Chapter 177: Son of Man, hold on to the gods!

   "—Son of Man, hold on to the gods (Enumaelish)!"

  The lock of the sky, as its name suggests, the ‘lock that can bind even the sky’, firmly imprisoned the giant soldier with infinite attack on the field. Even if the fist has an infinite attack, the body of the giant soldier can’t move any minute.

"Jill, carelessness at the critical moment will ruin you!" Tightly pulling the lock of the sky from the wide cuffs, Enqidu looked into the sky with a serious face, that was far away from the giant soldier. Gilgamesh with his fist only an inch away.

   Gilgamesh responded calmly: "My dear friend! This king is convinced that you will come, so he can make such unscrupulous shots! After all, there is nothing more worthy of peace of mind to give you back."

   "Obviously I just responded to the master's call, Jill, don't put gold on your face, after all, you already have pickups on your body." An unceremonious complaint from a close friend.

"Why, Hoshino only has 1 card left in his hand. How did he summon monsters that can affect the gods..." Wang Xiang asked, looking at Enkidu, who was holding the giant soldier in chains and imprisoned in an incredible manner. .

   To know that you want to have an influence on the gods, the monster level needs to be at least 10 stars. But with Hoshino's remaining resources, it was obviously impossible for Wang Yan to summon a monster of this level.

"It's a good guess, the game." Hoshino, who raised the duel board, showed the area where he placed the card to Wang Yan. "I really can't directly summon the 10-star Enkidu as a monster, but as an equipment card. But it's another matter!"

   As expected, on Hoshino's duel board, there is still only Gilgamesh in the monster area. However, Enkidu, who restrained [Obelisk's Titan Soldiers], was inserted into the area of ​​magic and traps as Gilgamesh's equipment card.

   "Quick Attack Magic [Enuma_Dingir]!" The green magic remained on Hoshino's fingertips, which was the last hole card in her hand.

   [Enuma_Dingir Quick Attack Magic Effect: When there are fewer monsters on your field than your opponent, you can activate one of the following effects. ●Choose 1 [Heroic-Enkidu] in your hand card, deck or graveyard as your own effect to equip 1 [Heroic-Gilgamesh] monster on your field. [Heroic Spirit-Enkidu] equipped with this effect cannot be Special Summoned this round. 】

   "Fight side by side with this king, my dear friend!"

   "The awakened breath of stars, I will advance with mankind!"

   The white figure gradually surrounded by the stars transforms himself into a god-made armor. The huge energy changes into wedges, piercing through and clinging to the enemy.

   "Activate, the alliance effect of [Heroic Spirit-Enkidu]!"

   [Heroic-Enkidu Alliance Effect: This card can be regarded as an equipment card equipped on the [Heroic-Gilgamesh] monster, or it can be Special Summoned by disarming the face-side attack display. When this card becomes an equipped card by its own effect, the equipped monster's ATK and DEF will increase by 400 and the following effects will be obtained.

  ● Once per turn, select 1 monster on the opponent's field to activate it. Until the end of the turn, the selected monster cannot attack or activate its effect. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

   The chains entwined with starlight were tied one by one to Obelisk's huge body. The arms that were originally attached to the power of the infinite white dragon have completely lost the courage to break through the sky just now.

   "Because of the effect of Enkidu and the effect of the Soul Energy MAX of the Titan Soldier, it cannot be activated! Your so-called infinite attack power is just a bubble-like phantom!"

  【Obelisk’s Titan Soldier ATK: 4000】

   And the two white dragons sacrificed to the white dragon, as if they had recovered their lives, miraculously appeared and returned to the field.

  【Hero King ATK: 7800→10600】

   "Continue the attack, go on Jin Shining, Enkidu! Use the lock of heaven to penetrate the giant!"

   The lock of the sky entwined with the stars, one, two, ten, countless—converging to one point in the sky, dazzling, covering the sun, moon and stars.

