I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 537 537 Evelor's Enlightenment

Chapter 537 537. Everol’s Enlightenment

In fact, last night, Lloyd secretly asked Everol what kind of self he planned to [veto] during the ceremony?

But Yverol gave him a fierce look, saying that this was a girl's secret...

Not long ago, when Hiltina held Yverol in her arms and squeezed her like a doll, she also asked about this question.

But Yverol still shook her head and said that she had not thought about it well.

In fact, until the ceremony began, she sat in front of the mirror where the ceremony was performed, looking at the memories flashing through the mirror like a revolving lantern, and she was still hesitating about this embarrassing question.

What kind of self do you want to [veto]?

A weak self?

Not taller yourself?

Stupid yourself?


Everol frowned slightly, showing a sad and delicate look. She subconsciously hugged her legs in white stockings with her hands and rested her chin on her knees, like a poor kitten curled up.

In the mirror in front of her, she was looking back at the old days when she and Lloyd lived on the streets.

At that time, the two of them had just escaped from the orphanage. In order to avoid the clutches of the priest, they had to abandon the familiar neighborhood and escape further on foot?

"Sister, are you tired? Can I carry you?"

The small, dirty Lloyd in the mirror was raising his head, looking longingly at Everoll outside the mirror, which made her laugh involuntarily, and sighed in a low voice:

"Xiao Yi was really cute and sensible when he was a child. He never snatched toys from me. He would always think of me when he got any delicious food. Obviously I was the older sister, but he was the one taking care of me most of the time. ?”

"I am really an...incompetent sister..."

The memories in the mirror are still going on. Fast forward to Lloyd holding a small bowl of hot mashed potatoes and handing it to Everol outside the mirror. He also deliberately raised the bowl to an angle that could just cover his face.

"Sister, this kind-hearted person gave this to us. Eat it quickly. You didn't even eat last night."

"What about you, Xiaoyi?"

"Haha, don't worry about me. The kindhearted person gave me a few pieces of bread, and I ate them on the way back... Uh... Sister, you won't be angry, right? Yeah! That's good, hurry up while it's hot. Eat it!”

Eve Luol looked at this scene that was still fresh in her memory outside the mirror, and suddenly felt a convulsive pain in her heart.

"I still remember that I remember this scene deeply because I was a little angry with Xiaoyi at the time, but I didn't say it directly, and then I ate all the bowl of mashed potatoes in anger..."

"But... Xiaoyi would even give me half an apple after picking it up, so how could he possibly eat the bread on the road?"

"He really... won't lie at all..."

"He raised the bowl so high because he didn't want me to find him swallowing secretly, right?"

"It turns out that I have always been a selfish person since I was a child..."

Yverol whispered to herself, twitching her lovely nose, and then stretched out her hand to rub her eyes vigorously, not wanting to let herself cry during such an important ceremony.

The memory in the mirror started to fast forward again, and soon it was replaced by Lloyd who was beaten with a bruised nose and face, lying weakly in Everol's arms, his consciousness was hazy and blurred, but he was still talking like a dream:

"Don't... be afraid... I will... protect you..."

But at that time, Everol could only cry helplessly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Xiaoyi, don't worry about anything..."

Evelor outside the mirror still remembered that time she found a job gluing matchboxes, but ended up being bullied on her first day at work.

Then his younger brother picked up a wooden stick and rushed towards an adult male like an angry little lion...

If a policeman hadn't happened to pass by, his brother would have been beaten to death by that man...

"Yes, this is my brother, my Xiao Yi. He has always been like this since he was a child..."

Everol looked at this scene and could no longer suppress the tears in her eyes, and two lines of tears burst out of her eyes.

But the memories still continue.

"Sister, do you still feel pain? I have driven the cat away, but it also took the food away. Damn it! If only I could grow up quickly."

In the mirror, Lloyd was holding a clean gauze that he found from somewhere and carefully bandaging the scratches on Everol's hand.

But there were several scratches on his own face, and blood still oozed out from time to time, making him twitch the corners of his mouth and gasp.

Finally, Lloyd used the remaining gauze to gently wipe away the tears from the corners of Everol's eyes, and comforted her softly:

"Okay, sister, don't cry. Sister still looks better when she smiles."

As he spoke, he forced himself to smile, even though the smile was weird and ugly.

But it still made Everol, who was outside the mirror, laugh and nod vigorously.

"Well, I will always smile in front of Xiao Yi from now on."

As the past scenes flashed back, Everol felt that her original melancholy, entangled, and complicated mood gradually calmed down.

Although I still haven’t thought about what kind of myself I want to [veto], but at least I no longer feel anxious about this issue.

She believed that if she continued reading, she would be able to find the answer to this question.

Lloyd in the mirror fast-forwarded and soon grew taller than himself. The lives of the siblings also gradually improved with the help of Miss Desda.

There is no need to fight with wild cats for food in the trash can, or to stay warm in a cardboard box. The elder sister can stay with Miss Desita, while the younger brother goes to the charity school of the Order.

As Lloyd grew up day by day, his figure became taller and taller, his appearance became more handsome, and his grades became better and better. He went from a public welfare school to a university in the city.

Suddenly, the fast-forward in the mirror suddenly stopped, freezing on a strange scene.

The grown-up Lloyd had just finished taking a shower and was wiping the water droplets off his body before he could put on his shirt.

He seemed to notice someone looking at him, and turned around with a faint smile.

Eve Luol looked at this scene outside the mirror, her lovely face suddenly turned red.

In fact, the two of them didn't communicate much at that time, and there was no follow-up development. The reason why Everol was deeply impressed by this scene was probably because from this moment on, her feelings for her brother showed some subtle changes...

