I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 487 487 Is your spiritual power so weak?

Chapter 487 487. Is your spiritual power so weak?

So and so... so and so... here...

Lloyd was busy and focused, trying to piece together and repair the fragmented space fragments, while comprehending the mystery and improving his comprehension and understanding of space.

But after he painstakingly pieced together three fragments, he still stopped temporarily and took out his pocket watch to check the time.

Good man, almost three hours have passed without knowing it...

And there are probably several hundred fragments left that have not been pieced together...

As for his understanding of space cutting, although there is some improvement, it is not much, and it is far from enough to upgrade [Space Domination] or unlock new functions.

The efficiency is too low. The spatial structure here is far more complicated than I expected...

Lloyd's current operation of restoring the space is not as easy as playing a jigsaw puzzle. It requires a lot of analysis and calculation. He needs to repeatedly locate the coordinates of these fragments, check and try back and forth, and finally slowly guide the fragments to reset.

And this is not like a jigsaw puzzle. The further you go, the easier it is. On the contrary, the more troublesome and complicated it is, the more patience and meticulous it requires. It is more like playing dominoes. It is very likely that if you are not careful, all your efforts will be wasted.

But now, it is just the three easiest spatial fragments at the beginning, and Lloyd's CPU is about to burn out.

If you want to restore it completely, you need a huge amount of calculation, a long time, and excessive energy.

Without equipment and help, it is almost impossible to complete it.

Lloyd shook his head secretly, paused for a while, rested, rubbed his chin and thought about the next countermeasures, then opened the panel to see if there were any skills that could help, and added the attribute points accumulated before.

50 points [rationality], 50 points [spiritual power], 50 points [cognition], 30 points [inspiration], evenly distributed!

[Ding~ point addition completed]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: ? ? ? ]

[Madness value: 40888/50000, upper limit: 3100000]

[rationality: 3100]

[spiritual power: 3100]

[inspiration: 2100]

[cognition: 3100]

[system: distortion LV6, denial LV6, delusion]

By absorbing the mental pollution in this space, Lloyd has upgraded a total of 36 to 37 levels this time.

So let’s not talk about other gains, the benefits of this wave of attribute points are still quite considerable.

The slightly regrettable thing is that, I don't know whether it is because I have been promoted to the sixth level, or because of the improvement of various levels, Lloyd's adaptability to this kind of mental pollution has also increased. After absorbing it, there are only some mosquito legs +1+1 left.

But then again, the concentration of mental pollution in this space is a bit too urbanized, right?

Lloyd just made a simple estimate. With the adaptation reduction, he has suffered more than 1.8 million mental pollution, which is already a very scary number. If there is no such adaptive reduction, the total mental value here is at least more than 5 million...

If the space here is not cut into pieces, causing the mental pollution inside to be imprisoned in some unique form, if it pounces on him as soon as he sees it, no one on the scene can bear it.

In addition, I am afraid that neither of his two girlfriends can do it!

Moreover, the part of the space that Lloyd has come into contact with is just one of the book stacks in this gorgeous library. It is not known whether there are more book stacks deeper, and what kind of dangers are hidden inside? Will there be any amazing and valuable things next?

Let’s not consider the time it takes to complete this space, the dangers hidden inside are also worth paying attention to.

So after weighing the pros and cons, Lloyd made the most reasonable choice for the sake of his own and his teammates’ safety -

Let’s retreat first...

Of course, it’s not like he’s really going back empty-handed.

Instead, he wants to take this library space back to the academy to study it slowly!

By then, whether it’s the broken characteristics of this space or the piles of knowledge on the bookshelf, there will be enough time to study them slowly, and there’s no need to rush at the moment.

As for the method of ‘dragging’ this library back, it’s much simpler. There’s just a powerful space elevator on hand, right?

And although the interior of this space is so fragmented, its overall structure outside is still intact and solid, much stronger than the half of the store when it encountered the space storm, and it can withstand the tossing.

