I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 488 Is this power so strong?

Chapter 488 488. Is this power so powerful?

In the days after completing the last [Transcendence], Lloyd gradually discovered through research and testing that his current [Projection] may be due to some kind of relationship with [Delusion], showing various characteristics. The changes are more numerous and larger than initially expected.

It has really become a lot stronger. In addition to the obvious numerical improvements in power and speed, it also has some characteristics that Lloyd has not yet figured out.

For example, it won't wear out.

It doesn’t mean that it is very strong and thick so there is no need to worry about wear and injury, but that the phenomenon of ‘wear’ will not appear on it...

Or it can also be understood that it has the characteristic of being 'indestructible' through some principle and method that even Lloyd did not understand.

This is a characteristic that ordinary embodiment-type [Projection] does not have. Even Lloyd's previous [Projection] did not have this effect.

Whether it is the armored female [projection] of the housekeeper or the ancestor [projection] of Little Olga, if they suffer severe trauma or are overused, they will be paralyzed or even completely destroyed.

Lloyd's [Projection] was similar before, but it is different now. Even if it is surrounded by explosives or any other messy things, it cannot be hurt at all.

Even if Lloyd personally takes action and tries [Distortion Realm], [Projection] will not change at all.

It's like it's just a shadow and doesn't exist in this world at all.

But it exists objectively, can perform many operations, and can even be touched.

For this change, Lloyd can't figure out the principle, and he can only make some assumptions and speculations at the moment.

I guess it might be like the 'Holy Relic', 'Ultra-Limited Weapon', 'Limited Cone of Light' in the Krypton Gold mobile game. These things don't have the design of 'durability' in the original game, so they won't Be worn.

Then if these things that do not exist in reality are embodied in reality, it can also have this "indestructible" characteristic.

Anyway, Lloyd's initial guess at this stage is like this. Of course, there are many contradictions and many unclear details. It is a very immature guess with many loopholes. It can only be regarded as an unreasonable association based on the imagination.

There is no way, he is the first person in the [False] system, there is no path followed by predecessors, and no one else can help him summarize it. He has to explore and discover by himself, and he will always encounter such unsolvable problems...

This kind of problem may appear more in the future, and even saying that it is "indestructible" is just one of the many changes in this [projection], which is relatively easy to understand.

There are other changes other than numerical improvements, and Lloyd doesn't even know what the specific changes and impacts are...

I can only hope that the palace in the [Thinking Realm] can work harder and give myself more fragments of knowledge...

At the same time, we have to further improve our mature version of [Trial of Falsehood]

Lloyd can probably feel that the breakthrough point to get involved in the system of [illusion] should be his own trial and [projection].

The characteristics, or advantages, of the [Illusion] system are likely to be similar to the 'indestructible' currently displayed by [Projection], like forcibly creating something that does not exist in reality?

But no matter what, although his [Projection] is still hideous and terrifying, although his IQ is still about zero, and he can't even do small things like washing, cooking and cleaning, the more Lloyd looks at it, the more he likes it.

It can only be said that as a literary young man with advanced aesthetics, Lloyd feels that he has a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty, and can find the beauty of numerical value and intensity in this [Projection].

It does not look good, but its value is really too high...

Just like now, the [Projection] is acting as a 'cable' connecting the space elevator and the library. It is subject to huge pulling force, but it does not shake at all, which is reassuringly stable.

Royd doesn't even need to provide it with additional power. Apart from consuming some spiritual energy to release it at the beginning, it consumes almost nothing after that. It seems to be able to draw power from a place that even Royd doesn't know, and it continues to be maintained. own existence.

Maybe all of Lloyd's people are gone, but it's still there?

I don’t know if this is a certain definition——


After Lloyd thought wildly, he gradually retracted his thoughts and focused on the matter in front of him.

The speed of the space elevator has inevitably slowed down, and I don't know how many hours it will take to go back...

On the other hand, the three guys who were responsible for 'driving' the elevator looked relaxed. They didn't feel tired at all, and they were not in a hurry. They would rather float back to the academy slowly than speed up.

Sigh... It can only be said that in a place like Mizkatok where there is a time difference, everyone has too much time and their daily lives are too leisurely. It is difficult for these people to have any sense of urgency.

But Lloyd has always set himself up as a diligent young man who cherishes time. Of course, these few hours cannot be wasted now.

Then continue to ‘play jigsaw puzzles’. Anyway, idle time is idle...

After a few more hours passed like this, Lloyd put down the 'puzzle' at hand, raised his head and sensed his current position in space, and then said:

"Okay, we're almost there, let me do it next."

As he spoke, he took out his pocket watch and looked at the time.

This... it's almost 7pm at the academy...

This drifting is really too slow...

Fortunately, this time was not wasted. Using these few hours of free time, Lloyd assembled three more fragments and completed the spatial positioning of the fourth fragment. This was equivalent to leaving a prompt box on the 'puzzle' and continuing. You can leave it to others to piece together.

This efficiency is really slower than before...

However, these fragments that have been assembled together create a larger area that can accommodate a person standing in it, and a book frozen in mid-air can be taken out.

Of course, that's all.

So before taking over the control of the elevator, Lloyd first asked [Projection] to release two substantial spiritual powers, wrap the book, took it back into his hand, and then opened it to read.

Fuck, it’s all written in ancient Chinese...

Lloyd relied on the translation of "The Book of Truth" and read about two pages. It was actually related to ancient fighting spirit?

Can we now reach the third stage of fighting power?

