I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 456 455 Just in time to try out the effect

Chapter 456 455. Just try the effect

At this time, Lloyd was waving a whip, beating his 'wife' and 'father-in-law', asking them to carry a square boulder that was taller than a person to build a towering and magnificent pyramid.

There are also other messy servants and servants in the family, all carrying huge rocks and participating in the construction of this spectacle.

Next to the pyramid, a fantastic hanging garden, a temple related to hunting, and a huge bathing place have been completed.

Compared to his previous work in the Butler's Story, Lloyd played a much more low-key role this time.

There is no way, if the butler's [story] is more like a grand heroic legend; then old Olga's [story] tends to be a detailed story of love and resentment. The pattern is very different, and the tone and background of the story are also very different. .

In Old Olga's [story], there is no supernatural power, and the entire background world is also very small. It basically revolves around a few wealthy families. It's quite soap opera, so Lloyd can't play like he did last time. .

If you want to forcibly create a supernatural person in a [story] without extraordinary power, I am afraid that the [story] will collapse instantly.

Lloyd had no choice but to say goodbye to his super aircraft carrier, and then changed to a new way of playing, using the strength of his whole family to build the wonders of the world in his impression.

But just piling rocks is definitely not fun, so Lloyd opened up a new track and went to provoke and stimulate the wealthy families in several other plots, causing the two sides to form a blood feud.

Then I saw that his pyramid was well repaired. Suddenly a servant shouted:

"The Doyle family next door is calling!"

Lloyd raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and sure enough he saw a group of people holding swords, guns and clubs coming towards him to kill him.

"Take up arms! Destroy them!"

He immediately raised his arms and shouted.

Then he saw his delicate-looking 'wife', removing the boulder from her back with a 'thud', flipping her hair, and completing a chic turn. Her exquisite dress was instantly replaced by a solid set of clothes. armor.

Then another servant brought her a horse. She nimbly got on the horse, grabbed the giant two-handed ax on the horse, and said in a deep voice:

"I'll come as soon as I go! Wah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!!!"

The 'wife' let out a strange scream and rode her horse to meet the enemy.

Behind her were several servants who had also been transformed from workers to knights, forming a small heavy cavalry squad and rushing to the front.

Not to be outdone, the 'father-in-law' turned around and put on a suit of heavy armor, then led the remaining servants holding spears and spears, transformed into a heavy infantry squad, and followed to kill.

Another war between two wealthy families begins.

This battle was fought in darkness, with no light from the sun or the moon. It had the momentum of Japan's Warring States Period.

The strength of the two sides was roughly equal, but thanks to the bravery of his 'wife' and 'father-in-law', Lloyd's side still won overall, killing many people from the opposite family, and then continued to pursue the victory and directly entered. They entered the enemy's hinterland, burned, killed and looted, and then returned in triumph.

This way, more workers and funds could be used to build the wonder, helping Lloyd repair the pyramid with greater efficiency.

With the completion of the pyramid, the work efficiency of Lloyd's workers also improved, and soon more wonders were built. While enhancing the combat effectiveness of the 'wife' and 'father-in-law', they continued to It attracts people from other families to come and seek refuge.

Soon, Lloyd's family became the strongest force. The heavy cavalry squad of a few people has expanded to a squadron of more than twenty cavalry, and the heavy infantry squad of a dozen people has also been upgraded to a brigade of hundreds of people. It is already an invincible fighting force in [Story].

In this way, we will start to conquer and eliminate other families!

So Lloyd first condemned the other families and waited for the time to declare war.

He also took a look at the conditions of the other two opponents.

One is still living in the doghouse, and the other is being slapped over and over again by his 'wife' and 'father-in-law'.

What's going on? Is there a BUG? Why do these two plots keep repeating themselves?

Lloyd suspected that this might be caused by his own interference, so naturally he did not dare to touch the plot and characters of the two people, for fear of ruining the [story].

But as the saying goes, whatever you fear will come to you. Just when he was preparing to fight in all directions, his vision suddenly blurred and he returned to reality.

"Ahhhh!!! What happened! I have been farming for so long, and the results are gone before I feel happy?"

Lloyd couldn't help but hold his head and go crazy for a while, and was speechless.

Why does it happen every time?

I want to play the entire [story] by myself.

