The earth was torn apart without warning, and even the ruins filled with treasures were overturned. The rising wind mixed with tens of thousands of rubble rushed to the sky, forming an inaccessible storm wall all around.

   "Open the last trap card covered, [Final Battle]!"

  【Final World War Trap Card Effect: When your own basic score is less than 1000 points, it can only be activated in the opponent's turn. Choose 1 monster on your field, and send all other cards on the field to the graveyard. After that, the opponent selects a monster from the deck to attack and special summon it to fight (the player’s battle damage is 0). At the end of the round, the player who still has a monster on the field wins the duel. Other situations are considered a tie. 】

   "Of course I chose the only monster on my field, the sky dragon of Osiris!" In response to the king's call, the sky dragon stepped into the final battlefield and roared in surprise.

   "Are you cards with special victory conditions? Choose a monster from the deck, that is to say..." Looking at Gilgamesh, who was isolated from the battlefield in the sky, Hoshino felt a little uncomfortable.

   "Hahaha! This kind of brutal arena, this king will never participate in person!"

   Gilgamesh, who laughed wildly, slowly landed and stood beside Hoshino: "Let this king find a best viewing position and enjoy the last performance you offer!"

   Akasha tilted his head and asked: "Choose any monsters in the deck to summon, isn't that good for sister Hoshino? Isn't it enough to summon a monster with more than 3000 attack power?"

"Hmph, it's not that simple! Now is the time to perfectly embody the suppression effect of the Sky Dragon." Seeing Wang Yang fully understood his intention to get the card, Seahorse also smiled with satisfaction: "No matter what kind of monster Hoshino summons. , You must steadily eat a round of lightning bombs!"

   Chengouchi exclaimed: "But in other words, it takes a single card attack to reach 5000 points to defeat the sky dragon! Is there such a strong heroic monster in the Hoshino deck?"

Looking at the contemplative Hoshino, Gilgamesh patted her on the shoulder: "Miscellaneous repair, now is not the time to hesitate. Since you have decided to do it, you must go all out! No matter what! It is the power of light and darkness, both of which belong to your own treasure."

   "Jill would actually say something like this~" Enkidu, with a mysterious smile on his side, squinted at Hoshino.

"I actually like the master very much! Because no one is more like a living person than a master, who has his own beliefs, does not evade his own responsibilities, and maintains goodwill while also possessing evil. It is such a complete master. , So that I can feel so charming!"

   "Where is the king?"

   "For Jill, it would be better if you could control your temper a little bit."

   "Why don't you be king if you are not arrogant!"

   Although it is noisy, Hoshino can feel the two of them cheering for themselves: "Golden Shining, Enkidu..."

   "I said, don't call me this king anymore!"

   "Shiny, even if it is the darkness in the abyss, can I use it?" After the erosion of the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom disappeared, Hoshino even somewhat resisted the so-called dark power of this world. It was different from Alter, full of malicious darkness.

   "Miscellaneous repair, I still need to emphasize it again!" Gilgamesh smiled confidently, and Gilgamesh looked at Hoshino squarely.

   "Wang Lai admits, Wang Lai allows, and Wang Lai bears the whole world! With me by your side, you just need to do it without worry!"

   "Hmm!" Hoshino nodded his head when he got the answer. What could be more reassuring than the support from the King of Heroes.

   "I'm going to play, this is the final card!" The almost bursting dark power and unknown aura surged over the cards drawn by Hoshino. This is what Hoshino has never dared to use, coming from the darkness of the world's deepest abyss.

   "Hoshino, did she choose a monster that can defeat the sky dragon?"

   "Does Hoshino want to use it?!"

   Seahorse frowned: "Oops..."

   "The game, let's start the final battle! Because of the effect of the [Final Battle], a special call is—!"

   The black thunder light roaring above the final battle stage, the dark aura like a roaring mountain torrent, directly overwhelmed the head of the sky dragon.

   "How could this happen!" His pupils shrank extremely, and Wang Xiang, who had wide-eyed eyes, looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

   In that strange thunder light, the other pitch-black sky dragon that descended on the battlefield.

Chapter 180: The Strongest Evil God Who Overlooks the World

   "Black Osiris Sky Dragon?!" It is hard to believe that the king looks like in the foreground, but I have never heard of the second sky dragon in Hoshino's hand.

   Hippocampus gritted his teeth and said, "This is the strongest Cthulhu in Hoshino's hands! It's a blunder. I didn't expect Hoshino to actually put this Cthulhu into the deck."

   In Hippocampus's mind, the final battle on the rooftop of the Hippocampus Group, the fearful appearance of the incarnation of the gods, is still vivid. That was the gathering of the strongest monsters that truly came from the abyss of evil, and even reached the point where they were anti-visitor, playing with card holders like Tianma Yexing in applause.

   I thought that even if Hoshino got the incarnation of a god, he would not risk using such an unstable card. Because no one can say, if you use the incarnation of God, Hoshino will become a Pegasus Night Walk.

   "It seems that I still underestimated your enlightenment, Hoshino!"

   drove the dark sky dragon on the final battlefield, and under the thunder light, Hoshino's posture seemed more confident than the king at the moment, "Let's start the game, this is the final battle!"

   [Cthulhu-God's Incarnation ATK: 3001]

   "It's true, it's just 1 point higher than the game's Sky Dragon?" The first time I saw the incarnation of God in Castle, I thought this kind of thing was just a coincidence.

   King-like pointed at the real Sky Dragon on the battlefield and commanded: "It's useless, since you have specially summoned a monster, even a **** must eat this—thunder summoning bullet!"

   Condensedly launched from the mouth of the second weird dragon of the sky dragon, it was mixed with crackling lightning bolts, and it bombed the opposite monster with a similar appearance.