From then on, she never closed the door when changing clothes...

At the same time, I also started to be particularly concerned about whether my brother had a girlfriend...

"Ugh...I...I'm such an unruly sister. Why would I have such an idea?"

Outside the mirror, Everol tightly covered her hot cheeks with both hands, shaking her head vigorously, as if dark history had been unearthed, and she did not dare to look further.

An impulse welled up in my heart...

Otherwise, just [veto] this ignorant self, right?

Everol had originally planned to do this and had already raised her little hands.

But she suddenly thought of something again, and slowly put her hand down.

She remembered His Majesty the Saint said that [vetoing] does not mean forgetting the past, but facing the past and making changes.


Do you really want to change yourself like this?


Everol shook her head, her expression suddenly becoming more determined.

"I will always be with Xiao Yi. He promised me that we will always be together!"

"But...Xiaoyi has also met an outstanding girl. His Majesty the Saint really loves him. They will get married and have a baby..."

"I should accept all this calmly, instead of imagining that I will always be the only one around him, and expecting him to tolerate my willfulness..."

"I will no longer be sad because Xiaoyi has a girlfriend, and I will no longer hide in the room and cry secretly..."

"We will always be together..."

"So, I want to get rid of the selfish and willful self."

Everol said, no longer hesitating, and resolutely stretched out her hand towards the mirror in front of her.

In the mirror, she was secretly wiping tears in bed because of the incident between Lloyd and Hiltina.

With the touch of her little hand, the picture froze instantly, then cracks appeared one after another, and finally it fell into pieces.

The [Enlightenment] ceremony is completed.

With the activation of spiritual power and inspiration in her body, Everol narrowed her eyes slightly and carefully savored the changes in her body.

"So... is this what it feels like to be a transcendent? Is this the world that Xiao Yi usually feels?"

"Hehe, this is really... special?"

She sat on the sofa like this for a long time before she opened her eyes again and looked at the world that had become a little different in front of her.

Then, she turned back and looked out the door, which seemed to be the direction Hiltina should be, and then said inexplicably:

"Your Majesty, I will leave Xiao Yi to you. My unfinished regrets...can also be left to you, right?"

"After all... you can be considered another me in this world, right?"


"It's been several hours, right? Your sister... No, is your sister's ceremony still going well?"

Wei Ya asked worriedly.

She was hiding with Lloyd in a lounge outside the banquet hall, locking the door tightly, then sitting on Lloyd's lap, letting him hold her slender waist from behind, and stroking it with his cheek. The smooth and smooth pink back like satin was rubbed continuously.

I can't help it, the cut of this evening dress is indeed too bold, and a large area of ​​​​the back is exposed...

"Don't worry, sister, she will be fine. Didn't I say that? My sister's talent is the best I have ever seen."

Lloyd said confidently, and then reluctantly moved his hands away from the excellent black stockings on Wei Ya's legs so that she could get up.

"Okay, it's enough to hide here for a while, it's time to go back."


Wei Ya turned around and kissed Lloyd one last time. Then she stood up reluctantly and followed Lloyd back to the banquet hall.

It happened that Professor Lawrence seemed to be looking for Lloyd, and when he saw him, he quickly waved.

Lloyd had to temporarily let go of Wei Ya's catkins, quickly ran to the old professor, and then asked impatiently:

"Have you helped me deal with Lord Rand?"

"Hmm? What are you thinking about, you silly boy? I have some serious business to discuss with him, and I can only say that I care a little bit about you... But then again, you are really bold, aren't you afraid that Professor Hiltina will eat you alive?"

"Then I said that this is Professor Hiltina's tacit approval, do you believe it?"

Professor Lawrence was stunned, then nodded slowly, showing a look of admiration.

But he immediately returned to normal and asked:

"How is your sister's situation? Are you paying attention to it?"

"It's going very smoothly, and the effect must be very good! Remember to write a recommendation letter for me later. My sister will definitely be a top talent that the college cannot miss in the future."

"Okay, I'll take it seriously... Since she is doing very well, I can tell you something else, which is still related to the group of dead bones in the tomb."

Professor Lawrence talked about the business and motioned Lloyd to sit down with him.

Lloyd followed and looked back, and found that Weiya was also called over by her father, and the father and daughter were also talking about something "in private".

Professor Lawrence smiled and asked:

"Okay, don't look at it. The matter is indeed related to their family. You should know what their family is planning, right?"

Lloyd scratched his head and replied:

"Hmm? It seems that there is such a thing. Weiya hasn't been to the cult for several days and has been staying at home. I can't contact her even with the communication tools in the academy, which means that she is being tightly blocked. But when I asked her just now, she kept shaking her head and told me not to care."

"That means this girl really loves you and doesn't want to implicate you... In fact, their family is dealing with a big or small trouble, and they are conducting an internal investigation, so it is not convenient to disclose it to the outside world."

"Internal investigation of the family?"

Lloyd felt a little unfamiliar with this term. Maybe it was something that only wealthy families would encounter?

"In short, the people in their family have been unlucky recently, and have encountered many accidents, big and small. From fainting for no reason to being hit by a car and being hospitalized, there are also small things like losing money at the gambling table or losing all the money in the investment industry..."

"Although considering that there are hundreds of people in their family, it is not impossible to encounter so many things from a probability point of view, but the lord still suspects that someone is secretly at work, maybe a strong person in the [Disaster] system."

"However, the group of experts he hired did not find anything unusual after repeated inspections; the omen obtained by launching [Divination] pointed to the inside of their family."

Lloyd couldn't help grinning when he heard this, and asked:

"Hiss~ This is really a troublesome thing, but how is it related to the ancient survivors?"

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