"Hey, it's almost a little bit!" The more the duel was delayed, Hoshino became more impatient. He obviously had a huge advantage at the start, but the two of the seahorse and the game gradually brought the situation back through the tacit cooperation of the game.

   "Cover a card, the round is over!"

   Hoshino's remaining hand card 1 card, 1 cover card

  The reason for being impatient is, of course, the more laborious resources. Although Alt Heroes' suppression power is very strong, but at the same time it consumes cards very much. An alter hero often has to stack up to consume a card of its own. Although it is not as good as the four-for-one blue-eyed ultimate dragon, Hoshino's resources are still severely insufficient in the later stage without a powerful means of replenishing the card.

   "Hoshino, the more he yearns for victory, the easier it is to be swallowed up by violent and darkness." After observing for so long, Wang Xiang, who has a thousand-year-old building block, finally vaguely discovered the deep darkness hidden in Hoshino's heart.

  Hoshino who didn't understand Wang Yang's concern at all, retorted: "Obviously I am empty field plus only 100 health points, but are you still in the mood to care about me?"

   "Wait! Hoshino, what are you carrying behind your back?!" Suddenly there was a voice in the castle.

   Because Wang Yang and Seahorse were facing Hoshino's angle, they could not be observed, but in the castle watching from the sidelines, he accidentally found Hoshino's Millennium Wisdom Wheel hanging behind him, "Why is the Millennium Wisdom Wheel hanging behind your ass?"

   "Brother Jounouchi, why do you secretly look at sister Hoshino's ass?" Akashia looked at Jounouchi with a look of pervert.

   "The Millennium Wisdom Wheel?!" Wang Yang, who heard the familiar terms, was immediately alert, "Hoshino, why is Tapirian's Millennium Wisdom Wheel on you?"

   Other partners are not very clear about Tapirara's dark personality, and the dark game in the Duel Kingdom is just like a dream. But Wang Yang knows that the evil souls boarding in the Millennium Wisdom Wheel are not simple.

   "Is that why your heart was eroded by darkness, Hoshino?"

   "What is dark and not dark, there is no scientific basis at all!" The atmosphere was originally serious, but was interrupted by the high voice of the hippocampus off guard, "It's my turn, draw a card!"

   "Launch the Magic Card [Marble Mallet]!"

   [Magic Mallet Magic Card Effect: Any number of cards in your hand are returned to the deck for cleaning and cutting. After that, draw the number back to the deck by yourself. 】

   "I will shuffle all the two cards in my hand back to the deck, and then draw two more." Judging from the operation of Seahorse, the last two mechanical monsters in my hand cannot make a decisive change in the situation.

   "Draw the card!" It was obviously the last draw to decide the outcome, but the seahorse seemed so calm and unreliable.

   "Then activate the magic card, [Dead Susheng]!"

   Hoshino sighed softly: "I actually got the deceased Susheng at the last moment. Although this card has a strong effect, there doesn't seem to be a monster that can surpass my alter hero in the graveyard."

"Hmph, I said it was a duel for two people." Haima smiled confidently. Instead of taking out the card from his graveyard, he looked at the king-like person beside him, "Game, your monster I Just use it!"

   "The one I resurrected is from the game cemetery, [Chaotic Black Magician]!" The dark figure seemed so incompatible with the resurrected holy light.

   [Chaotic Black Magician★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) dark] [Magician family/effect ATK: 2800DEF: 2600]

   "When did the chaotic black magician exist in the graveyard of the game?!" Although it was unbelievable, the chaotic black magician stood in front of Hoshino incomparably real.

Chapter 173: I want to guard the future of master

  The only chance that the king can discard the hand card is the hand card that he discarded with the wizard swordsman during the [Sorcerer's Stone Collection]. If you think about it this way, the king at the time can choose to summon [Chaos Black Magic] from his superiors, and stably get back [Life Killing Baoza] from the Seahorse Graveyard through its effects, but he did not do so.

   He left this only possibility to an uncertain future after two rounds.

   And this only possibility has now become the key point where the hippocampus can break through the desperate situation at this moment.

