I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 483 483 A key turning point in history?

Chapter 483 483. The key turning point in history?

While waiting for the three girls to rest and adjust, Lloyd first added the 5 attribute points he just acquired to [Rationality], bringing the total value to 3040 points——

The insanity points required for upgrading come from what was accumulated this morning, plus what was obtained when helping the three of them share the mental pollution just now.

The three of them have acquired a total of 9 pieces of forbidden knowledge, but the insanity value is only less than 20,000? It can be regarded as the kind of quite safe forbidden knowledge, and it is incomparable to the level of 15,000 points of mental pollution caused by Lloyd's fragment this morning.

There are also high and low levels of forbidden knowledge. Lloyd has known this for a long time, but how to screen them specifically, how to get the dangerous ones, and how to get the gentle ones? In other words, between two pieces of forbidden knowledge, which one is dangerous and which one is gentle?

For more detailed issues like these, Lloyd had no clue.

Then, Lloyd checked the 'silhouette archives' of the three of them to see what kind of knowledge they had.

Generally speaking, they correspond to the subjects of the three of them, and they are all knowledge about ancient biology, history, and art.

But what surprised Lloyd was that it was the girl from the art department who had gained the most dangerous knowledge and suffered the most mental pollution. If it hadn't been for Lloyd's help to find out, she would have gone crazy on the spot instead of like she is now. It also allows the sisters to talk and laugh.

Lloyd was thinking about it, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and some unreasonable associations occurred:

I suddenly remembered that I had learned about those three theorems through the "Book of Truth":

[The more unknown, the more powerful it is]

[The more real it is, the more powerful it is]

[The crazier you are, the more powerful you are]

Although this seems to describe power, or level, and has nothing directly to do with knowledge, maybe forbidden knowledge can also be applied to these three principles?

Lloyd rubbed his chin, recalled some past memories, and then made some bold assumptions:

If these taboo knowledge also adhere to these three 'the stronger' principles...

So for the 'unknown', the less people know the knowledge, the more dangerous and powerful it is?

Corresponding to 'madness', is the knowledge that the stronger the mental pollution, the more powerful it is? Just like these two pieces of knowledge I acquired today.

So how should we explain the corresponding ‘reality’?

Lloyd was originally following this idea and continuing to improve his hypothesis, but the inspiration and strange intuition in his mind suddenly jumped out, and then he started beating gongs and drums to inform everyone that the banquet was about to start.

At the same time, the 'talisman' that Uncle Cheap told him to wear, that is, the weird key that had no specific function, also began to emit a different kind of chill, which stung Lloyd's skin, as if it was It was like cutting him with a sharp ice knife, and the pain made him gasp.

"Hey~ don't cut it, don't cut it, don't think about it anymore."

While begging for mercy, Lloyd shook his head vigorously, throwing away the hypothesis he had just established.

Although this hypothesis is not even a prototype and has been forcibly interrupted, judging from this series of reactions, at least there is no problem in the direction.

But the things involved in this hypothesis are too dangerous, right? Even the key responded?

Does this mean that this matter also involves the ‘arrogant bastard’ that Uncle Cheap said?

This is a bit dangerous...

However, after confirming that there was no problem with the direction of the hypothesis and that it was not an unfounded association of his own inspiration, Lloyd also gained a better understanding of these taboo knowledge.

But this further brings up another question: Why is the knowledge and mental pollution of the art department stronger?

Is it because art was very unpopular in the past? Not many people know? Does it fit the criteria of ‘unknown’?

Or is it that good artists are often a little bit crazy, which fits the category of "madness"?

Lloyd further thought that his cheap uncle, who cared very much about artistic aesthetics, had already fallen into such a decline, and still despised his poor taste...

On the one hand, this may be due to his original character, but on the other hand, it may also have a deeper meaning?

Anyway, a pragmatic place like Mizkatok doesn’t even have disciplines like journalism, law, and finance, but it has retained a complete art department...

Lloyd had asked the two deans before and after him about this issue while chatting.

The answers they gave were surprisingly consistent. They all believed that art is a specific interpretation of civilization, so they cannot give up.

Then maybe there is some kind of power hidden in this interpretation?

While Lloyd was thinking wildly, he noticed that the three girls in the trial had finally recovered and were rubbing their chests while walking towards the last portal.

No, your brains have been invaded by forbidden knowledge. What's the use of rubbing it on your chest?

And Métis, why are you joining in the fun? Is the steel plate polished?

Lloyd couldn't help but sneered, and quickly made a few operations on his hands to activate a new feature updated today.

After the three girls entered the portal one after another, his vision also went dark.

I felt an illusion of falling into the water, as if I was undergoing some kind of [deep dive], or it could be regarded as 'falling into the abyss'.

In fact, the last portal was originally designed to escape from the youth version of the trial. According to Lloyd's original design, if nothing unexpected happens, they can return to reality after passing through this door.

But in order to study the last accident, Lloyd added a new monitoring function to his "backend" in yesterday's and today's updates, which can follow the perspective of the trial-takers and enter the "unexpected history" with them.

As expected, the accident happened. The three of them came to a dilapidated city wall together, and Lloyd also witnessed this history.

This is still a history of resisting the invasion of monsters. It seems that they should be guarding some important city. The wall under their feet is hundreds of meters high, like a dangerous cliff, which makes people feel desperate.

But only "people" feel desperate...

For the monsters below, they are like black waves hitting the breakwater, one wave after another, without any pause.

