I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 592 594 Dangerous Place

Chapter 592 594. Dangerous place

Lloyd first went back to his treasure house, then took two drops of [Tears of the Stars] and sealed them. Then he opened the portal and visited Professor Dell of the Department of Materials.

I have learned through various channels before that in order to obtain [Tears of the Stars], this professor went to some extremes and tried all kinds of dangerous and crazy ideas, including [Thinking Deep Diving]

Although he came back alive in the end and proved through practice that there is no direct connection between [Thinking Diving] and [Tears of the Stars], he was still held accountable for this risky move, so that this person who was originally highly respected and academically outstanding Professor, he will live a decadent life in a small building.

Of course, it was different now. When I saw Professor Dale again, he was full of ambition and high spirits, and he had obviously achieved some results with the little [Tears of the Star] given by Lloyd.

But underneath that decent appearance, there was still hidden fatigue and fanaticism, and there was some indelible darkness in his eyes, as he hadn't slept for an unknown amount of time.

But when he saw Lloyd, Professor Dale still greeted him energetically. He also took out his collection of high-quality black tea from his safe and brewed it for Lloyd to drink with his own hands.

"The project is going very well. The design of the new generation of transforming armor has been completed. Samples should be available soon, right? Hey... try this tea. I'm afraid there is only this last can in the world. I usually can't bear to drink it. "

Lloyd held up the black tea and took a sip. His eyes suddenly lit up. It was indeed extraordinary. Even someone as picky as himself found it delicious.

"It's indeed good tea, but I came here today because I wanted to get rid of your help for something else..."

He then mentioned the deep diving equipment.

After hearing this, Professor Dell frowned slightly, and his first reaction was similar to that of the Toledo guy.

"Uh... With all due respect, Lloyd, have you encountered any troubles recently? Or are you too stressed? Too burdened? Do you want me to introduce some young and beautiful girls to you?"

"No...it's just that I have encountered some bottlenecks recently, and I want to use this method to find a breakthrough."

"Is that so? It's understandable. After all, I tried it before, but I still want to dissuade you. [Thinking Diving] is very dangerous, and there is a high probability that you won't find what you want. You will try this method. Generally They are all gamblers who are about to drown, trying to seize the last bit of hope, just like me back then..."

"But didn't I wait for you in the end? So..."

Professor Dell originally wanted to continue preaching, but Lloyd didn't want to hear it anymore. He took out a small bottle, which exuded the intoxicating spirituality and blocked Professor Dell's next words.

"Here~ This is for you."

He took out something like an ID card and pushed it in front of Lloyd.

"How...how to use this?"

"Wear it on your body to use that set of equipment, but be careful not to let others know. I copied this key secretly."

Professor Dell reminded him, and then eagerly took the small bottle handed over by Lloyd with an intoxicated look on his face.

"The quality is so perfect that I feel ashamed...here~ I'll give you this and this."

With that said, he handed Lloyd a substantial men's square ring and a can of black tea that was said to be very expensive.

"This little thing was polished by me using some leftover materials from [Tears of the Stars]. It can help you quickly locate your own consciousness in a deep dive state... Well, you may not know what I'm talking about now. , you’ll understand when you actually go in.”

"As for the location of that set of equipment, there are space coordinates on the key. As a big star in the space system, I'm sure I can't stop you, right?"

"I understand, thank you."

Lloyd nodded vigorously, accepted the two gifts, drank the black tea on the table, and then left.


"Is this ring really special? It should be of great help. It seems that Professor Dell has not completely given up on [Thinking Deep Diving]?"

Hiltina played with the square ring, which weighed about as much as a lump of lead, and spoke highly of it.

Then he changed his mouth and said:

"Speaking of which, I should also think carefully about what kind of wedding ring to give you in the future, but I didn't consider this aspect at all. Am I really an incompetent fiancée?"

"There's no need to rush that kind of thing."

Lloyd responded dumbfounded, and then suggested:

"How about... you should use the space system equipment? That one has better performance."

The two had roughly discussed the specific plan for tonight. To put it simply, Lloyd would use the space system equipment for deep diving, and Hiltina would use the engineering system equipment to protect him.

But he suddenly changed his mind and wanted to change.

As a result, Hiltina stubbornly shook her head.

"Hehe, are you so worried about me? It seems that I am also a girl who is loved and cared for? It's a pity, my love, because I also regard you as more important than my life."

After that, she kissed Lloyd seriously and continued to explain:

"What's more, I know nothing about space, and I can't take advantage of that advanced equipment at all. This is undoubtedly a shameful waste, so let's proceed according to the previous plan, okay?"

This statement was well-reasoned. Lloyd didn't know how to refute it for a moment, so he could only nod.

Then he took out his pocket watch to check the time. It was almost 0:00 in the morning, and it was almost time to take action.

In order to ensure that he was energetic for the action tonight, Lloyd did nothing today. After returning from Professor Dale, he rested and adjusted in the dormitory. He first read the student handbook, and then waited for Hiltina to come and they were affectionate and intimate for a while, adjusting their mental state to the best.

Even sleep was supplemented by various sleep aids. It can be said that everything was ready.

So when the time came, he opened two portals, leading to the laboratories where the two sets of deep diving equipment were located.

Hiltina also broke away from his [projection] and turned into an invisible force. She went to the engineering department with the key given by Professor Dale.