   "This is the final blow, Jill!"

   "In the face of the combined power of this king and my friends, dissipate it all!"

   "—Enumaelish!" X2

  The god-made armor made up of countless locks of the sky, penetrates the thick and solid chest of the giant soldier mercilessly.

  【Obelisk's Giant Soldiers】Break

   "The giant soldiers broke, 6600 points of battle damage, the duel is over!" Above the ruins, broken monsters, countless treasures, huge pits bursting with energy. Obviously knowing that this is only a virtual image, but it makes people feel extremely real.

   Even if it is a stranger passing by, seeing such a scene will definitely be able to instantly understand it. This is a duel where the two sides really gamble on everything.

   "It's not over yet, Hoshino!"

  The alarm bell of **** rang in Hoshino's ears, and the king's words "Weng—" burst in Hoshino's mind.

   "I actually forgot such a crucial thing..." That small, inconspicuous, and incompetent monster can always turn things around like a king at a critical moment.

   "Discard [chestnut ball] from the card in your hand, the damage in this battle is invalid!"

   "Game, you are a bit too bully!" Grieved, Hoshino even felt aggrieved emotional fluctuations in his heart at the moment that he wanted to cry.

   Facing Hoshino’s sudden little girl-like complaints, Wang Yang couldn’t help but panicked, "I...I'm not bullying you..."

   "If you just play against Hoshino, I want to enjoy it till the end."

Reversing time and time again, the heart in the city feels like sitting on a roller coaster, "Wait, if Hoshino’s attack is blocked this turn. Because of the monster itself, Gilgamesh’s equipment card will return to the deck. In... wouldn't it be easy to defeat Gilgamesh, who loses equipment support like that?"

   Akashia corrected, "It's not as simple as what brother Jounou said, because with the effect of Enkidu, even if the game brother summons the strongest monster, it will only be firmly locked and immobile."

   "Hey...that's it." In a somewhat embarrassing castle, he was obviously a duelist, but the ability to analyze the situation was completely lost to the little girl in front of him.

   "And Sister Hoshino doesn't seem to be going to end it!"

   Boom! The continuous violent impact is the sound effect caused by the indiscriminate bombardment of the King’s Treasure.

   "Gilgamesh, throw out all the equipment except Enkidu!" The rain of violent treasures mixed with the wailing of the blue-eyed white dragon, once again echoed the audience.

"Stop your meaningless venting behavior, anyway, because of the effect of the return of the different dimension, the summoned monster will be excluded again at the end of the round!" Seahorse, who couldn't help but stopped speaking, didn't want to see his own blue eyes because of this. Screamed when something happened.

   "Vent? I won't waste my energy doing such useless things!"

   With no intention of closing his hand, Hoshino raised his arm to point at the continuous golden rainstorm in the sky.

   "This is my decision to dye the earth!"

Chapter 178: The Key of King Law

  The dense golden treasures are all over the ground, and it is no exaggeration to say that there is no place to stay.

  【Blue Eyed White Dragon】Break X3

   [Gilgamesh ATK: 1400]

   If you want to judge the worst monster in this duel, it must be the blue-eyed white dragon. Known as the rarest and most powerful monster card in the world, its original image should be tough, perfect, and invincible, but in Hoshino's eyes, it has gradually become a "sacrifice, cannon fodder, not even a wall".

   Seahorse's expression looked a little embarrassed, "Break through all the blue eyes that should be excluded at the end of the round and send them to the cemetery. Is this your decision?"

   "Hmph, so you can never beat the game with Seahorse." Hoshino's sudden taunt, hit the pain point, making Seahorse startled.

("Miss Hoshino, as the thousand-year building block of the mysterious end of this world, has the strongest ability that is difficult to express at the critical moment of the duel. When in desperation, Muto Game can draw what you want, even if it does not exist in the deck. A card."

   "Then what am I playing? Just give in!"

