I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 430 429 I am not good at teaching

Chapter 430 429. I’m not good at teaching

Lloyd first vaccinated the students around him in advance, and then activated the [Consciousness Tentacles] unceremoniously, causing a 'stupid hair' to appear on everyone's forehead.

Thanks to his prestige in the 18th District, no one raised any objections. Instead, they all started talking strange things:

"Huh? Am I growing hair or a brain?"

"I feel like I'm getting cute?"

"Ah! Something from Senior Lloyd got into my head..."

Lloyd also couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

However, although he is not very good at giving lessons, he is very patient and patiently answers the questions raised by the students one by one.

Of course, it is limited to technical issues.

Others such as, "When will senior marry Miss Wei Ya?" ’ ‘Senior, how many girlfriends do you have besides Miss Wei Ya? ’ ‘Senior, do you want to consider having a boyfriend? ’ Lloyd chose to remain silent in response to such a boring question.

Just like this, amid a burst of chatter, everyone arrived at the cell on the -4th floor and saw a strange thing that couldn't tell whether it was a monster or a plant. It felt like a short tree with various organs hanging down.

This look was so outlandish that several students hid behind Lloyd.

A series of panel prompts came out in my ears:

[Ding~Insanity value +5]

[Ding~Insanity value +3]

[Ding~Insanity value +6]

This is all mental pollution permeating the air, which was absorbed by several students, and then harvested by Lloyd through 'Stupid Hair'.

It does have a bit of mosquito legs, but it’s better than nothing…

Lloyd didn't try to be greedy for such a small profit. He still acted as a serious and responsible senior and reminded:

"To deal with such a relatively dangerous thing, don't be afraid, don't hesitate, be decisive, and act quickly. The longer it is delayed, the worse it will be for you."

"If possible, it's best to keep a good distance and use long-range attacks to kill them first to prevent their deathbed counterattack."

After that, he gave the correct demonstration and threw away the two remote-controlled steel needles he had prepared in advance.

Then he activated [Extraordinary Swordsmanship], and then controlled two steel needles, like flying swords in fairy novels, to cut into the vital points of the monster that had been locked by inspiration.

In just the blink of an eye, the steel needle as sharp as a blade sank into the monster's body, accurately destroying its internal organs and executing it instantly.

[Ding~Insanity value +400]

"That's it. You must be accurate when cutting. It's best not to damage the blood vessels! Some blood vessels are high-value recycled materials, and some blood is toxic and corrosive, which may hurt you."

While Lloyd continued to explain the main points, he threw out a few more steel needles, controlled them remotely to help cut the high-value organs on the monster, and then controlled the steel needles as tweezers and clamps to send the organs to the side. in the recycling bin.

"The remaining low-value corpses cannot be wasted at will. They are very good fuel and industrial raw materials, especially such high-risk ones. So if you still have some spare time, help cut them up for the convenience of the recycling team. tidy."

Lloyd continued to control the steel needle and completed the remaining steps. He also packed away the remaining corpses of the monster. Then he clapped his hands and asked the students on the side:

"That's the whole process. It's very simple, right? Have you learned it?"

The students all looked dumbfounded and didn't know how to answer him for a moment...

It wasn't until two or three minutes later that they came back to their senses one after another and said in unison:

"What...what am I observing? Magic? How can I learn this!"

"Where's that big monster? Why did it disappear in the blink of an eye? It's like a dream!"

"Senior Lloyd, your technique is really... I feel like a curly-haired baboon, watching a mathematician solve mathematical conjectures..."

"Ah...so this is called dissection? Haha, then what do I practice so hard before? Killing pigs?"

"Senior, if all executioners are like you, then... I suddenly don't want to be an executioner anymore. I want to go home and inherit the family business..."

This made Lloyd feel embarrassed. He originally planned to use this demonstration to let them know that execution can be elegant, clean, artistic, and safe, hoping to inspire them to work hard and strive for success.

But judging from the results, why does it seem to have the opposite effect?

He had no choice but to encourage him:

"Don't be discouraged! As long as you keep working hard, you can be like me."

However, such encouragement does not seem to have much effect.

"Ah? Is it really okay? I'm just a curly-haired baboon!"

"Sigh... It's the first time I feel that the gap between people can be so huge..."

"Senior, senior, what is that metal rod you used before? Is it some kind of new equipment? Where should I go to get the same one?"

