I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 625 627 You just found out today?

Chapter 625 627. Did you just find out today?

"Ah ah ah ah! What's going on?"

Toledo noticed the movement coming from all around. Even though he was not present, he acted more surprised than others.

In his exclamation, various strange mechanical devices began to surround Lloyd and others.

Some are innocuous cargo trucks, some are small toy-like robots, but most of them are humanoid mechanical soldiers holding various weapons.

Although they all looked rusty and in disrepair, and their movements were slightly stiff and slow, their densely packed number covered the square-like spacious warehouse almost instantly.

And judging from the movement coming from deeper places, more are gathering here, just like a terrifying tide of monsters.

This made no one in the 10-person team at the scene dare to act rashly.

"How...why are there so many?"

Lloyd asked in surprise.

"At the beginning, the Engineering Department, under the order of the then dean, did produce many such small autonomous structures, and was always preparing for possible wars."

An old professor explained, and another person beside him helped added:

"Although we were still students at the time and didn't know what kind of war we were preparing for, but with the support of the powerful production capacity of the autonomous array, these structures were continuously produced."

"Approximately how many are there?"

Professor Ladio asked, then turned to look at the door through which he entered.

The gate is slowly closing, and the retreat path is also crowded with all kinds of robots and has been completely blocked.

"I don't know, hundreds of thousands? Or even hundreds of thousands? The powerful production capacity of the autonomous array is unimaginable to us today. As long as sufficient resources are provided, it can be produced no matter how much it is."

"And in that glorious era, what mankind lacked most was various resources..."

Professor Toledo helped to summarize, and then asked:

"What should I do? Can I use my extraordinary abilities to get out?"

"I'm afraid...it's a bit difficult..."

When Lloyd noticed that something was wrong, he immediately activated the [Distortion Realm], intending to use his best method to control these mechanical monsters first.

However, [Distorted Consciousness], which has always been invincible in the past, has no reaction to these things?

They have no consciousness at all to [distort]...

Humanity's most comprehensive [veto] system is itself an ability system that has low damage efficiency and needs to rely on various weapons to be effective.

Professor Ladio also raised a rifle transformed from armor at the same time, aimed at the head of a mechanical soldier, and pulled the trigger.


After a crisp sound, the mechanical soldier staggered slightly, and a large piece of his head flew off, revealing the complex gears and pipelines inside.

But it still didn't stop.

Firearms can cause damage, but are not lethal enough…

They were still slowly advancing here, gradually squeezing the space for Lloyd and others to move, and gradually forcing them back underneath the super giant robot.

However, they did not show any obvious intention to attack, and their actions were still slow. They seemed to be in no hurry to kill Lloyd and others.

"Shall we retreat first?"

Lloyd suggested, already planning the portal.

Professor Ladio thought for a moment and nodded.

Toledo quickly suggested:

"Can you think of a way to bring one or two back? Let us study it?"


Lloyd nodded and immediately activated the [Micro Analysis] ability, using inspiration to accurately lock the key parts of the two mechanical soldiers, and then destroy them with physical distortion.

The two robots immediately fell to the ground, unable to move.

The next second, Lloyd activated the teleportation function again, sending the two robots directly into the storage area of ​​the 'sled battleship'.

The process was indeed smooth, but what surprised Lloyd was that his physical distortion was not very effective on those supposedly fragile drive joints, and it took a lot of spiritual power to destroy them.

This shows that the materials used for its workmanship are very strong and strong. No wonder it can still move after thousands of years.

If Lloyd planned to use physical distortion to deal with them, I'm afraid it would be very unfortunate...

I'm afraid we still have to use a space storm to effectively solve the problem.

However, with such a solid structure, such a sophisticated design, and such a huge quantity, it would be such a waste to smash them all...

Wait, I will come back!

Lloyd said something in his heart, stretched out his hand to open the portal, and removed the [silhouettes] of the four professors, and then temporarily escaped from this dangerous storage area before everyone was completely surrounded, and returned to' Sleigh Battleship'ri.

This is the benefit of having strong space system capabilities. You never have to worry about retreat.

"Huh... they're back. Although it's a bit scary, they don't seem to be planning to attack us?"

Lloyd said, lifting the visor on his face and letting out a sigh of relief.

Professor Ladio also nodded and said:

"Yes, I didn't even detect clear hostility. Maybe they didn't know what hostility was without receiving clear instructions?

However, it is indeed a relaxing and pleasant thing to be able to cooperate with a space master like you. A situation like the previous one was able to escape so easily. "

"You're flattered, it's just a temporary retreat... Let's see what's going on first? Why do these things suddenly move?"

Lloyd said with some embarrassment, teleporting the two captured mechanical soldiers back to him, and then released the professors' [Silhouettes] again.

Then, he turned the mechanical soldier over, exposing his back, and roughly removed the back armor under Toledo's stunned eyes.

On the surface, these mechanical soldiers have little to do with karma demons. They are not that manic and violent, nor do they reveal the aggressiveness of destroying everything. There is not even a strange fusion of machinery and flesh on their bodies.

However, when Lloyd lifted off the armor, what was revealed was a main drive shaft that was very similar to a human spine.

There are even some withered pieces of flesh and nerve bundles left on it, which are somewhat similar to the spine of the Karma Demon that Lloyd once dissected.

"How can this... come to have such an internal structure? This is completely inconsistent with engineering principles."

