I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 518 518 Why haven’t you solved it yet?

Chapter 518 518. Why haven’t you solved it yet?

In response to Lloyd's question, the former dean asked confidently:

"How to extract it? Don't you have equipment such as water pumps and catheters? Or equipment for metal purification? It is best to be corrosion-resistant, high-temperature-resistant and anti-interference?"

"No... Who would think of exchanging such things? Aren't we here for archaeology?"

"Alas... Since it is archaeology, we naturally need to consider various unexpected situations! Forget it, what about metal solvents and additives that can change the properties of metals, solidify, and condense? These should always be prepared, right?"

"I... I'm sorry to disappoint you. I don't know much about materials science..."

"??? Then what did you learn in college outside?"

"Civil engineering..."

"What's the use of this? Do you want to go to the construction site to lay plaster or lay lines? Are you so useless?"

It can be seen that since Lloyd collected the three organs of the former dean, his whole person... or the whole basin of fish heads has become much more energetic. Not only can he float by himself, but he also has the energy to argue with Lloyd.

However, since there is no corresponding equipment for the fight, and these liquid metals called [Star Tears] are rare treasures that cannot be missed, we can only find another way.

But how can we extract these things?

What if we can go to the bottom of the well and use the professional knowledge of civil engineering to dig a hole to let it leak out?

Eh... wait... drain?

Lloyd suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of the vortex formed when the sink was drained...

He quickly spread the coverage of [Distorted Realm] to cover the deep well, and then used the greatest force to perform physical distortion.

The liquid metal in the entire deep well, with the power of physical distortion, took on the shape of circles of vortices and began to rotate at high speed.

Then, Lloyd continued to control the direction of rotation, like a 'dragon sucking water', dragging the liquid metal in the well, forming a metal waterspout suspended in the air, which looked very magical and spectacular.

Thanks to his abundant spiritual power and understanding of the microscopic level, this process was not too difficult.

At least Lloyd still had the energy to pay attention to some details. First, he had to make sure that not a drop was left. Then he had to use anatomical techniques to remove the bones mixed in one by one, which was equivalent to a purification and refinement, making the liquid metal more "clear" and "pure".

After ensuring that there would be no disgusting residue inside, Lloyd separated a part of his spiritual power, transformed into an invisible hand, and then dragged the largest sealed lead container closer.

The metal waterspout then "drilled" into the container under his control and guidance, clean and tidy, without wasting a drop.

This operation made the former dean on the side shake his head and couldn't help but exclaim:

"You can actually come up with this idea. Your mind is really flexible. It seems that this civil engineering has not been learned in vain!"

No... What does this have to do with civil engineering?

Lloyd muttered inwardly and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

After all this operation, even though his [Spiritual Power] was as high as 3600 points and there was a bonus from the strength level, he still consumed nearly one-third of his spiritual power in the end.

The main reason was that this liquid metal was too heavy, much heavier than ordinary water or even mercury of the same volume, like a large steel roll.

If the spiritual power was a little worse, there would be nothing he could do with this heavy thing.

But from the perception of inspiration, its density and viscosity were not high, and it was about the same state as one of Lloyd's best dishes, black pepper spicy strawberry chicken soup.

But why is it so heavy? Doesn't physics work on this thing?

Whose coffin lid can't be held down?

Let's not think about these things for now...

Lloyd shook his head secretly, put the container that had been filled to the brim back into the storage bag, and suddenly felt much more relaxed and at ease.

Fortunately, there is a storage bag, otherwise I really don’t know how to carry such a heavy thing back?

After packing up the important gains of this trip, Lloyd did not dare to go back to the deep well with only a pile of bones left. He just looked at the two [Brilliant Gold] sitting there motionless, and bowed slightly to them as a courtesy farewell.

However, when he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, stopped, and then reached into the storage bag for a while, and finally took out a bunch of strange things.

Some are cartoon toys, and there are also common ritual props such as pocket watches, music boxes, and compasses.

Seeing this, the former dean asked with some confusion:

"What are you doing?"

"Leave them a little warm surprise."

Lloyd said mysteriously, and operated these small props again, and then threw them into the deep well full of bones.

Next, while the monsters had not yet unlocked the space loop, they carried out some post-disaster recovery work -

The lively artworks on the first and second floors should not be wasted, so they were all rolled away and stuffed into the Storm School District to be imprisoned and appreciated slowly later.

