Chapter 482 482. Brand new scene



“In short, that’s all. There are still many imperfections in the trial. You should pay attention to observation and collection. Credits will be awarded based on your effective feedback later.”

“In addition, I have optimized many details this time and added a brand new scene, which is different from the one that Metis experienced before. You can experience it first.”

Lloyd was just like this, nagging and explaining a lot of clauses and precautions to the three girls.

But the three opposite did not think he was long-winded at all, let alone impatient. They all looked at him eagerly and listened seriously, like standard good girls.

It can only be said that good looks are really useful. Even teaching others will make others more serious...

“Then, let’s start. Separate lounges are prepared for you on the upper and lower floors. You choose one and get ready.”

Lloyd said at last.

So the three women went to choose rooms while laughing coquettishly, and they kept whispering along the way.

"He is so handsome, has a great temperament, is very serious in class, and has a nice voice... I wish I could listen to his lectures every day."

"Me too... How can you bear to face this level of handsome guy every day? If it were me, I would have eaten him up long ago... Wait! You don't like men, do you?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Really... Pay attention. The next trial is still very hard. If you don't perform well or give effective feedback, he will definitely hate you, right?"

"Well... That's true. It seems that I have to be serious too. If he hates me, I will be heartbroken."

They chatted for a long time before choosing three rooms next to each other on the first floor below the hall. The interior layout is simple, clean and tidy, and the facilities are complete. The conditions are better than their dormitory, making people don't want to go back to squeeze into a four-person room.

After the three girls lay down on their beds as Lloyd requested, they took out the lead box given by Lloyd and touched it with inspiration.

Then the vision went black, the world spun, and then several symbols representing the extraordinary system appeared. This was the standard process.

Metis noticed that after being lit up, the icons had some dynamic effects. For example, the 'X' symbol would roll forward, and the spiral symbol would rotate continuously, like dancing, which was a bit cute.

But the last shield icon would still get stuck when it was half lit, as if it had encountered some obstacles that it couldn't get through...

He was always very patient when dealing with these small details? He is the kind of patient and meticulous person. He must also pay attention to details in his daily life, right? Unlike me... I am always careless.

Metis looked at the optimization in front of him, and a strange idea came to his mind.

Then, she saw two lines of text appearing in the lower left corner of her sight. Two roommates were trying the newly added chat function:

History roommate: "Look, this function is just like the ability of the [Intellectual] Department. It's so magical. I wonder how they did it?"

Art roommate: "Haha, the text input function is quite convenient. It's better than the student handbook."

Metis: "Try to see if you can send some simple drawings, like this..."


"Haha, is this a little bear? So interesting..."

As they discussed and tried, the last half of the shield was finally lit up, and the three of them immediately came to the new trial scene, and their figures in the real world began to become blurred and blurred.

Today's trial scene looks like a luxurious villa, decorated very magnificently and magnificently.

But the overall atmosphere and style of the painting seem a little off...

The light here is very dim, and there are no electric lights. Instead, torches are lit everywhere, reflecting the color of flames throughout the luxurious mansion. Although it does not directly affect the temperature, it can make people subconsciously feel the heat and gloom.

Against this contradiction, several people in strange costumes can be seen standing in two rows under a high-backed chair, paying respect to a figure sitting on the chair.

The faces of these people are either unruly and arrogant, or sinister and cunning, and they look difficult to deal with.

And the figure sitting on the high-backed chair directly above is a hideous and terrifying monster, with a sheep's head and a human body, and a pile of sheep's horns are still burning with scarlet flames. He is indeed dressed like a standard gentleman, with a suit, tie and monocle.

A bubble frame appeared above its head, with a special effect font that looked like a burning flame:

"Our helpers have arrived. Now... it's time to march to the dreamland and declare war on the Star God!"

The avatars of the minions in strange costumes below also appeared in bubble frames and began to say all kinds of harsh words.

This scene frightened the three girls, and they quickly communicated secretly using the subtitles in the lower left corner:

"Something seems wrong here? Did we accidentally enter a gathering of some criminals?"

