Malik nodded slightly, and what Tapir Liang said was indeed the most basic rule, so basic that he didn't need to pay attention at all.

   "Then what about your so-called dark game with twisted rules?"

   "Hahahahaha!" At this point, the dark tapirliang suddenly laughed, covering his face, "Reverse, reverse the whole rule of the dark game!"

   "Reverse?" Facing the suddenly crazy Tapir Liang, Malik was a little confused.

"Using the power of the conflict between two thousand-year artifacts, like a magnetic field, reverse the rules of the dark game." After that, Tapir Liang turned the thousand-year wisdom wheel on his chest by 180°, and the sharp pendant on the roulette shook because of the shaking. A weird crash sound.

"It is not to offer sacrifices for the'dark', but as the duel process progresses, inject'darkness' into the soul of the duel! Too large darkness will break the original personality and make it a walking dead-like puppet ."

   Malik took a breath, "Reverse the rules of the dark game, can this kind of thing really be done?"

"I'm looking for you because I can do it. As long as you are willing to give me the Thousand-Year Pewter Rod." Tapir, who is holding a ticket, is probably only the person who collects Thousand-Year Sacred Artifacts for this purpose. Unexpected effects that can be produced by the stacking of two artifacts.

   "No, there is one more crucial question." Although Malik was shaken in his heart, his head was still clear.

"A dark game based on dueling monsters, even if you don’t have to pay a price, but instead inject the power of darkness. But as long as you can’t defeat Chiyuki Hoshino in the duel, it’s only you who are crushed by the overwhelming darkness. !"

   "Hahahahahaha, it is said to be a dark game with completely reversed rules!" As if he heard the funniest joke in the world, Secret Tapirra raised his head and laughed wildly.

   "After the rules are completely reversed, the one who is injected with'darkness' is of course the winner of the duel!"


   "Suddenly unfolding a dark game on such a huge scale will cause riots." Hoshino reminded him looking at the darkness that almost enveloped the entire park.

  Tapiro said in a dueling posture a long time ago: "Don't worry, this is already an isolated space. But Hoshino, it's not time to worry about your surroundings now, let's worry about yourself first."

   Ever since the dark space unfolded, Hoshino felt the strange silence around him. If someone really finds an abnormality, it should cause a riot as soon as possible, "Is the space isolated, it is actually possible to do this kind of thing."

   "It took me a lot of work to do this." Taking out the thousand-year-old tin stick that was pinned behind his back, Tapir Liang's expression became more sinister.

   "Sa, let's start! This is the strongest dark game in history, unfolded by two thousand-year-old artifacts!"

  Nobu is too cute.jpg

Chapter 158: VS Tapir Liang, the erosion of darkness

  Tapirara VS Hoshino Chiyuki

   The duel begins! duel!

   "I will attack first, draw the card!"

   In case of trouble, he is the first to attack. Although Hoshino doesn't know what the gimmick is the strongest dark game in the history of Tapir Liang's mouth, as long as it is a dark game, it is not wrong to go all out to a duel.

"But the opposite has started a dark game aggressively, but Leonardo da Vinci hasn't come out yet." After shaking the unresponsive millennium ring on his wrist twice, Hoshino frowned slightly, "Aren't you lazy? But since it's Da Vinci. Dear Vinci, there must be something to consider."

   "What are you doing! Are you scared before you start?" An Yuliang urged.

   "It's just a mere C-level millennial wisdom wheel, don't give me arrogance!" Quickly drew a hand card and threw it on the duel plate, Hoshino took the lead in the offensive.

   "Summon a monster card in the form of an attack, [Heroic-Ku·Churin·Caster]!"

   In the dense darkness, a faint light shines on the star field.

  【Heroic-Ku·Churin·Caster★★★★(4 stars) Yan】【Mage/Effect ATK: 1300DEF: 800】

   Cuchurin, who danced with the wooden staff in his hand, was materialized by the light of the duel plate in the darkness.

"This environment really makes people feel uncomfortable." Cuchurin couldn't help complaining when he first appeared. "

   is probably the reason for being the son of light in Ireland, which makes Cu Chulainn feel a little bit more sensitive to darkness than ordinary people.

   "It seems that the strongest dark game in history that Tapir Ryo said is not alarmist." Even Cuchurin, who has experienced several dark games, said that, making Hoshino more cautious in dealing with this duel.

   "Because the first round cannot be attacked, I cover two cards to end the round." The overly dense darkness has unknowingly submerged the soles of Hoshino's feet, and directly blurred the two cover cards that had just been covered.

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 3

   "Now it's my turn, draw the card!" Tapir's unhurriedly slowly drew out the cards, looking as if he was holding the winning ticket.

   "Summon a monster in the form of a defensive inside. The turn is over."

   There is no extra action, and it takes only 3 seconds from the beginning of the round to the end of the round.

   Hoshino's eyebrows twitched twice: "What kind of operation is this, there is no offense and no cover, it seems to be on the same level as Nancheng Qiba?"

