I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 564 This time the surprise is a little smaller

Chapter 564 564. The surprise this time is a little smaller

After another half minute of slowing down, Lloyd reached out and took out two cartoon villain toys from his storage bag. They looked like cute, two-headed bald villains. They were cute and naive, and they looked a bit like wizards. student.

Use your fingers to inject some spiritual power from the back of the villain, then twist their heads a few times to wind up the clockwork. The head of one of the villains, which is larger than the body, lights up like a high-wattage light bulb. Throw it into the dark below. After the dark venue, the surroundings were suddenly illuminated again.

The other villain's neck was twisted a few more times, turning on another light-emitting mode, so the villain's eyes shot out two circles of light like a strong flashlight, illuminating far away, and was held by Lloyd in his hand. Use it as a flashlight.

He planned to shake their eyes as soon as he saw which of his teammates was out of shape!

In addition to these two daily functions, if more spiritual power is injected and more rings are screwed on the neck, the light emitted by this cartoon bald man can also drive away and kill monsters such as resentful spirits and ghosts. It is a very practical engineering design.

At this time, after being silent for a long time, the 'squad channel' finally came out with an exclamation that had tried its best to control the emotions:

"This... such a terrifying weapon, such a terrifying high temperature... this is really... really... sorry... I don't know how to describe it..."

"What's even more terrifying is that it doesn't even have any fire or explosion, but it can emit high temperatures that can melt even metal and walls... What is the principle of this? Why is it so powerful?"

"Without the protection of this translucent barrier in front of us, I'm afraid we would be like those people and melt instantly, right? Hiss~ It's really scary the more I think about it, I'd better not use this big treasure indiscriminately..."

"Teacher Lloyd, didn't you tell us before that this is the weapon that your Mizkatok use to defend yourself? Do you Mizkatok people use this kind of terrifying weapon to defend themselves?"

Anyway, these four guys just said "horrible" and looked like they had never seen the world. This made Lloyd feel helpless and funny, so he could only explain one sentence at the risk of violating school rules:

"Can I still lie to you? This thing is designed and positioned as a self-defense weapon. Even the name is called [self-defense non-polluting incendiary bomb]. What kind of weapon can it be?"

Old York didn't rush to refute, but just followed the words and asked:

"No...please let me ask you a question. Let's assume this is a self-defense weapon. What is your Mizkatok's main battle weapon or strategic weapon?"

"You mean, our Mizkatok's strongest weapon? It is naturally blood, courage, friendship, love, hope and possibility."

Lloyd said casually.

"Ah...Teacher Lloyd, are you kidding me?"

"How is it possible? We, Mizkatok, have always been a neutral and pure academic institution. How can we possess such barbaric and crude things as main battle weapons and strategic weapons?"

"Okay... I'm sorry that I was abrupt and almost forgot your mysterious school rules. I shouldn't have asked..."

Old York could only say helplessly.

The Bai Yueguang investigator took a deep breath and said:

"Yeah, no matter what, I finally let out my anger! I really just... almost couldn't control myself."

The other two investigators also said:

"Haha~ Me too. Although I killed a lot of people, it was really fun just now! These scumbags really made their death so comfortable! If conditions didn't allow it, I would definitely send them to do it one by one. Hard labor!”

"So Instructor Lloyd is right. If you encounter this kind of thing, you must do it yourself to resolve the bad breath in your heart."

With such small talk to ease the atmosphere, the mood of the others in the team also relaxed, and they were no longer as silent and dignified as before.

The brief silence in front of them was not only shocked by the power of the self-defense incendiary bomb, but also because more than a thousand people gathered in the auditorium below just now, and it was wiped out in just an instant...

Although none of these people screamed in agony, nor did they die with corpses strewn across the field and rivers of blood, they were, after all, just investigators dealing with abnormal events, not butchers and executioners. After killing so many people in one go, their mentality was inevitable. There will be some impact.

This is actually the reason why Lloyd didn't do it himself before, but gave the 'trigger' to his teammates.

As a transcendent, you still can't kill too many people. Even the traitor advisor insists on this principle.

Fortunately, the teammates did not complain about anything. Instead, they were very grateful to Lloyd for giving them this opportunity. They even felt that these people died too easily and it was too cheap for them!

These anthropomorphic creatures really deserve to die!

In fact, the temporary team had already set up an ambush earlier and overheard many of the conversations below——

The kind of people who drag their parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends into the fire pit are considered minor; there is no lack of all kinds of coercion and inducement, forcing girls into prostitution; there are even persecutions that destroy other people's families, and they have no choice but to jump into this cult. fire pit.