"Metis, didn't you say before that the characters in the trial were all some strange symbols? Then what about this lifelike monster and these messy criminals? It looks scary..."

"I... I don't know, maybe Lloyd has optimized something again?"

As the three were talking, they saw a special subtitle appear in the middle of their sight, which read:

"Trial goal: survive."

"Evaluation criteria: struggle hard!"

"Clearance reward: determined by clearance score."

The three girls looked at it and started to discuss again:

"Eh? Is this the task of the trial? Do we have to escape from the siege of these criminals?"

"Not really, didn't the sheep-headed monster say just now? We are its helpers, maybe next we have to follow him to that dream place? And then participate in a big melee? What is the opponent? Star God?"

"Wow? Challenging gods? What should I do? I just completed [Enlightenment], I don't have much fighting power?"

"Don't worry, even if you fail, you won't be really hurt, it will just hurt a little."

"Woo woo... I'm most afraid of pain..."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this for now, don't forget that our goal is testing and feedback, take a look around first, are there any flaws in this scene?"

"That's easy to say, I think there is still a lot of room for adjustment in the art style here, such as the surrounding scenery, which can be more gloomy and sinister."

As the three talked, they walked around and tried to talk to those criminals in strange costumes.

But these characters are just simple characters, and they will only repeat a few set sentences, which are:

"Oh? Get ready quickly, I hope you won't let us down."

"We will welcome a grand funeral, which is the practice we pursue!"

"Hehe, the dream land is really exciting."

After trying it out, the roommate from the history department said:

"They are not very intelligent, they are all very templated characters, and the lines are too monotonous. I feel that I can help Lloyd enrich the lines and make them more humane."

"Well... I think that although the costume designs of these characters are bold, they lack details. I can help optimize them. It happens that I graduated from the course of costume design last year."

The three girls are really helping with the test seriously, and they are very dedicated, trying hard to help Lloyd improve it.

After they discussed for a while, the goat-headed monster suddenly stood up and announced in a loud voice with the bubble box on his head:

"It's time, let's go!"

It seems that they are about to enter the next stage of the plot.

But before they could take action, a person suddenly broke into the entrance of the luxurious mansion.

It was a very beautiful girl with long dark blue hair and bangs covering half of her eyes. She was dressed very hot and boldly, showing off her slim figure. There was also a leaping flame tattoo on her thigh. She was not wearing shoes and stood in front of everyone with bare feet.

She was carrying a giant long sword that was taller than her. It was obviously not a weapon that a normal person could play with, suggesting that she should have good fighting power.

But the expression on her face looked dull, as if she had accidentally walked into the wrong door. She looked at the people in front of her blankly, making her look a little noble and a little dull.

As soon as the three girls saw the new character, they said:

"Wow! What a beautiful girl! She has a very attractive figure. Did Lloyd design this according to his girlfriend? But why doesn't she wear shoes? Her feet look so cold. Should we help her?"

The roommate from the history department spoke first.

"That's not the case. His girlfriend is similar to her, or each has its own characteristics?"

Metis said, and hurriedly looked down at her chest, and her sight was clear to see her feet that were also barefoot.

"Such a bold dress, so Lloyd likes this style?"

The roommate from the art department was talking, and found that the lawless elements around him suddenly became excited, and they started fighting without any explanation, and began to besiege the beautiful girl who suddenly appeared.

The beautiful girl could only hold the giant long sword and fight hastily.

She was indeed very powerful. Facing the siege of many people, she relied on twists and turns. Although she soon fell into a disadvantage, she could still barely maintain the situation and was not injured for the time being.

The roommate from the history department looked at her for a while and asked anxiously:

"She seems to be dying. There are too many opponents. Should we help?"

"But... we are not opponents of these criminals, right?"

"Wait a minute, you two! The goal of the trial is to survive, not to be a good person."

"But... I don't want to see such a beautiful girl fall into the hands of the enemy. She is about to lose! She will definitely be humiliated and tortured by these criminals!"

