I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 624 Chapter 626 I want this

Chapter 624 626. I want this

Professor Toledo took the battery that Lloyd dropped and rummaged through it slowly, still muttering:

“It’s too troublesome to control it by just rubbing the screen. Isn’t there a more convenient and intuitive way?”

"I will perfect it after I go back. You can make do with it for now..."

It was impossible for Lloyd to change the design in this situation, so he could only make do with it, and then persuaded:

"Don't worry, take your time. The space here is very stable and there is no danger. I can also rest for a while."

"Well...that's true...but the built-in night vision function is quite good. It also highlighted these lines for me. I never thought you could make such a considerate design?"


Lloyd couldn't help but froze, a little confused.

He did have functions such as 'night vision', but it was impossible to do 'highlighting' and so on. He didn't know the circuit structure inside, so how to do it?

So he quickly put his head down and took a look, and sure enough, he also saw a few faintly glowing lines in a small, dark space.

I shook it with a flashlight and it still reflected light slightly.

It seems that some kind of fluorescent coating was applied to facilitate emergency repairs, right? It’s a pretty common little detail.

Just after such a long time, can these coatings still be effective?

While Lloyd was thinking about it, he saw that Toledo had dismantled the energy supply device, revealing the mess inside.

"Here...here...no...should it be this one?"

After some analysis, he picked out a slightly shiny, cable-like pipe, then cut it off with a psychic blade, separated thinner lines from it, and then started to bring it in Connect the battery.

"Assemble a simple power supply array and it should be able to be used."

An old professor lying on the other side and watching reminded.

"Yeah, I know, I'll be fine soon."

After some fiddling, Professor Toledo turned back and motioned to Lloyd to try pulling the emergency switch.

Lloyd then walked to the console and reached out to hold the red lever.

But he didn't rush to do it. Instead, he waited patiently for two seconds to see if his inspiration and weird intuition would react.

As a result, these two guys were particularly quiet today?

Lloyd didn't think much and pulled the switch.


A sound of engine running sounded from behind the alloy door, and the entire space began to tremble slightly. Large streams of white steam began to spurt out from the door, blowing away the dust accumulated over time. The scene suddenly became filled with smoke, and the sound of gears turning came from it.

The visor on Lloyd's face automatically switched to air filter mode, making his breathing sound a little clearer and thicker. When he inhaled and exhaled, he made a hissing sound.

Professor Ladio reminded him while stroking his left ear.

"Touch the left ear to turn on the clairvoyance mode, which is equivalent to a mechanical mode of spiritual vision. Although it is not as easy to use as normal spiritual vision, it is very safe."

Lloyd stretched out his hand and tried it, feeling that the side of his right eye immediately transformed into a device that looked like a camera or a sensor, shooting out a ray that was supposed to be invisible and colorless, but under the surrounding dust, a ray appeared. Intermittent wisps of green light.

The sight in front of him also changed into a "night vision" style on the earth, but it was much clearer. Apart from the lack of color, it was basically the same as looking directly at the naked eye, which ensured that his sight would not be obscured by smoke and dust. Obstacle, you can clearly see that the alloy door has cracked a crack.

Although today's deformed armors are not as good as the ancient ones in terms of flight, protection, power amplification, etc., this fancy sci-fi design is still much cooler than the ancient ones.

Lloyd thought it was quite fun, so he gave up the original spiritual vision and used this technological version of 'spiritual vision'.

If only I had a set...

He said something in his heart, then stretched out his hand to pull Toledo up from below, and then everyone walked towards the alloy door that had been opened.

From a distance, the door only cracked a tiny crack, and then became quiet, as if the power was out.

But when everyone got closer, they intuitively felt that this 'small gap' was enough for four large trucks to drive side by side.

"I want to move this door back..."

Lloyd looked up at the gate that looked like a city wall and said something incomprehensible.

"Can we think of something practical?"

Professor Toledo beside him asked angrily.

However, after everyone passed through the gate and saw the inside of the core storage area, Lloyd suddenly changed his mind.

In front of everyone stood a majestic steel tower with a super giant robot on top.

Although it only has the upper body, it is already more than 50 meters tall by visual inspection. The appearance is not the dull, devoid of artistic beauty that Toledo made, but smooth, gorgeous, cool, sci-fi, and at the same time not lost in appearance. Exquisite and artistic body design.

Lloyd even found a lot of familiarity and intimacy in it, such as the most classic human face head shape on the planet, the inverted 'V' head mark, and the shoulder armor and skirt armor carved with decorative patterns.

Did you even build Gundam back then?

Lloyd couldn't help but ask in his mind.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to finish it, the lower body was completely missing, and I didn’t have time to paint it, so it was still half a ‘grey mold’.

Moreover, the chest and abdomen were occupied by a large round power device, making Lloyd unable to find where the cockpit was for a while?

In addition, although many familiar elements can be found in this upper body, they are relatively scattered and it is difficult to identify which machine from which work.

Is it just a coincidence of design ideas?

While Lloyd was thinking about it in his mind, he heard Toledo beside him ruthlessly complaining:

"It was just for this thing that a lot of manpower and material resources were wasted, and the engineering department almost broke up?"

The three old professors each spoke up:

"Yeah, some people think it's a flashy vase, and many of the designs are meaningless. I'm one of them. Even if I see the real thing, I don't understand the head with unknown function and no protective performance at all. The shoulder armor, skirt armor, and this inexplicable humanoid mechanical arm are really meaningless designs..."