"I thought about it carefully. In fact, there is nothing wrong with inheriting the family business, right? You can have fun every day, and you don't have to work so hard."

Lloyd was also helpless and quickly said again:

"Okay, okay, don't be like this, cheer up, I will show you the process using conventional techniques."

After hearing what he said, these students regained their energy and quickly followed him to the second cell on the fourth floor.

There is a huge human-shaped bat in this room. It has a ferocious look and seems to be able to eat people. Its body shape is also highly anthropomorphic. It has the same teeth and limbs as humans, and it looks particularly human-like.

Moreover, the suppression ritual here does not seem to have a complete effect on it. It can still release mental pollution like ultrasonic waves, so that as soon as he entered the door, Lloyd heard a series of panel prompts:

[Ding~Insanity value +200]

[Ding~Insanity value +222]

[Ding~Insanity value +198]

It seems that this thing can emit about 200 mental pollution per second, which is quite tricky. For the students present who have less than 10 points of rationality, it can drive them all crazy in a few seconds.

Unfortunately, this time, with Lloyd on the side, these students only felt a strong mental pollution in the air, which caused them some discomfort. Except for some dull pain in their eardrums, they did not suffer any substantial damage. .

Instead, Lloyd harvested a wave of larger mosquito legs...or should they be called frog legs?

Since he had something to gain, Lloyd was not too anxious and started talking about the key points:

"This kind of monster is a good case. Similar to the kind of monster that cannot be completely controlled by suppressing rituals alone, we must first destroy their organs that create mental pollution."

As he spoke, he walked up to the monster, pulled out the simplest dagger-type psychic blade, and then made a gesture on the monster's human-like ribs.

"For species like this, their organs that create mental pollution are usually located here, protected by a hard shell, so remember to inject more spiritual power when doing it to avoid flicking the knife..."

As Lloyd spoke, he raised the knife and accurately peeled off the protective shell on the surface, revealing a disgusting thing like lymph nodes inside.

"Pay attention, this is it. Although for your own safety, you should destroy it as soon as possible, but this type of organ generally has a very high recycling value, so if conditions permit, be careful not to destroy it when operating the knife. Lost."

As he spoke, he removed the lump of lymph node with a steady, precise and slow technique, and threw it into the high-value recycling bin next to him, and continued:

"Of course, you must give priority to your own safety in everything. Don't show off. If you feel that you can't withstand such mental pollution, it is better to destroy it quickly."

As he spoke, he used simple and crude methods to directly insert the dagger into the monster's other side of the abdomen, and then stirred it up.

The mental pollution suffered by the students was instantly reduced to only single digits.

Because this time it was a serious demonstration, not a show off like before, the students present must have understood it, and they quickly asked:

"Senior, senior, how do you know where its dangerous organs are?"

"Read books and study "Monsterology". If you have confidence in yourself, you can also turn on your spiritual vision to peer into its internal structure. Organs like this are often very easy to find, but the mental pollution you will inevitably suffer will be stronger, so it is better to go ahead. That said, you must do what you can and don’t show off.”

"Senior, then my spiritual power is my shortcoming. What should I do if I can't break through its shell?"

"You just need to practice more."

"Senior, is there any secret to disassembling these organs? I see that your operation is steady and accurate, more precise than the teachers above. Is there any secret to this?"

“There are no tricks or shortcuts, just hard work and sweat.”

Next, Lloyd asked the students to come closer and let them try to use the knife to dismantle other parts of the monster.

He himself doesn't take much action, he just gives pointers and reminders. Only when he encounters some difficult parts, he will help.

In this way, after a lot of hard work, everyone cut the bat monster into pieces.

Lloyd continued to take them to the -3 floor, continuing to guide and impart experience, and patiently answered various questions.

Although he is not very good at teaching, he is patient and responsible, and he really feels like teaching them something.

After struggling for almost a whole morning, Lloyd finally led the students to complete today's work.

The efficiency is naturally very low. There is no way, the foundation of these students is really poor.

But Lloyd didn't feel like it was a waste of time.

After all, District 18 is his forever home. He will definitely become busier and busier in the future, and will have less and less time to come down for execution in person. Naturally, he hopes that someone can take good care of this home for him.

"Okay, that's it for today."

Lloyd finally said, announcing the disbandment.

The five students looked at each other, then stood neatly in a row and bowed slightly to him to show respect.

