I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 382 381 Nice to meet you and sorry

Chapter 382 381. Nice to meet you~ and, sorry...

"This... actually involves evil forces and cult gangs? Will we be short of manpower here?"

One top student asked worriedly.

Professor Toledo spread his hands and replied:

"Well... I'm a little nervous, but the Order of Joy can't just do nothing, right? Besides, from Mizkatok's position, it's not convenient to send more people there. Some things still have to rely on The sect outside them will take care of it themselves.”

"Ha~ They respect and fear us as always."

Bald Bartolo also said.

Lloyd can understand the embarrassment in this. Transcendent beings like the academy or saints may not care much about their power status in the world, but there are always some insects who still care...

Therefore, it should be inconvenient for the college to send more manpower.

"Then will other religious orders send reinforcements? Or will other saints take action? I am mainly worried that if I can't cope with the wave of monsters..."

Another top student whose home is in the City of Joy quickly asked.

"This... I'm afraid it's hard to say... Even if they are willing to reinforce, it will take a long time from meeting the resolution to gathering manpower and rushing to the battlefield, so it's best not to place your hopes on this, the Saint's side Same thing."

Lloyd answered truthfully.

There are currently six saints, two pessimistic ‘elm-headed’ people, two ‘psychopaths’ in bad condition, and one who only cries when encountering difficulties...

The last remaining one, it would be nice if she could allow herself to help. If I want her to personally help the 'little vixen', I'm afraid she will pinch her on the spot...

"So in the final analysis, we still have to rely on the City of Joy itself and us... Come on, everyone, for our academic projects and the future of mankind."

Professor Toledo on the side concluded.

Lloyd nodded and stood up, preparing to complete the deployment of the space channel first.

Before leaving, the dean's voice reached everyone's ears again:

"I will ask the medical department to prepare. If necessary, I will send a medical team to help you."

This... medical team?

What’s the use of the medical team if the worst outcome really happens?

Lloyd couldn't help but cursed in his heart, but he didn't say anything. He just stretched out his hand to open a portal, locked the coordinates next to Elolo, and returned to her.

"Lord Uther!"

As soon as Elolo saw Lloyd coming back, he quickly ran over, grabbed his arm, and continued:

"As expected, you are back... I have also given the letter to those old men as you asked, but after reading it, they said they still need to discuss it and asked me to wait here."

After hearing this, Lloyd turned around and looked around, and found that this was not the place where Ai Luoluo originally lived, but more like a rest room next to the conference room. The soundproofing function was not very good, and he could hear the sound from the conference room next door. A quarrel:

"What is there to hesitate about now? It's rare that someone is willing to take the initiative to lend a helping hand, but you are still hesitant? Is it possible that you are still counting on those superior people to come and save us?"

"We may not need others to rescue us. Our situation is not that bad yet. We still have a chance to gradually control the situation."

"Yes, and these people from Mizkatok are not here to save us, but just to study our Holy Crown. Let's not talk about whether this is too rude, but just talk about the risks this may cause... …Have you all forgotten the last accident?”

"That's right. Last time, it was because of the hasty research on the Saint's Crown that it provoked a retaliation that we still can't understand, and it was probably a Supreme Being who took action. Do you want to do it again? Provoke the Most High again?"

"I understand your concerns, but the current situation is not optimistic, especially those monsters on the periphery. If we can't deal with them well, then..."

"Report! The out-of-control group of 'Miss Xie Beileida' in the city is approaching a densely populated evacuation point!"

"What? Didn't we send a team to solve this matter?"

"Sorry... we have lost contact with that team..."

"This...then why don't we send people over quickly? No matter who they are, whether they are an investigation team or a religious group, we must first get rid of these monsters causing trouble in the city."


"Sigh... It seems that the situation is still not optimistic. It may be difficult for us to control the situation alone."

"People from the City of Brilliance and the City of Order will come to save us, right? If we die, it will definitely not be easy for them!"

"It's better not to count on this. We have sent out so many distress signals, but have we ever received any response? If you still plan to refuse help from Mizkatok, then we are really doomed..."

"You're right. There won't be any need for the secret supreme being to take action. The monsters will eat you all up! So it's better to use their power to get through the current difficulties first, and then do research later and find a way to escape. Bar."

"This is the best plan, but wouldn't it be inappropriate to offend Mizkatok?"

"Do you want to offend the Supreme Being? Mizkatok is just an academic organization. Smart people know how to weigh it, right?"

"That's right, but let's get through this first. I'm very worried. They only sent ten people. Isn't that too few?"

"No, no, no, this is just the right number. If there are more, we'll be in trouble... As long as they can help deal with the monsters outside so that we can withdraw our manpower, we can find a way to solve the problems in the city ourselves, and then we can find a way to negotiate with them later."

"This is the only way for now. Alas... Who said our saint is useless? It would be great if she could call the Supreme behind her? In the end, I don't know how she hooked up with Mizzkatok's people and became lovers? It's really shameless..."

"Hehe, don't say that. At least she relied on her body to find some helpers for us. Of course, if these helpers can be more sensible and perish together with the monsters outside, it will save us a lot of trouble."

