I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 455 454 The new function is quite interesting?

Chapter 455 454. The new function is quite interesting?

Lloyd didn't know why his [Projection] had such a new function inexplicably. He could only speculate that it might be related to the original 'unknown fragment'?

He obtained the unknown fragment from the housekeeper's [Story]. After a long analysis, he obtained some knowledge of the [Realization] system, and was considered by Hiltyna to be the 'higher level'.

Later, when completing the [Transcendence] of the [Realization] system, he also used this 'higher level' knowledge, which eventually led to the [Projection] being out of his control and becoming ugly, ferocious and bizarre...

But putting aside the appearance, the performance is unexpectedly strong and has been recognized by many people.

Lloyd thought about this and thought that this unexpected new function of interfering with other people's [Stories] should be like this, right?

However, he knew nothing about [Story] and could not use this function at all. However, the Tentacle Grass, which was formerly a ‘Thinking Monster’, seemed to have studied it and instantly presented him with an iterative ‘new product’.

Forget it, it’s useless to think so much, just deal with the things in front of you first.

After figuring out a simple ins and outs, Lloyd withdrew his thoughts and observed the conditions of the other two players.

Both of them have become more and more sober, and should have realized that they are in the [Story], but they have not started to crack it yet.

At this time, it is less than half an hour since the start of the game. The speed is a bit outrageous. It is obvious that they have used the tricks prepared in advance.

After all, this is the [Story] of a seventh-level strongman. Even if both of them are fifth-level, they should not wake up so quickly, otherwise the [Story] path will be too useless.

Since you have used tricks, don’t blame me for being rude.

Lloyd said something in his heart, and reached out to touch the "status" button on the screen in front of him. Randomly, like a krypton gold mobile game, two sets of "character interfaces" were opened, which displayed the four attributes, system, and mental state of the two people, which were similar to the results of [Exploration].

But there were several new columns below, "Thoughts", "Health", "Energy", and "Physical Strength", which seemed more detailed.

Lloyd looked at the "thoughts" of the two people, all of which showed "confident", "sure of victory", and "self-satisfied", and it seemed that they were very satisfied with their current progress.

However, this "status" column can only check the situation of the two opponents, and it seems that it cannot interfere. Lloyd tried to poke it with his hand, but it didn't work, so he turned around and opened the "backpack" button.

As expected, there were two holy objects in each of the two people's "backpacks", which should be equipped by them. They were glowing slightly, indicating that they were taking effect.

Although the specific functions of these four holy objects cannot be seen, if nothing unexpected happens, they should all be used for [Story]. Maybe it is the kind of effect that helps to regain self-awareness?

Lloyd thought about it and tried to reach out and click on the icon representing the holy object to see if he could interfere.

As a result, a red "disabled" symbol suddenly appeared on the icon, as if to indicate that the effect of the holy object was temporarily blocked?

Lloyd quickly switched back to the "status" interface to take a look.

Hehe~ The thoughts of these two people really changed from the various confidence and optimism in the previous ones to "confusion" and "dizziness". They had already sobered up, but they were put back into it.

So one of them continued to clean the doghouse and prepared to move in after a while; the other helped to tidy up the back garden, hoping to make his "wife" happier and stop slapping him.

Lloyd almost laughed out loud, and turned around to open the third "settings" option.

The content of this option is amazing. You can adjust the various attributes, status, and equipment of the two opponents here at will. You can either upgrade them to "Dragon King's Son-in-law Tom" or let them fall back to "Useless Son-in-law Tom".

But that's not all. Even their identities in the plot can be swapped. You can say that Tom is the son-in-law, or Tom's wife, father-in-law, or even the servants at home. You can let them replace another role at any time.

It feels like you are in control of other people's fate?

But Lloyd remembered that the butler and old Olga had told him that as the author of the [story], once the plot begins and the characters are determined, the changes they can make are actually quite troublesome.

Generally, you can only use the "narration" function to guide the "protagonist" to follow the "plot line" you prepared in advance, and you cannot force the plot to be modified.

As for the "personality" part, even if you are guiding, you have to be very careful, otherwise it is easy for the other party to notice something is wrong and wake up.

As a result, I can adjust other people's "personality" at will after this intervention? Isn't that more powerful than the author of the [story]?

Does that mean that I have become an editor just like my sister?

Lloyd found it a little funny, but he didn't rush to modify it. Instead, he continued to look at the "draw card" function below.

The result surprised him. This function was not to draw characters or equipment, but to draw their next plot?

Lloyd then clicked the button for "Ten Jumps", and ten plot cards randomly appeared in front of him, representing the plots that will happen to the two opponents next. If one of them is selected, the corresponding plot will unfold.

So Lloyd tried to choose a plot of "being merciful" and "getting worse" for each of the two opponents.

Then he saw that the judge had originally planned to live in the doghouse, but his "wife" suddenly relented and allowed him to sleep in the utility room.

The graduate was even worse. Although he was still working hard to clean the back garden, he couldn't even live in the doghouse, and had to sleep on the street tonight.

If the previous "settings" were to adjust other people's "personalities", then this "drawing cards" was to adjust their "plots".

But Lloyd tried again and found that he could only influence the opponent based on the "roles" and "plots" that were originally designed in this [story], and could not create a new role identity and new plot out of thin air.

It seems that as an "editor", his interference in the [story] is also limited and cannot be fully controlled.

I wonder if it will work after I spend money?

Lloyd quickly clicked on the last option.

