I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 591 593 Preparation [Thinking Deeply]

Chapter 591 593. Preparation [Thinking Deeply]

After having a simple dinner with Metis in the cafeteria of the History Department and chatting about the recent situation and the experience of participating in the trial, Lloyd returned to the dormitory with a lot of feedback reports.

Originally, Metis asked him carefully if he wanted to go out and walk around together? But Lloyd did not answer, but just looked down at the feedback reports she submitted in his arms.

At that moment, Metis's face looked very regretful...

After returning to the dormitory, I happened to see the little milk cat and the little fragrant pig playing games in the yard. It seemed that they were playing who could roll farther? Anyway, I saw them curled up and rolling around.

Lloyd didn't say anything, went back and lay on the sofa, took a brief look at the pile of feedback opinions, wrote down a few of the more constructive points, and then threw them aside.

Then, he released his own [Projection] and said:

"Xiltina, it's dark in the academy, won't you come and accompany me?"

The [Projection] didn't change much, still standing there motionless, as if he didn't understand what Lloyd was saying.

So Lloyd changed his words:

"Then I'll go find Eloro?"

"You dare?!"

The [Projection] quickly changed into the appearance of Xildina and pinched Lloyd's cheek.

But Lloyd hugged her backhand and kissed her hard, and then he started talking about the business, about the seventh [Transcendence].

After listening, Xildina asked first:

"Hmm? Isn't the knowledge reserve on the [Veto] side enough? I specially asked the rational thinking side to take extra care of you?"

"This side is almost there, at most one or two more times will be enough, now the problem is on the [Distortion] side..."

Lloyd continued to explain, and then mentioned the two solutions he thought of.

After hearing this, Hiltyna thought about it for a long time and replied:

"I think... we can consider the second option."


Lloyd didn't expect her to answer like this.

"I thought you would prefer the first option?"

Hiltyna shook her head and changed to a posture of hugging her knees, hiding her delicate feet so that Lloyd couldn't catch them. Then she explained:

"This is actually my personal experience. I actually encountered the same bottleneck as you at the beginning. In the end, I found a breakthrough through this desperate way... But your concerns are also correct. [Thinking Deep Dive] is indeed a very risky move."

As she said, she rubbed against Lloyd's arms again and continued to add:

"But exploring alone on an unknown path will not work without taking risks, so I also ignored the advice of my mentor and insisted on doing a [Thinking Deep Dive]. Fortunately, I was lucky, right? I came back safe and sound."

"As for the ancient survivors you considered, I don't think they may have what you want. They may not have gone further than you on the road of [Distortion]... Otherwise, they would not be as low-key and forbearing as they are now."

"Besides, didn't you fight with their people? In the end, you easily suppressed the opponent, right?"

"This... your analysis does make some sense?"

Lloyd nodded and said:

"Although [Distortion] is the first system inherited from the glorious era, due to its own characteristics, it is probably difficult for people to fully master it in that era. Although the ancient survivors have some physiological advantages in this regard, they are not much better than us in terms of thinking and consciousness."

"Yes, so if you put your hopes on them, you will probably be disappointed. Although [Thinking Deep Dive] may not find what you want, the risk may be lower in comparison?"

Hiltina suddenly made a somewhat counterintuitive judgment.

"Ah? This is actually safer? But didn't you just say..."

"That was for me before. At that time, I didn't know you yet, and I didn't have any relatives and friends to serve as my 'anchor point'. In the end, I was able to come back safely. On the one hand, I was lucky enough, and on the other hand, I was firm in my belief, right?"

Hiltina said, holding Lloyd's cheek with her hand, and looking at it over and over again, as if appreciating some excellent artwork, and continued to say:

"But you are different now. There are so many people who like you. In addition to me, there is also that annoying little goblin who can provide you with shelter... What's more, your physique is better and more special than mine, and you have mastered many space-related abilities, so overall, it must be much safer than I was at that time..."

"Also, my meditation during this period is not without gain. I should be able to be with you by then."

"Oh? There is such a good thing?"

Lloyd asked with some surprise.

Xildina nodded and continued:

"Yes, in fact, the danger of [Deep Mind Diving] mainly comes from the unconscious and unprotected situation, such as when sleeping or thinking, entering the deep dive state without any preparation, which is the most dangerous."

"But if you can be fully prepared, it will be much safer than going to the ancient survivors alone, as long as your luck is not too bad."

Finally, she also added:

"But... [Thinking Deep] is easy to form a kind of inertia, or a subconscious habit, right? So no matter what the final result is, I will only allow you to do it this time, and you must not try more."

"Uh... What if you don't get the knowledge you want?"

"Then find another way."

Hiltina said very seriously, and then gently rubbed her lover's chin with her forehead, and then said in a soft and soft tone, as if begging:

"Promise me, okay? Even if it's for me, for Evelor, even if you add Weiya and that little goblin."

"Well... I know."

"That's good, don't always want to carry the whole world on your shoulders, although I know that may be your instinct..."

Hiltina's words made Lloyd purse his lips, and his mood suddenly became a little complicated.

But in the end, he didn't say anything, just hugged Hiltina's delicate body tightly, as if he would no longer be a human being if he let go.


Since he had decided on the next idea, Lloyd started to get busy the next morning.

The first thing to solve was the equipment.

