"There is a lot of injustice in this world, but it is not the reason why I hate this world that has accepted me! Anger is only because I see the act of using the dark game to manipulate the fate of others, and I want to bring you and Malik together. The determination to defeat such a scum!"

   Tapir Liang frowned. This twisted dark game did achieve the desired effect, especially after he personally felt it, the darkness was really not something ordinary people could bear.

   But he missed it. If there are no cracks in a person's heart, darkness cannot be eroded.

"Aren't you invincible? Don't be kidding!" He calmed down the pain of being invaded by darkness. Although the power of darkness is very strong, with the dark power of the Millennium Wisdom Wheel, it won't be beaten by a mere 2000 health points. The weight is swallowed.

   "It will definitely exist, that trace of uneasiness in the soul." Tapir tried hard, thinking about the possibility that darkness could break through Hoshino's mind.

   Although the time between Tapirara and Hoshino was not long, the Kingdom of Duelists followed all the way. However, even so, Tapir Liang never encountered Hoshino’s specific negative emotional fluctuations from beginning to end. Even when he was killed by Bekas in the dark game until only the last 100 points of LP were left, he did not see the slightest retreat. Emotions.

   "Yes!!!" Tapirura suddenly remembered, as if he saw a breakthrough.

   That is the only thing that the girl exposed to everyone, hidden in her inner emotions. The slightly trembling eyes and the tears that ran across his face seemed to engrave time and close the world.

  ——I want to go home

Chapter 160: Who loses faster than anyone?

   "Don't be too nervous, miss Hoshino~ At this moment, you are the real protagonist, as long as you express the emotion you most want to express."

   "Do I want to express the most..."

   "I want to go home."

   "Although I just want to come out and have fun, I never thought about never going back. I don't want to leave my father alone. What can I do to be able to go back?"

   At that moment, duelists all over the world were looking at a girl named Chiyuki Hoshino, who won the highest honor of duelists and became the king of duels. Then, crying and wanting to go home...

   However, this is the crystallization of Holmes's so-called "detective" concept, the truth cannot be detected.


   "Hoshino just said that the world that accepted her..." recalled Hoshino's answer just now, and the final speech in the Duelist Kingdom. Combine that unique Heroic Card set with the eighth thousand-year artifact that does not exist in this world.

"No, doesn't Hoshino Chiyuki belong to this world? Just like the Pharaoh who has forgotten his memory!" Looking at the opposite in horror, the Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel highlighted the word'wisdom', but it's not just messing up. . As for his own guess, An Tapir Liang is at least 80% sure.

   "The round is over!" Just when Amara was still surprised by his speculation, Hoshino, who did not continue to attack, had already ended the round.

   Hoshino's remaining hand card 1 card, 1 cover card, [Jan of Arc ATK: 5000]

"That's right, now I can't control which world you are in!" Affirmed the Tapir Liang that he analyzed more and more, his confident smile gradually returned to his face, "It is enough to be able to find weaknesses! You know, darkness is. Pervasive!"

   "It's my turn, draw a card!"

Glancing at his hand card, Tapir Liang said, "Hoshino, although you suddenly slashed your 2000 HP is really unexpected to me, but compared to my deck built specifically for losing, your deck is not professional enough. what!"

   slammed a monster casually, and there was a fascinating object like a white square on the tapir field.

"And don't forget, you are standing on the court with a monster with up to 5000 attack power, as long as I touch it lightly...hahahaha!" From the confidence that he would lose, tapirang smiled inexplicably stand up. Maybe the once Tapir Liang never dreamed that one day he would be so happy because he was about to lose.

   "Summon a monster card [Yoyou] as an attack!"

  【Yoyou★Light】【Angel ATK: 300DEF: 100】

   "As long as I attack a little bit, I can easily return my health to zero! Attack the monster on the opposite field, Yoyo!"

   The funny tofu cubes on the top and tail of the head and tail, after hearing the attack order of Tapir Liang, did not hesitate to smash into the Hoshino field with an attack power of 5,000.

