"Do you think that a monster that can't even be a wall is useful if you put three together!" He retracted his gaze in disdain, and the starfield graveyard area that started his own turn shone with emerald light.

   "In the preparation stage before the card draw, I activated the special effect of [Heroic-Atalante] that was just sent to the cemetery by [Mary Alter]!"

   [①: If this card is sent to the Graveyard, this card will be Special Summoned from the Graveyard next time in your preparation phase. 】

   Holding up the duel plate shrouded in emerald green light, Hoshino called: "Come on, special call! Atalanta!"

   [Heroic Spirit-Atalanta ★★★★★★ (6 stars) Wind] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 2000DEF: 1800]

  " And when Atta is successfully Special Summoned, equip this card with 1 "Sky Bow Tauropolos" from the deck! "

  【The magic effect of the bow of the sky is equipped with: [Heroic-Atalanta] can be equipped. 】

   Insert the retrieved equipment card into the duel plate, and Atalante, who is materialized on the Hoshino field, is ready to face off, "Well, it's hunting time now!"

   "A monster with an attack power of only 2000 points, do you want to counter the invincible blue eyes?"

"The performance is about to begin, open your eyes and watch Seahorse!" Putting your fingertips on the deck, in Hoshino's eyes, the white dragon roaring on the seahorse field seemed to have degenerated into three skeletons. , "My round, draw a card!"

   put the drawn card into his hand, Hoshino backhand threw another card: "This is my counterattack against the seahorse, perpetual magic [Chaldean magic power supply device]!"

   The bright red spell, with the activation of the magic card, was engraved on the back of Hoshino's white hand. The imprint perfectly integrated into the body, combined with Hoshino's serious eyes, made all the friends watching the game look at him.

   "I always feel that Hoshino's temperament has changed a lot." Kyoko, who had been observing Hoshino's situation from the beginning, finally found some eyebrows.

   "Yes, I feel it too!" Chengouchi echoed, "I always feel that the sound of scolding me just now is like a queen! I really want to be scolded by Hoshino for a few more words~"

   Honda's eyes were disgusting and spit out: "I said in the castle, you won't be awakened by any strange attributes, right."

Chapter 168: Complaint Arrow Book·Part 2

   looked at the familiar mark in his eyes, Wang Yang frowned: "Ling Shu, it's a very troublesome thing."

   After all, Wang Yang also suffered a lot from this red mark in the Duelist Kingdom finals. At that time, Hoshino's infinite sword system deployed with Lingshu was the key to ending the duel.

   However, the enchantment that was engraved on the back of Hoshino's hand suddenly seemed to be shattered, and the remnants of magic power were scattered all over the place. Following the fragmentation, there are cards of [Sky Bow].

   "Ling curse is a thing that needs to be discarded at a critical moment! Launch the special effect of [Heroic Atalante]!"

   [③: Once in a round, destroy up to 3 face-up Spell/Trap Cards on your field, and activate it only by destroying the number of Spell/Trap Cards on the opponent's field. Send those cards to the cemetery. 】

   "I will destroy the perpetual magic [Chaldean Mana Supply Device] and the equipment magic [Sky Bow] on the field, and I am ready, Ata!"

   "The target is locked, the master who will never miss!" Hoshino's response was the confident and beautiful smile of the cat-eared girl.

   Atta, who drew the bowstrings with all his strength, the two emerald rays that launched into the sky drew two perfect arcs in the sky. Then the arrow fell in response, accurately hitting the two perpetual magic cards in the active state on the seahorse field.

  【Different Dimensional Isolation Machine】、【Absolute Magic Prohibited Domain】Sent to the cemetery

   "And just after the [different dimension isolation machine] was sent to the cemetery, the excluded Kuchurin and the king's knight returned to the field!"

  咚——The black figure that fell from the sky fell into the battlefield, containing a murderous aura even stronger than before.

   "I'm so courageous, I dared to shut me up with an old man!" A grinning black dog grinned at the corner of his mouth, and the terrifying expression made the King Knight who had also escaped from the isolation machine shuddered.

  【Ku·Chulin AlterATK:2800】

   The two perpetual magics that he had just put down were ruined, and Seahorse did not expect it, "It's useless! Even so, if you have a single round of attack power, your Cuchurin can't match my strongest blue eyes!"