   "Activate the effect of [Chaotic Black Magician]!"

   [When this card is successfully summoned or Special Summoned, you can select a magic card from your graveyard and add it to your hand. 】

   "The card I added in my hand is [Life-cutting Baoza] in the graveyard!" The same posture, the same flying cards. It's just that this time it was delivered from Wang Xiang to Haima's hands.

   "There are no more than three things, don't go too far!" Hoshino, clenching his teeth, actually used the [Life-killing Baoza] three times in a row by taking the magic card in the cemetery. If you use [Baoza from Heaven], that's fine, at least Hoshino can add some cards in his hand, but the life-saving card is really only for his own benefit, and it can be said to have zero side effects.

   Seahorse with no apology on his face, inserts the last two cards in his hand into the duel plate, "I cover a card, and then activate [Life-killing Baoza] to add up to 5 cards!"

   After adding 5 cards in his hand, the seahorse looking at Hoshino's eyes is no different from looking at the prey, "You are finished, Hoshino!"

   "Launch the quick attack magic [Mysterious Chinese Pot]!"

  【Mysterious Chinese Pot Quick Attack Magic Effect: Sacrifice a monster on the field. Select one of the values ​​of the attack power or defense power of the sacrificed monster, and restore the LP equal to this value. 】

   "Sacrifice the black magician of chaos on the field to restore my 2800 points of health!"

  Game & Seahorse LP:100→2900

   Hoshino said with a serious face: "Although the blood line was barely pulled back through sacrifice, there are no monsters on the field anymore."

   Seahorse sneered: "It's just what I want, because next is the time for you to return everything you owe me! Magic Card [Dimensional Fusion]!"

  【Dimensional Fusion Magic Card Effect: Pay 2000 basic points. Both sides will special summon their banned monsters to play as much as possible. 】

  Game & Seahorse LP: 2900→900

   "Unexpectedly, the exclusion area is integrated with the venue..." Hoshino wondered at the gradually blurred and distorted scene in front of him, as well as the extremely familiar figure in the distorted space.

   "Woo--!" The quadruple roared, rushing into the sky.

   The four blue-eyed white dragons except for the seahorse by the 【Arrow Book of Complaint】, plus the kingdom knights of the game, all returned to the battlefield, directly filling the empty space just now.

   [Blue-eyed White Dragon] X3, [Blue-eyed White Dragon], [Knight of the Kingdom]

   The seahorse filled with monster cards again pointed to Hoshino on the duel plate: "Summon the monsters. My monsters are not the only ones excluded from this duel!"

Learning the seahorse, Hoshino will also put the 3 excluded monsters on the duel plate: "I will put [Heroic-Antoinette], [Heroic-Cuchulin], [Heroic-Atalante] in the excluded area. Special call!"

   Looking around at the surrounding 10 monsters, Mary turned around excitedly: "It's really lively, is it going to be a celebration~"

   The big dog and the black dog looked at each other: "I didn't expect to stand with myself, it feels so strange..."

   Atta looked at the Black Atta who didn't pay attention to him at all: "I'm fighting side by side with myself, this is really an omnipotent world."

   "When it comes, the scorching wind will blow the wasteland, and the living will become corpses!"

   had made the final awakened Hoshino a long time ago, and watched Seahorse throw the blue card heavily on the duel plate, "Is it time to come!"

   The sky that has gradually calmed down just because of the departure of [Osiris' Sky Dragon], once again agitated.

   "Put [Blue-eyed White Dragon] and [King Knight] as sacrifices, and summon [Obelisk's Giant Soldiers]!"

   The giant fist that smashed the space directly ignited the hot air and lifted the atmosphere of the decisive battle to the climax.

  [Obelisk’s Giant Soldiers★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) Gods] [Eudemons Protoss/Effect ATK: 4000DEF: 4000]

   The huge blue body stands on the seahorse field, scorning all living beings.

   "Even the seahorse has summoned God." In the anxious castle, at this moment, I don't know how to express the complex feelings in my heart.

