I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 489: Great Crisis of Space System

Chapter 489 489. The big crisis in the space system

So if we follow the current naming style and standards of human civilization, the system of 'Dou Qi' should be named [Destruction], [Destruction] or something like that, right?

It's a pity that this path was completely blocked by something, and listening to more descriptions later by Bald Bartolo and Professor Fernand, it seems that the power of 'fighting energy' was the first to fail, and it failed more than those ancient devices. quick.

It seems that the mastermind behind the scenes is very afraid of this kind of power?

While Lloyd was thinking to himself, he continued to control the elevator with his hand, gradually 'parking' the library being dragged behind it to the appropriate position.

"Huh! It's done. Let me install another space channel so that it can be easily accessed in the future."

Lloyd breathed a sigh of relief and clapped his hands.

Several teammates on the side also started clapping their hands, as if to celebrate the successful conclusion of this operation?

Then I heard two lecturers, Randy and Lear, saying smugly:

"Although I feel like I didn't do anything, I got something amazing back? In this way, my snobbish father-in-law shouldn't dare to look down on me, right?"

"I think this library can compete for the greatest archaeological discovery, right? It seems that I am not far away from being an associate professor?"

Bald Bartolo, on the other hand, had high hopes for the historical data related to ‘Dou Qi’ and continued:

"If humans can regain control of this lost power, it may usher in a new future for us!"

Professor Fernand saw them rushing to open the champagne at halftime and quickly scolded:

"Can you guys stop being so optimistic? We have to wait for further exploration later before we can draw a conclusion. Don't be too happy now! Besides, our history department alone can't develop it, and we have to work hard. Lloyd just needs help."

"Haha, that's easy to say. I'm also very concerned about the spatial structure here."

As Lloyd was talking, he suddenly felt a series of vibrations coming from the student handbook in his arms. He quickly picked it up and took a look. Sure enough, it was a message from Professor Lawrence:

"Did you... bring back something big?"

"Yes, I got you a big toy."

Lloyd replied.


About half an hour later, the space elevator, which was not very spacious, suddenly became lively. Dozens of professors and lecturers from various disciplines came to the space elevator one after another and lined up to visit the pile that Lloyd had dragged back. 'Big toys'.

I don’t know who leaked the news. Before any substantive results were obtained, the so-called "greatest archaeological discovery in history" was announced to the public, which suddenly caused quite a stir in Mizkatokri. There was an uproar, and immediately some good people came to watch overnight.

It's definitely not Lloyd. With his always humble and low-key character of a cautious young man, it's impossible to make a big announcement before he's sure what the books in it are.

What's more, he was originally planning to go back to the dormitory to rest, but now he had to stay where he was to prevent these people from messing around, and he had to deal with all kinds of inquiries and compliments from these people.

"It's really amazing, Lecturer Lloyd. You have achieved such an achievement at such a young age. I feel like the next dean is yours, right?"

"It's so beautiful, so magical. How did this spectacle like a broken mirror come to be? Can you allow me to record this moment with an abstract painting?"

"Can't you enter now? But I'm really curious about the books inside. If you can enter, please inform me as soon as possible."

Fortunately, Professor Lawrence was still by his side and helped him deal with some people, and then cursed in a low voice from time to time:

"Damn it, Professor Fernand, this face-loving old dog, can't wait to spread the word on the message board."

"Huh? It was actually the announcement sent by Professor Fernand? But I saw the signature on the bulletin board, it was from the Department of History? It didn't clearly point to a certain person?"

"So it's him. Only when he becomes a professor can he make announcements in the name of the entire discipline of 'History Department'."

Professor Lawrence whispered, and then looked at Professor Fernand, who was talking to someone in the other corner of the elevator, with a speechless expression on his face.

Tsk tsk, it turns out that the person in front of me who shouted not to open the champagne at halftime wanted to wait for me to open it?

Lloyd couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

But I don’t know whether I should call this guy humble or kind. He didn’t take credit, but objectively described the process and truthfully acknowledged Lloyd’s contribution.

This actually made it harder for Lloyd to leave and had to deal with more people.

In the end, even Professor Armitage, who presided over the mage department, came over. As soon as they met, he pressed Lloyd's shoulder with a slap as big as a cutting board, as if he was afraid that he would run away, and asked very urgently:

"That unreliable guy Bartolo told me that you have obtained a book about fighting qi inside. Is this true? Is the knowledge collected here all related to fighting qi?"

"This...I don't know. We have only taken out one book so far. You can see the situation here. Other books cannot be taken out in a short time."

"So... well... then please, Professor Lloyd and the Space Department, please take some time to come up with more books as soon as possible. If you need anything, please let me know... By the way, Lloyd, do you want credits? I'll give you some first?"

No, don't give them!

Lloyd was a little anxious, and he complained in his heart.

Also, this is a project between our Space Department and History Department. What's the big deal about you, a professor of the Mage Department, coming here to give credits?

Lloyd was so tired of dealing with these impatient guys that he barely managed to get away until almost 11 o'clock in the evening.

In the end, Professor Lawrence was the one who cared about him the most. He arranged:

"You've worked hard today. Go back to sleep first. I'll arrange for others to come and watch."

"Well... but if possible, it would be best if the civil engineering department could build a platform or something here. Otherwise, the space elevator is still occupied as a passage, which is very troublesome."

"I know, don't worry. When you come back tomorrow morning, this will be a brand new laboratory, and all kinds of equipment will be mobilized as quickly as possible."