While the three girls were still arguing about whether to help or not, the besieged beautiful girl suddenly flashed, pulled some distance from the criminals, and then reached out to press the handle of the giant long sword.

"Huh? Why do I feel... time slowed down?"

"It's raining? Why is it raining indoors?"

"Look at that woman!"

"Hey? Why is she changing color? Turning gray and white?"

"It seems she is crying? She left a line of blood and tears. Is she injured?"

"Let's go help her!"

The three of them were chattering, and suddenly they saw the beautiful girl raised the giant long sword in her hand, slowly pulled out the blade, and a bubble frame appeared above her head, with bloody red words written in it:

"I would like to cry for the dead. Although I can't get this beautiful scenery, I can invite you to enjoy this round of moonlight, shining through the rivers and streams!"

Just when Metis and the others were still evaluating what this line meant, the beautiful girl on the opposite side had already pulled out the long sword and chopped a scarlet knife light towards this side.

Then the three people's vision instantly went black, and an unfamiliar, bloody symbol slowly emerged:


Then several familiar icons appeared and began to light up one by one.

"Eh? What happened to us?"

"It seems... we have entered the next scene?"

"?????? Didn't the previous scene tell us to survive? Are we... going to die now?"

"It shouldn't be that serious? Haven't we participated in the battle yet? And we didn't feel any pain?"

The three girls obviously didn't understand the situation and didn't know they had already "died" once.

Until a few lines of subtitles appeared in front of them:

[Trial 1 has ended, rating: E-]

[Trial rewards have been settled, spiritual power +1]

After this line of subtitles, the three people's vision recovered and found themselves in the beautiful but messy rest area.

"Wait! Did we really die just now? Were we killed by that beautiful girl?"

"Is our enemy not those criminals, but that beautiful girl? What's going on? Could it be that Lloyd made a mistake?"

"No, he must have designed it this way on purpose."

"Hmph! You only know how to protect him!"

The three girls chattered again, and then wandered around this strange scenic area unwillingly for a while, obviously unable to accept the fact that they were killed by someone with a single knife.

Until Metis persuaded:

"Okay, okay, at least the spiritual power has been improved, right? It's not easy to improve spiritual power at ordinary times."

"Well... That's true, then I won't be angry with Lloyd for his handsomeness."

"Then get ready and enter the next trial."

The three of them calmed down and entered the third trial.

As a result, Lloyd didn't seem to have time to make adjustments in this trial. There was still no real character modeling, but three golden "people", and one of them was obviously fatter.

The fattest one also said with a bubble frame as usual:

"This level tests your ability to break rocks with your chest!"

Metis was stunned.

She had given feedback to Lloyd before, saying that in an environment where communication still relies on bubble frames, how could it be possible to "locate by sound"?

Lloyd was quick to follow her advice and made changes.

But what does it mean to change from locating by sound to breaking rocks with your chest?

Metis was complaining in her heart, and suddenly she felt an invisible and powerful force wrapping her body up and forcibly pushing her to lie on a high platform.

She had no way to struggle, and could only watch a huge boulder fall from the sky and hit her chest...

"Ouch, ouch!"

Metis couldn't help but let out a seductive cry.

As a result, her chest didn't hurt much, but her brain and eardrums were tingling.

It turned out that the huge stone was the forbidden knowledge, but it hit her in a different form...

Then there was the second and third huge stone, which made her scream.

But her chest never hurt, only her head hurt...

This made Metis feel sad and upset...

Fortunately, her two roommates were not able to escape, and were also hit by three huge stones one after another, screaming in pain.

After being hit, the three golden "people" symbols on the side of the field disappeared, leaving only a portal leading to the next scene.

"Woo... my head hurts... why did the stone hit my chest, but it hurts my head?"

"Hiss... is this... the feeling of contacting forbidden knowledge? I feel like my ears are still "buzzing", will I be sent to a mental hospital?"

"Don't be afraid, you will be fine after a rest."

Metis gritted her teeth to comfort him, looked at the portal again, and then said:

"The next scene is the important part, take a good rest and get ready."

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