   Although I don’t know what Tapirara’s calculations are, Hoshino does not intend to give up this excellent offensive opportunity.

   "My turn is up, draw a card!"

  The white fingertips are in sharp contrast with the darkness of the background. When you move around the star field of your fingers, you can feel that you can see a layer of black mist attached to the skin.

   "In that case, I'm not welcome! Activate the magic card [Angel's Charity], draw three cards from the deck, and then choose two cards from the hand to discard them."

  Because of the card effect, Hoshino quickly moved his fingertips to draw three cards from the deck, "Then I discarded the magic cards [two gods and three feet] and magic cards [the art of death]."

   Throw the 3 magic cards including [Angel's Charity] into the cemetery, and the light on the Cuchulin staff on the Hoshino field is also more dazzling.

   "Because there are 3 magic cards in the cemetery, according to the effect of [Heroic-Kuchulin Caster], the attack power increases by 300 points!"

   [The attack power of this card increases by X100 the number of magic cards in the graveyard. 】

  【Cuchurin ATK:1300→1600】

   "Then usually summon monster cards again, [Heroic-Frankenstein]!"

  【Heroic Spirit-Frankenstein★★★★(4 stars) Light】【Non Power Race/Effect ATK:1350DEF:800】

   "Huh!" As the Hoshino card was thrown out, the brand-new Heroic Fran flashed electric lights and turned into the darkness.

   "The attack is on, give me a good sense of Tapir Liang!" With a wave of his hand, Hoshino made an attack statement to Cuchurin on the field.

   "Attack the defensive monster on the opposite side, Cuchulin!" The hot fire from the C-dog staff condensed into a ball, and quickly bombed the unidentified monster on the dark tapir field.

   "Hmph, it's you who should be awakened, Hoshino!" With a sneer, Tapir Liang opened the monsters placed on the back of the field.

   "The monster I covered is this one, [Glubby Dragon]!"

   The weird monster with huge belly and mouth appeared on the field as Tapirura turned over the card.

  [Glubby Dragon★★★★(4 stars) Water] [Reptiles/Effect ATK: 1900DEF: 700]

   700 defensive power, naturally unable to resist the bombardment of Cuchulin flame. The fat body of the gluttonous dragon disappeared into the flames without any accident.

   Looking at the monster that Tapira had turned around, Hoshino was confused: "A monster with an attack power of 1900, obviously has the top combat power among the 4-star monsters, why do you want to display it on the side?"

   "Hahahahaha, you attacked, Hoshino!" The sudden laughter caught Hoshino off guard.

   "The effect of the gluttonous dragon, when this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, I suffer 2000 damage."

   Tapir good LP: 4000→2000

   "Reduce your health?!" From the beginning to the present, Tapir Liang had been doing scumming operations, but he accidentally made Hoshino uneasy.

   "The real darkness has begun to spread, and you have no way out!" Putting the destroyed gluttonous dragon card into the graveyard, Tapirara looked sinister at the starfield who still hadn't figured out the situation.

   "As the duel progresses, the heart of the duel will gradually be eroded by darkness. And just now, you officially took the first step to call for darkness!"

  As the card entered the cemetery, the black mist lingering around seemed to be alive, floating towards Hoshino's body.

   "Experience it for yourself, this darkness created by your own power!" Pointing forward hard, it is not difficult to see a look of expectation in the gloomy expression of Tapir Liang.

   "What is this, it feels so disgusting!" Hoshino looked at the black mist surrounding his body in a panic, and Hoshino subconsciously swung his arms.

   However, even in the dark game that is reversed, the rules are still the rules. Just like the usual dark game, when the basic points are reduced or the monster is destroyed, it will damage the soul of the duel. In a reverse game, the darkness that encroaches on the body cannot be stopped either.

   Sadness, jealousy, greed, anger. Several negative emotions flooded into my heart like a tide.

   The words of darkness that hit people's hearts echoed in Hoshino's mind.

   "Why do you have to go through this kind of thing, you are obviously the king of duelists, but you have to encounter this kind of dark game where life hangs by a thread every time. It is really sad."

   "You are the person with the strongest strength. You should be the one standing at the apex of this world. Why should you look at the Sea Horse Seti so arrogant? It's so jealous."

   "As long as you make full use of your strength, whether it is wealth or power, you can easily hold it in your hands. As a person, you should be greedy."

   "This world is really unfair to you! Hate it, be angry at the injustice of this world, and burn this world with the ignited anger."

Chapter 159: Are you invincible?

   "Hmm...Danger...Danger..." Fran, who noticed that something was wrong, tried to remind her.

   "This darkness is very bad!" Cuchulin, who felt the surrounding environment strange from the beginning, finally understood the purpose of such a dense darkness.

   "It turns out that I went to the master from the beginning, it's really mean!" He glared at Tapirang who was sneered on the opposite side, and Cú Chulainn let out an uncomfortable cry.

   "It's boring..." Hoshino, who was trapped in the darkness, suddenly said.