Lloyd originally thought he could get some new fancy ways to play, but the panel couldn't wait to remind him that all he got were wrong pieces of knowledge that had expired.

As soon as these fragments are acquired, they are swept into the ‘recycle bin’ in the brain without any delay.

Invalid and erroneous knowledge would not be of much value to Lloyd. He threw the book to Professor Fernand aside and regarded it as the harvest of this operation.

As a result, the professor jumped up as soon as he received the book.

"Wow!!! What are you doing?"

As he spoke, he quickly took out a sealed lead box and hurriedly sealed the book in it. Then he showed a suspicious look and patted his forehead.

"Huh? There is no mental pollution?"

"Maybe it has been eliminated."

Lloyd replied casually.

The huge and horrifying wave of mental pollution in this library previously escaped from this knowledge, and was later absorbed into attribute points by Lloyd, so this book would naturally be safe.

"Is that so? Then I'll take a look."

Professor Fernand said, opening the lead box again, taking out the ancient book and looking at it carefully.

"It's so well-preserved? It doesn't look like something that has experienced thousands of years of precipitation. The only wear and tear is from before..."

He first looked at the appearance of the book, then rubbed the cover to feel the feel, and then continued to add:

"You know, in our history department's previous archeology, we only obtained fragmentary pages, which were the embodiment of taboo knowledge. This is the first time we have encountered such a complete book, which can be regarded as an epoch-making discovery! "

The more he spoke, the more excited he became. He quickly opened it and checked the contents, and continued to talk:

"Considering the difference in time speed, these books have been sleeping in a different space for at least tens of thousands of years. As a result, even the words on them are clearly visible. This is really amazing! Is this also the impact of the fragmentation of space? "

"Is it possible? It may also be that this library sank into the depths of another space from the beginning, and was only recently dug out due to the impact of the space storm. Therefore, it is not in the time speed difference area, and the time it has experienced is not as you expected. so long.”

While explaining his views, Lloyd went to sit down among the three space crystal balls, stretched out his hands to hold one each, then released his spiritual power to form an invisible hand, held the third one, and then started Carefully control the elevator to complete the final 'parking'.

This process cannot be fast and must be done carefully. The library at the back must be guided to park in a suitable position, so as to facilitate subsequent research.

But Professor Fernand beside him continued to talk and 'disturbed' him:

"Hmm... It's a pity that the content above is about ancient fighting spirit, and its value is not very high. It is only of historical research significance."

As soon as Bald Bartolo heard a certain keyword, he quickly said:

"Ancient fighting spirit? Our mage department has studied it a lot and tried many ways to reproduce it. In the end, they all failed... So hasn't it been proven that it has been completely ineffective? It's like there is something. This avenue is completely blocked.”

No... Why do you group of mages study something like 'fighting energy'?

Lloyd listened and couldn't help but cursed.

But the bald head was still minding his own business and continued:

"But now that more detailed ancient information has been found, maybe we can try research on fighting spirit again?"

When Lloyd heard this, he couldn't help but say something:

"Uh... I'll just interrupt for a moment. With our current extraordinary power system, we don't really need this outdated ancient power, right?"

"No, no, no... This is Lloyd, you don't know. You don't understand at all how exaggerated those strong men who practiced fighting spirit were in ancient times. They are not the sissies in stage plays with bodies as thin as toothpicks, but He is a true man who stands upright!”

Bartolo shook his head repeatedly and began to explain to Roy Deco with great interest:

"Fighting energy represents the purest and most extreme destructive power. How should we describe their power? Let me give you a simple example. During the heyday of our mage department, students who wanted to join us were The exam is to smash everything in such a large space with one punch...

This is very difficult to do. It is almost impossible to do it with magic alone. You must rely on the power of fighting spirit!

And the warriors who master fighting spirit will not have colorful lights on their bodies, nor do they have any fancy fighting skills like dancing. They just release unparalleled extreme destructive power in the actions of punching and kicking.

For example, if there was a warrior of the [Glorious Gold] level on the scene when we encountered the monster tide last time, he only needed one punch to make those ghosts disappear in an instant!

Remember, there is nothing that fighting spirit cannot destroy, and nothing can resist its destruction. Even the most powerful magician can only find ways to evade the punch of a novice warrior, and it is impossible to take it head-on. "

"Ah... So fighting spirit is so powerful? "

Lloyd was stunned and couldn't help but complain in his heart:

One punch instantly kills a wave of monsters?

Are you a Dou Zong or a magnetic field lunatic?

And why do you mages, since you envy and admire this kind of power so much, why do you want to study magic?

But despite complaining, Lloyd had to admit that this ancient Dou Qi was a little different from the Dou Qi in his impression.

When he heard the word "dou qi", the first thing he thought of was something like "so terrifying" and "dou qi turning into a horse"...

But if Bartolo's description is true and not exaggerated, then this so-called ancient Dou Qi is more like a kind of Dou Qi that focuses on destruction and damage. Power system?

Maybe it is more pure and extreme?

Even the most powerful magician can't withstand a punch from a beginner, so maybe this power is not just impact force, kinetic energy, etc., but involves some higher-level field?

According to this point of view, this power is indeed very powerful. The name "fighting spirit" is just a simple way of naming.

It's a pity that no matter how powerful this power was in the past, it has nothing to do with Lloyd and human beings now.

It seems that it has been "banned" by some high-level existence in some way, just like those ineffective ancient technologies.

It seems that it is not just achieved by blocking? But some more thorough means?

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