Hoshino frowned and thought: "In the graveyard of the game, is there a magic card that I would rather spend such a high price to get back?"

   "Hoshino, don't forget, our side is a duel." The king-like who cast his eyes on the hippocampus did not give too much explanation.

   But Seahorse instantly understood the meaning of the king-like eyes, "Huh, let me lend it to you!" Then he drew out the seahorse of the card in the graveyard, waved it, and threw the card out.

   "Thank you!" Accurately grasping the card that Seahorse flew over, Wang Yang directly placed it on the duel plate, and everyone who watched by the tacit understanding of the two stunned.

   "The card I added in my hand is from the graveyard, [Life-cutting Baoza]! According to the effect of the card, I draw up to 5 cards in my hand."

"Because it is a two-person duel, is the cemetery of Seahorse also his own cemetery?" Hoshino, who had never thought that he could still operate like this, suddenly felt bad after seeing the king playing this card, "draw his hand. Up to 5, which means..."

   After finishing the replenishment of the card, he saw the bright red card in his hand and said with an unexpected expression, "You have actually changed the position of the card of the gods, you really have you, Hoshino."

   "You can't even force a shuffle to stop you, you are the real monster, game!"

"Activate the magic cards [Pot of Desire] and [Susheng of the Dead] from the card!" Hoshino adjusted the pot of Desire to the third card. Under the effect of [Death-cutting Baoza], he was naturally taken by the king. Draw the sample into your hands.

   "Resurrect, [Elf Swordsman]!" The Elf Swordsman who was thrown into the cemetery just because of [Sorcerer's Stone Excavation] was resurrected on the field in the Holy Light.

   He was obviously just a mortal monster, but he frantically brushed up his sense of existence. As Wang Xiang just said, no card in his deck is useless.

   The current Hoshino even regrets not adjusting the sky dragon to the first one. If the king's first draw is the sky dragon, he will definitely not be able to discard the card of the gods so decisively to start the [Mining of Philosopher's Stone].

   "The three monsters on the field are all gathered now!" The bright red card was severely dropped from Wang Yang's hand, and the lightning and thunder sky seemed to have returned to the appearance of the fierce battle mask combination.

   "When the sky is thundering and chaotic, the ancient magic book in the chain can be infinitely powerful! Take 3 monsters on the field as sacrifices, and witness the wrath of God at this moment!"

   Wang Yang stretched out his hand and waved to the sky, a huge red body surged in the dark clouds mixed with electric light.

   "Go on, this is my trump card, [Osiris' Sky Dragon]!"

  [Sky Dragon of Osiris★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) God] [Illusive Gods/Effects ATK: X000DEFX000]

   "Oh-!" The terrifying roar of the shining sky, the huge red dragon first poked its head out of the clouds, and then hovered the entire body of thunder light on the king-like field. And this terrifying-looking dragon has two mouths strangely.

   "The effect of Osiris' Sky Dragon, the original attack power / original defense power is the value of the number of cards in the controller's hand X1000!"

   [Sky Dragon ATK: 4000]

  The first time I saw the sky dragon in the castle, he was completely stunned by the unspeakable spirit: "This is the **** of the game..."

   Hoshino frowned: "[Osiris’ Sky Dragon] that increases attack power with the number of hand cards, it’s a bit troublesome."

"Osiris's sky dragon's strongest attack, the target is [Heroic-Marie Antoinette Alter] on the opposite field!" Pointing forward, the sky dragon hovering in the king's field, the largest one A terrible electric light began to condense in the dragon's mouth.

   "Superconducting wave lightning strike light cannon (ThunderForce)!!!"

   "Open the covered trap card!" Hoshino hesitated for a few seconds in the face of the thunder that rushed toward him, and pressed the start button on the duel plate.

   "Trap Card [Nagging Nagging Kanban Girl]! Choose a heroic monster below 4 stars in the deck to special summon the defense form, and increase the defense by 500 points! Come on, [Heroic-Medea lily!"

   In front of Lei Guang, the petite body tremblingly stepped onto the battlefield.