What is even more hateful is that these people did such unscrupulous evil deeds, not because of anyone's request or performance evaluation, but purely spontaneous actions to prove that their beliefs are firm enough, and they are proud of it, just to show off to other cultists, or to win some appreciation from the deacon.

The most crazy one among them, after hearing that the deacon liked young and beautiful female believers, used false accusations and other means to cause his business partner to be imprisoned, and finally took possession of his wife and daughter, and then brought the poor mother and daughter to the deacon.

Afterwards, the temporary team found some bone residues in a small compartment of the deacon's residence...

So when the white moonlight investigator heard that the cultist was still complacently showing off his evil deeds to others, he almost pulled the trigger on the spot.

Fortunately, Lloyd woke him up in time, otherwise there would be no chance to save the young man in front.

At this time, Old York was climbing down the rope ladder he brought, and asked in the "Team Channel":

"By the way, do you want to wake up that reckless young man?"

"I've brought him here."

Lloyd jumped easily into the auditorium, and then couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Hiss~ The floor is still warm, just like an asphalt road under the 40-degree sun, hot feet!

I was deceived by the product manual again. It clearly said that the high temperature came and went quickly, and it would return to normal in just a few minutes.

Are these people reliable?

Following Lloyd was his [projection], and the sharp metal claws were still twisting the previous young man like twisting a kitten.

This guy is really bold and has a strong sense of justice, but he is a bit stupid. He has just completed [enlightenment], but he dared to challenge an entire cult gang alone in the previous situation...

Identified as reading too many street novels...

If Lloyd and others were not present, he would have been chased and eaten alive by the knight who protected the cult.

At this time, this guy was a little affected by Lloyd, and he looked confused and half asleep until the [projection] threw him to the floor, and he jumped up because of the burn.

"Wow wow wow! It's so hot! Am I roasted?"

"Not even close."

Lloyd said with some amusement.

The young man looked back and remembered Lloyd. He said with joy:

"Ah! Are you the judge who saved me just now? Thank you very much for your timely help. I didn't have time to thank you before..."

"It's just a small favor... You wait here, don't move, we will take you away in a while."

Lloyd gave a simple instruction, and then called his teammates to go to the last area of ​​the night, the altar in the deepest part.

The big iron gate that originally blocked this place has been baked into a half-melted "candle" by the high temperature, and a wide crack has been cracked. You can see what's inside at a glance without going in.

It's really the same as what Lloyd had seen in the memory fragments before, with gold and jewels everywhere, and thanks to the protection of the heavy iron door, it has not suffered much damage, and it is still a magnificent treasure house.

However, Lloyd didn't care much about these yellow and white vulgar things, but focused on studying the indescribable sculpture in the middle of the altar, and began to compare and analyze it in his mind.

Well... it seems that my previous inference was correct. This sculpture has some similarities with the ones seen on the top floor of the museum, but not in appearance, but in craftsmanship.

Although I don't quite understand the specific craftsmanship, the one in front of me is obviously rougher, and there is no high-end stuff like the Blood of the Supreme and Tears of the Stars mixed in it. It is a more youthful version.

But even so, it is worshipped by this group of anthropomorphic creatures. If it were replaced with the complete version in the museum, wouldn't they be so excited that they would die instantly?

Fortunately... I have smashed all the ones on the top of the museum. No wonder the group of survivors are so angry and find ways to find me.

Haha~ I advise you not to worry, there will be a lot of things to worry about in the future.

After thinking about it, Lloyd had a slight sneer on his lips.

Because he suddenly discovered that this sculpture actually secretly hides a non-standard space channel?

The reason why it is defined as ‘non-standard’ is that its process is very rough, not even a ‘rough’, which is equivalent to the last question in a math test, with only the word ‘solution’ written down.

Anyway, if any student in the space department dares to give this kind of test paper to Lloyd, he will definitely get a negative score and get out.

Such a rough space channel naturally cannot be opened normally. If you want it to work, you have to perform a series of complicated and troublesome operations on the other side, which should be the ancient survivors, and then it can be operated for about two or three minutes.

It is also very narrow, very unstable, and very unsafe. If you want to start it again, you have to go through the previous series of steps, which is very troublesome.

In short, it is very rubbish.

It can also be seen from this that although the ancient survivors are ahead of Mitzkatok in the field of life form transformation, when it comes to the field of space, they are not even thousands of years behind Mitzkatok.

No wonder they feel helpless about the space loop that Lloyd casually laid.

But now that this answer with only the word "solution" has fallen into Lloyd's hands, there must be hope.

With Lloyd's current spatial attainments, plus the level 6 [Space Domination] skill, even if there is only the word "solution", it is enough.

