I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 563 It’s almost time

Chapter 563 563. It’s almost time

"Nice to meet you~ Lord Knight, I wonder if I can see Lord Deacon after tonight's ceremony? I have something very important to discuss with him..."

"Well...it depends on the deacon's mood, but if it's really important, I can help you report it."

"Haha... I can't say that. It's just that I finally convinced my father. He has decided to join our sect. The Lord Knight may have heard of it. My father has a few friends in the parliament."

"This is not important. You should still remember that the deacon has emphasized many times that he does not value everyone's wealth and power. He only cares about whether you are loyal enough to the sect and whether you are ready to dedicate everything."

In an auditorium at the center of the ruins, believers are gathering through various secret passages, tunnels and sewers to prepare for tonight's ceremony.

There is a heavy metal gate at the deepest part of the auditorium. When opened, there is an altar filled with gold, jewelry, jewelry, and even money orders and bonds.

At that time, all members except the Guardian Knights will gather around the indescribable sculpture in the middle, and the missionaries present will organize everyone to worship and pray in order to please the supreme angel.

Afterwards, believers will leave some more or less belongings on the ground to express their fidelity to their faith.

Unlike other ordinary cults or illegal organizations, no one will touch these properties if they are left on the ground, nor will they be looted by anyone. Even many bills of exchange and bonds have expired, and they are allowed to be buried by various properties. .

It is this relatively open and transparent design that makes many believers behave more generously. There are also many people who regard it as some kind of public fund and leave various belongings with the idea of ​​investment.

During the entire process of the ceremony, the deacon will watch silently from a high place. If there are any believers who are extremely pious, they will be noted by him, and there will probably be an opportunity to receive gifts later. That is even the guardian. It is a precious opportunity that all knights are envious of, and is regarded as a great honor.

If there are some believers with special status or who are young and beautiful, they still have the opportunity to be summoned by the deacon alone, go to his private room for instructions, and be entrusted with important tasks.

This is undoubtedly an even more rare opportunity. The status of believers who have been summoned individually will rise in the sect. It is said that they will have the opportunity to meet the priest in the future, which is definitely rare.

In short, all the believers who come are eager to receive gifts or be summoned alone, so the male believers go to great lengths to show off their financial resources, while the female believers work hard to dress themselves up.

In addition, you have to find ways to maintain close relationships with clergy such as protective knights and missionaries, and ask them to speak kindly to you in front of the deacon.

However, before tonight's ceremony officially started, there was a small commotion in the small auditorium where everyone was waiting.

"Asshole! Get out of the way! You liar! You are basically a cult, right? I will report you to the Holy Court of Grace right now!"

A young man with a strange face suddenly shouted loudly and pushed a believer who was blocking him, preparing to leave.

But the cultist was still stopping him and wanted to cover his mouth with his hand to stop him from talking nonsense.

But this young man turned out to be an extraordinary person. He immediately released some spiritual power, pushed aside the cultist who was blocking the way, and continued to curse unabashedly:

"I have always regarded you as my best friend, from kindergarten to middle school to university, so I am willing to serve as your guard and do something for this society together... But you trampled on my trust like this What a shameless liar, bastard, pig!"

After he cursed fiercely, he got into a nearby corridor without looking back.

The atmosphere in the auditorium was slightly awkward for two or three seconds, and then everyone present continued to whisper as if nothing had happened.

It seemed like they had seen this happen before and weren't surprised.

Obviously, the people who will be introduced are a mixed bag of good and bad, and a brainless greenhead like this is naturally not a rare creature, and has long been used to it.

Only one of the guardian knights silently left the crowd and walked towards the corridor where the young transcendent left.

The young believer who introduced him quickly fell in front of the guardian knight, hugging his thigh with both hands, and begged with tears and runny nose.

However, the guardian knight was completely indifferent, his face was ashen, and he kicked the cultist aside unceremoniously, and then walked into the corridor.

What happens next does not need to be described in detail, it is not difficult to guess.

In fact, this kind of people and this kind of thing have happened here more than once, but it has not caused any consequences. Those who turned around and left, I am afraid that none of them can leave alive.