Lloyd had been listening silently, trying to suppress his anger.

But when he heard the last two sentences, he released his [Projection] without hesitation.

Seeing this, Ai Luoluo probably guessed what he wanted to do, and hurriedly hugged his arm, and shook his head with a wronged look, trying to stop him from being impulsive.

Lloyd stopped for a moment, stretched out his hand and pinched her somewhat tender cheek, then whispered:

"They let you listen in here, but they don't mind letting you hear their conversation, and they say these stupid things without hesitation, which means they don't take you seriously at all. Even so, you still want to protect them?"

Eloro pursed his lips tightly, shook his head, and hurriedly said in a pleading tone:

"They are all important backbones of the cult, controlling the city and the cult. They are also very hard on weekdays. They are very anxious now, so they speak a little harshly... Lord Uther, don't mind this, I apologize to you on their behalf, okay?"

Lloyd smiled, took Eloro's hand and said:

"Eloro, you are very kind and sensible, which is good... It's a pity that I have never been a kind and honest person."

After that, he took advantage of Eloro's lack of reaction and controlled the white dough-like [Projection] to directly punch the wall in front of him.

Boom~ With a muffled sound, a luxurious conference room appeared in front of Lloyd.

There were more than a dozen old men sitting around a long table with all kinds of exquisite food and drinks. They looked at Lloyd with surprise, and a large smell of tobacco and alcohol also rushed into his nose, making him feel sick.

At the head of the long table, that is, on the wall facing Lloyd, there was a heavy spiked shield hanging. The patterns and patterns on it vaguely formed a human face, which seemed to be smiling and looked particularly happy, as if he was enjoying a comedy.

Lloyd looked at the human face shield and said silently in his heart:

Nice to meet you, and, sorry...

After that, his eyes and inspiration locked onto the two old men who had just said strange things, and then threw [Detection] over.

Heh~ Two fifth-level [Shelter] system, that's it?

"You... who are you? Do you know where this is?"

An old man immediately stood up and asked sternly.

The two old men who were locked by inspiration also felt the hostility of Lloyd, and suddenly became a little nervous, and asked:

"What do you want to do?"

"Are you from Mizkatok? Why do you use inspiration to lock me? It's too arrogant and too rude, isn't it?"

As he said, he stretched his hands to his waist, as if looking for a weapon.

Another person next to him noticed Ai Luoluo hiding behind Lloyd, and the two still holding hands tightly together, and asked:

"Are you the one that this little bitch...the saint is cheating on outside?"

Very good!

Lloyd has one more target locked, but it's a pity that it's only a fourth-level one.

Then, he activated the [Distorted Realm], and through precise control at the microscopic level, the effect only covered these three people.

Then, he activated the physical distortion effect, also at the microscopic level, aiming at the heart and brain of the target.

The three of them sensed the danger and tried to mobilize their strength to resist.

But their vision suddenly blurred, and they found themselves in a dark abyss, falling uncontrollably into the dark chaos.

They tried to mobilize their strength to fight back, but found that their strength was ineffective for some reason, as if they had become ordinary people in an instant.

The next second, they all felt a sharp pain in their hearts, and then they felt that their brains were tightly grasped by a pair of invisible hands, and then twisted like a towel...

The next second, three more corpses appeared on the floor of the conference room, and dark red dirty blood was oozing from their eyes, ears, mouths and noses.

After killing the three dumb idiots silently, Lloyd introduced himself:

"I am Lloyd from Mizkatok and the Radiant Order, and I am also Eloro's lover."

"You...you are Lloyd? The Radiant Star? What did you do to the three of them?"

An old man asked nervously, then looked down at the three bodies on the ground.

Another old man did a brief inspection, then shook his head and whispered:

"Their hearts and brains are like twisted pieces of paper..."

"Did you kill them? Be careful! There are assassins!"

"Damn it! What have you done?"

The people still alive at the scene suddenly became more precise, and they released their inspirations, locked on Lloyd, and then mobilized the spiritual power in their bodies, took out various weapons, and prepared to take action.

But at this time, Elolo, who was originally hiding behind Lloyd, suddenly took a step forward, opened his arms, and bravely stood in front of Lloyd.

"You... Lord Saint, are you covering up this murderer?"

"Your Majesty the Saint, please think clearly about your position and situation. Are you going to betray us?"

"Oh... you are such a little girl who has been dazzled by love... Have you forgotten that you promised me that you would work hard to become a qualified saint and protect our city?"

Facing the questioning from the opposite side, Ai Luoluo bit her lip tightly. Her cute face was full of embarrassment and shame, but she didn't move even half a step, and she still stubbornly stood in front of Lloyd.

This made Lloyd couldn't help but smile, stretched out his hand to rub her head, and whispered softly in her ear:

"Don't worry, they can't touch me. If you don't believe me, just look at it."

As he spoke, he pointed at the shield with a human face on the wall.

Elolo looked up and found that the face on the shield had changed its expression at some point?