   "I won't let you succeed! Open the covered trap card [Nagging kanban girl]!" Because of the 300-point attack monster, the star field of the card was opened. As the rules of the dark game are exposed, this strange duel is increasingly developing in a stranger direction.

[Nagging Kanban Girl Trap Card Effect: Activate when the monster with [Heroic] in your name becomes the target of the opponent’s attack, special summon a 4-star or lower monster in the deck in the form of defense to be attacked instead , Specially summoned monsters' defense power is increased by 500 points. 】

   "Come on, a special defensive call! [Heroic-Alash]!" After hesitating for a long time, Hoshino finally chose the hero with the lowest defense in his deck.

  【Heroic-Arash★Light】【Angel Family/Effect ATK: 300 DEF: 300 → 800】

   Alash, who descended like a meteor ray, looked horrified: "It's over, I heard other heroes say that when they are summoned by the effect of this card, they will die particularly miserable! Don't you even need to explode this time?"

   "Puff!" With all his strength, his soft body slammed into the summoned Arash.

   "I'm dying, I'm dying... Hey? It doesn't hurt at all?" It felt like being bounced by cotton. Alash glanced at the impact and lay down on the ground because of the impact, staring at the golden stars.

   "I actually... survived!!" Alash, who knelt and roared, burst into tears.

   "Cut!" Hoshino's self-disclosure attack was stopped by strange means, and Tapir snorted uncomfortably.

   Tapir good LP: 2000→1500

   "Cut, because Kanban girl has improved his defense, should he still cut his health?"

In the same way, looking at Tapir's loss of health, Hoshino complained uncomfortably, "Alash, why do you need such a high defense power? Isn't it good to become 0 offense and 0 defense? No, it's better to get you 300. Add a minus sign in front of the point’s defense."

   "Master, are you the devil?" Even Jeanne of Arc couldn't help but marvel at the evil.

   "Although there are only 500 points, the darkness has already found a breakthrough, Hoshino!" With a snap of the dark tapir, the black mist moved at the sound and rushed towards Hoshino again.

   Hoshino shrugged and said relaxedly: "I've said it all, you guys who can't even talk about the darkness, just...huh!"

  Suddenly paused in the middle of speaking, Hoshino's expression seemed to be frozen.

   "Did it work? Sure enough, as long as you find a psychological defect, even a person with a strong soul will fall!" Tapir was slightly surprised. Although he found a breakthrough, he did not expect the plan to proceed so smoothly.

   "Master, are you okay?" Looking at Hoshino's body suddenly stopped, Alash asked worriedly.

   "It's okay for the heavy darkness attack just now. You won't be hit by a mere 500 damage, right?" Although she said so, the worried look on Jeanne's face has long been exposed.


   "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

   "Today is Qianxue's mother's birthday. Dad just misses her a little."

   "Mom?" Feeling a little strange, Hoshino tilted his head.

   "He is a gentle and beautiful person like Qianxue~"

   "As beautiful as me, dad is really blessed!"

   "Hehe, the greatest luck of my father's life is to have two angels, Mom and Qianxue, in his life."

   "Then why dad cry!"

"Yeah, why did Dad cry? It's probably because Qianxue and mom don't want Dad anymore! Dad, I'm so lonely, why, why should I leave me alone! I have worked so hard, and I have given everything. , Why do important people keep leaving!" In an increasingly excited tone, my father almost shouted out.

   "No, I am not! I did not abandon my father!"

   "Have fun in the other world, make new friends, start a new life, are you happy, Qianxue?"

Father’s originally kind face gradually became ugly, and the weather-beaten old palms tightly grasped Hoshino’s wrists: "Have you considered my feelings? After losing everything, I have lost the motivation to live in the end. what!"

"No, dad, you have always been an optimistic person. Even when the company is under such great pressure, you can laugh it off. It's impossible to think about it because of this kind of thing." Resistant to the pain from the wrist, Hoshino barely squeezed out a comforting smile.

