"I said, master, do you care about darkness or light so much? Even I don’t really hate black myself. To put it plainly is like the front and back of a coin. No matter how bright a person is, his heart will definitely It hides the darkness."

   "Hehe, obviously I'm dying, and I still have the heart to preach to me."

   Even though he said that, Hoshino, who heard Cuchurin's words just now, felt a strange and gradually relieved feeling. Perhaps, Medea's little starlight buried in Hoshino's heart was slowly activated.

   "Hahahahahaha! Light? Darkness? Boring!" However, the unpleasant laughter that came off guard immediately pulled Hoshino out of his slight touch.

   Cuchurin's expression of disgust: "What is this instinctively disgusting voice?"

   "Miscellaneous repair, listen to me! Whether it is darkness or sin, even if you are enemies of the whole world, everything about you will be borne by this king!"

  Don't turn this king into a mother without authorization.jpg

Chapter 175: The Hero King Descends

   Hoshino said excitedly: "Gilga..."

   "You are not allowed to call my king's name directly!"

   "Golden Sparkle!"


   The big dog scratched his head and said: "Really, it was obviously my handsome moment, but I was completely lost in the limelight by this golden archer gun."

   "Whether it's dark or light, it's just form. As a form of power, you just need to use it without hesitation!" Gilgamesh's tone was full of arrogance and absolute self-confidence as a king.

   "Go on the miscellaneous repair, give the guy who pretends to be a **** in front of you a little bit of color!"

   Looking at Hoshino who stopped the action, Haima said with a serious face: "Now I am afraid that it is too late Hoshino, start your round, and accept the fact of failure obediently!"

   Hoshino smiled and said, "Ha ha, don't worry Haima, I just want to prepare for one thing."

   Then, the gentle and natural words came to everyone's ears: "Don't forget Mary, I am~"

   "I activated the special effect of [Heroic-Marie Antoinette] in the cemetery destroyed by giant soldiers!"

  【This card can only be activated if it is sent to the Graveyard. Select a [Heroic] monster from the deck/Graveyard and add it to your hand. 】

   "At this moment, the glory of France will always be guarded by your side~" The sincere blessing is comparable to the magical protection.

   "Hmm! Akashia is so envious..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Akashia couldn't help but say aloud.

   "Akasha feels a lot, those who are real, and are willing to give everything to guard Hoshino's sister, the souls of the heroic spirits throughout the ancient and modern times."

   "Because of Mary's effect, the card I added in my hand is this-[Heroic-Gilgamesh·Hero King]!" The card with golden light shined at Hoshino's fingertips. Standing in the ruins of destruction, like a hero of the last days, leading the victory of this duel.

   "Hero King?!" He had a premonition of something like a king, and his expression suddenly became serious.

   "My turn, draw a card!" Taking the Hero King card into his hand, Hoshino started his own turn.

   "Hippocampus, the game is my final counterattack! Launch the field magic [Night of the Euphrates River] from your hand card!"

   Unfold the hidden area of ​​the duel plate, and after Hoshino puts the cards in it, the ruins on the soles of the feet gradually disappear. Instead, the beautiful riverside, the countless lights and shadows floating on the lake, and the bright moonlight bright in the night sky.

  ——This moment of time is the irreplaceable gold.

   "It's so beautiful!" everyone who watched the game couldn't help sighing. It was just a post-apocalyptic ruin, but now it has transformed into a peaceful riverside, with a huge contrast, like a note in the running water beating the soul, soothing the heart.

   "Activate the special effect of the field magic [Night of the Euphrates River]!"

  【Night of the Euphrates River Magic Effect: ①: Treat it as an effect activated by this card. Special summon up to 3 [Heroic] monsters with a total of level 10 in your graveyard. The effect of the monster special summoned by this effect is negated, and the attack power and defense power become 0. 】

   "I will Special Summon [Heroic-Atalante] and [Heroic-Marie Antoinette] in the cemetery for a total level of 10, and the effect on my own field is invalid!"

   "There will be three monsters in Hoshino's field!" Jouchou exclaimed, "Does Hoshino also summon the card of the gods?"

   is probably the reason why two consecutive **** cards were thrown out, giving the castle the illusion that a **** card seemed to be a human hand. Well, but Hoshino does have three cards in his hands.

   "God? I don't need that kind of thing. At this moment, I will present the three heroic souls on the field and call for the name of the oldest hero king!"

  【Night of the Euphrates: ②: Discard 1 card to activate. Free the monsters you play up to the level of [Heroic] Ritual Monster, and summon the 1 [Heroic] Ritual Monster from your hand card and Graveyard Ritual. 】

   "I discard the [Heroic Spirit-Okita General Secretary] in my hand card to activate the ritual effect! I will use the three heroic spirits of Cuchurin, Mary, and Atta as ritual sacrifices, with a total level of 14 stars!"

Kuchurin smiled helplessly: "Oh, you have become the foil for that nasty guy! But..." The cracked corners of his mouth even smelled like a black dog: "Inherited the soul of the Celtic warrior. After that, it is not allowed to fail!"