   "Soreva Dokana?" Hoshino put [Sky Bow] into the cemetery and pointed to Seahorse's hand card, "The effect was triggered at the moment the Sky Bow was destroyed."

   [②: If this face-up card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, confirm the opponent's card and select 1 monster from there. The selected monster is Special Summoned with negated effect on the opponent's field. 】

   "啧..." He flipped the hand card and showed Hoshino uncomfortably. Except for two unseen mechanical monsters in the seahorse hand card, the rest is...

   "Sure enough." With an expression completely in his grasp, Hoshino motioned Tameow.

   I don't know when the green figure has flashed behind the hippocampus, and precisely shoots an arrow at the hippocampus. The high-speed arrow slid across the side of the hippocampus, pinning the hand that was shot down firmly to the ground.


   "Roar——!" The familiar roar echoed in the audience, and the effect of the forcedly summoned [Blue-eyed Sub-White Dragon] was invalidated and materialized on the seahorse field.

   [Blue-eyed sub-white dragon★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) light] [Dragon ATK: 3000DEF: 2500]

"Why do you want to force such a monster to be summoned..." In the castle who was completely confused, looked at the four powerful white dragons on the seahorse field with a dazed expression, "Even if the effect is invalid, the attack of the Yabai dragon The power is real!"

"Next is the time for the trial, Seahorse! Activate the final effect of Atta-when there are more than two magic or trap cards destroyed by the effect, you can place one "Treasure One Complaint Arrow Book" from the deck and the graveyard. "Add a hand card. "

Draw out the cards that have already been retrieved, Hoshino glanced at the 5 monsters on the opposite field that were completely covered, "Lost the protection of the [Absolute Magic Prohibited Area], your blue-eyed white dragon is no longer immune to magic cards, right? In that case, eat it obediently, the magic card [Treasures and Arrows]!"

   "To the two great gods——" Tamei, who sensed the activation of the magic card, shot the arrow that condensed huge magic power into the sky with all his strength. With the "bow of the sky" given by the patron **** Artemis, it shoots an arrow book that prays for the protection of the sun **** Apollo and the moon goddess Artemis.

   "——Phoibos Catastrophe!" Then the **** of destruction responded to this request and granted protection in the form of giving the enemy disaster.

  【Treasure-Complaint Arrow Book Magic Card Effect: Target 1 monster on the opponent's field, and release 1 [Heroic-Atalante] on your field to activate it. Exclude all monsters on the opponent's field that have the same attributes or the same race as that monster. 】

   "Because of the effect of the complaint arrow book, all light monsters on the field are excluded! And you are all light monsters on the field!"

   is not only the 4 white dragons, but even the king-like [king knight] is a light attribute. A rain-like light arrow fell from the sky, covering all the monsters on the opposite field. The roaring four-fold screams of the four white dragons shook the world.

   The arrow protected by the **** of destruction cut through the sky and swallowed all the ‘light’ on the field, leaving only the ‘darkness’ of Alter at the end.


  [Blue-eyed White Dragon] X3, [Blue-eyed White Dragon], except for [King Knight]

"This match between light and darkness was won by the dark! Just as the monster was eliminated, he launched the quick attack magic [Holy Devotion]!" Obviously he has already gained a huge advantage, and Hoshino did not neglect any chance to pursue it. .

   [Holy Dedication Quick Attack Magic Effect: ①: Once per turn, it can only be activated when the monster on the field is removed. Recover the basic points of the number of excluded monsters X1000 by yourself. ②: When this card is successfully activated, add 1 [Heroic] monster from the deck to your hand. 】

   "Because there are 5 monsters excluded, so I regain my basic score, 5000 points!" Skip the seven-color meteor in the sky, and sprinkle the last gentle light on the earth.

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 2650→7650

   The sudden absolute reversal, as if turning the world over. At this moment, Jouchou finally understood one thing, "It turns out that it was Hoshino who played the real game...Hoshino really wants to win the game and Seahorse!"

  'S merciless onslaught, the strength of absolute crushing, the girl in front of her was very familiar, and at this time she seemed so unfamiliar. Just before that [complaint arrow book] was played, Jouchou would never believe it, and would never believe that Hoshino could defeat the game and the seahorse. But now...