It can be said that they have benefited a lot from this observation, especially when dealing with monsters on the -4th and 3rd levels, which they would never dare to look at on weekdays. The experience they gained can be said to be very valuable.

Of course, Lloyd's gains are not small. Although with his current attributes, he can basically adapt to the mental pollution of these monsters quickly, and it is difficult to pose any real danger, but it is different for the students. They suffer The mental pollution is not low.

So after a whole morning of tossing around, the miscellaneous mosquito legs and frog legs added up to 4 levels.

This ‘five times experience’ mode is quite impressive and not too slow.

5 points of [Rationality], 5 points of [Spiritual Power], 10 points of [Cognition], add bricks and tiles to the water tank!

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

[Status: normal]

[Insanity value: 117/10000, upper limit: 700000]

[Rationality: 700]

[Spiritual power: 700]

【Inspiration: 360】

[Cognition: 700]

Tsk tsk, with my attributes and 700 points of skill, I wonder who can handle it?

While I was sighing in my heart, I suddenly felt someone approaching from behind, then put his arm around my waist, and whispered softly in my ear:

"They admire you more than before. Maybe in two days, they will say that I am not worthy of your excellence."

Wei Ya said as she looked at the students who were walking away while discussing their gains today.

Lloyd smiled, turned around, kissed her quickly on the face, and said humbly:

"Is it actually going to take two more days to realize this?"


Wei Ya bit him angrily and pinched his waist.

Well, not bad, the bite was very light, it didn't hurt at all, but it was a little itchy, but it was much gentler than Hiltina.

Lloyd was thinking wildly in his mind.


"You don't know, you don't understand, so you can't understand, let alone imagine what level Senior Lloyd has reached."

"Really, my description is not exaggerated in the slightest. In my opinion, the monster disintegrated on its own. From the beginning to the end, Senior Lloyd just stood at the door without getting close. The monster just turned into pieces by itself. , into the recycling bin.”

"You cowards don't dare to go with us, so naturally you won't be able to witness the miraculous scene of Senior Lloyd. It was so amazing and shocking that I wanted to go home and inherit the family business. ”

"Target Senior Lloyd? It's really not my fault to attack you. It's better to change the target of pursuit as soon as possible. Some people are born to be the bright stars in the sky. We mortals on earth can only look up and cannot touch them."

"Oh, I've said it a long time ago. You should give up your fantasy as soon as possible. You are not as beautiful as Miss Wei Ya, and you don't have a good figure, and you don't have the same family background as others. Why should you rob Senior Lloyd? How dare you still Do you have a sister?"

When Lloyd was eating with Wei Ya in the cafeteria at noon, he listened to the various "embarrassing" comments made by the five "brainless fans" who had just been cultivated today. He didn't feel much joy in his heart, but he felt extremely embarrassed.

And around the five 'brainless fans', there were many curious students surrounding them, all asking curious questions and echoing, and occasionally two or three people raised questions:

"You guys... Isn't this a bit too exaggerated? Senior Lloyd can protect you from mental pollution? Do you know what this means? That is something that can only be done by the crown of a saint, right?"

"There are monsters that decompose on their own... Let me make it clear first that I have absolutely no doubts about Senior Lloyd's anatomy skills. He must be very superb. Even the teacher who teaches anatomy classes said so. He just dissects monsters without moving. Okay, this is too incredible, isn’t it?”

"Senior Lloyd is a legend in our 18th District. I know that everyone likes him very much, and of course I do too. So I think we should not overly mythologize Senior Lloyd. Your unreasonable flattery is actually a kind of smear."

In response to this doubt, several "brainless fans" just smiled and said:

"Senior Lloyd will continue to lead us to execution tomorrow. If you don't believe it, can you confirm it with your own eyes tomorrow?"

"How about something to bet on? Just bet on the latest photo camera? If we didn't lie, how about you give me one as a gift?"

"What kind of nonsense is slander? I think you just want to smear Senior Lloyd, right? You obviously secretly sent a love letter to Senior but got no response, so your mentality is twisted, right?"

These people were discussing so intensely that no one noticed Weiya and Lloyd in the corner of the cafeteria.

But compared to Lloyd's embarrassment, Wei Ya seemed very calm, and even a little proud in it, as if she was proud of her lover's excellence.

She secretly held Lloyd's hand under the table and asked in a low voice:

"Everyone likes you very much, but you will eventually leave District 18, right?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen. As long as you are here, it will always be my home."

Those words made Wei Ya's heart melt.

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