I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 536 Don't make a fuss

Chapter 536 536. Don’t make a fuss

Although it feels strange to give a complete set of fishing gear as a gift for such an occasion, I have to say that the craftsmanship of this set of fishing gear is really high quality, and it feels like high-end carbon fiber. Lloyd couldn't put it down and can't wait to get it now. Just one shot.

It can be said that every man should have a set of fishing gear like this.

Judging from this, this gift is extremely appropriate?

However, before Lloyd had enough fun, Professor Lawrence said angrily:

"Today is your sister's ceremony, so the gift is naturally for her. Why are you holding it?"

"Ah this..."

Lloyd felt a little embarrassed all of a sudden...

Why do you still give fishing gear to girls?

What's more, my sister still has that petite and cute figure, and she can't even swing a bar.

At this time, one of the 'entourage' who came with Professor Lawrence noticed Lloyd's love for this fishing gear and quickly said:

"If Professor Lloyd likes it, I'll give you another set later."

Lloyd was about to decline when he suddenly felt a gaze coming from beside him, coming from his future father-in-law, reminding him that he must refuse.

It seems that the future father-in-law does not regard himself as an outsider?

So Lloyd declined the other party's kindness, put the fishing gear into the storage bag, invited everyone to sit down, and then introduced himself to everyone present as briefly as possible, and then tried to continue talking about business:

"Professor, we were discussing a very serious topic just now, about the recent incident. Do you think it's okay to..."

Professor Lawrence naturally knew what Lloyd was talking about, so he did not rush to answer. Instead, he considered it for two minutes, then nodded and replied:

"Since the people present are not ordinary people, we can naturally talk about it."

As he spoke, he also clarified his position:

"Besides, my views on the dead bones in the tombs are different from the dean's. He is still too conservative and doesn't want to cause trouble. But my thoughts are different. Since the contradiction between the two parties is irreconcilable, we should do something early. Be prepared for the worst outcome.”

With the support of Professor Lawrence, Lloyd nodded, and then told everyone present about the causes and consequences of the ancient survivors.

Of course, some details that must be concealed cannot be revealed, but it is enough to make those present aware of the seriousness of the situation.

After Lloyd finished speaking, he observed the faces of the people present, and found that the expressions of the two people brought by Professor Lawrence suddenly became very solemn, as if they were thinking of some serious situation.

According to Professor Lawrence's previous introduction, these two 'entourages' came from the City of Order and the City of Tranquility respectively. They were not high-ranking, only second- and third-level people, but they were prominent local figures, and they were the kind of people who were in all aspects. They are all the kind of people who are more open-minded and have a greater reputation.

Although he is not from the college, he is Mizkatok's partner in the real world and has a close relationship with the local alumni association. He also has relatives studying at the college. It is precisely because of this relationship that he can get along with Professor Lawrence. Go online.

As for the future father-in-law, he acted relatively calmly. He just showed a thoughtful expression and was lost in thought.

Wei Ya quietly took Lloyd's arm with some worry, as if she didn't want him to take risks.

As for the three students from Brilliant City, they had a discussion on the spot as if they were back in the academy. The theme was still historical. They were speculating on which people from the past this group of ancient remnants were?

The three of them happened to have completed their studies in the history department, so they were considered to be professional counterparts.

Finally, Professor Lawrence twirled the white beard on his chin and said with a somewhat relaxed expression:

"It seems that they have been infiltrating us for a long time and are very patient, but now they suddenly become anxious? They seem to be acting more and more anxious?"

The future father-in-law took over the conversation and replied:

"It is indeed as you said. The trend of these people recruiting extraordinary people started a little half a year ago, but at that time they were indifferent and had no particular interest. They were far from as eager as they are today, so I guess they are Didn’t you encounter something unexpected recently?”

Professor Lawrence nodded, looked at Lord Rand carefully, and then looked at where he was sitting -

On the same sofa as Lloyd, there is a beautiful and cute girl in the middle. How come she looks like Lloyd's elder?

But in Lloyd's overly concise introduction, didn't he just say that the girl named 'Viya' was his colleague, and that the declining nobleman was her father?

Isn't this kid afraid of Professor Hildina finding out? You are really brave...

Professor Lawrence cursed a few words in his heart, and then said to the two 'entourages' he brought:

"Is there a similar situation over there?"

"To be honest, the situation in our City of Order may be more severe than that in the City of Brilliance, and this phenomenon has been happening much earlier -

About a year ago, many private investigation groups and societies emerged in our area. In a short period of time, the number of such institutions and organizations has doubled several times, and they are all legal!

At first, I didn’t take it too seriously. I thought it was the work of the religious order or the arrangement of the Holy One. It wasn’t until I heard this secret today that I thought of a very terrible result - the supporters of the remnants, Perhaps he has already established a foothold in the City of Order! "

As soon as the 'entourage' opened his mouth, he brought very bad news...

And the news brought by another 'attendant' from the Silent City is also not good:

"Although the situation on our side is slightly better, it is still limited. You should all know about the sudden great expedition before, right? Many strong men in the city participated in it, and I am afraid it brought a lot of trouble to these fans. Take advantage of this opportunity...

In addition, our saint's mental state has never been good, that is, it has only gotten better recently, but I am afraid that the situation is already very pessimistic. "

Seeing that the atmosphere in front of him became more tense due to the two pieces of bad news, Lloyd quickly spoke, trying to relax:

"I believe Lord Bayer can handle this. He is a saint known for his wisdom, and he is in a good mental state now."

"Uh... Lecturer Lloyd, I don't mean to question it, but from what you said, it seems like you are very familiar with our saint?"