   "The monster I added to the hand card is [Heroic Spirit-Atalante Alter]!" Adding the heroic spirit retrieved due to the effect of [Holy Devotion] into the hand card, Hoshino decisively entered the attack process.

   "Let's launch a direct attack on the player, Ku Chulin! Let the grievances accumulated just now burst out!"

   "I can't wait a long time!" The black dog's low voice suppressed the audience. At this moment, he became the most aggressive king on the battlefield, "The killing has begun!"

Chapter 169: Don't shuffle the cards? I'll help you wash it!

   "The killing has begun!" Ku Chulin, who covered his body with the power of darkness and danced the magic spear in his hand, slammed into the opposite side violently, mixed with violent air.

  Game & Seahorse LP: 3700→900

   The health that drops like flowing water, the difference in health between the two sides after one round is close to 7000

"I can actually suppress the joint game and the seahorse into this, has Hoshino become so strong?" Although it is impossible to analyze the battle like a professional duel, Kyoko is an amateur through factors such as health, scenes, and number of cards. Can also clearly see the huge gap between the two sides.

Wang Yan, who squinted one eye due to virtual pain, looked at Hoshino with a somewhat difficult expression, "It is completely beyond the usual level. The reason why you can work so hard is really only because of the card of God. Desire?"

  The little friends who watched the battle were surprised. They had never heard of Hoshino trying to get the card of the gods.

  Jouchi repeated, "God's card, does Hoshino want it? Why?"

"Huh, a boring question!" Haima said, who had been ignoring the city before, and now suddenly ran out to answer, "As a duel, isn't it justified to want rare cards? It's just that the disguise was very good before. Just expose your desires."

   "Hey? Isn't it to equip Akash with a deck? o?v?

  Little girl, you too value yourself too much.

   Chengouchi sternly said: "If you want, you can give it to her..."

   Look, is this what people say?

   "City Uchi!" Kyoko complained, poking his elbow in the city where he didn't even think through his words.

   Honda reminded: "If I remember correctly, the cards of the three magic gods are also very important to the game."

   "Yes, I have a reason to gather the three phantom gods!" From the virtual pain, the fighting spirit in Wang Yang's eyes was gradually ignited by Hoshino's onslaught.

   "Even if you are Hoshino, I can't hand over the card of the gods for no reason. As I said just now, fight with all my strength. Determine where the gods belong through a duel!"

   "Hehe, before talking about the beautiful scenes, let's take a closer look at the current form of the game!" Attempting to use the facts to awaken the king-like Hoshino, he raised his fingertips and pointed to the opposite field.

   The space is empty and there is no cover card, both of them have only 2 cards left in their hands, and there is a gap of nearly 7000 HP.

   "A duel can't be won by fighting spirit alone!"

   "The empty field just gave me the chance to fight back!" It was clearly in Hoshino's turn, but Wang Yang dropped a card from his hand to the duel board.

   "Now, use this card to open up a path to victory! Special summon [Gus, the Messenger of Hades] from your hand card!"

   The white mist that suddenly appeared on the field condensed the magic power that had just spread from the tip of the black dog's gun into a single place.

   [If there is no card in your field, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand when a card controlled by the opponent is damaged. 】

  [Gus, Messenger of Hades★★★★★★★ (7 stars) Dark] [Demon Clan/Effect ATK: 2700DEF: 2500]

   Looking at the black warrior standing on the playing field holding a big sword, Hoshino sighed softly, "Is it a high-level monster summoned because of my attack? It's really a game, this kind of life hanging by a thread is really desperate."

   "Hehe, the fighting power of the messenger of the underworld is more than that!" Wang Yang stretched out his hand and waved to the field, beside the messenger of the underworld, another independent entity slowly condensed the magic power again.

   "Activate the second effect of [Gus, Messenger of Hades]!"

[When this method is successfully Special Summoned, special summon 1 "Kaiyin from Hades token (Angel Clan·Light·7 Star·Offense/Defense?) on your field. The attack power and defense power of this token change The result is the same value as the combat damage received at this time.]

   "Because I just received 2800 points of direct damage, so I special summoned [Hardmaster Kaiyin] with 2800 points of attack power!"