  【Hero-Medea lilyDEF: 1500→2000】

   Medea lily.jpg

   "And because of Medea lily's effect, when Special Summoning, select 1 magic/trap card with the description of [MEDIA] from the deck and add it to your hand!"

  Looking at the little Medea who suddenly emerged from the Hoshino field, Wang Yang raised his mouth and smiled: "It's useless, the moment you summon the successful monster, you are already shrouded in the thunder of the sky dragon!"


   "Activate the special effect of [Osiris' Sky Dragon]!"

   [The opponent summons? Reverse summon? This is activated when a monster is Special Summoned. Decrease the value of those monsters (Attack Power/Defense Power) by 2000 points according to the expression, and destroy the monsters whose (Attack Power/Defense Power) is reduced to 0 by this effect. 】

   "Go on the sky dragon of Osiris, call the thunder bomb!" The unexpected sky dragon opened another dragon's mouth and shot Medea lily with a flash of lightning.

  【Medea lilyDEF: 2000→0】

   "According to the effect, the monster whose defense power is reduced to 0 is destroyed!"

  【Hero-Medea lily】destroy

   "So Osiris' attack power continues! Destroy in the roaring thunder!"

   The lightning burst on the star field, and almost at the same time swallowed the delicate body of Black Mary.

  【Hero-Marie Antoinette Alter】Destruction

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 7650→5450

Chapter 171: Black Atta VS Sky Dragon

"Even if Medea is destroyed by the lightning bomb, the special summon cards will still be added to the hand!" This is how Medea lily won the slight benefits for Hoshino under the fierce attack of the sky dragon. Such a foolish tongue.

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 2

The thoughtful Seahorse is also the first time to see the hidden effect of the King-like Sky Dragon: "It reduces the 2000 offensive and defensive bombs, which means that in front of the Osiris Sky Dragon, the attack power or defense power is lower than 2000. The monsters cannot be summoned at all. Even if it is higher than 2000 points, it will be greatly weakened."

   As the holder of the card of the gods, Seahorse will inevitably compare it with his own god: "If you look at the oppressive power alone, it is indeed beyond my [Obelisk's Titan Soldier]."

   "Cover another card, and the round is over!" As the king's hand card decreases, Osiris' attack power will also decrease. Therefore, in order to ensure the power of the sky dragon, Wang Yang did not dare to cover the cards too much.

  【Osiris’ Sky Dragon ATK: 4000→3000】

   "My turn, draw cards!" Faced with the double onslaught of the seahorse and the king, even Hoshino finally felt the tremendous pressure from the two top duelists.

   "In the case of 1V2, not only did the start lose 5 cards in the hand, but the opponent also used [Life-cutting Baoza] twice in a row! This is simply a duel with a whole deck of cards."

   Catching the pause in Hoshino's movements, Hippocampus proudly said, "Finally know that you are afraid, Hoshino? If you can apologize for your recklessness now, it will be too late. I, Hippocampus, don't account for the temper of a little girl like you."

   Even in Jouchou, who likes to fight Seahorse every time, there is no objection this time: "Yes, Hoshino, don't fight anymore. Although Seahorse is totally indifferent, you and the game are not friends!"

   "Mediocre, don't scream if you can't speak!" When I heard the sentence "The seahorse guy is totally indifferent" in Jouchou's mouth, our president sir clearly showed an unhappy expression.

"Apologize? Give up? What do you think of me?" Yinghong's lips raised a subtle arc, and Hoshino smiled and responded to the two's'suggestion', "Since I have the courage to challenge you, I am naturally ready to do it. Correspondingly awakened!"

   Wang Yang said solemnly: "To survive to the end before God, is that what you call enlightenment?"

"Game, did you make a mistake?" His slender fingers picked up a card, and Hoshino looked at the roaring sky dragon on the field: "Although the **** is very strong, the uncontrollable amount of violent violence is enough to overcome God crushes!"