Even though this fortress-like city was extremely solid, using many civil engineering techniques that surpassed those on Earth, and even heavy artillery shells could not leave any marks on it, it was still trembling slightly under such continuous impact.

The humans who were defending the city walls were constantly using various explosives to continuously bombard the monsters below. Every few seconds, there would be a whistling sound that broke through the air above their heads, and then exploded in the monster pile farther away.

That was heavy firepower support from somewhere long-range.

As for those flying monsters that fell from the sky like a torrential rain, there were various strong men wearing gorgeous armor who were responsible for responding and repelling wave after wave of attacks from the air.

With the cooperation of humans, this fortress city would not fall for the time being.

However, Lloyd looked up and looked into the distance again, and saw the black wave that almost covered his entire vision.

He knew that this little resistance was ultimately just a last-ditch effort...

Soon, the ordinary soldiers on the city wall began to cry out for ammunition, and it was difficult to clean up the monsters below in time.

This allowed the monsters to use their claws and sickles to directly pierce the city wall and begin to climb up step by step.

A distance of more than 100 meters was almost no obstacle for them, and soon a group of monsters climbed up the city wall.

Fortunately, those strong men wearing gorgeous armor were still there and could be cleaned up in time.

The ammunition was also replenished in time, temporarily stabilizing this wave of crisis.

But greater dangers followed.

A young human soldier just threw a large bundle of explosives down and killed dozens of monsters in one breath.

But before he had time to feel proud of his bravery, his face suddenly changed and he froze in place.

Then, his limbs began to rapidly alienate, and in just a few seconds he degenerated into a person out of control and began to pounce on his comrades around him.

And this alienation was not just him, and soon more and more ordinary soldiers began to degenerate and alienate.

Relying on those strong men wearing armor, although they could barely resist, it didn't take long for even these elites to degenerate one by one.

The heavy firepower that had been providing long-range support also stopped, and then, continuous riots began to break out in the city behind the city wall.

When Lloyd saw this, his vision went dark again, and he gradually returned to reality.

That was when Metis and the other three on the city wall were eaten by the monsters that surged onto the city wall...

Lloyd did not enter this [history] himself, but just substituted a certain perspective of the three of them and made an observation, so he could not do anything...

However, even if he did not witness the final outcome of this fortress city with his own eyes, it was not difficult to guess the tragic ending...

Not seeing it with his own eyes may be a good thing...


Lloyd sighed for a long time, rubbed his eyebrows, calmed down, and then began to analyze the scene he saw before.

If nothing unexpected happened, that was the moment when the monsters evolved the "curse"? That is, no matter how far away, what means are used, as long as they are killed, they will definitely suffer mental pollution.

Obviously, when the battle on the wall just started, the monsters did not have this characteristic, so the fortress city should be able to hold out for a very long time in theory.

But the enemy was suddenly "cheated" by someone and evolved this unreasonable ability.

So this strong fortress fell in an instant...

From this point of view, these monsters are not completely ownerless?

Although no one is behind to give specific instructions, there is someone watching them?

And it is a very powerful, completely unreasonable existence that can make an entire tribe evolve instantly...

Isn't this too unreasonable? When I was playing games on Earth, I wanted to optimize the genes of species, but I had to ascend genes first!

Lloyd couldn't help but curse in his heart, and continued to develop the following associations.

Obviously, the fortress should have been highly expected by the humans at that time. A lot of manpower and material resources should have been accumulated here, hoping that it could become a bridgehead to resist the monster tide.

Later, it may be able to force the monster tide to change its course, or even kill a large number of monsters.

Tactics like this are still used by humans today...

However, the opponent's 'upgrade before the battle' shattered the human fantasy in an instant. With the fall of this magnificent fortress city, the other areas protected by it are probably...

No wonder the technology and productivity of the glorious era eventually lost to these brainless monsters. It seems that the fall of this fortress should be a key turning point?

As for the specific time point of this period of history...

Lloyd has not come to a conclusion yet. Instead, he heard the girl from the history department coming down from the upstairs and following Metis beside him:

"This period of history is too important! If nothing unexpected happens, it should be the key turning point from the twilight era to the doomsday era! Our department has been studying this period of history, but because of the lack of many historical materials, everything can only float on speculation and hypothesis."

"You may not realize that this period of history is precious and important. The previous rewards cannot be compared with it. I will write a paper immediately after I go back!"

This person immediately put away the frivolousness when they just met, as if he had completely changed himself, and kept talking about the importance of the previous period of history.

Unfortunately, her two roommates couldn't understand and could only reluctantly agree.

"This... I just feel so sorry for them. They must have all died in the end, right? Woohoo... I feel so bad."

As the girl from the art department spoke, tears actually fell from her eyes. She rubbed her eyes vigorously and said:

"It seems that I can't just focus on painting. I have to work hard to become stronger."

Metis looked even more depressed than her. She was sighing and shaking her head helplessly:

"Alas... I tried to help, but my strength is really... Alas..."

In fact, Lloyd had also paid attention to the performance of the three of them at that time. It was unexpectedly not too bad.

When he first came to the city wall, he was surprised and panicked for a while, but soon integrated into the fierce battle. He was inspired by the courage and bloodiness of those brave ancients. He decisively participated in the battle and contributed his own strength.

Metis frantically released [Declaration of Veto] and helped kill several monsters. The two weaker ones helped carry supplies and take care of the wounded regardless of the danger.

Seeing their slender figures struggling to resist in the artillery fire, Lloyd's impression of them changed greatly.

This is much more beautiful than wearing heavy makeup and posing coquettishly.

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