Professor Toledo was slightly startled by the transmission shaft that looked like a human spine, and quickly controlled [Silhouette] to get closer, wanting to inspect it carefully.

But at this moment, a tiny gap opened in the spine, and a stream of dark mucus spurted out.

Fortunately, Lloyd seemed to have anticipated this plot. The moment the slime appeared, he used a spiritual force to tightly bind it and then searched it into a dark sphere.

This black mucus did not behave like a normal liquid, but was still shaking and squirming slightly, as if there were some kind of microorganisms inside that were restless.

As for the mechanical soldier on the ground, its internal gears and bearings were still running, as if it was still trying to struggle. But as the mucus spurted out, it instantly became quiet and turned back into a pile of scrap metal. Somewhat.

The old professors also came closer and took a closer look at the black mucus. One of them immediately said excitedly:

"Great! The autonomous array is indeed not destroyed! It is still running. It is indeed the most outstanding and outstanding design of the engineering department back then!"

"Uh... is this the self-discipline array you are talking about?"

Lloyd said, and with the help of [Microscopic Analysis], he 'filtered' the black mucus and picked out three small bugs as big as ants.

Under the effect of [Microscopic Analysis], these three little bugs also showed their true forms in front of him.

Well, it’s that ugly and curious sculpture from the Engineering Department.

So, this is the body of the so-called next-generation trial-type all-field, all-weather, multi-functional, continuous autonomous construction array, a few weird and disgusting little bugs?

As a result, the three old professors really nodded and explained:

"Yes, the autonomous array is not an ordinary automated assembly line or processing plant. Its complete body may only be more than a hundred square meters in size, and its interior is mainly composed of small things like this."

"This is a very precise micro-robot that can quickly complete various processing and production in areas that are difficult to discern with the naked eye, and can maintain ultra-high precision that is difficult to achieve with ordinary equipment. The parts processed by them can Components can achieve a truly perfect fit.”

"The main body of the array coordinates and commands these micro-robots, and can also automatically perform maintenance and upkeep, and continuously produce new micro-robots to meet various production capacity needs."

"And it also has the advantage of saving energy and energy. Compared with the large amount of scrap waste produced during processing with conventional equipment, this kind of micro robot can make the best use of the materials as much as possible. Its extremely low loss is Astronomical numbers that are difficult to match with today’s devices.”

"In short, for engineering, this is a fantastically powerful tool. Now that I see it is still running, I feel that I have not lived in vain for so many years."

Lloyd listened to these guys singing and talking, and he probably understood.

Does it mean the nanorobots in various science fiction works on the other side of the earth?

But it's not that exaggerated. These robots are not as small as nanoscale, they are still as big as small ants.

The number is not that large, not on the order of Jing Zhaogai.

So there is probably no way for some kids to understand what nanotechnology is...

But then again, since the body of this thing is so small, why is there such a big statue in your square?

Lloyd wanted to complain for a while, but he still endured it and asked instead:

"Let's talk about the current situation first? Yan Yanjun?"

"It's hard to say. Can we send these three little things back? We need to study them carefully."

"Yes, yes, but the distance is not very close. It will still take two or three days to go back and forth. We still need to discuss it."

Lloyd said, then turned to look at Professor Radio, wanting to hear his opinion.

"If there is a way to send things back alone, then we may not need to retreat in a hurry. There are still many areas here to be explored, right?"

"Well, that's true. We can continue to explore the outer area. Maybe we can recover more important things in the library area? Lloyd, you should have a way to send the things back separately, right?"

"That's not difficult."

Lloyd nodded, and then teleported another captured mechanical soldier in front of him. He first did the same thing, pulling out three "little bugs" from its spine, and then sealed it in a sealed lead box.

As soon as the three little bugs entered the lead box, they immediately stopped moving, as if they were dead.

"The signal between them and the main body of the array has been cut off."

An old professor explained.

"Then it should be safer this way."

Lloyd nodded, and then "stuffed" the lead box and the two motionless mechanical soldiers into the space elevator that was originally used as a lifeboat, set the heading speed for the elevator, and finally raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

"The express delivery is on the way. In about ten hours, go to the space department to claim it."

Lloyd said.

With the ‘navigation’ opened up by the ‘sled battleship’ on the way here, the dense space undercurrents nearby were cleared, allowing the space elevator to return to the academy unimpeded, and the speed was much faster than when it came.

After arranging this "express delivery", Lloyd continued:

"Although you said that this self-discipline array can still operate, according to my understanding of monsterology, it is very likely that it is no longer the universal tool in the historical data. The spine of the previous mechanical soldier still has signs of demonization..."

"It is very likely that they can still operate today because of this reason, right?"

"It's just that there are no more demons in this world now, so they have gradually restored their mechanical appearance, but it is not certain whether they have really recovered completely."

Professor Toledo on the side heard this and quickly raised his hand to make a "wait a minute" gesture, and then asked:

"Uh...what do you mean by the demon is gone?"

"Because I have killed the ancient god who will breed demons."




It was the first time for everyone present to hear this explosive news, and they were all stunned for a while.

After several minutes, Toledo asked doubtfully:

"No... buddy, are you really not kidding? Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"You never asked me."

Lloyd replied with a smile, and then said:

"And I didn't keep this secret. The history department also knew about it, but they didn't seem to spread the news?"

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