   "Defeat the gods?" Obviously Wang Yang didn't believe him, "Don't forget that because of the effect of the sky dragon summoning thunder bombs, it is already difficult for Hoshino to summon other monsters."

   "No need for more combat power, launch an attack, [Heroic-Atalanta Alter]!" Unprepared attack declaration, Hoshino who clearly drew out his hand card but did not use it, directly chose to use Black Atta to launch an attack.

   "Target! Osiris' Sky Dragon!"

   "Hmph, I've already started to give up on my own." Seahorse with a cold snort did not pay attention to Hoshino's dying struggle behavior at all.

   The dazzling purple energy is condensed on Atala's black longbow to the limit, and the silver-haired girl with murderous eyes locked tightly on the sky dragon, which is several times as large as herself.

   "The power has boiled to the apex! Blood! No matter what it is, I will swallow it up!" The words are full of violence and killing emotions that are completely inconsistent with the delicate appearance.

   Ming Ming Atta's attack power is 1000 points lower than that of Sky Dragon, but Wang Yang is instinctively alert.

   "Dead! Let's die!" Along with Atta's full roar, the black arrow that came out went straight to the huge sky dragon.

Even though he was instinctively aware of Atta's attack, Wang Yang, who faced the attack, was still not to be outdone: "It's only an attack of 2000 points. Counterattack Osiris' Sky Dragon! Superconducting wave lightning strike light cannon (ThunderForce) !"

   The dark arrow light collided with the dazzling thunder light at one point, and it made a bursting sound that pierced everyone's eardrums.

   However, Atta's attack power is still relatively low after all. After the initial collision, the black side has already shown signs of decline.

   "It seems that I scared myself!" Watching the sky dragon gradually suppress the past thunder light, Wang Xiang heaved a sigh of relief: "Fight back in one effort, sky dragon!"

"Roar--!" Responding to Wang Yang's call, the Sky Dragon, which raised its power to the limit, almost doubled the thickness of the superconducting wave lightning strikes directly over the black arrow shot by Atta, and moved the opposite Atta. The black slender body was submerged in the light.

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 5450→4450

   "Sure enough, it's just a hot-headed attack." Looking at the monster in Hoshino that was counter-attacked and killed himself, Seahorse made a tone that didn't surprise me.

   actually made such a low-level wrong attack, Wang Xiang would only think that Hoshino was losing his composure more and more, "Give up, Hoshino, it is impossible to win in your current state."

   did not panic because Atta was killed by the sky dragon, Hoshino just quietly looked at the figure roaring in the thunder light, "Game, let's play the second round!"

   Following Hoshino’s gaze, Wang Xiang also spotted Atta who was in an abnormal state: "What? Isn't it destroyed?!"

   "Kalydon...Lend me strength!" Atta, struggling hard, seemed to say something.

   "At this moment, the special effect of [Heroic Spirit-Altalante Alter] is triggered!"

   [This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Activate when this card battles a monster and you receive battle damage. If the attack power of this card increases by that value, the effect of that monster is negated. After that, this card can attack the opponent's monster one more time. 】

   "Because I just received 1000 combat damage, Atta's attack power increased by 1000!"

  【Hei Atta ATK: 2000→3000】

   "Oh oh oh oh!" Atta, whose strength was soaring, his sharp claws directly tore the thunder light around him.

Wang Yang, who had an unpredictable experience, looked at Ata who was covering his body with darkness in disbelief: "The attack power is equal to the sky dragon, and he can make another attack! This is what Hoshino said is the violent power to defeat the gods. ."

   "Burn the shadow... the arrow of the moon... accept my hatred!" The huge darkness surrounding the slender body made Ata's violent courage far surpass the coercion of the sky dragon god.

   "Then this is the last card I used to push the violent force to the top!" Finally, Hoshino throws out the card that was already at his fingertips. The moment the green card touched the duel plate, the exponentially soaring power spread from the soles of Atta's feet, almost breaking the big earthquake.

   "Quick Attack Magic [Kang Hua EX]!"