Lloyd came to the space department, sat on a chair, put on the heavy square ring, put on two bracelets on his wrists, and then drew a light curtain, tapped it quickly, and adjusted various parameters.

Finally, he took a deep breath and whispered:

"Deep dive, start."

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly felt that his vision was stretched to an extremely narrow and long distance. He could only see a colorful scene in front of him. At high speed, there was a strange force dragging his mind to an unknown deep sea.

It felt like the soul was out of the body.

But it was not the light experience imagined. Instead, he could clearly feel his weight and even control his body limbs.

Lloyd hurriedly tried to adjust his posture.

The previous feeling of dragging and falling was instantly weakened, and he felt much more comfortable.

Then he tried to move his fingers again and made a few tapping movements.

This was actually controlling the control light curtain in reality.

So the speed of falling was greatly slowed down and gradually stabilized.

If Lloyd felt like a stone sinking into the deep sea before, then now he felt like a buoy floating on the ocean, rising and falling.

But what he saw in front of him was still a colorful and bizarre picture, like mixing various paints and splashing them on the canvas.

It just didn't want to flow backwards as fast as before, so the senses were a little more comfortable.

But it was only a little bit, this chaotic color still made Lloyd feel uncomfortable instinctively, and a little nauseous.

Just at this moment, he felt a gentle and familiar force hugging him from behind, dispelling the indescribable coldness on his body.


Lloyd tried to ask.


The voice of his lover came from behind him.

But the next second, another voice floated over from a little further away.

"Dear, don't move."

Then, a cold light flashed across his back, cutting the gentle and familiar power in half.

Lloyd couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, he saw Hiltina appear on the side of his vision, swinging her beautiful jade feet as if swimming in the water, approaching him.

She was holding a huge sickle taller than her, with a few white flower-like decorations on it.

This didn't look like a serious weapon. I'm afraid only two-dimensional characters on Earth would use it.

There is no doubt that the Hiltina in front of him is the real one.

Then what was the one who hugged him from behind first?

Lloyd couldn't help but shudder.

I just came in and immediately bumped into a precious thing?

This immediately alerted him, and he quickly asked Hiltina who was swimming towards him:

"What do I like and want the most?"

"Girls' feet?"

She tried to answer, paused, and continued:

"As for what I want the most...I'm afraid it's the little fairy in the City of Joy?"

"Wrong answer, huh...it seems you are the real one."

Lloyd was relieved immediately.

Before coming in, Hiltina specifically reminded him that for those precious things cruising in this ghost place, human thinking and consciousness no longer have such strong confidentiality and privacy, and can be easily peeped by them.

Just like when he first saw the tentacle grass, it could also peek into Lloyd's memory and transform into a battle-hardened king swaying eel.

So if the other party answered both questions correctly, then there would be a real problem.

"It was a close call just now!"

"Hehe, luckily I arrived in time."

Hiltina smiled and hugged Lloyd from behind, and whispered:

"But what are the correct answers to those two questions?"

"Uh... let's talk about it after we get out."

Lloyd chose to skip the question and asked curiously:

"Why do you have a body in here? And such exaggerated weapons?"

"Hehe, this can be regarded as the result of my deep thinking during this period of time. I used the power of [Veto] to remove some of the characteristics here, so that I can be a little free."

Hiltina said, reaching out to cover Lloyd's eyes, as if she suddenly wanted to flirt.

But she immediately let go of her hand, and the scene that Lloyd could see suddenly changed.

The colors that made people instinctively feel nauseated and dizzy were all gone, replaced by a deep blue sea with bright and abundant light. You can also see creatures such as fish and jellyfish floating and swimming, like A fantastic underwater world.

Of course, this is just a picture that has been specially optimized by Hiltina. In fact, those seemingly harmless fish and jellyfish are probably one against the other...

But at least it looks much more comfortable, and it is much clearer and clearer. At least I can see what is approaching and know what to avoid.

"So the power of [veto] can still be used like this?"

Lloyd couldn't help but praise.

"How's it going? Isn't it awesome? Do you want to learn? I can teach you, although it will be a little difficult..."

"Let's wait until I [transcend] a few more times."

Royd rarely chose to retreat despite the difficulties.

To exert the power of [veto] in such a mysterious and weird field, which is based on understanding and cognition, is not something that can be learned by [Meeting the Saint] several times.

Hiltina's accomplishments in this area have exceeded Lloyd's imagination.

It’s great to have a capable fiancée!

Lloyd sighed sincerely in his heart, and then said:

"I can still control my body and limbs here. Is it the effect of that ring?"

"Yes, that's why I said that Professor Dell is very powerful and can actually develop this kind of equipment. Without this, you might not even be able to control the instruments outside, right?"

"Well, his academic skills are truly outstanding."

Lloyd nodded, then glanced at the 'sea area' below, and saw a large deep shadow swimming slowly, like some kind of deep-sea giant entrenched in the depths.

Although it is still far away, just looking at it can make people shudder.

On the pitch-black appearance, several faint green lines light up from time to time. They look like they are arranged in an orderly manner, but they can vaguely piece together some kind of words or symbols.

"If you can bear it, you can take a closer look, but be careful and don't show off."

Hiltina whispered in Lloyd's ear.

"Yeah, I know."

Lloyd didn't think too much about what this giant thing was. He quickly moved his fingers and tapped the light curtain in reality, controlling his position and moving further away from the depths.

Then he began to stare at those flickering lines, trying to write them down.

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