What was originally an extremely happy smiling face has turned into serious and angry?

Then, those old men suddenly discovered that the power in their bodies was inexplicably out of control?

They had already activated the core ability of the [Asylum] system, [Asylum Barrier], which was a defensive and counterattack ability that could double all the attacker's attacks.

It also has a resonance-like effect. The more people who turn on the [Shelter Barrier] at the same time, or the more people who are under the protection of the barrier, the protective effect and counterattack power will be greatly increased.

This is a rare bright spot in the slightly unbalanced system of [Asylum], especially suitable for forming a team to besiege the strong.

But at the moment when the human face shield changed its face, their [protection barrier] failed, and the spiritual power that maintained the barrier in their bodies in turn impacted their bodies, forming a very dangerous spiritual energy disorder, causing them to squirt. Blood fell to the ground softly.

Although he hasn't died suddenly yet, he is still unable to move and is half dead.

"You see, even it thinks so. This city should be ruled and controlled by you, not these insects."

Lloyd said, patting Eloro's soft cheek again, making her recover from her surprise.

"It...I mean Mr. Shields, it came to life?"

"Not entirely, right? I'll explain it to you slowly later. For now, like a qualified saint, let's find someone to clean out these insects."


Elolo nodded vigorously, then rubbed his face vigorously to help himself put on a majestic and cute look, and then opened the door to the conference room.

Several guards had gathered outside who heard the commotion and gathered around. When they saw the senior members of the religious order lying on the floor in a mess inside, they were frightened and turned pale.

Eloro cleared his throat, tried to imitate the usual tone of the elders, and gave orders:

"Hmm~ Well~ there's nothing interesting to see. Let's send them to rest."

Although the higher-ups of the sect did not pay much attention to Elolo, the guards below still respected their saint and responded quickly:

"I obey! Your Majesty, the Holy One."

While others were busy, Lloyd placed the space crystal in the opened lounge and opened the space channel with the college.

Then, a space crack appeared next to the crystal ball, and people from the project team filed out of it.

Professor Toledo was the first to come out. He saw the guards outside carrying a corpse and asked in surprise:

"Ah??? The enemy has already attacked???"

"No, no, it was just a little unpleasant that happened earlier."

Lloyd quickly waved his hand and briefly explained what happened just now. The professors, lecturers, and top students on his side were stunned for a moment.

"This... I don't object to you taking action to scare these insects who speak freely and have hidden agendas, but you won't bring down the entire senior management at once, right?"

Lecturer Toledo felt his scalp numb and felt a little at a loss.

Lloyd, adhering to the principle of humility, explained:

"Didn't I say it? I just made a small move and planned to teach them a lesson. Who knew that they were so vulnerable that they died immediately? You can't blame me for this, right? It's all because they are used to being pampered and their skills are not as good as their own. people.

As for the rest, it has nothing to do with me, it was all done by it. "

Professor Toledo stamped his feet anxiously and said:

"Alas~ Lloyd, you have missed the point... I don't care about the life or death of these people at all, but the problem now is that the Order of Joy has suddenly become a headless fly. What should we do next? It is impossible to let How about a few of us commanding such a large religious group?"

"There's no need to worry anymore. The real owner of this city is still here."

Lloyd said confidently, then took a step to the side, revealing Elolo who was hiding behind him.

"Hello everyone...I am Lloyd's lover, just call me Elolo."

She showed a somewhat nervous smile and said timidly.

The impact of these words on everyone in Mizkatok was obviously much more shocking than the puddle of corpses outside.

"Lover??? So fast??? Professor Lloyd, you are too powerful, aren't you?"

"We have proposed a plan before. We want to observe 0-2... Oh no, I am talking about Miss Elolo's emotional fluctuations to find a breakthrough, so we planned to persuade Professor Lloyd to tease others, but in the end The situation changed later and this plan was abandoned, which is quite regrettable. Who would have thought that Professor Lloyd would actually..."

"Although, this is too enviable, isn't it? Such a beautiful and lovely Miss Eloro is still a saint..."

Several top students who seemed to be single were still talking about their thoughts, while the bald mage on the side stared at Lloyd with suspicion and asked in a low voice:

"Lloyd...were you the one who secretly abducted Miss Eloro before?"

"Ahem, I'll explain this issue later. Let's get down to business now."

As Lloyd said, the conference room behind him had been cleared, so he led everyone to the face shield, and took out a small soundproof toy that Professor Toledo had given him before -

A little toy man with a square head and square brain who looks cute and naive.

After rotating the villain's square head a few times, a soundproof barrier unfolded, and then Lloyd continued:

"This is 0-006, the Saint of Sanctuary. You should all know it from the data... But after I saw it with my own eyes, I discovered that it is not the same as the description in the data. It is not a pure machine. , but has its own set of logical thinking.

Although it is not as smart and astute as humans, it is much smarter than those small carts in the engineering department that can run around on their own. At the moment, based on its own judgment, it is temporarily promoting new senior leaders of the religious sect and replacing them with them. Accept Alolo's command. "

"This...how did you know?"

"It told me so."

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