   [Frenzy EX Quick Attack Magic Effect: ①Choose 1 monster with [Heroic] on your field to activate it. Until the end of the phase, the attack power of the selected monster increases by 800. ②: Activate when the selected monster battles and destroys the monster and sends it to the graveyard. Inflict damage equal to the original ATK of the opponent's monster. 】

  【Hei Atta ATK: 3000→3800】

   "End the opposite god, Atta! Use this violent blow that shakes the world!"

   slammed on the ground, and the body of the silver-haired girl shot out like a dark meteor.

   "——Tauropolos Skia Thermoplasia!"

Chapter 172: Why do you peek at other people's ass?

   "——Tauropolos Skia Thermoplasia!"

   rushed towards the sky dragon with the help of the violent darkness enveloping the whole body. The bursting magic power started from the dragon head of the sky dragon and penetrated the whole body, engulfing it from head to tail.

   The dark breath surrounds the sky dragon like sharp blades, and the wrath of God is now infinitely close to wailing.

  The king-like stared wide-eyed, he couldn't believe the sight of God being defeated in front of him, "A fierce attack launched at the cost of his own health, really desperate Hoshino!"

The dark sky eclipse shot, wounded the enemy 10,000 and self-damaged 8,000 Black Atta's killing effect. If it hadn't been used to raise 5000 points of health with the holy appearance before, it is estimated that the duel is now at this stage, Hoshino will definitely not Dare to use this trick.

With his gaze staying quietly in the air, the Sky Dragon that was dissipated by Atta's full blow, Hoshino said with a serious face: "Although it is costly, it is already a blow to determine the outcome. Because of the effect of [Madhua EX], In the game, you not only have to withstand 800 points of combat damage. At the same time, you have to withstand the damage of the Sky Dragon 3000 attack power!"

   Hearing such a terrifying damage value, the castle took a breath, then turned his head and asked: "Total 3800 points of damage, how many health points do they have left in the game?"

   Honda replied with a serious expression: "If I remember correctly, there are 900 points left..."

   "Didn't Hoshino win?!" Even at this point, the castle still couldn't believe that Hoshino actually defeated the game plus seahorse.

   However, the Wang-like expression is surprisingly calm at this moment, "It's almost a bit, it's really very dangerous!"


   "Osiris' Sky Dragon, let them see your roots!"

   "Wow!" In the bursting darkness, Osiris finally roared through the sky with all his strength. A dazzling thunder light broke through the thick darkness and hit Hoshino's slender body accurately.

  【Osiris’ Sky Dragon】Smashed

   "What's the situation, do you bring a dying counterattack?" Feeling the numbness and pain coming from the body, Hoshino gritted his teeth and looked at the king with a mysterious smile on the opposite side.

  Game & Seahorse LP: 100

"So I said it is really dangerous. If the battle damage is increased by 100 points, it will be over!" Wang Yang's soles were already the only cover card in the last round. "But the sky dragon's final counterattack won us a reversal. Hope!"

   "Open the covered trap card [Cold Gun of Hell]!"

  【Hell's Cold Spear Trap Card Effect: This card can only be activated when the effect that inflicts damage other than combat damage is activated. Transfer the damage you have suffered to the other party. 】

   "Because of the effect of Hell's Cold Spear, I only took 800 points of combat damage, and the remaining 3000 points of effect damage were borne by you, Hoshino!"

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 4450→1450

   In the castle where he thought the duel was over, he couldn't believe it now: "It was actually hit, and Hoshino's 7,000 health points were hit to just over 1,000!"

   "And due to the effect of Ku Chulin Alter, only one monster can attack. You can no longer attack this turn!"

  The effect of the black dog double-edged sword, although restricting the opponent's offense, it also restrained his own offense at the same time. But if it weren't for the black dog, Hoshino would have been killed by Seahorse in the first round.

   "I will leave it to you next, Haima!"

   Haima responded confidently: "Huh, there are only 100 health points left, but it's more than enough!"

   Mingming empty field plus only 2 cards in hand, I don't know where the confidence of these two people come from.

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