   "You killed me, Qianxue! Your leaving without permission, your leaving without saying goodbye, became the last straw that crushed the camel under the weight of life!"

   "It's not the father I killed, I don't want to leave without saying goodbye, and I don't want to leave..." Hoshino, who desperately shook his head in denial, took a step back unconsciously.

   "I'm just, I just don't know how to go back!" At this moment, Hoshino felt that the father in front of him was so strange.

   "The cards of the three phantom gods have the power to open the door to another world! Go to defeat the sea horse Seto and Muto, and gather the cards of the three phantom gods!"

   "That way, can I go back?" Hoshino was sluggish, unable to discern which side was the truth.

   The life and death of his father, and why he knew about the Three Magic Gods.

Chapter 161: The Darkness in the Palm

   Hoshino was motionless, only the millennium ring on his wrist was shining with a strange light.

   "Is it over? Is it really easy?"

   An Tamara, who waved his hand, quietly let out a sigh of relief, "It made me let out a cold sweat. I didn't expect this to be easy."

   "That white-haired guy over there, what happened to your master!" Alashy roared, the eagle-like eyes full of killing intent at this moment.

   Black Jean was surprised, not because she was also white-haired, but because she didn't expect that the amiable Alash would explode like this.

   "Oh? Obviously the master has lost consciousness. Is the monster still there? It's really rare." Looking at Alash whose eyes were locked on him tightly, An Kunliang shrugged disapprovingly.

   "Is this the power of the card wizard? Well, it doesn't matter, your master, I have been sent to the dark side! Hahahahaha!"

   Laughing wildly, the mad laughter ignoring everything, echoed in the darkness without boundaries and vitality. An Tapirliang's almost disintegrated smile can already be said to have surpassed the limit of the distortion of the human face's muscles.

   "What makes you laugh so disgusting, Tapir?"

   "?!" The smile stopped abruptly, and a cold sweat continued to shed light on his back. Obviously it was a dark space without the concept of temperature, but it made him feel a bit of chill deep into his bones.

   "I asked you what made you laugh so disgusting, didn't you hear it?" Hoshino asked again, his eyes and tone were extremely cold.

   "Why, I obviously fell into the darkness, it is impossible to wake up again!" I began to doubt the secret of life, lived for thousands of years, and I have never heard of anyone who can get out of the abyss.

   "People who are eroded by darkness can't retain consciousness!"

   "Darkness, are you talking about this stuff?" Raising the millennium ring on his wrist, the millennium ring that was supposed to be shining with golden light has turned into a weird purple for some reason.

   "Very boring little means. In fact, the Millennium Ring is a very useless artifact. It cannot start dark games, control people's hearts, and cannot exchange souls. Its only function is to store the power of darkness."

   That's right, after every dark duel, the Millennium Ring will reserve some dark power. As for the use of the power of darkness, Hoshino found no other key use except for directly summoning heroic spirits at critical moments and being wasted by Sherlock Holmes.

   "Da Vinci, you've been there, don't hide it and come out!" Hoshino commanded by shaking his hand ring violently.

   "Woo woo woo, Hoshino-chan is so indifferent, she doesn't add the word'pro' after her name." Da Vinci, who silently showed a translucent image, pretended to hide his face and cry.

   "Answer my question, do the Three Magic Cards really have the ability to open the door to another world?" Ignoring Da Vinci's tricks, Hoshino cut the subject directly.


   "Do you know something, Da Vinci?" The strange silence made Hoshino get the affirmative answer.

Helpless Da Vinci said: "If you insist on saying yes, it is indeed there—according to the record, the card of the three phantom gods is the key to guide the soul to another world, but can it lead to the world where Hoshino-chan used to be? , It’s completely unknown."

"Enough!" Hoshino got the answer he wanted, and once again turned his gaze to Tapir, who was sweating coldly, and then raised the duel plate: "This duel is over, whether it's your dark game or your tactics. , It is meaningless, and it seems extremely ridiculous."