This could not be exchanged for credits. Dean Hazled was very shy about risky actions like [Thinking Deep Dive] and would not allow the circulation of such dangerous equipment.

But it did not mean that Mitzkatok did not have such things.

Not only did he have them, but he also had two sets, which he could use for himself and Hiltina at the same time.

But how to "borrow" the equipment required some thought.

So Lloyd went back to the Space Department early in the morning. As soon as he landed, he saw Professor Lawrence drinking a cup of coffee leisurely in one hand and reading the news in the "Professor's Handbook" in the other hand.

Seeing Lloyd coming, he said without raising his head:

"Hmm? You are finally back. If you don't come back, I will be admitted to the mental hospital..."

As he said, he raised the "Professor's Handbook" to Lloyd again and continued:

"Someone has shared a lot of land here. It is said that the resources are quite rich. I can't wait!"

After that, he immediately changed into a sun hat, a flowered shirt, beach pants, and a high-end fishing rod in his hand, and then opened the portal and prepared to set off.

"Oh, by the way, this is for you."

Before leaving, Professor Lawrence left a ball of something similar to a space cube on the table. It can float a few centimeters above the table, and then constantly change into various geometric shapes, looking like a very cool desktop ornament.

But in fact, this is the highest authority of the entire space department. In addition to being able to control all the school districts and laboratories of the space department like a master key, it can even manage various space equipment in the entire Mitzkatokri, such as space anchors and space channels.

Just a simple operation on it can cut off the spatial connection of any school district and turn it into an isolated island in a different space.

So to some extent, this space cube controls the life and death of all teachers and students in the college. Even Dean Hazlade does not have such great power.

But Professor Lawrence threw it on the table so casually and ran off to go fishing...

Although this is not the first time, Lloyd did this the last time he returned to the college.

But it still makes people powerless to complain. For such an important thing, there should be a formal handover ceremony, right?

Lloyd was speechless and carefully put away the space cube, and then suddenly froze.

No, I came here so early today just to coax the old man to go fishing, so that I could conveniently "borrow" the set of [Thinking Deep Diving] equipment.

It was the set that Hiltina used to support him from a distance during the previous archaeological activities.

Although the equipment was advertised as [Space Diving], in fact, anyone who has actually used it knows that it is just a relatively special [Thinking Diving].

So the performance of this equipment is more advanced than that of the engineering department, and it can be used in more ways.

But Lloyd didn't want to tell the old professor about his plan, so he wanted to coax him away and then "borrow" it.

Who knew that he didn't say a word the whole time, and Professor Lawrence ran out to fish by himself...

Well, it started smoothly, which means he was lucky?

Lloyd thought optimistically.

He easily got the equipment from the space department, and the only thing left was the one hidden in the engineering department.

This is a bit tricky...

As usual, Lloyd went to find Professor Toledo first.

He was busy assembling a large robot more than two meters high, but he still looked stupid and obviously not a combat type.

As soon as he saw Lloyd coming to visit, Professor Toledo exclaimed:

"Why are you here again? You are not the one who urges people to work harder, right? You are inhumane! I have been working overtime to help you, and even my girlfriends outside have complaints about me, asking me whether I like her or you?"

"Ahem... I didn't come here for this."

Lloyd waved his hand quickly to calm the other party down.

But he couldn't help but ask:

"When will this enhanced version be completed?"

"Do you think it's as simple as just enlarging the little robot? There are a lot of new technologies and new knowledge involved. It will take at least a week for the world to show up, right? Wait! You said you weren't here to urge me?"

"No, no, there's actually another more important thing."

Lloyd lowered his voice, deployed the soundproof barrier, and then told his bold plan.

Professor Toledo was stunned, and finally his face changed. He pressed Lloyd's shoulder and advised earnestly:

"Brother, I know you are under a lot of pressure, so how about this, I'll hurry up and try to help you get this thing out as soon as possible."

As he said, he pointed to the big stupid robot.

"No... I..."

Lloyd wanted to argue, but was interrupted by the other party who patted his shoulder hard.

"It's okay, I understand. As a promising star, you are under a lot of pressure, and you lack a few good women who can help you relax and relieve stress. It's really hard. Just thinking about dating a saint is tiring."

"No... the problem is not with her..."

"Okay, stop talking. Since you saved my life, I will never agree with your crazy idea!"

Professor Toledo rejected Lloyd's idea seriously, and then said:

"How about this? Let's go out for two days. I will take you to experience something new and exciting. I guarantee that you will not be discovered by Professor Hiltyna. It will definitely make you realize that there are so many beautiful things in this world. Don't give up easily..."

"If it doesn't work, I can also introduce you to two psychological comfort experts. They are both beautiful and hot. You can do whatever you want..."

This time, it was Lloyd who was stunned. For a while, he didn't know how to convince this guy.

Obviously, he was also the type who was very shy about [Thinking Deeply], so when he heard Lloyd's plan, he thought he was under too much pressure and wanted to seek excitement, and then he comforted him as above...

How should I put it... It's really good to get the care of friends, but I always feel that his way of "relieving pressure" sounds a little wrong?

There was no way, Lloyd not only failed to convince Professor Toledo to help, but also promised him not to take risks.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be dragged to participate in the French salon...

It seems that I can only find another way.

But in such a large engineering department, Toledo is the only guy I can trust...

Huh? Wait! Maybe I can try to visit this professor?

Lloyd suddenly thought of something.

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