"Yes, there are even more unclear legs. What is the use of humanoid legs? The stability is not enough, the transmission structure is even more catastrophic, and the requirements for materials and structural strength are even more outrageous. They are made into crawler-type and Spider pose or duck pose?"

"Although there are indeed many unclear points in the design, I have to admit that it is still very beautiful. Even if it has not had time to be completed and painted, the patterns and armor design on it must have supported many people in the art department."

Do you old people like you know how to appreciate and appreciate aesthetics?

Do robots have to be made to look stupid?

Strength is only temporary, handsomeness is eternal!

Lloyd listened, feeling unconvinced and complaining in his heart.

Professor Radio asked curiously:

"Then why did the engineering department build this thing back then? With all due respect, I can't imagine its practicality for a moment. The huge body will inevitably bring high costs and difficulty in maintenance, and even the core power will be By deploying the source on the chest, doesn't it expose its weakness to the enemy? "

"There's nothing you can do about it. If you don't put it on your chest, there's no more appropriate place. Moreover, this old-fashioned power furnace generates an exaggerated amount of heat. In order to dissipate heat, it has to be exposed to the outside."

Professor Toledo explained helpfully.

Another old professor also said:

"Yes, in order to drive a body of this size, it is inevitable that the power furnace will be huge and bloated. Overall, it can only be regarded as a failed attempt."

“So why was this project launched in the first place?”

Professor Ladio continued to ask.

Lloyd also pointed his ears, wanting to hear the story.

"Well...actually, we were all just students in the engineering department at the time. We didn't know much about this project. We only knew that many professors insisted on pushing forward, and many people stood up to oppose it. This made the engineering department noisy every day in such a short period of time. They quarrel back and forth, and after the quarrel ends, they get into a fight, alas..."

"According to my limited understanding, they seem to have seen this kind of creation from some ancient book, right? Then they became superstitious about the huge power of this kind of creation, believing that it is some kind of powerful decisive weapon..."

"Ancient books? The ancient books found at that time could actually record something that is very advanced even now?"

"That's not clear. We haven't even seen the ancient book with our own eyes. We only know the general cause of the incident... huh? Professor Lloyd, why do you keep retreating?"

"Ahaha, no... nothing... I just want to look around."

Lloyd explained slightly awkwardly.

There is only one ancient book in the world that records this kind of science fiction robot that meets the requirements, "The Book of Madness"

So Lloyd roughly figured out the origin of this half giant robot.

If nothing else, it should be that when he was borrowed by Mizkatok for research, he got some pictures from himself, including this huge robot.

It's just that they were in a coma and confusion period at that time, and their memory and consciousness were very vague. What they could see must be very fragmentary.

Therefore, we can find many familiar elements in this half-robot, but it also seems to be forcibly sewn together and does not belong to any body in any work.

As for why it was built so big, and why some people are superstitious that it is a "final decisive battle weapon."

Lloyd speculated that they might have received some [distorted] influence?

Or maybe, during that period of confusion, I confused the image of this giant robot with the image of stickman good brothers. As a result, what others saw was not a cosmic melee of robots fighting robots, but giant robots punching and kicking each other. , tearing apart the 'fictional history' of ancient gods.

That’s why we have a superstitious attitude towards this design idea that is obviously unreasonable in reality.

As if to prove Lloyd's conjecture, an old professor continued:

"By the way, I suddenly remembered that the professors who tried their best to promote this project seemed to have lived in a mental hospital for a period of time, and they delayed some of my courses because of this. After they recovered and returned, they started acting like they were possessed. Carry this project out and believe in it until the end.”

"Professors of that period would actually be admitted to a mental hospital?"

Professor Latio was at least a professor of medicine on the surface, and he had some understanding of this aspect. He immediately continued in an unbelievable tone:

"This is really hard to imagine. In that era without mental pollution, these professors should be isolated from mental illness."

"Yes, so this should be the influence of that ancient book."

"I don't know what kind of ancient book it is that would record such a strange giant robot? Does the recorder have no engineering knowledge at all? Or is this actually all his fantasy... Hmm? What's wrong, Lloyd? Why did you suddenly pat my shoulder?"

"Ahem... Nothing, I just want to ask, can I get this back?"

Lloyd coughed twice and asked tentatively.

"Ah? Are you stupid? What's the use of this big piece of scrap metal? You don't believe the things in the ancient book, do you?"

"Ahem... That's not the case, but I think it's pretty nice. I want to hang it in my bedroom."

After listening to Lloyd's explanation, even though they were far apart, across the phone screen, across the [Silhouette], Lloyd could feel the caring and sympathetic eyes on Toledo's face...

"It seems that you work too hard on weekdays, and the accumulated pressure is too great... Okay, I will remember the style of this thing and make you an identical one later, right? Of course, it must be smaller, otherwise it won't fit in your bedroom, right?"

"Well... That's fine."

Lloyd nodded reluctantly.

In fact, he really has no shortage of places to store this semi-finished product, such as the ancient military base that he took over. Instead of using it to grow mushrooms, it's better to use it to store this.

But this idea is really unreliable, and there is no way to say it directly. I can only think of a way to see if I can get this entire space back.

Just like that, after a simple discussion, everyone temporarily gave up criticizing this failed work and prepared to go deeper.

Then, just after walking a few steps, Professor Latio in the front suddenly stopped and raised a fist.

Then, Lloyd heard a series of light sounds around him, like the activation of a camera.

Then, there were bursts of low roars of engines, like roars, surrounding him from all directions.

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