   The silver-white female warrior holding a long sword, physically and juxtaposed to stand beside Gus, the messenger of the underworld.

  【Kaiyin ATK, Messenger of Hades: 2800】

"Is Cú Chulainn's fighting power leveled?" The appearance of another messenger from the Hades finally made Hoshino's brows slightly frowned. "

   Wang Yang did not continue to speak, but kept silent with his arms folded, indicating that Hoshino's own operation was over.

   "Is it over? Then I will continue!" Seeing that Wang Yang has no extra operations, Hoshino throws out the card he just retrieved.

   "Activate the special effect of the [Heroic-Atalanta Alter] that was just retrieved to remove the [Heroic-Atalanta] in the cemetery, and special summon it from the hand card!"

  The strong dark aura ran from Hoshino’s fingertips to the cemetery once again, covering the cards of Atta in the cemetery. Afterwards, the familiar but distinctly different girl's figure reappeared on the battlefield.

   [Heroic-Atalanta Alter★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Dark] [Beast Warrior Clan/Special Summon/Effect ATK: 2000DEF: 2400]

   Atta, who returned to the court, was completely different from the emerald green figure before. The girl dressed in jet black, even her hair color was as silver as a star, "Burn everything, swallow everything... with this boiling power!"

   "Is this really the same monster as just now?" Seeing Atta, whose character was completely reversed, Jouchou inevitably exclaimed, "Obviously the attack power is the same, but it is far beyond the courage just now."

"Finally, I activated the effect of the [Old Adult] who entered the cemetery last round, and removed it from the cemetery...hehe." Hoshino, who took the card out of the cemetery area, couldn't help but hang a little at the corner of his mouth. Smirk.

  【Old Man Trap Card Effect: ②: You can activate it only by removing this card from the Graveyard on your turn. Confirm up to 3 cards from the top of the opponent's deck, and return to the top of the deck in the order you like. 】

   "Let you not shuffle the cards, now I will help you do it myself!" This is why Hoshino couldn't help smirking.

   Of course, Wang Yang and Hoshino, who are far apart, will not specifically hand over the deck. Instead, through the holographic image that appeared in front of Hoshino's eyes, the order of the top three cards of the king-like deck was materialized. And from a king-like perspective, you can only see the back of the card, not the true face of the card.

   "What is this card!?" Hoshino's eyes were slightly startled as he glanced at the three cards presented in front of him.

   "——Osiris' Sky Dragon!"

  The bright red card face is especially conspicuous in the contrast of the other two cards. And the card of the sky dragon is also stacked with the [Pottery of Desire] that can replenish the card in the hand.

   "It's really a game. If it weren't for me to intervene, the next round would have a high probability of being able to summon a psyche." At this moment, Hoshino once again personally felt the horror of the unknown pharaoh.

Chapter 170: The King's Counterattack

   After a short period of thought, Hoshino chose to place the [Pottery of Desire] at the end, with the sky dragon sandwiched between them, and a piece of [Elf Swordsman] was placed on the top. Although it can only postpone the rhythm of King Yang's drawing of the God's Card for one round, it is better than nothing.

   "Why do you want to bring a mortal bone like an elf swordsman, I can't imagine what use it is..."

   After adjusting the order of the decks, Hoshino placed another card in the duel plate, "Cover a card, and the round is over."

   Hoshino's remaining hand cards: 1 card, 1 cover card

   "It's my turn, draw a card!" Wang Yan, who knew that his deck had been adjusted by Hoshino, just glanced at the [Elf Swordsman] in his hand.

   Looking at Wang-like's subtle expression, Hoshino secretly cheered: "Now I regret putting such a useless monster in the deck~"

"Huh~" As if seeing through Hoshino's mind, Wang Yang smiled and said: "Do you think that this kind of small means can stop my counterattack, too naive Hoshino, now I will prove that there is nothing in the deck A card is useless!"

   "Activate a magic card from your hand [Mining of the Philosopher's Stone]!"

  【Sorcerer's Stone Mining Spell Card Effect: Discard 2 cards in the hand and target 1 Spell Card in your graveyard to activate. Add that card to the hand card. 】

   There are only 3 hand cards in total. This time it can be said that all resources are thrown into the graveyard.

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