I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 429 Chapter 428 Long-lost

Chapter 429 428. Long-lost

In this way, after Lloyd accompanied his sister to take photos for a whole night, the siblings went back to their rooms to sleep contentedly.

Of course, the routine process every night could not be skipped. He still went to play with Eloro, and then waited until the next morning to go and be intimate with Hiltyna again.

The madness value absorbed from them was just enough to upgrade two levels, which he added to [rationality] and [spiritual power], and both attributes were supported to 695 points.

In the process, he also told Hiltyna, who could not speak and could only act cute, that he had repaired the ancestral glasses.

Unexpectedly, Hiltyna actually took this matter very seriously, and quickly stretched out her hand to gesture, asking Lloyd to meet in her boudoir.

Lloyd naturally did as he was told.

As soon as the two met in the real world, Hiltina couldn't wait to "throw herself into Lloyd's arms", then reached out to open Lloyd's eyelids and took a look, and then put her forehead against his forehead to check his mental state.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Did you... discover that thing in ancient technology?"

Hiltina asked very obscurely.

Obviously, she also knew about the "shackles" and was very aware of the dangers, so she didn't dare to say it too directly.

Lloyd nodded and replied in a low voice:

"I discovered it accidentally, and I know it's very dangerous."

"Then don't make in-depth associations, let alone continue to explore, promise me, okay?"


"Promise me."

Lloyd didn't expect Hiltina to be so serious, and nodded vigorously.

"Okay! I promise not to take the initiative to explore the dangerous secret!"

He really didn't dare to take the initiative to find the source of the "shackles", it was really dangerous.

But there is no way to guarantee whether the relevant things will actively drill into your mind, so such a rigorous wording is used.

"Well, that's good."

Hiltina's originally serious face finally showed a little smile, and then reminded:

"I am also a little surprised that your [Twist] can unlock that layer of things, but you'd better not use it indiscriminately. I'm worried that it will cause other dangers. Anyway, we have developed our own technology now and don't have to rely on the wisdom of the past."

Lloyd nodded, in fact, he also realized this.

The more you use [Twist Seed] to repair those ancient creations, it is likely that you will get closer to the secret...

"Okay, since you have already repaired your friend's things, why don't you follow the normal process for the fourth [Transcendence]? Or... I will arrange another seal for you to repair?"

Hiltina continued to ask, letting Lloyd choose for himself.

If you just follow the normal process and only repair one seal during the transcendence process, it will naturally be a sure thing.

But if you increase your intensity, according to the principle of "the greater the difficulty, the better the effect", you will definitely gain more in the end.

So Lloyd made a choice without hesitation:

"Then help me arrange another seal."

He has always believed that his personality has always been an ambitious young man who dares to challenge himself.


After separating from Hildyna, it would take some time to select and deliver the seal she promised, so Lloyd returned to the long-missed District 18 and continued his job.

Coincidentally, the leave I had taken before also ended today.

By the way, I haven't seen Weiya for a few days.

She should have calculated that Lloyd would come back today, and she would still wait for her lover at the subway entrance as before.

This also made Lloyd feel emotional.

Perhaps no matter what happens in the future, Weiya will always be here waiting for him?

After not seeing each other for a few days, they missed each other very much, so they naturally had a good time together. Lloyd touched Weiya all over, making her blush.

After the two reluctantly parted, Lloyd came to the long-missed notice board.

This place is more lively than before, with more keys hanging on it, and many people around, but no one is trying to grab the -1 level keys like before.

Is it because the mental pollution of executing monsters has become stronger, so everyone hasn't adapted to it yet?

Lloyd pondered for a while, and looked at the long string of keys again, and was actually a little surprised?

"Huh? Why is there a -4 level today? And more than one?"

Lloyd asked the circle of executor students in front.

His question made the people in front of him turn around and notice him, and then they cheered:

"Wow? Senior Lloyd is back! Great! I can do it again!"

"Senior, you are finally back. I couldn't cut the knife without you these days."

"Woo, luckily you are back. They all said that you got promoted and don't care about us anymore."

"Ah? I heard that Senior Lloyd married into the family of Judge Weiya, so he was locked up and not allowed to come out..."

"In short, it's great! Senior Lloyd is still in District 18, otherwise the family's money would be wasted."

Lloyd listened to these people talking, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and asked again:

"Why don't you pick the key?"

"It's like this. These days, the execution process has changed. We need to wait for a very complicated ritual to start before we can start, so everyone is waiting for the notice."

An enthusiastic student was explaining to Lloyd, and suddenly a crisp bell rang in the corridor, as if reminding everyone that it was time to go to work.

A unique spirituality appeared in the air, which was a bit heavy. It was obviously the power of the new ritual.

So several people immediately reached out to the key of the -1 floor, wanting to take the simplest one first.

It seems that apart from the additional security process, nothing has changed much?

But someone next to him took action, grabbed those impatient guys, and then shook his head.

The first person who tried to grab the key seemed to realize it, and quickly chose to give up and hung up the key he had already taken.

Then, without anyone's instructions, the students present consciously made way for Lloyd and let him choose first.

They were paying respect to Lloyd in this way.

No matter what he did outside, he was still a popular senior in District 18...

Lloyd sighed in his heart, and went up to take off the two keys of the -4th floor and the two keys of the -3th floor, and then took the initiative to ask for the first time:

"Does anyone want to come and watch?"

"Wow? Senior Lloyd actually allowed us to watch?"

"I, I, I! I'll come!"

"Senior Lloyd, I'm your fan!"

Someone shouted excitedly immediately.

But some people advised calmly and rationally:

"Senior Lloyd chose the keys to the -3 and -4 floors, which are full of highly dangerous monsters. Just standing there is emitting mental pollution. You who want to watch, you'd better think carefully..."

"Uh... yes, the big guys with dangerous levels 3 and 4, my scalp tingles when I think about them, I won't go, I'll give you this opportunity."

"Tsk~ What's there to be afraid of? With Senior Lloyd here, there will definitely be no danger!"

After a lot of noise, a total of five courageous executor students followed Lloyd to the -4 floor, which can be regarded as "die-hard fans".

Although there were trusted seniors around, their faces were still very nervous, sweat was oozing from their foreheads, and they kept swallowing saliva.

Lloyd looked at it and joked:

"First time?"

"Ahaha, yes, not only is it the first time to observe the dissection of the senior, but it is also the first time to face the monster of danger level 4."

"Don't worry, I have a holy object that can protect you from mental pollution. However, I am not good at teaching. How much you can learn depends on you..."

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