"Obviously it is the dark power of two thousand-year-old artifacts, has it been absorbed by a fake artifact?!" Incredibly dark tapir Liang, if he really did what Hoshino said, then the girl who used the fake artifact in front of him is now The power of darkness at his disposal has surpassed all the users of all artifacts in the past.

   "My turn..." The energy almost overflowing from the bracelet, a lot of black aura flowed out of random shaking.

   came into contact with the black aura of the deck, as if finding a destination, greedily and violently poured into it, "Draw a card!"

   Pointing at Tapirara with the drawn card, Hoshino asked again: "If the Thousand-Year Pewter Rod is with you, then you and Malik must have been in contact! Answer me, where is Malik!"

Now that my purpose has become the Three Illusory Gods, it’s not just a seahorse with [Obelisk’s Giant Soldiers], and I don’t know when I got the game of [Osiris Sky Dragon], holding the [Sun God’s] Malik of Pterodactyl is even more important.


   "3~" Hoshino suddenly started the countdown, making Tapir Liang panic.

   However, Tapir Liang didn't know where Malik had gone after giving him the Thousand-Year Pole Rod. He might still be in the stronghold of Gurus, or he might sneak over to observe the situation secretly.


   "Don't be too arrogant, even if you win this dark game, it will have no effect on me!" Tapir, who suddenly reacted, realized why he was so scared from just now? A reverse dark game, even if Hoshino wins.

   "1...Forget it, it seems that you won't answer." Hoshino, who had no choice but to put down the card in his hand, issued a final attack declaration to Black Jean.

   "Is it finally possible to do it?" Jeanne Black, who had suppressed the anger in her heart with all her strength from the beginning, finally stretched her expression when she received Hoshino's order.

   "The time for revenge has finally arrived! This roar of my soul tempered from hatred-[Roar, my anger]!"

   Along with the direction pointed by the black zhen sabre, the crimson flaming waves easily submerged the unremarkable [YoYu] on the tapir field and surged towards Tapir Liang.

   Tapir good LP: 1500→0

   "Hahahaha, it's okay! Sure enough, the dark game rules I created can't go wrong!" The Tapir who felt that I was afraid of a game for nothing, affirmed that it didn't matter if the reversed dark game was lost.

   "Yes, but then it is not in the category of dark games! I said, I will beat you until you regret it!" Hoshino, who has no plans to stop, and the heroes on the Hoshino field...

   "Oops!" Tapir Liang, who hurriedly picked up the Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel and Thousand-Year Tin Rod, intends to immediately end the dark game and return to the original space.

   "You want to run if you lose? There are no doors!" Hoshino raised the millennium ring on his right hand, and the large amount of dark power stored in it forcibly fixed the space, "It's your turn, Arash! Pin him to me."

   "Punch? Then I can't do it, I'm an arrow that can flatten the mountain!" Don't think that the big hero has only treasures. The ordinary Alash who draws a bow and shoots arrows also has the top level of the bow.

   Loosen the bowstring that has been tight to the extreme, and the eagle-like killing intent in Alash's eyes has not diminished in the slightest.

   "I dare to attack the master, this time I am really angry!"

   The high-speed arrow whizzed through the air and penetrated Tapirliang's arm with precision.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!" As if even the soul crushed like a painful screams, tapir good hands holding millennium mace not consciously fall off.

"The Thousand-Year Tin Rod, it’s just useless. Let’s keep the Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel!" The wisdom wheel that can find the power of the Millennium Artifact can accurately locate the current position of the game, and Malik will definitely reclaim the Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel. Can't run away either.

   His pupils were trembling and staring at his completely unconscious arm, and Tapir Liang finally understood the reason for his fear. The girl in front of her was totally different from the previous Hoshino. The breath that makes people feel unconsciously scared is not an evil attempting to destroy or destroy, but the absolute confidence that puts nothing in the eyes.

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