The urbanized barrier that has not yet exhausted its energy cannot be left to aid the enemy. It must be recycled. These devices are not disposable. Go back and find a way to recharge them so that they can be used next time.

Of course, there are also various traces left by himself, which must be cleaned up to avoid being found by those monsters.

After all, he took a little more things this time...

This whole set of aftermath process took Lloyd about an hour, which was longer than the time it took to recycle the remains before.

Fortunately, his space loop is still strong. Although there are strange fluctuations from time to time, at least it has persisted until now and has not been cracked by the monsters.

But it should be almost done. They may come in at any time.

So in order to avoid trouble, Lloyd did not go to search the underground warehouse, but returned to the school district with the space storm more safely, and then pulled up the space anchors anchored around, ready to leave.

But before setting off, he looked at the space storm that had already grown vigorously, hesitated for a moment, and then asked the former dean for his opinion:

"Do you need me to mobilize the space storm to completely destroy this place?"

This question made the former dean think for half a minute before answering:

"For the time being, don't do it. Since they are confident that they can breed gods here, it may not be as simple as what we saw today. Let's not make any more trouble."

"Well, okay, let's go!"

Lloyd nodded, and then controlled the space storm to act as a 'sail', pulling the speed to the limit, making the entire school district like a light speedboat, returning quickly towards the direction of the college.

A simple estimate of the speed should save half the time compared to the previous time, right?

So taking advantage of this gap, Lloyd first distributed the 5,000 attributes accumulated before.

1500 points of [rationality], 1500 points of [spiritual power], 1500 points of [cognition], 500 points of [inspiration], my pond is about to become a reservoir!

[Ding~ points added]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: ? ? ? ]

[Madness value: 8147/50000, upper limit: 5100000]

[rationality: 5100]

[spiritual power: 5100]

[inspiration: 2800]

[cognition: 5100]

[system: distortion LV6, denial LV6, delusion]

This expedition, just the expansion of this wave of attributes can be regarded as a great harvest.

In addition to the recovery of three remains, and the power related to [Miracles] involved in them;

There is also [Star Tears] that even the former dean thinks is precious, and a lot of [Blood of the Supreme]

Even those artworks were not spared, and the last wave of hundreds of pieces were enough to cultivate artistic attainments to a very high level.

It was really a worthwhile trip!

Is it true that turning over corpses and looting is the fastest way to grow?

But what made Lloyd a little regretful was that he obtained a lot of knowledge fragments on this trip, but in the end, none of them could be used, and all were swept into the "recycling bin".

This situation is obviously very rare and not quite right, and it can no longer be explained by probability...

So is it caused by environmental factors? Or are those [beacons] themselves a bit problematic?

But putting aside the forbidden knowledge, just talking about the mental pollution that these [beacons] can bring, it is naturally not a big loss, but only a small loss.

I just don’t know if this situation will improve after changing the environment?

Lloyd was thinking about it, and suddenly felt a slight fluctuation coming from the depths of the distant space.

This means that the space loop laid in front is still holding on, and has not succumbed or compromised to those monsters.

How can it last so long? Something is wrong, right? This is obviously a very simple structure, and it is not very strong...

Did they think I had prepared a trap? So they dare not act rashly?

Or are they preparing to use some special means to crack my space loop?

Or are they worried that the destruction of the space loop will cause some bad chain reaction, causing them to be afraid to act rashly?

Lloyd roughly imagined the reason why the other party dragged it out for so long.

You can't say that they are just simple noobs, right? They can't even solve such a simple space loop, right?

It shouldn't be... If they don't have this level, how dare they do such a shocking and cruel thing as nurturing a god?

Lloyd adhered to his humble, cautious and steady young man character, and tried to be lenient with the enemy as much as possible.

Naturally, it was unimaginable that the monsters were sweating profusely at this time.


"Hahaha! I understand! So that's it, so that's it! I succeeded!"

A monster that pretended to be wearing a white coat and a monocle, but couldn't hide its leech-like body, suddenly shouted excitedly from its mouth, and then began to twitch violently on the spot.

Next to it, there was a monster wearing classical and gorgeous clothes, but couldn't hide its curious body. After bending down to check the situation, it showed a very human regret on its face and shook its head.

Then, it raised its head and said carefully to the curious meat polymer sitting on the high platform behind it:

"Sorry...Priest, another one has gone crazy...This is the fifth scholar we have lost..."

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