Just as he was feeling uncomfortable, he heard a voice-over comment coming from his ears:

"Thank you for your hard work. My [story] was prepared in a hurry, so the stability is not very good. I'm sorry that I couldn't let you enjoy it to the fullest... But the results we have achieved so far are relatively optimistic, and we should be able to win next time."

This was Old Olga communicating with him through the last bit of the story.

Lloyd quickly took out his pocket watch and looked at it. Only a little over three hours had passed in the current world. The time of the two opponents must have been about the same as his. After calculation, the total time was just over nine hours.

And Lloyd remembered that the previous round of the housekeeper was much longer than today's, so the outcome was still suspenseful.

Even if I can wake up in the next two [Stories] in an instant, as long as the opponent can spend 5 hours in it, maybe they can turn the tables.

Alas... This is a bit troublesome. I don't know whether it is because this [Story] itself is not stable enough, or because of my interference that it collapsed so quickly.

Lloyd pursed his lips and thought about how to operate next to win.


At the same time, Lloyd's two opponents also woke up one after another.

Compared with the two fourth-level people in the previous round, the two people this time are one level higher in rank after all, and they have the help of holy objects and rituals, so after waking up, they will not vomit blood or dizzy. Except for their pale faces, they look okay.

But the two of them took out their arms to check the time, and immediately showed an expression of grief.

I was trapped for more than 3 hours, and I couldn't find myself from beginning to end?

What's going on? Why do I always want to live in a doghouse?

Damn, such a cruel woman, she kept slapping me, but why couldn't I wake up?

The two contestants were confused and quickly contacted their employers in private to ask about the next strategy.

Fortunately, the employer's mood was relatively stable, and he was not as angry as before.

Because the length of nine hours is really easy to surpass, especially when you prepare some tricks.

So the two seventh-level old shamans explained to their own people:

"Don't worry, the situation is still optimistic. Although you are not awake, Olga's [Story] collapsed by itself, which means that he was indeed unprepared this time and was very hasty. The next should be my [Story]. You just need to stay in there. I will find a way to deal with your opponent."

"Your performance really disappoints me! If you don't want to go back to the days when you are hunted by your classmates, you must give me your best next time! The next round is Jefferson's [Story]. He will definitely use the rituals in the room to target you. You should also use those curses."

As long as you haven't completely lost hope, there is still a possibility of winning. The two employers' statements instantly stabilized the emotions of the two agents and they were no longer so panicked.

Then the next round will be the moment to truly determine the final direction.

Must win!

The two players, who were far apart, clenched their fists as if they had a telepathic connection at this time, cheering themselves up.

Lloyd, on the other hand, did not feel nervous at all. After a short break, he picked up a large book and continued to read.

But in order to prevent accidents, he did not turn on the bracelet that helped him read. He just read normally, and stopped from time to time to practice the ancient breathing method, and then made himself blush.

But from beginning to end, Lloyd did not relax his vigilance at all, and kept turning on the [Distorted Realm].

He felt that the graduate of the [Curse] Department might not be able to hold back and was ready to take action.

However, when the two parties signed the agreement earlier, it was clearly stipulated that they could not hurt or attack each other, and it was not only for the three employers, but also for the three players.

So Lloyd was also very curious, how would this guy circumvent the restrictions of these terms to curse himself?

The [Curse] system from Mizzkatok? Let me see what tricks you can play...

But until it was getting dark and it was time to have a "tryst" with Eloro, the other party still did not take action.

It seems that he wants to wait until everyone else falls asleep before taking action?

This is a bit troublesome. I have always been a healthy young man who goes to bed early and gets up early. I can't stay up late with this guy, right?

My "childhood sweetheart" is busy with her own things now, and it's impossible for her to come and sleep with me...

Although [Projection] can detect the opponent's attack, its intelligence level cannot automatically counterattack...

Then doesn't it have to...

Let Eloro wait for me a little longer?

Lloyd smiled and took out some common ritual materials from the storage bag.

I have been immersed in ritual studies for a long time and have mastered many rituals with functions, of course, there are some that can protect me from sleeping well.

Especially those related to the [Distortion] system. With each upgrade of the [Ritual Control] skill, Lloyd has already mastered many such rituals, but he has never had the opportunity to use them.

Let's try the effect today.

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