This "solution" just represents the most difficult coordinates to locate...

So Lloyd quickly asked [Projection] to sweep all the treasures under his feet aside, clearing a space for himself, and then, like a magic trick, he took out one piece of equipment after another from the storage bag.

Finally, he took out a special lead can as big as a rice jar, which is specially used to store some liquids with high sealing requirements.

Unlike the self-defense incendiary bombs he took out before, the ones he took out this time all had a special label on the surface, with a bloody skull on it...

At the same time, it is not just the creations of the Engineering Department, there are also many inventions from the Medical Department.

These messy things were all randomly exchanged because he couldn't find a place to spend the credits before, but he couldn't find a place to use them later.

Finally, I have waited until today for the chance!

So Lloyd operated and set up these equipment by himself, while releasing a lot of spiritual power, turning them into invisible hands, and started to deal with the potions that could not touch the skin.

At the same time, he opened the rice jar-sized lead can and stuffed all the adjusted things into it.

In the middle, he also grabbed some diamonds, gold bars, jewelry and other things that no one wanted on the ground to speed up the reaction of those potions.

Several teammates next to him were stunned and wanted to ask curiously, but were stopped by Old York in time.

"It's better not to disturb him at this time..."

"Uh... Indeed... I feel that Instructor Lloyd is doing a very dangerous operation..."

"This is probably... Extraordinary danger..."

Old York also noticed the bloody skull labels on the equipment and potions.

It turns out that Lloyd didn't lie to me before, and the incendiary bomb was really used for self-defense?

And the White Moonlight Investigator was more concerned about the strength shown by Lloyd in such details.

"His [Super Touch] looks extremely stable and precise? He can actually perform such complex and delicate operations? And he can also maintain several [Super Touch] at the same time?"

The [Super Touch] he mentioned is actually that unique spiritual power release technique. Because it is too basic, this technique does not have a strict textbook name. There are different names in different places, some are called [Super Touch], and some are called [Invisible Hand].

Although it is very basic, it is very practical, especially for the investigators. Many operations that are not convenient to do directly with hands have to rely on this skill, so this skill is a necessary ability for investigators and must be mastered.

However, even these investigators who have been in the industry for many years are far less skilled in using this technique than Lloyd.

"Teacher Lloyd is too good, isn't he? I can maintain three of this [Super Touch] at the same time, which is almost the limit. His... at least ten, right?"

"Teacher York? You are..."

"Don't be embarrassed to be laughed at by you, I am far inferior to him... In fact, since I am old, I rarely go on missions myself, so this skill is a little rusty. At most, I can maintain four or five, right? It is far less stable and precise than his."

"Alas... The people of Mizzkatok are really terrifying. Not only are they far superior to us in super powers, knowledge, and equipment, but even this basic ability that everyone has is so solid. The gap is even greater than that between humans and dogs, which makes me feel inferior... …”

“I think your description is not very accurate. Strictly speaking, the gap between us and him is so big that you can't even see it.”

“Okay, okay~ You don't have to be so self-deprecating. I have also come into contact with other people in Mizkatok, and none of them are as powerful as Lloyd. Even in Mizkatok, there are probably not many people like him.”

“Okay, thank you for your comfort, Teacher York... But then again, what is Teacher Lloyd doing?”

“It's hard to tell, but it's definitely very dangerous.”

“Why do I feel like he's assembling a bomb?”

In fact, it's true. Lloyd's operation is really assembling a small bomb.

Well, compared to the last time he used the same method to make a big and delicate one for the evil god's offspring, this time it can only be regarded as a small one, a small surprise.

It is also thanks to the fact that he presided over the last counterattack of the evil god's offspring, and accumulated experience in this area, so he can do the same this time.

Soon, all the lethal equipment and potions in his storage bag were put into the lead barrel.

There were spherical objects that were constantly flashing and counting down; there were colorful potion bottles that were boiling; there were some kind of gear devices that were making a slight click; and there were several slightly smaller sealed lead boxes filled with miniaturized [Twist] rituals.

Lloyd looked at the volume of the barrel and it was obvious that it could hold more, but he didn't have much stock on him, so he could only do this for now.

It seems that I am still too conservative. I should have changed more of this lethal equipment and less protective equipment...

Lloyd summed it up in his mind, then sealed the lead barrel, and then asked [Projection] to carry it and came to the indescribable sculpture.

At this time, someone in the ‘Team Channel’ asked:

“Teacher Lloyd, are you going to blow up this sculpture? Do you need our help?”

“No, no, I just want to give the other side a little surprise.”

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