   Blue, green, and white light beams of three different colors are intertwined and mixed, blooming with the night sky of the Euphrates River.

The scenery in front of    is beautiful, but the expression in Seahorse’s eyes is getting more serious: "At this time, you still have to resist, try to use your empty power!"

   "The seahorse does not matter whether it is the power of darkness or the power of light! As long as the faith in my heart is not shaken, even if it is the power of God's punishment, I can hold it in my hand!"

   "The power of God's punishment! Hahahaha, this king likes it, let's punish God now!"

   "Pop----" The sound of the card being thrown on the duel plate, the dazzling golden light burst on Hoshino's duel plate. The darkness that originally entangled the bracelet, deck, and even Hoshino's heart was gradually concealed by the king's majesty.

   "Ritual call! [Heroic, Gilgamesh·Hero King]!"

  In the diffused light, the hero king in gold armor descended under the night sky of the Euphrates River.

   "Miscellaneous repair, your darkness will be borne by this king, your victory will be created by this king, and your future will be guarded by this king!"

   The Hero King just overwhelmed the two huge monsters in front of him in terms of momentum just by echoing the arrogant words of the audience.

   "As the king's possession, the curse brought by the mere toys, there is no reason to be afraid of it!"


   The thousand-year-old wisdom wheel that vibrated violently, shattered a thin slit visible to the naked eye from the middle. Then, as if he was afraid of something, he disappeared from behind Hoshino in an instant.

   "Cut, it escaped." Gilgamesh floating in the air said in a voice that no one could hear.

   [Heroic-Gilgamesh·Hero King ★★★★★★★★★★ (10-star) Land] [Warrior Clan/Ritual/Effect ATK:? DEF:? 】

   [Only 3 [Heroic] monsters with a total of level 10 or higher on your field can be summoned from the hand card ritual. 】

   "Attack power is not displayed?" The monster summoned in such a majestic manner is very curious as to what kind of effect it has.

   "Who allowed you to look down on the king?" Sharp eyes penetrated the giant soldier and the blue-eyed ultimate dragon in front of him. Gilgamesh, who was gradually rising, slowly stopped until it surpassed the height of the head of the giant soldier.

   "Activate the special effect of Gilgamesh, and when the summon is successful, send the field magic card to the graveyard, then from the deck, equip this card with as many equipment magic cards described in [Heroic] regardless of the equipment conditions!"

   "Look up, the power of the king!" With arms raised, the dark night sky, countless dense treasures, lit up the earth like stars full of darkness.

  【Sun Fufu】Equipment

  【Punch of Death Thorns】Equipment

  【Akhara Hound】Equipment

  【Sun wheel, obey death】Equipment

  【Key of King Law】Equipment

  【The card equipped with this effect cannot activate the effect. The attack power and defense power of this card increase by X1000. This card equipped with a card is not affected by the effect of the opponent's monster. 】

  [Heroic Spirit-Gilgamesh·Hero King ATK: 5000]

Chapter 176: The determination to penetrate the earth

   "Although the active effect of the equipment cannot be activated, the effect of the equipment itself that does not need to be activated will still be carried over to Gilgamesh!"

  [Sun’s Fufu ATK increased by 500], [Punch of the Deadthorn Spear ATK increased by 300], [Akahara Hound ATK increased by 400], [Wang Luzhi Key ATK increased by 500]

  【Hero King ATK·DEF: 6600】

   "Finally, the effect of [Sun Wheel, Obey Death] will transform the defense power of the equipped monster into attack power!"

  【Hero King Final Attack and Defense: ATK: 13300DEF:0】

"Attack power exceeded 10,000 points in an instant?! Even the blue-eyed ultimate dragon with the highest attack power on the field was far surpassed!" At the last moment, Hoshino unexpectedly summoned such a heaven-defying monster, completely breaking through the king-like. Expected.

   "Woo-!" Probably because of the biological instinct to feel threatened, the ultimate dragon raised three dragon heads with imprints and roared at Gilgamesh in the sky.

"But if you dare to roar disrespectfully to this king, it seems that you are ready!" The brows flickered slightly, and the raised right hand waved lightly, and the three treasures that came down in response drew an elegant golden arc. Line, smashing the triple dragon head heavily towards the ultimate dragon.

   The roar instantly turned into a low wailing, and the huge body of the invincible blue-eyed ultimate dragon was easily penetrated by golden light.

"Oh? It's quite resistant. I want to see how many hairs you can hold!" Without any mercy for the howling, the treasure unfolded behind Gilgamesh was like a golden rainstorm, bombarding the seahorse crazily The venue.

   "Activate the special effect of the Hero King!"

   [You can activate it only by sending 1 equipment card of this card to the Graveyard in the main phase of your opponent. Choosing the face side of the opponent's field indicates that 1 card is destroyed. 】

   "I will equip the magic [Punch of Deaththorn] and [Akabara Hound] into the cemetery, and destroy the [Oberis's Titan Soldier] and [Blue-Eyed Ultimate Dragon] on the field!"