   "Miss Hoshino, looking for the only way to survive in the infinite failure is the only thing you can do.")

   Hoshino said solemnly: "Find the only possibility of victory from countless endings, and then let you see what I do."

   The three equipment cards sent to the cemetery in succession heard the crisp sound of metal collision.

   "When the equipment card [Key of King's Law] is sent to the graveyard, its real effect can be activated!"

   [Magic effect of the key of the king’s rule: once per turn, when this card is sent to the graveyard, select one of the following effects to activate it. ● Equip this card and 1 other equipment magic in the graveyard to 1 [Heroic-Gilgamesh·Hero King] on your field. ●Draw a card. 】

   "Because of the special effect of the Key of King's Law, take this card and [Fu of the Sun] from the graveyard and equip them on Gilgamesh again! And the key of King's Law will really increase the attack power..."

   [The attack power and defense power of the equipped monster increases by X500. 】

  【Heroic-Gilgamesh·Hero King ATK: 6900】

   The treasure of the king that opened again, once again obscured the sky.

   Akasa opened his mouth slightly: "The attack power has been increased back, so that the game brother can be very difficult to handle."

   At this moment, facing the familiar golden light in the sky, Haima also understood Hoshino's intention: "It turns out that the equipment magic is sent to the cemetery for such an effect. Game, then next..."

   Seahorse with frowning brows, subconsciously looked at Gika that he had buried in the last turn. One of the three cover cards has been used [Return from Different Dimension], and the other two will determine the final direction of this duel under the operation of the game.

   Insert the King of Law’s Key into the card slot and press the start button on the duel plate: “Next, the [Wang Law of the King] returning from the cemetery is different from the previous one, and the active effect can already be activated!"

   Wang Yang was immediately alert: "Active effect?!"

   "Once per round, discard 1 card to activate..."

   "Wait, where did Hoshino get your hand card!" Wang Yang, who reached out to stop, questioned: "I remember that [Enuma_Dingir] should be your last hand card."

   "So did you guys notice? The sacrificial monster I chose when I was summoned in the Hero King Ceremony..."

   The naughty voice from the cemetery: "It's Mary Yo~"

   "Even if Mary is specially summoned on the field by the effect of [Night of the Euphrates River], the effect can still be triggered after leaving the field and entering the cemetery according to the rules!"

   "Accept the master, this is the last soul of France!"

   "I sent the [Heroic Spirit-Nobunaga Oda] that I had searched into the cemetery, and the special effect of Wang Luzhi's key was activated!" After discarding the card without hesitation, Wang Luzhi's key made a crisp sound.

   [Once per round, discard 1 card to activate. Confirm the 5 cards on your own or opponent's deck, and rearrange them in the order you like. If you confirm your deck, you can add 1 of them to your hand. 】

   Gilgamesh in mid-air smiled triumphantly: "This king's wisdom, let you use it temporarily!"

   "Open it, game! The top 5 cards of your deck!" Use the All-Knowing Almighty Star to open all the top cards of the game deck. As long as the confirmed card is transformed into a predetermined result, no matter how mysterious the Thousand-Year Building Block is, it cannot be changed.

   And rearranging these 5 established cards to find the possibility of victory is the only thing Hoshino can do right now.

   is similar to the special effects when the [Old Man] is activated, but this time there are as many as 5 cards in Hoshino's eyes.

   "NMD, this is too shameless!" Seeing the top 5 cards of the king, Hoshino, even though he was mentally prepared, still shed cold sweat on his forehead.

Arranged at the top of the 【Heavenly Treasure Card】, followed by 【Soul Interlacing】, 【Black Magus Girl】, 【Black·Blast·Crack·Break·Magic·Guide】, 【Chaos Warrior-Envoy of Development 】

   If you don’t change the order of the cards, Hoshino has even seen in his mind that after the king rang his own BGM, he used the black magic girl to burst bombing, a gorgeous turnaround picture.