The Guardian Knight specializes in dealing with this kind of person. He should be able to find and catch up with the young transcendent very quickly, and then return before the ceremony begins...

However, something unexpected happened today. Not only did the guardian knight not come back, but even the deacon never showed up.

The missionaries wearing ceremonial robes and carrying various jewelry could not help but become a little anxious. They kept taking out their pocket watches to look at the time, and gathered together to discuss quietly:

"Why hasn't the deacon arrived yet? In the past, he always arrived very early and would use this time to communicate with everyone."

"Maybe something has been delayed? After all, the situation is a bit special these days, and the frequency of ceremonies is much higher than before."

"Then what should we do? Wait? Or..."

"Wait a minute. Although the ceremony does not need to be presided over by the deacon himself, without him present, we may not be able to communicate with the divine envoy."

"Hmm... But why didn't the knight come back? Did he drop by to find the deacon?"

"That should be it, right? Is it possible that he will still be entangled with that stupid young man?"

"How is it possible? Such a young man who knows nothing has no idea how terrifying the strength of the Guardian Knight is. That left a deep impression on me that I will never forget!"

"Oh? Are you talking about the time when you were imprisoned by the City of Silence? It seems that you were rescued by the Guardian Knight at that time, right?"

"Yes, just one knight killed the Serenity Order to the point of defeat, and finally led us away in a swagger... That is to say, since then, my faith has become stronger and more indestructible!"

"But then again, it seems that the knight who rescued you hasn't arrived yet?"

"Shh! Keep your voice down. After I got acquainted with him, I found that he is actually a kind of lazy...or informal person. He prefers having sex outside than going to church, so being late is not a problem for him. It's a common occurrence, and I usually sneak in when the ceremony has started, pretending that I'm not late...

Don't let the deacon know, or he will be punished. "

"Haha, I didn't expect that these cold knights also have a cute side. Don't worry, I won't say anything."

They were whispering, and suddenly someone shouted:

"Quiet! The deacon is here!"

As a result, everyone present fell silent in unison, and even held their breath slightly to express their respect for the deacon.

However, the deacon did not appear in person, but there was a sound of footsteps coming from the passage he often walked.

In this organization that follows a strict hierarchy and has a clear hierarchy of superiors and inferiors, no one else can take the passage leading to the deacon's residence unless he is summoned by him alone. If there is something important that requires an interview The deacon also had to take a longer and narrower detour.

Others also have passages belonging to their respective identities, such as missionaries, who also have an exclusive passage to enter and leave, while newcomers who have just joined can only go through the dark, narrow and smelly sewers.

No one complained at all about this inhumane rule. Instead, they thought it was very reasonable. They could clearly distinguish their class status and readily accepted it.

So when a strange figure finally appeared in that exclusive passage, the auditorium immediately exploded.

"You...who are you? How dare you walk through this passage? And why are you wearing a mask? Don't you know that wearing a mask is prohibited during the ceremony?"

"You don't want your life? Do you dare to walk through the deacon's passage? Come down quickly!"

"Huh? You don't even know about the doctrine that prohibits concealing one's identity...could it be the stupid young man who escaped before?"

"No, this guy is much taller than that kid, and his temperament is much more mature."

"So what is going on? Is he a clergyman recently promoted by Lord Deacon? Or... Lord Deacon suddenly wants to change his taste and try a man?"

The group of people below were talking a lot, and they were all guessing who this young man who suddenly appeared was. However, after talking so much, no one thought of the 'intruder' aspect.

Perhaps like the deacon, they had never imagined that this place might be invaded, let alone that the aloof deacon and the invincible guardian knight would have enemies they could not defeat.

It wasn't until the young man took two more steps forward and was exposed to the lights of the auditorium that anyone recognized the iconic gray uniform he was wearing.

"This...this is the uniform of the Holy Inquisition. He is an executioner responsible for executing monsters? But why do he wear a mask like the people of the Holy Inquisition?"

"Will the people from the Holy Inquisition also join us? It seems that our big family is getting more and more lively."