It just so happened that the three pieces that Lloyd had already put together could also form a relatively stable area for burying control marks and linking space anchors.

So it was decided, retreat first!

After Lloyd thought about the next action, he turned around to inform the other teammates present.

As a result, when he turned around, he couldn't help but be stunned.

What's going on with these guys?

They were probably bored, and they actually gathered in a circle to play cards, and even the "bounty hunter" William ran to join in.

Playing cards itself is nothing, even if there is no gambling, but at least there is some substantial prize or something, right?

As a result, these people are playing sticking beards and drawing cats...

When Lloyd turned around, Bald Bartolo had already grown a paper beard all over his face, and a lot of paper hair had grown out of his shiny bald head.

Two lecturers, Randy and Lear, had their faces drawn as a tabby cat and the face of the other as a turtle...

Professor Fernand was sitting with his back to Lloyd, so it was not yet possible to tell whether he won or lost.

But the worst thing is that of 'Bounty Hunter' William. His always stern face is not only covered with beard, but there is almost no trace of flesh color on the entire face. It is completely covered with black ink. It looks like It's a cotton hunter.

He was the first to notice Lloyd turning around and quickly explained:

"I'm not lucky with this new arm."

Only then did Professor Fernand notice that Lloyd was 'awake' and quickly turned around.

Good guy, his whole face and forehead are covered with paper mustaches, making him look like a lion.

Lloyd finally couldn't help laughing.

This scene fully illustrates how childish things men can do when they are bored...

"Ahem... don't laugh yet. Have you dealt with it?"

Professor Fernand said, and turned to look outside the elevator. He didn't need to wait for Lloyd to answer, he could find the answer himself.

"It seems not yet, so do you need to take a rest? Have something to eat? Do you want to join in the fun?"

Professor Fernand continued speaking, and stretched out his hand to twist his newly grown 'beard', as if he was afraid it would fall off.

"You really are...forget it, we should go back."

Lloyd shook his head dumbfounded and told everyone about the situation at hand.

"I see, you didn't expect the situation to be so complicated? Then trust your judgment and withdraw first."

Professor Fernand returned to his serious look, wiped the beard off his face, and then said:

"Do you need us to do something?"

"Well... the space elevator is still a bit too small compared to this library. Even if it is a power-enhanced type, it will take a lot of time to drag such a large area back, so you need to spend some spiritual energy. , to speed up the process.”

"Okay, no problem, we will follow your orders."

So the next action was relatively simple. Lloyd first took out a bronze fragment mixed with the blood and flesh of the evil god's descendant, which was the one that exploded from the hexahedral statue before, and made it into his own unique mark, and then used [Space Domination] Use the delivery function to bury it in the area you have repaired.

Then, work hard on your own [Projection] to make it act as a spatial anchor between the elevator and the library, just like the fixed space elevator before.

Finally, he took out three space crystal balls and fixed them on three nodes of the elevator respectively, forming a relatively stable triangular structure on the spatial level. After some settings, he only needed to continuously inject spiritual power into it. , the elevator can move forward vigorously and at high speed.

"Then let's get started. Remember what I said before. The four spiritual powers must be kept in balance, otherwise it may cause the elevator's forward posture to deviate."

As Lloyd spoke to remind him, he reached out and held a crystal ball.

The other three were held by Bald Bartolo and Professor Fernand.

After Lloyd started the elevator again, the entire elevator trembled slightly, made a sound of metal friction, and began to move upward slowly.


Lloyd spoke again, and began to inject spiritual energy into the crystal ball.

Bald Bartolo and Professor Fernand also quickly followed suit.

But at this moment, the elevator suddenly shook violently and showed an obvious tilt.

"What...what's going on?"

Professor Fernand asked quickly.

"Uh... Professor, the spiritual power you injected is a bit weak. Please try harder quickly."

Lloyd quickly reminded.


Professor Fernand immediately shouted and mobilized more spiritual power.

The tilt of the elevator immediately improved. Although it was still a little off, it was not as serious as before.