Professor Lawrence said, patted Lloyd on the shoulder, smiled, and continued:

"To be honest, your achievements today have made me wonder what words to use to praise you or what to use to reward you. I know that Hazled has given you a lot of credits, and I only have these tacky things left in my hands."

As he spoke, he stuffed a medium-quality storage bag into Lloyd's hand. It was not the sticky, stomach-like kind on the outside, but a storage bag produced by Mitzkatok.

Lloyd didn't hesitate to take it and took a sneak peek.

Wow, all of them are precious and exquisite jewelry...

Probably every piece is auction-worthy, and it's impossible to estimate the specific value.

Even the storage bag itself is a valuable high-end item if you take it out.

"I didn't expect you to like these?"

Professor Lawrence noticed the change in Lloyd's expression and said with some surprise.

"Well... I didn't have good conditions when I was a child. Only my sister and I depended on each other. I was lonely and helpless, so I never had the opportunity to prepare a dowry for my sister, and she didn't have any jewelry to show off."

Lloyd answered truthfully, without hiding his history of wandering the streets.

"Is that so? It seems that you don't know the biggest difference between the lecturers and students in Mitzkatok? As a lecturer, sometimes you don't need to strictly abide by the school rules, so if you really need these mundane things, I'll find a chance to hold a cocktail party for you."

Professor Lawrence said something rather obscure, and then immediately changed the subject:

"Okay, let's do this for now. After all, today's harvest is only the initial results. The next step is the real hard work. You go back and rest first."

"I see, then I'll come again tomorrow, but I'll be back to the world the day after tomorrow."

"Well... but it's best not to waste too much time on trivial matters in the world. It's obviously a top priority to organize this library right now."

"Don't worry, I know my limits."

Just like that, Lloyd went back to the dormitory to rest.

As soon as he left, Professor Lawrence quickly took out his "Professor's Manual" and started to call people to clean up the scene.

After a while, the outside of the library became a bustling construction site, and a brand new laboratory was being built at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for the old professor himself, he ventured to stand in the library, which was the place that Lloyd had spliced ​​in front of him, barely enough for one person to stand, and then calmed down and felt the space here.

He stood there for the whole night, as if he had fallen asleep while standing. He didn't open his eyes until dawn, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh... Lloyd really taught me a lesson. Staying here for a night actually gained me so much more than my own wild imagination... Lloyd's method of splicing space is simply amazing!"

"Well, he is not human, he is not human, he is not human..."

"I feel that this sentence has to become the creed of our space department."

The old professor said with a smile.


On Lloyd's side, after being woken up by the biological clock on time in the morning, he went back to the [Thinking Field] to take a look.

Well, there is a piglet without any mental pollution sleeping in the giant flower bud...

But there is a small surprise in the palace?

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1, Madness value +15000]

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1, Madness value +15000]

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1, Madness value +15000]

Three consecutive high-quality [Fantasy] fragments are exactly what Lloyd needs at the moment.

The attached Madness value, plus yesterday's accumulation, can just be upgraded by 1 level, and then 5 attributes are added to [Rationality], the total value reaches 3105 points.

But these are just mosquito legs, the focus is still the three pieces of taboo knowledge fragments, which further help Lloyd complete the functions of "Book of Fantasy".

But he doesn't have time to deal with this for the time being, he has to go to the library that he dragged back yesterday.

So Lloyd hastily made some breakfast for himself and the kitten, and told the kitten to remember to take care of the trees in the yard, and then hurriedly opened the portal and ran to the library.

As Professor Lawrence said, this place has undergone earth-shaking changes in just one night. The narrow space elevator is no longer needed as a connecting platform, but a brand new laboratory has been replaced.

And all kinds of equipment have been pulled over, and all kinds of light screens are flying everywhere, with a series of complex degrees jumping on them.

There are also many researchers busy in it, and they occasionally make some discussions and exclaims:

"The readings here are incredible. They are completely inconsistent with the theory in the textbook. I don’t know which side to believe?"

"What is there to hesitate about? Have you forgotten what Professor Lawrence said before? If you encounter any place that is inconsistent with the theory, you should follow Lecturer Lloyd."

"Although, how did this piece of space debris fit together? I understand the reason, but I really can't imagine how he did it?"

"He is not human, he is not human..."

Having this brand new laboratory does not mean that the space elevator can be let go. It was just "dragged" aside, and then the professor of the equipment department brought some researchers that Lloyd was not familiar with to collect and analyze the previous operation records there.

There were also various discussions, exclamations, and even wails:

"Professor Albert! I don't understand! I really don't understand! How can such a small elevator pull back such a large library? This is beyond my cognition, I... roar..."

"His cognitive system collapsed! Knock him out!"

"How is this possible? What provides power for the elevator? And what is the 'cable' connecting the library and the elevator? Our equipment department can't find anything of such quality."

"Haha! I understand! I understand everything I must be dreaming! I must not be awake yet!"

"Oh no! Another crazy one! Knock him out and send him to the mental hospital!"

"Professor, can we not continue? If we continue, I feel that we will all go to the mental hospital!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Exploring unknown mysteries is always accompanied by various sacrifices. Isn't that how they survived in the technical department? If we don't adapt quickly, we will be left behind by the technical department forever."

Lloyd looked at the tragic situation here and couldn't bear it. He pretended to step forward to persuade them.

But his shoulders were held down by a pair of old hands.

Looking back, Professor Lawrence was silently shaking his head at him, signaling him not to meddle in other people's business.


"This is nothing for them. The theoretical department is even more tragic. Even old Pierce has been admitted to the mental hospital."

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