"Actually, there have always been people from the religious sect among us, even hunters from the Holy Court of Grace, but we just keep a low profile and don't often attend such occasions."

"But even members of the religious order can't use the deacon's exclusive passage! This young man is so unruly. I don't know how he will be punished in the future..."

"He asked for it himself. Do you still want to plead for him?"

"Forget it then... I still remember the severity of the deacon..."

Standing at the end of the passage, Lloyd looked at the inexplicable and strange 'relaxation' in the people below. For a moment, he didn't know whether to be angry or laugh?

He could only shake his head helplessly, and then raised his eyes to look at the guardian knights approaching him.

Naturally, they would not relax like these believers, and they still maintained a certain degree of vigilance. Two of them even whispered:

"Who are you?"

"I'll give you three seconds to take off your mask and show your identity!"

Lloyd ignored him directly, but cleared his throat, raised his voice, and said loudly:

"Everyone below, listen up, you have been surrounded!"

As he spoke, Old York and other four teammates also emerged in several other relatively high passages.

The position of the entire temporary team just formed a high-altitude encirclement.

And everyone held a thick black tube in their hands, and a translucent protective barrier appeared on their bodies.

Until then, the relaxation of these believers finally faded away, and they began to realize that something was wrong.

"These people... are they invaders? Are the people from the cult coming?"

"Damn it! What should we do now? They really surrounded us!"

"Why are you panicking? There are only five of them in total. Can you count how many of us there are? Besides, there are the invincible Lord Deacon and the Knights of the Church. I don't know what you are afraid of!"

"That's right. There are more than a thousand of us gathered here, but there are only five of them. Moreover, we still have five demons to command and the Lord God to rely on. Even if they are from the cult, what can they do? Just kill them all."

"But why are our Knights of the Church standing still?"

These people were talking, but Lloyd seemed not to hear them. He continued to talk to himself:

"I repeat again, you are surrounded. You have ten seconds to commit suicide, otherwise you will all die!"

After that, he began to count down quickly:

"10, 9, 8, 4, 3, 2... It's about time!"

Then, he didn't intend to listen to the people below to defend or ask anything, and waved his hand coldly.


A series of muffled sounds came from all directions. It was the movement of the thick black tube in the temporary teammate's hand. Several egg-shaped ellipsoids were ejected from it, drawing several parabolas and falling into the auditorium. They bounced twice on the ground and rolled several times.

Then the next second, the surface of these ellipsoids lit up with a faint white light, and violent spiritual power fluctuations were released from the inside...

Then, there was a series of slightly dull explosions.


There was no violent explosion, blazing flames, or flying shrapnel.

It was just that the air at the scene showed a wave and distortion, just like a road under the scorching sun.

The cultists didn't even have time to scream, and they saw their limbs like candles thrown into the fire, starting to melt rapidly, and then turned into wisps of green smoke.

The gorgeous chandelier on the ceiling of the auditorium, the metal decorations around it, the walls that were stronger than concrete, and even the big metal gate at the deepest part, also began to melt slowly like candles, leaving a trace of wavy "wax marks".

Even Lloyd and others could feel a surge of heat coming at them, making the translucent barrier in front of them make a "crackling" sound.

But even with the protection of this barrier, some sweat inevitably seeped out of his forehead and back, making Lloyd curse in his heart:

What's wrong with those guys in the engineering department? Doesn't the product manual say that this barrier is enough to deal with this kind of incendiary bomb without open flames? It also recommends using it in combination, but why did it still make me sweat?

What an unreliable group of guys... As expected, you can't trust them completely!

After he cursed a few words, the invisible high temperature in the auditorium almost dissipated in an instant.

Looking around, there was no living person in the entire auditorium.

There were no corpses or debris, and even their belongings had disappeared, all vaporized in the terrifying high temperature.

The surroundings were naturally pitch black, and one had to use spiritual vision to see clearly. The gorgeous chandelier on the ceiling had long since turned into a metal column, hanging down like an icicle, the surface was still red, and drops of hot iron were still dripping.

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