   "Huh?!" The sneered dark eyes were startled.

   "Is this the purpose of Tapir Liang? This level of brainwashing, annoying index is not comparable to that of Wei Gong's mother."

"Obviously, I directly cut 2000 health points, but it didn't work?" Looking at Hoshino, who is almost the same as usual, tapir Liang sighed: "You really are Hoshino. The strength of your soul is not comparable to ordinary people. ."

   "Tapiryo, you cheated!"

   Raising his finger to the opposite, Hoshino asked, "Your behavior in this dark game has been very strange from the beginning to the present. The gimmick of the'strongest dark game in history' in your mouth is just to conceal its twisted rules."

   "Cut, so it's a headache to say that smart women are really a headache." Tapir snorted, but it was quite unexpected that Hoshino saw through his plan so quickly.

   But the accident was an accident. Tapir Liang didn't mean to change his plan: "What about that, once the dark game starts, it can't be stopped halfway."

   "It's just what I want! Then I will beat you until I regret that I can't stop the game halfway!" Hoshino raised the duel plate, clearly aware of the changes in the rules, but didn't mean to stop at all.

   "Go on, open the covered card, and quickly attack the magic [Heroic Spirit Summon]!"

  【Heroic Summoning Quick Attack Magic Effect: ①: Hand card · 2 [Heroic] monsters on the field can only be activated from the game. Special summon 1 [Heroic] monster from your hand card. 】

   "I will remove Cú Chulainn and Frankenstein from the game, and the [Heroic-Joan] in the Special Summoning hand card!"

  【Heroic-Jeanne ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) light】【Angel family/Effect ATK: 2500DEF: 3000】

   The sacred light, like the faint starlight in the night sky, descended on the field of Hoshino.

"Hehe, the saint who saves the country? This little light wants to cut through the strongest darkness. Is it too simple?" It's not the first time that Tapir sees Hoshino summoning Joan. The effect is still very well understood.

   "If the light cannot penetrate the darkness, then use a deeper darkness to split the darkness!" In the darkness lingering around, Hoshino once again drew a card and placed it on the duel board.

   "Come on, quick attack magic [Spirit base conversion]!"

   [Spirit-based conversion quick attack magic effect: Designate a monster with [Heroic] in its name on your side to activate it. ①: From the deck, special summon a [Heroic] monster with the specified monster name that has different attributes from the designated monster on your field, ignoring the conditions, and then return the designated monster to the deck. 】

   is like the transformation of a magical girl. Jeanne's original golden hair gradually turns white, and the clothes turn into black that almost assimilates to her back.

   "Because of the effect of [Spirit Conversion], I special summon [Heroic-Jeanne Alter] from the deck!"

   [Heroic-Jeanne Alter★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) dark] [Demon family/effect ATK:3000DEF:2500]

As Hoshino changed the Joan card on the field with the Joan Black card in the deck, the Black Joan dancing with the cursed flag smiled and replaced Joan in his original position, "You thought it was coming. Is it the rotten light of that saint-sama? It's so naive! Feel it, this burns the flames of the world's abomination!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the rule of this dark game is that when one's health is reduced, the opponent will gradually be swallowed by the darkness!" Hoshino, with the same smile of Joan on his face, only passed the tapir. Liang's strange actions instantly understood the twisted rules.

   "Do you want to..." Finally rushed to a panicked secret.

   "I'm rather curious, what will happen if you inject the power of darkness into your dark soul." Unable to resist the smirk from the corner of his mouth, Hoshino pressed the card of Joan of Arc on the duel board.

   "Don't worry about my feelings this time, go to the black jane, the phantom of virtue like a bubble!"

   [Once in a round, you can only activate by paying half of the basic points. This card will not be the target of the opponent's card effect until the end of the turn. The attack power increases by the value of the basic points paid. This effect can also be activated during the opposite turn. 】

   "Then don't call it hurt!" Withdrawing the black saber around her waist, Jeanne looked impatiently, "This hatred can't be easily quelled!"

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 4000→2000

  【Jan of Arc ATK: 3000→5000】

   "Enjoy yourself, the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom! This darkness created by your own hands!" The angry Hoshino, the life value drawn out, was like the black mud gushing out of the Holy Grail, violently poured into An Tapirliang's body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" Was originally a winner expression has completely disappeared, dark tapir good crying with pain.

   Combining the darkness created by the two thousand-year artifacts, even the Millennium Wisdom Wheel, which can be said to be a dark assembly, feels extremely painful. The feeling that the soul is covered by a stronger soul is almost destroying the personality of the dark tapir.

   "This dense darkness cannot invade, don't you have any evil thoughts, Hoshino?!"

   "Evil thoughts? Of course I have." Hoshino said with a smile.

   "I will also feel sad, but that is unwilling to fail after working hard with the hippocampus."

   "I also feel jealous, but that's the envy of seeing this European Emperor in the city."

   "I also feel greedy, but that is the desire to defeat a powerful enemy like a game, and finally earn a stone to get a wife."

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