He thought that this function would make him a financial sponsor or a patron, and allow the "author" to write a plot and character that suits his needs.

However, after clicking on this option, there was only a lonely sentence:

"I am no longer the same person I used to be!"

Lloyd was stunned when he saw this sentence, and remembered the previous [Deny] system [Transcendence]

He had already [Vote] the past self who loved spending money...

So this sentence is for me?

Okay... Thank you for reminding me...

Lloyd smiled helplessly and gave up this function.

Anyway, if it's just to help someone win the bet, the previous functions are more than enough.

Lloyd went too far and opened the previous functions again, ready to arrange some new characters and plots for the opponent.

But he put his finger on it, but was stunned and stopped.

Not only why, he suddenly didn't want to manipulate other people's fate, even if it was just in a [story].

Maybe it was because he had always set up a decent young man with a correct outlook on life?

It could also be because he felt that as a human being, he shouldn't touch this line, or shouldn't have such thoughts...

Controlling other people's fate from a high position might make him farther and farther away from humans, right?

After some consideration, Lloyd still withdrew his fingers, did not adjust the opponent's personality, and did not arrange the plot for them, just let them indulge in it and never wake up.

He put his mind back on his own plot, thinking about what kind of fancy he should play this time?

Is it to give himself a luxurious harem with wine and meat? Or to make up for the regret of not being able to build a super aircraft carrier last time?


"What's going on? How could this happen? Why is he still thinking about living in a doghouse? Is he really spineless?"

"Why hasn't my man woken up yet? Ah! He was slapped by his father-in-law again! How many times has this been slapped? Olga, did you, old bastard, play some tricks?"

At this time, facing the questioning of the two opponents, old Olga just smiled calmly and asked back:

"You set the rules and found the venue. What tricks can I play? Can't you admit that it is my [Story] that is so powerful that your people can't wake up?"


The seventh-level strongman named Jefferson opened his mouth, and he was a little hesitant to speak.

I can't admit that I chose the place and I have done all kinds of things in advance. It is impossible for the three agents to not wake up, right?

And another seventh-level strongman, Meyer, was so anxious that he stamped his feet on the spot, not caring whether he lost his composure or not.

But he couldn't say a word.

You can't admit that when you set the rules, you specifically modified a few items that are beneficial to you, prepared targeted holy objects in advance, and found graduates from Mitzkatok, right?

Now these two old cunning guys who were ready to play tricks from the beginning did not expect that Old Olga would actually take their tricks and even take the initiative. They suddenly lost their confidence that they had a sure win.

They regretted it, but the contract has been signed and effective, and it's too late to regret it.

Moreover, in order to prevent Old Olga from regretting, they also added supplementary clauses such as "repenting is equal to admitting defeat" to the contract to prevent Old Olga from jumping off the wall after she found something wrong.

As a result, when you want to jump off the wall, you find that you have already tied yourself up...

But what did Old Olga do? His [story] is so clumsy and full of loopholes, not to mention the help of holy objects, why can't he wake up?

Did he master some higher-level power?

Or is the problem with the young man of the fourth level?

Damn it, no matter what, I have to think of a way, otherwise I will lose!

The two old bitches were completely confused. They thought about it all over the place, but they had no idea. Instead, they became more and more anxious, like ants on a hot pot.

Old Olga looked at the two frustrated opponents and was very happy.

Haha~ It’s time for you to experience my loss of composure and embarrassment!

But my performance at that time was not embarrassing like yours.

However, it was secretly satisfying, and old Olga was actually a little confused in her heart.

As the author of the [Story], he must have a better understanding of the [Story] than the other two, and he can clearly detect that his [Story] has been interfered with in some strange way.

Otherwise, the two guys who prepared extra moves should have escaped long ago.

Did Lloyd do it? But how did he do it?

Old Olga was completely unable to understand Lloyd's methods. Although she could feel the power that could interfere with her [story], she did not know its source and nature.

If he didn't believe in Lloyd and that the current situation was very beneficial to him, he would probably be the most anxious one at the scene.

Fortunately, Lloyd did not abuse that power. He just used it to restrain the two opponents, and the impact it could have was not great.

This undoubtedly made old Olga feel more at ease.

Is this strange power a legacy from the Supreme Being?

Old Olga continued to think about it.

He was not as cowardly as little Olga. He had learned about the previous inheritance incident by recording the music box that Lloyd told about.

So it is natural to think that this is the handiwork of the Supreme Being.

Although I don’t know what this power is specifically, it is obviously much more powerful than the existing [Embodiment], and it is likely to be a level higher...

It's a pity that my son, who was as timid as a mouse, actually gave up on his own initiative when he heard that it was related to the Supreme Being...

Old Olga thought about it and couldn't help complaining.

Sigh... We are all young people, how come you are so much worse than the other guy, Lloyd?

Then should I think of a way to offer some benefits and exchange this higher-level power with Lloyd?

Old Olga had such an idea in her mind.

But he immediately shook his head and rejected the idea.

The knowledge from the Supreme One may not be easily accessible...

It is even better not to have any contact with beings on this level.

Just like ants shouldn't crawl around in front of humans.

Let’s win the bet first and advance to the eighth level.

Although Olga Sr. dislikes her son's timidity, he himself doesn't seem to be much braver...

Let's see what tricks this boy Lloyd is up to, shall we? The super giant robot he made in [Story] before made a deep impression on me.

Old Olga looked at Lloyd's situation while recalling the previous bet.

Um? What is he doing?

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