   "But now, the fate is different!" Without any hesitation, Hoshino moved the [Treasure Card from Heaven] to the bottom of the 5 cards, and placed the chaos warrior with the least threat on the top. After all, no matter how strong your Chaos Warrior is, you will be chained by the Lock of Heaven when you appear on the field, and you won't be able to get any effect.

   I simulated all the permutations and combinations in my mind, and I firmly believe that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my choice.

   "The round is over, it's your game!"

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 0

   "Hehe, it took a long time, Hoshino." The king, with a calm smile, gently drew the cards that were rearranged by Hoshino. Then, seeing the Wang-like eyebrows of the Chaos Warriors starting to jump twice, he seemed to understand something.

   "It seems to have been carefully laid out...but it is a pity that Hoshino." Did not choose to throw any card, Wang Yang directly opened the cover of the seahorse of the previous round.

   "You don't need any new cards anymore, just use the will left by the seahorse to decide the victory! Magic card [Pottery of Greed]!"

  【Pot of Greed Magic Card Effect: Activate only when you target 5 monsters in your graveyard. Those 5 monsters were added to the deck and cut. After that, I draw 2 cards from the deck. 】

   "According to the effect of the card, I will add the [Osiris Sky Dragon], [Black Magician] and 3 [Blue Eyed White Dragons] in the graveyard to the deck, and then draw the cards again!"

"Cut the deck?!" Unbelievable Hoshino would never have thought of that Seahorse Mane. He would rather give up the chance to draw cards and turn his back on himself: "Unexpectedly, cover this usual magic, Seahorse, you count me! "

Chapter 179: The Last Stage

   "Draw a card!" Draw a card accompanied by a flash...

   "Hey, the card drawing flashed just now! You **** drawing dog!" Hoshino couldn't help but spit out before Wang Yang even made his card.

   Wang Yang, with a puzzled face, put on an innocent expression: "This is just a card drawing in accordance with the rules."

But seeing the cards in his hand, Wang Yang still couldn't hold back the arc of his mouth: "And I just said that you don't need new cards, just use the original cards to decide the outcome! "

   With the momentum of raising his cloak behind him, he threw the card down. The facts are just as Wang Yang said. The card used is not the card just drawn, but the two cards left in the hand before.

   "Summon a monster from the back, and activate the final magic card [Monster’s Gate]!"

  【Monster Gate Magic Card Effect: Release 1 monster on your field to activate. Turn the card from the top of your deck until the monster that can be normally summoned appears, and that monster is Special Summoned. All the remaining opened cards were sent to the cemetery. 】

The huge door that appeared out of thin air sucked the monster that Wang Yang had just summoned into it, and then sensed the activation of the card effect. Wang Yang's deck was opened from the top, and the number of cards was as large as flowing water. Sent to the cemetery.

   "Come!" Nervous in the sweaty city, staring at the deck that Wang Xiang kept turning over, and accurately captured the moment when it stopped.

   "Sure enough, destiny is still on my side!" The last bright red card that was revealed appeared accurately on the battlefield.

   "Special summon from the deck, Osiris' Sky Dragon!"

   [Sky Dragon of Osiris★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) God] [Illusory Gods/Effects ATK: 3000 DEF: 3000]

   Amidst the thunder and lightning, the crimson dragon roared and roared again.

"Game, even if you summon the sky dragon at this time, you can't defeat Gilgamesh!" No matter how powerful the gods appear on the stage, as long as Gilgamesh exists on the field, Hoshino will be confident that he will not Lose to any god.

   "The round is over!"


   was already ready for battle, but Wang Yang was caught off guard to end the round, but Hoshino was instantly sluggish, and half of the operation stopped.

   However, he didn't wait for the draw at the beginning of Hoshino's turn, stretched out his hand and waved forward, the Wang-like figure looked extremely determined under the thunder light.

   "The round is over, then welcome, this is the stage for the final battle!"

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