I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 517 517 This should delay their plans, right?

Chapter 517 517. This should delay their plan, right?

The three people sitting by the pool all looked lifelike, wearing gorgeous and precious ancient costumes, without a single stain, looking holy and noble; they also wore all kinds of jewels, shining brightly, looking luxurious and elegant.

But they all looked like they were gently closing their eyes, sitting there motionless, without any reaction to the intrusion of the uninvited guests, as if immersed in a sweet dream.

On the contrary, the small pool in the middle welcomed Lloyd and the others. The sticky black blood inside was like boiling asphalt, and began to be restless, and from time to time, several large and small bubbles were turned over, as if they were looking at the two intruders with their eyes open.

Seeing this sacred and noble but slightly weird scene, Lloyd didn't know how to comment for a while, but the former dean took the initiative to ask:

"Well... Was I handsome when I was young?"

At this time, you are still telling me this?

Lloyd complained in his heart, and then heard the former dean continue to say:

"But then again, only a part of my body can be restored to this appearance, almost exactly the same as when I was young. It seems that some of them are my old friends? And they are impressed by me?"

Lloyd caught a piece of information in this speech and asked quickly:

"Huh? You mean, this body is not your real body?"

"Of course, this is just the appearance of me when I was young, and it is also the appearance I presented to outsiders later. As for my real body... Alas~ I can't help it. For academics, I still made too many sacrifices..."

The former dean explained.

Hearing him say this, Lloyd couldn't help but think of his girlfriend who didn't like to wear shoes, and Dean Hazlade, who also didn't show their real bodies.

This is probably some kind of inheritance, right?

But now is obviously not the time to think about these things, Lloyd continued to ask:

"So... they found part of your body and restored you... or repaired you to this appearance? And then put it here? What is the purpose of doing this? Do you want to revive you?"

"I can't explain it clearly... But one thing is certain, it is definitely not to revive us, nor is it the crazy and naive "ascension to god" plan I mentioned to you. It is more like... well, get closer, let me take a look."

Lloyd followed the instructions of the former dean and took a few steps closer, then boldly released his inspiration and checked the body of the former dean.

As expected, he found some disharmony in it.

Although the body was restored very realistically and paid great attention to details, not only creating a vivid texture, but also the skin texture, pores and other subtle details are impeccable, and even the internal organs were not lazy, all restored according to the normal situation.

Anyway, it looks more complete and detailed than the human body structure model at the medical school.

It's just that there is no blood flowing in it, and there are three other organs that are not the same as those of humans.

They are located in the heart, liver, and lungs, showing very obvious alienation characteristics. They are definitely not normal human organs, but are somewhat similar to the organs of monsters that Lloyd has handled the most.

But it is much more dangerous. As soon as Lloyd's inspiration approached, he heard the sound of gongs and drums in his mind. He could only hold on, took a rough look, and quickly moved his inspiration elsewhere, not daring to take any more risks.

As for the materials that make up these human bodies and organs, they look like normal flesh and tissue to the naked eye. Only by using inspiration to check can we find that they are actually some kind of strange substance, which is somewhat similar to the gel on Earth, but in the inspiration, it presents a cold texture like metal.

Such a strange texture made Lloyd think of the devil at the first time...

Those weirdos dug out the remains of [Brilliant Gold] and then used a structure similar to the devil to restore their image before they died?

What exactly do they want to do?

And the pool in the middle filled with [Blood of the Supreme]...

The blood inside has already possessed a considerable degree of vitality, just like a separate creature.

And with a deep inspection of inspiration, it can be found that the pool is actually very deep, like a deep well, but under the black blood, it is not ordinary water, but a pool of liquid metal similar to mercury, and mixed with some debris -

The skeletons of humans and monsters...

They are already densely packed, almost filling up the deep well.

These skeletons are even relatively complete, and only preliminary decomposition has been carried out, and they can basically restore a rough shape.

The skeletons belonging to monsters are mostly demons, and Lloyd can identify several different levels of danger.

As for the skeletons belonging to humans...

From the size of the bones, there are men, women, young and old, and the smallest and most complete skeleton is only the size of a baby...

And there are more than one...

Seeing this scene, Lloyd couldn't help but clench his fists and clench his teeth.

It wasn't until the former dean spoke again that he forced himself to calm down.

"This guy here is also an old friend of mine, an outstanding artist, scholar, and warrior. It is said that his fighting spirit can even shatter the stars in the night sky."

Lloyd followed the words of the former dean and glanced to the left. There sat a middle-aged man who looked very artistic. His hair was a little long and his face was relatively plain. He was far less ordinary than the former dean. His body shape and limbs also conformed to the style of an artist.

Anyway, he was definitely not one of those bald heads with strong backs and strong waists in the mage department. He was even thinner and slenderer than Lloyd.

From this, it can be seen that the so-called "fighting spirit" of that era was really not the kind described in online novels on Earth. Except for the same name, it was completely different.

And some of the internal organs of this artist also looked very "discordant", probably a few ribs and a few spines.

As for the last person left, the former dean didn't recognize him either. His face looked even older and more haggard, like an old man who was about to die, so the former dean speculated that he was a hermit who didn't know how to enjoy life, or an ascetic monk.

The strange part about him was that his hands, which were covered by wide sleeves, had been transformed into a starfish suction cup structure, and in his palms there was a mouth covered with fine lines.