"No, no, no, that can't be said to be familiar. I've only met him once."

Lloyd explained quickly.

Unexpectedly, the 'entourage' suddenly widened his eyes:

"Huh??? Have you met our saint???"

Not only him, but everyone else here also stared at Lloyd, as if they had heard some big news.

Especially the future father-in-law, the expression on his face turned very complicated, which Lloyd did not expect.

Only Wei Ya and Professor Lawrence behaved very calmly. They all knew the relationship between Lloyd and Hildina, so it was reasonable to meet other saints.

Lloyd waved his hand again and continued:

"Uh... you don't need to be so surprised, right? Saints are not as high-ranking as you think. At least the four I have come into contact with are quite easy to talk to."

"Four...four? Have you met four saints??? Are you a bit...exaggerating?"

"Is the gap between me and S-class so big?"

"Not to mention how you got in touch with these four saints, how did you withstand their direct gaze? How did you get in front of them? This... this is really incredible..."

Seeing that Lloyd's efforts to ease the atmosphere went astray, the highly respected Professor Lawrence spoke in time, coughed twice, and reminded:

"Okay, now instead of discussing the issue of how many saints Royd knows, let's go back to the ancient survivors. Since they are already ready to make a move, you can't just sit back and wait for death, right?"

After that, he thought of something again and specially added:

"Oh, by the way, in this matter, it's best not to expect much help from Mizkatok. You should understand our position and the fear of the outside world towards us, right?"

The two 'entourages' nodded in unison, and then stood up together.

"Yes, I understand. Since the situation is urgent, please forgive me for taking the first step."

"Me too, I have to go back to the city and conduct a thorough investigation of those civil society groups that suddenly appeared."

After saying that, they both looked at Professor Lawrence longingly, hoping that he would be "proud" and give them a lift.

Professor Lawrence gave Lloyd a look directly, indicating that he should come.

So Lloyd asked for the addresses of the two people, did some simple mental calculations, and opened the two portals.

This scene made several people present look stunned again.

Professor Lawrence showed a proud and proud smile and said helpfully:

"Lloyd's attainments in space technology have long surpassed mine, and there are still many, many more, so more often than not, I am his student... Okay, don't be stunned, and get down to business. "

After that, he paid special attention to Wei Ya's father's expression, caught the flash of shock in his eyes, smiled, and said seemingly inexplicably:

"Royd is a great kid and we at Mizkatok are proud of him."

He didn't seem to say anything clearly, but the future father-in-law still nodded seriously, probably understanding the implications of these words.

However, Lloyd didn't pay much attention to the confrontation between the two elders. He was still worried about the ruthless activities brewing by the ancient survivors, and asked the three classmates who had obviously not yet recovered:

"Did you come up with any results from your discussion? Did you find their roots?"

"Bottom? This word sounds a bit strange...but it's surprisingly appropriate?"

Brother Fu’s classmate first sighed, and then he was replaced by his fat classmate and asked:

"I'm afraid it's difficult to draw any valid conclusions in a short period of time. After all, we haven't had any contact with them... What about the academy? They should have conducted special research, right?"

"There should be, but the results are limited, and due to school regulations, it is not convenient to disclose it to the outside world. You have to think of more ways to do it yourself."

Professor Lawrence replied.

"Well, we understand the rules, so let's continue the discussion."

The honest fellow nodded, stood up and moved to the table next to him, and motioned to the two classmates to come over as well.

Lloyd saw this and stopped them, telling them that he had already cast the bait:

"I used some tricks to monitor the representative of the congressman before, maybe there will be gains soon?"

This operation immediately made all three students look happy.

"I didn't expect you to have such a method? That's great!"

"As expected of an excellent student, you have many methods. Damn it, why don't I have such convenient magic?"

"If we can follow the clues and directly find the ancient survivors behind, wouldn't we be able to take the initiative to attack?"

"Then if you find out, how do you plan to deal with it? Hand it over to the cult? Or..."

"Of course it has to be handed over to the cult, otherwise it will be difficult for you and me to spare so much time and energy to deal with these politicians."

After listening for a while, the future father-in-law suddenly asked Professor Lawrence a seemingly irrelevant question:

"Excuse me, I have also roughly understood the rules of your college, but I still can't understand it. Have you never thought about establishing more connections with the world?"

Obviously, he was probably curious, why such a mysterious and powerful Mitzkatok was unwilling to deal with the group of ancient survivors personally? Instead, he wanted to leave it to the world to deal with?

It's just that the way of asking the question is more implicit.

"I have thought about it, but the resistance from all sides is much greater than you think, and we happen to be a simple academic organization."

Professor Lawrence responded simply, and then immediately asked:

"Since you mentioned this, as a lord today, I have some questions to discuss with you. Of course, you can let the children go away first."

"Okay, it's my honor."

After the two of them said that, Lloyd took Weiya away with knowledge and interest, and the remaining three classmates also moved to the next table, leaving the two elders alone.

Lloyd didn't listen to what they were talking about, but just took Weiya's hand and went to a long balcony outside, from which you can overlook a large area of ​​the city scenery.

After watching for a while, Lloyd said in a firm tone:

"No matter what the attitude of the college is, this is our city, and I will not watch it fall into the hands of those monsters."

"Well, my father and I will definitely help you."

Weiya also nodded vigorously.

At this moment, Lloyd suddenly felt a slight fluctuation of spiritual power coming from the tower above.

This meant that the process on Hiltina's side had ended, and his sister had already started the ceremony.

He didn't know what kind of him she would reject?

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