Reached out and waved forward, with a synchronization rate of 100%, Obelisk raised his right arm together with Seahorse: "Hoshino, whether you are controlled by darkness or not, that is beyond my understanding. The truth I firmly believe in is only The collision of the souls between the duels! Now I will wake you up with the punch of this soul!"

   Haima Lairen... You may have to be single for a lifetime if you say this to a girl.

   "The giant soldiers of Obelisk launched the final attack on [Heroic Atalante] on the field!-God's Smash Fist!"

   The blue fist, which was several times larger than Atta's petite body, tore through the heat in the air and rushed forward.

"Impossible. If this hit, Hoshino's sister's life value will be..." Akash, who has never seen Hoshino's failure, Hoshino's image in her heart is simply synonymous with'invincible', "Could it be, Are you really going to lose this time?"

   The light of healing, coming out of thin air, turning things around——

   "Although I am not good at fighting, the only thing I have to do is to protect the master..." A childish voice that does not match the horror atmosphere at all. The blue petite body was obviously thinner than Hoshino, but he resolutely stood in front of her.

But the firm determination in the little eyes is not lost to the terrorist attacks that roar in front of you, "I made a decision a long time ago, and my wand is only waving for the future of the master! I want to protect, master s future!"

   Medea’s body turned into the last starlight and splattered onto the earth, soothing the scorching wind and bringing peace to the earth.

   "This is the card that Medea lily left for me, the card of hope!" Lifting the only card, Hoshino felt the gentle light beside him.

   "——All defects must be repaired!"

   [Magic effect of quick attack must be repaired for all defects: it can only be activated when the opponent's turn combat damage is calculated. The battle damage to yourself in that battle becomes 0. 】

   Medea Lily's last power turned into hope, filling the empty battlefield, and gradually dispelling the darkness in Hoshiya's heart.

   reached out and tried to catch the light falling beside him, Hoshino’s desire for light at this moment was as strong as the desire of the victims in the desert for water.

   "Did you actually block the fatal damage?!" The final attack that Seahorse was holding on the winning ticket did not have any effect, which made him feel a huge gap, "Then continue to launch..."

   "Ku Chulin!" Angrily shouted, Hoshino's voice passed directly through the earthquake and stopped the white dragon with its huge mouth open.

   "Hey, I don't need to be on the stage at all." Just trying to use the effect to deter the black dog who attacked on the opposite side, he found that the blue-eyed white dragon on the opposite side had been drunk by Hoshino.

   "Because of the effect of Cuchurin Alter, your attack is over, Seahorse!"

Chapter 174: Wang Lai admits, Wang Lai allows, Wang Lai bears the whole world

   "It turned out to be due to the effect of Cú Chulainn again..." Seahorse clenched his fists, his tone full of unwillingness.

   He once pushed Hoshino to desperation twice, but all of them were blocked by Cú Chulainn with his own power. Although the attack power is not as high as that of the blue-eyed white dragon, the effect of Cuchurin can be said to allow Hoshino to fight one enemy two in this duel, an MVP-level monster.

  "But, although my battle flow is over, my attack is not over yet! The blue-eyed Yabailong, activate the effect, and target the [Heroic-Kuchulin Alter] on the Hoshino field!

   The beautiful white dragon barely raised his arrogant head under the orders of Seahorse, and roared hoarsely.

   [Once per turn, it can only be activated by targeting 1 monster on the opponent's field. That monster destroyed. 】

   "Come on, bursting thunderbolt!" The dazzling thunder light smashed into the huge mouth, mixed with the humiliating anger of the white dragon, galloped towards the culprit Cuchulin.

   "What a boring revenge!" Cu Chulin, who leaned sideways and raised his pitch-black right arm, opened his dog's paw to catch the thunder that was coming straight towards him.

   "Activate the special effect of [Heroic-Ku Churin Alter] to remove the [Hero-Ku Churin Caster] in the cemetery from the game, immune to destruction!"


   smashed the lightning bullet he held in his palm, and Cú Chulainn grinned and said, "This kind of painless attack, how many times it is useless!"

   "Then next is God's attack! Let's try it next!" Raising his hand up, the duel plate on the seahorse's left arm began to tremble violently.