After Lloyd and the former dean walked around the bodies of the three [Brilliant Gold], he heard him continue to speculate:

"Although it is not completely certain, it is obvious that they are planning to use our remains and blood to breed something, perhaps a god?"

As he said this, he changed his tone to a slightly self-deprecating tone and added:

"Hehe~ I used to laugh at the "God Ascension" plan as crazy and naive, and only your cheap uncle was willing to believe it. As a result, it seems to be quite pragmatic now."

Obviously, the so-called "God Ascension Person" is completely different from the weird picture in front of him. Even though Lloyd doesn't know much about the two plans, he can feel the obvious difference between them.

One is to select a human and gradually train him into a powerful God Ascension.

One is to use some weird rituals and strange means to create an unknown god...

If the problem with the former plan is that it is impossible to confirm whether humans can really reach that step, whether they will suddenly die in the middle, and whether the god will still stand on the side of humans when that day comes.

Then the problems and complaints of the latter plan are simply endless...

Apart from the unclear process, even if it succeeds in the end, who knows what kind of precious thing will be produced through this ritual?

So even if Lloyd has not returned to the academy to ask Dean Hazlade, he probably knows why this group of humanoid monsters are enemies rather than compatriots.

Even in Mitzkatokri, there are minority groups like Dr. Mao Mao, Director Zaza, and the pointy-eared beautiful girl, but they are completely different from this group of crazy humanoid monsters.

So Lloyd asked again:

"What should we do?"

"Smash this fake body, take out the things inside, and take out all the black blood."

The former dean replied.

Lloyd nodded and asked another question:

"What about these two?"

"It's best not to move, because I'm not sure what state they are in now."

"Got it!"

Lloyd was ready to call on his [Projection] to destroy this fake former dean first.

As a result, the former dean saw this and hurriedly stopped him:

"Don't! Use your [Distortion] to complete it."

"Uh... I thought you were going to change your body..."

"Why do you want to change? My body is pretty good now, and girls like me. This is a treatment I didn't enjoy when I was young."

It seems that you are used to being a fish head and don't want to be a human anymore...

Lloyd complained in his heart again, and then followed his advice and activated the physical distortion effect of [Distortion Realm] to crush the fake body, and then revealed the three real remains that had been alienated inside.

Thanks to the evolution and expansion of [Distortion Realm] at a subtle level, and Lloyd's accumulated dissection skills, the whole process was not only smooth and fast, but also did not damage the original remains at all.

This made the former dean marvel:

"I didn't expect that your control of power has reached such a delicate and subtle level? I didn't expect that you are also quite accomplished in dissection?"

"Well... Actually, when I first became an executioner, I didn't imagine that I would one day perform such a special dissection..."

Lloyd replied with a smile.

Who dares to think of dissecting a [Brilliant Gold]?

After the real remains were peeled off, the next thing was just like what happened before. The former dean blew a strange "whistle", and these remains automatically floated up and flew into the high-grade sealed lead box that Lloyd had prepared long ago.

However, even the most advanced lead box could not completely block the unique and strange spirituality emanating from these remains.

That spirituality not only made Lloyd's mind beat like a gong, but also made him perceive something unique and wonderful, but he could not understand what it was for the time being.

The former dean happened to notice the change in his expression and took the initiative to explain:

"That is the remaining [miracle], and it is also the main reason why I hope you can come and excavate my body. Although it has been highly alienated, it should still be able to help you master the supreme realm as soon as possible...

Hmm... In other words, this state is actually better. I still hope that you will not just follow my old path. While mastering the [miracles] of the past, you can also have your own supreme realm. So in this current state and opportunity, It's just right...

It's just that these auras are still likely to cause some danger to you now. I will teach you a set of rituals when you go back, and use them to further seal it. "

"Yeah! I understand."

Lloyd nodded vigorously.

Just at this time, he suddenly noticed some strange fluctuations in the space, and said quickly:

"Those monsters outside seem to be trying to break the space loop I left."

"How long can I hold on?"

"I'm afraid it won't take long. The space loop I deployed is not very complicated."

"Then hurry up!"

As the former dean said, he motioned to Lloyd to quickly take out a larger container, and then followed the same example, using a whistle to call out the black blood in the pool.

The blood was not as obedient as those mixed in the previous sculptures. Instead, it behaved more rebelliously. Although it was still floating in mid-air, it showed an obvious struggle and refused to enter the container on its own.

"Use your twist!"

The former dean quickly reminded him.

Lloyd quickly covered it with [Twisted Realm].

The blood that was still struggling couldn't help but froze for a moment before it stopped resisting and poured obediently into a large enough sealed lead box.

"Although we don't know the specific operation mode of their ritual, these blood must be a very important component, so much so that they have specially cultivated it. Now that it is taken away by us, it should be able to greatly delay their crazy idea. Bar."

The former dean said and then reminded:

"If you don't find it disgusting, it's best to take the liquid metal down there as well. Even in the most opulent times, this thing is a rare and precious thing. It's called [Tears of the Stars]"

Lloyd was really disgusted by this at first, but after hearing this, he nodded quickly.

"It's okay. I have already made up my mind to sacrifice for the future of mankind. This little difficulty is nothing, but... how can I get rid of them?"

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