been dormant for so many years, but that we humans have mastered the ability to deal with and deal with it. Ways to eliminate...

To put it simply, we must find ways to neutralize, disperse, and mislead the tide of monsters before they truly take shape. In short, we must use various means to neutralize them instead of confronting them head-on.

The best way is to come from the protection of the saint. Where the saint is sitting, the monsters will not dare to die easily. "

When Lloyd heard this, he whispered:

"But, the Saint of the City of Joy..."

Lecturer Randy frowned and nodded again:

"Yes, this is the troublesome part. The saints in the City of Joy are unreliable, so we have to find a way ourselves.

And once the tide of monsters reaches the scale recorded in history, with our current strength as humans, it is hard to imagine what a heavy price we will have to pay to resist it, not to mention the impact of mutations at the moment..."

Another top student next to him asked:

"The worst case scenario, that is, if the monster wave truly takes shape, what order of magnitude will it be?"

"I don't know... Although there are historical records in this area, they are all described using words such as 'tsunami' and 'wave', indicating that the number of low-risk monsters among them has probably reached an order of magnitude that is difficult to count, and is also accompanied by The number of high-risk individuals is not low.”

Lecturer Lear added helpfully.

At this moment, even Lloyd, who executed monsters every day, felt his scalp numb.

Monsters are roaring like mountains and tsunamis, but there is no saint to sit down. In addition, when executing monsters, you need to endure more mental pollution, and the City of Joy behind it is still very restless. This game is simply unplayable.

He couldn't help but recall a picture he had seen, which was the one given to him by a street painter, and the hallucination caused by that painting.

Lloyd still remembered that he came to a bloody battlefield at that time, watching a team of soldiers deploying defenses in a hurry, preparing to resist a black line sweeping over the horizon.

That... is the fully formed monster tide, right?

It is indeed impossible to count the number of them...

And those people on the battlefield at that time looked like people from the glorious era. Even if they wanted to resist this level of attack, they paid a very painful price...

"So we must find a way to resolve it before the monster tide is formed."

Lloyd couldn't help but say.

"Yes, but fortunately, we in Mizzkatok have never given up research in this area. To be more precise, this has always been a key subject in our mage department."

The bald mage Bartolo said, and moved his muscular arms again, and then pressed his knuckles to make a crackling sound, and he seemed to be eager to try.

He said:

"I originally thought that with the existence of saints, this kind of research would not be of much use, but I didn't expect that there would be a day when it would be useful?"

After that, he picked up a briefing that Lloyd brought back and continued:

"But compared to monsters, what is more terrifying is the human heart... I have been thinking, no matter how young the Joy Cult is, it has maintained a city for decades, how could it collapse in one day? Is this really just a natural disaster? Or is someone secretly brewing a man-made disaster?"

"Do you think someone is playing tricks?"

Professor Toledo asked hurriedly.

"Yes, otherwise only a few resource points were attacked, which can almost be said to be a daily event that happens every day, and more severe ones are also very common. How could this cause large-scale panic in the city? Or for those people who adhere to the principle of enjoying life in the moment?"

After hearing what he said, Lloyd really noticed something wrong.

As an executioner who cleaned up the rear, although he had not been to the front line much, he still had some understanding of the situation there.

In order to maintain the resource consumption of a giant city circle, the peripheral resource points can be said to be scattered all over the place, and attacks are completely commonplace.

If even such a small matter can cause panic, then human cities would have collapsed long ago.

Therefore, the rapid loss of control in the City of Joy within a day seems particularly strange...

Look carefully at the bad news in the briefing, are they really all caused by panic?

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