   "Activate the effect of [Obelisk's Giant Soldiers] and sacrifice the two blue-eyed white dragons on the field!"

   "Soul Energy MAX?" Hoshino, who also had a certain degree of understanding of the effects of the giant soldiers, instantly recalled the cheating effect that increased the attack power to infinite.

   "But you can no longer attack, even if your attack power is increased to infinite, it doesn't make sense!"

   "Hmph, all monsters are fragile in front of God!" The huge palms held the blue-eyed white dragon and the blue-eyed white dragon tightly on the left and right. Compared with Obelisk's giant palm, the white dragon, which was originally huge in size, seemed so insignificant.

   "This is the second effect of Soul Energy MAX. Two monsters on the field are sacrificed, and all the monsters on the opponent's field are destroyed!"

Feeling the fullness of the seahorse at close range, Wang Yang exclaimed: "The Giant Soldier actually hides such a powerful effect. Compared to the Sky Dragon, [Obelisk's Giant Soldier] is more aggressive. More powerful."

   "This is what can smash everything, God's fists! Get enlightened, Hoshino!"

   The power of the double white dragon is condensed on the thick arm. Just as Obelisk’s call of the giant soldiers said, the scorching wind blowing the wasteland has now completely blown, and the corpses must be all the monsters on the starfield.

   "Soul Energy MAX!" The ensuing violent fists hit the Hoshino field heavily. The cracked bottom plate and the lifted mud spread to form thick rock waves, and the powerful impact even stirred up waves on the sea near the pier.

  "——Smashing the Fist·Shock Wave!"

   The power of the **** of destruction that swept through Hoshino's arena gradually extinguished the cards that originally lit up in the Hoshino duel monster area.

   "In front of the giant soldiers, you have no chance!" Although Hoshino was not completely defeated, Seahorse also made a shocking reversal this turn, and even the Alter monsters that Hoshino relied on were completely wiped out.

   "Darkness cannot defeat absolute power!"

   The seahorse that was chasing after victory, once again threw his hand card on the duel plate: "And I, have this absolute power! Launch the magic card [Dragon Mirror]!"

  【Dragon Mirror Magic Card Effect: Exclude the Fusion Material Monsters determined by the Dragon Fusion Monster Card from your own field and graveyard, and merge that Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck to Summon. 】

   "Excluding the 3 blue-eyed white dragons in the cemetery, summon the ultimate emperor again! Come on, [Blue-eyed Ultimate Dragon]!"

  [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon ATK: 4500]

   Two monsters that are so huge that they are indescribable are now both standing on the seahorse field. As if to show off the absolute power that Seahorse had just mouthed, the oppressive feeling of the top monster was approaching Hoshino.

   Hoshino, who walked out of the shock, stared blankly at the bombing in front of him into fragmented ruins, "It's over, I might lose this time..."

   Hoshino didn't expect the seahorse desperate reversal blow to bring such a terrifying effect. If even the black dog is defeated, he has no means to restrain the game and the seahorse attack.

   "Hoshino, the darkness has failed!" As if in response to Hoshino's ridicule when he wiped out all the light on the court with the [Complaint Arrow Book], Haima said solemnly.

"Although I don't know what the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom is, I don't want you to continue to indulge in this unexplained power." The seahorse who buried the remaining two cards in his hands probably knew that this duel would no longer be possible. It's his turn again.

   Hippocampus hand card: 0, 3 cover cards

   "..." Behind the ruins, Hoshino stood silently.

   "Hey, my expression is not right, Master!" The venue that should have been completely wiped out suddenly heard a frivolous voice.


   "No! Did the master forget me? Even though I am strong in black, I have to take a closer look. I haven't given up on the light son of Irland yet!"

   "Ku Churin?"

Amidst the ruins, a big dog covered in wounds emerged from nowhere. Even though his face was full of exhaustion, he grinned at Hoshino with a grin, "Although the punch was very fierce, I barely survived." !"

  【A duel can only be used once. Activate only when this card is destroyed. This card is Special Summoned in Defense Mode on your field, and this card that is Special Summoned by this effect cannot change its expression. 】

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