"Uh... if you try harder, there will still be deviations like now..."

"Ah? This..."

Professor Fernand was immediately embarrassed, but he gritted his teeth and used all his strength to inject spiritual power.

In this way, the inclination of the elevator was finally corrected and it began to move up at a normal speed.

Lloyd maintained his spiritual power output, and then used his inspiration to check the surrounding situation.

The scene at the moment looks a bit like a flat boat dragging a cargo ship and slowly driving towards the dock where the ship is parked.

As the 'helmer', Lloyd not only needs to continuously maintain spiritual power output, but also pays attention to controlling the direction.

But it was nothing to him, it was as easy as breathing.

But it's different for others...

Before he had gone far, Professor Fernand's face quickly turned ugly.

He looked at Lloyd, who looked relaxed and content, and then at the bald Bartolo, who was still quite at ease, and couldn't help but ask:

"About... how long will it take?"

"At the current rate, it will probably take an hour, right?"

"Huh??? But I..."

Only then did Lloyd notice that the professor's expression was not quite right, and he couldn't help but ask:

"Uh... Professor, you can't hold on even for a while, can you?"

But the problem is that it is not just Professor Fernande's problem. Bald Bartolo frowned when he heard the time and whispered:

"I'm afraid I don't have that many spiritual power recovery potions on me..."

No... Is your spiritual power that weak?

Can't you hold on for a while?

Lloyd couldn't help but complain in his heart and activated [Exploration] to check their attributes.

The result is the same as before, still showing '? ? '

That shouldn't be the case? It means that their attributes are still higher than their [Inspiration], greater than 2100 points?

Eh... Wait...

Could it be that this '? ? ' does not mean that their attributes are really that high, but some unique anti-reconnaissance method?

Lloyd looked at Professor Fernande, whose face was getting paler and he might not even hold on for five minutes, and felt that he was probably right?

But if that's the case, how can we pull the elevator and the library back?

Just when he was feeling a little embarrassed, the bald Bartolo beside him quickly suggested:

"It's better not to inject so much spiritual power? Can it be a little slower?"

"It's okay, but... forget it, let's reduce the spiritual power output."

Lloyd said, and he took the lead in converging some spiritual power, letting the elevator begin to tilt towards him, and then signaled the other two to cooperate to reduce the output and rebalance.

As a result, Professor Fernande shook his head and said:

"No... It's still too much... I still can't hold on for too long."

Bald Bartolo also pursed his lips and nodded, indicating that he was about the same.

Lloyd had no choice but to reduce one level.

But the professor still said that the pressure was too great...

This made Lloyd feel a little embarrassed...

This...I usually use this level of spiritual power to cook?

"Forget it, forget it, or... Lloyd, you should go to the side to rest first, I'll take your place."

Instructor Randy on the side noticed the situation here and volunteered to say.

"Then I will take over, Professor."

Lecturer Lille also said.

Lloyd had no choice but to let go of the crystal ball temporarily.

Professor Fernande breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been pardoned, and quickly stepped aside, starting to breathe non-stop.

Even the position of Bald Bartolo was taken over by the 'bounty hunter'.

After such a rotation, the three people who took over slightly adjusted their spiritual power output, and it didn't take much time to restore the balance of the elevator.

But the speed was not expected, and they could only move slowly towards the academy at a snail's pace. I don't know how long it will take...

"Huh... Lloyd... How can your spiritual power be so strong? It feels like it is several times stronger than mine..."

Professor Fernande asked puzzledly while pouring recovery medicine into his mouth.

Lloyd smiled and answered modestly:

"This is just the reward for my hard work and diligence."

Professor Fernande hesitated for a moment...

But Bald Bartolo changed the subject and pointed to the [Projection] standing in the corner.

"It... is okay? You said that if you use it as a space anchor, will the pressure be too high? Will it cause wear and tear?"

"Well... you don't have to worry about it. There is no such thing as wear and tear."

Lloyd smiled confidently.

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