   "Hahahahaha!" The rain of golden treasures, combined with the brainwashing laughter of ghost animals, completely submerged the blue-eyed ultimate dragon and giant soldiers on the seahorse field.

   The two top monsters that were originally invincible, looked so pale and weak in front of Gilgamesh's onslaught.

  【Blue Eyed Ultimate Dragon】Destruction

  【Obelisk's Giant Soldiers】Destruction

  【Gilgamesh ATK: 13200→7800】

   Looking at the huge monsters that were bombarded by Gilgamesh to the point where they could not fight back, Kyoko's overly cruel scene made Kyoko subconsciously cover his mouth, "It is obviously such a powerful monster, it was so easily destroyed!"

   Chengouchi echoed: "In this case, there will be no monsters that can be used as walls in the seahorse field!"

   After the field card was destroyed by the effect of Gilgamesh's appearance, the surrounding scene gradually returned to the original ruins, and now the pitted ground is full of all kinds of knives, guns, swords and halberds. The atmosphere of solitary killing seemed to have experienced a 10,000-person war.

   However, what just happened here was only massacres.

'Snapped! Hoshino's slender fingertips made a crisp sound, "You don't have any monsters anymore. Get awakened, Seahorse, play!"

I don’t know if it was due to Gilgamesh’s deliberate cooperation. After snapping his fingers, the treasure of the king in the sky appeared next to Hoshino, and then the golden blade was slowly drawn out, completely locking the unsuspecting seahorse on the opposite side. And games.

   "This is the final blow!" Hoshino entered the battle flow and launched an attack without hesitation. Following Hoshino's declaration, the two golden blades rushed toward each other.

   Hippocampus: "It's you Hoshino who should be enlightened!"

   Wang-like: "Activate the covered trap card!"

   At that moment, the ardent duelists ignited their hot souls.

   "Return from another dimension!" X2

  【The effect of returning the trap card from another dimension: Activate by paying half of the basic points. Your monsters excluded from the game are Special Summoned on your field as much as possible. At the end of the phase, all monsters specially summoned by this effect are removed from the game. 】

  Game & Seahorse: 900→450

   Accompanied by the rapid distortion of the battlefield space, Haima quickly threw three cards on the duel plate: "Special summon the 3 blue-eyed white dragons just because of the [Dragon Mirror] exception on the field!"

Surprisingly, Wang Yang also recalled a monster from the exclusion zone. The pitch-black figure interspersed among the three white dragons appeared to be very conspicuous. "Except for its own effects, the [Chaotic Black Magician] Special Summon !"

   ([Except when the face-up card is removed from the field.])

   "And activate the effect of the Black Magician of Chaos, when this card is successfully Special Summoned, add a magic card from the graveyard to your hand!"

   Searching without hesitation, Wang Xiang drew out the magic stored in the graveyard: "The card that I want to add to the hand is this [Dead Susheng]!"

   "In this case, should I add the deceased Su Sheng to his hand card?" Hoshino was really hard to understand.

With the return of the white dragon, the fighting spirit of Seahorse was ignited again: "Hey, this is the final counterattack between me and the game! The final effect of launching the [Obelisk's Titan Soldiers] that exists in the cemetery! "

   [This card exists in the Graveyard, and when the opponent's monster declares an attack, you can activate it by sending a card of "Resurrection of the Dead" from your hand to the Graveyard. This card is Special Summoned, and after that, the target of the attack is transferred to the Special Summoned card. ] (This effect is really there in the animation!)

  【Obelis’s Titan Soldier ATK: 4000】

   "Return the humiliation you just received, Obelisk! Activate the soul energy MAX, and sacrifice the two blue-eyed white dragons on the field to increase the attack power to infinite!"

   Sinful hands stretched out again to the weak, pitiful and helpless blue-eyed white dragon, "Even if your attack power is high, you will definitely not be able to contend against infinity!"

   [ATK of Obelisk: 4000→∞]

   The fists that burst once again set off the scorching wind that blew the wasteland.

   "It's really the game and the seahorse, it really can't be easily defeated..." Hoshino sighed, lowering his head. The delicate face was hidden by the drooping white bangs, unable to see the expression clearly.

   "In the face of this infinite attack power, let the ashes be wiped out!!"

   Along with the seahorse's full roar, a punch that broke the weather, blasted towards Gilgamesh in the sky.

   "Even Hoshino, fighting to such a degree is already at the limit..." Seeing the duel that is finally about to end, Jouchi slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and the hanging heart was finally able to slowly let go.

   "However, it is possible to push the two world's top duelists together to such an extent, Hoshino is truly the king of duelists."

   However, the scene in the next scene relentlessly hung the heart that was laid down in the city.

  The giant soldier who stopped the attack, and the white figure who locked the infinite counterattack of the giant soldier by his own strength.

   "——Son of Man, hold on to the gods (Enumaelish)!"

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