   Probably because Zhao Lei blew his face a little uncomfortable, the black sky dragon roared more loudly than just now.

  【Incarnation of God ATK: 3001→3001】

   Surprised Wang Yang, staring at the motionless panel of the incarnation of God, "How could this happen? He obviously ate a round of lightning-calling bomb, but his attack power has not changed at all."

   "You think I won't count the effects of lightning bombs, game! Tell you the truth, the sky dragon alone can never defeat the strongest evil god!"

   Cthulhu, a card specially made by Bekas to suppress the terrifying power of the three phantom gods. However, using stronger power to restrain power is just the beginning of evil reincarnation.

   "Cthulhu-God's incarnation, no matter when, it will be the existence with the highest attack power on the field!"

   "Oh-!" As if to show his absolute dominance, the black sky dragon roared upwards.

  ‘Lao Tzu is the strongest, there is no monster that can defeat Lao Tzu! ’If you calculate based on the character before the incarnation of the gods, you might say something like this at this moment. It's a pity that the transformed sky dragon is not as capable of speaking as the heroic spirits transformed into before.

   "Hoshino, did you actually defeat such a monster?!" After seeing the real effect of the incarnation of God, Wang Xiang was shocked.

   is not because of the perverted effect of almost engraving the word "invincible" on the card surface, but because such a monster has actually been defeated by Hoshino.

   "When did it become so strong..." Wang Yang's tone was unexpectedly mixed with inexplicable loss. This kind of complicated emotion when facing Hoshino is something I have never had before.

   Even if this 1V2 duel was lost, Wang Yang probably wouldn't have such emotions.

Dueling is full of variables and possibilities. The outcome of a duel cannot be fully understood. After proper adjustment of the deck, a brand-new battle can be launched and a reversal ending is ushered in. This is exactly what the duel monster card is. The charm of competitive games lies. (This is also the reason why Haima has repeatedly fought and failed, but still insists on challenging the king.)

   However, after seeing the incarnation of God, Wang Yang's mood facing Hoshino became more and more complicated. If you change to the current self, you will definitely not be able to win against such an evil god, and you will not see any possibility.

   But the girl in front of me can do it...

"What kind of cruel battles, and how much despair in adversity, have brought you here." The king, who originally didn't care about matters other than duels, seemed to be poked at this moment. The softness of the heart.

   Mingming seems to be just a girl weaker than Kyoko, living in a foreign country without relatives and no reason. Such a situation should be more vulnerable than anyone.

   However, the facts are completely opposite. The girl has experienced cruel battles, stepped through the abyss of despair, and finally became stronger than anyone, stronger than anyone.

"For you like this, you must have an unspeakable reason to get the card of the gods." A relieved smile hung on Wang Yang's face, and the shaken heart began to calm down, and there was an extra deep determination. .

   "This is the final blow, the game! Attack, the incarnation of God!"

   Hoshino points to the battlefield in the sky with all his strength, pointing to the road to victory within his reach.

   "Fight back, Sky Dragon, although the time is short, but you have been working hard all the time."

   The determined king, as if bidding farewell to something.

   "Superconducting wave lightning strike light cannon (ThunderForce)!!!" X2

   The dazzling thunder light and the dark thunder light violently collided at one point, the final stage of the space shattered, and the light and darkness intertwined and swallowed each other. The eruption of God's fury ignited the world, but also ended this long duel.

   "That's over, the game, the seahorse!" With Hoshino's screaming with all his strength, he finally overwhelmed the darkness of the dazzling thunder, without mercy, piercing through the huge body of Osiris Sky Dragon.

  【Osiris’ Sky Dragon】Smashed

  Special victory conditions are reached, the winner, Chiyuki Hoshino!

   "Game, you unexpectedly!!" The moment when the Sky Dragon was broken, Seahorse's eyes were filled with incredible astonishment.

   "Sorry, Haima. I wasted the opportunity you prepared for me, and I lost it in the end." Although he was apologetic, there was no confusion in Wang Yang's eyes.

   "Is this your choice..." The determination read from Wang Yang's eyes, Haima did not continue to ask, "Since the final choice is in your hands, I have no right to complain about the outcome."

  Hippocampus, he did not ask, nor did he blame Wang Yang for not using the effect of the [Super Electromagnetic Turtle] sent to the cemetery because of [Monster’s Gate].

  【Super-Electromagnetic Turtle Monster Card Effect: During the battle phase of the opponent's turn, remove this card from the Graveyard from the game to activate. The battle phase is over. 】

   The original Seahorse strategy, using this king-like card to match the [Final Battle], there is absolutely no possibility of failure. Even if Hoshino summons the incarnation of the gods, the conditions for a tie can be achieved.

   "Huh! Next time in a duel, I will defeat Hoshino with my own strength, and of course you, the game!"

   "Hehe, Haima, the only thing I can do is to defeat Hoshino. I don't want to lose to you."

Chapter 181: God's Card get√

   When the dark thunder of the incarnation of the **** penetrated the sky dragon, everyone watching the battle was completely stunned.

   "It's done, Hoshino won... She won the game and Seahorse! That..." The final duel of the two gods made Jouchou incoherent. That is what all duelists yearn for, a battle standing on the pinnacle of duel monsters.

   "It's so handsome!" After a long time in the castle, only said this sentence.

   Honda longed and said: "God vs. God, it's really passionate. It makes me want to play a duel monster."

   "Honda, let's forget it, even if you play a duel monster, you won't get the card of the gods." Ruthlessly poured cold water in the city of damage.

   "But, the game is okay." Kyoko looked at Wang Yang who was a little worried. However, Wang Xiang unexpectedly did not show the look of disappointment when the duel failed.

   "I knew Sister Hoshino would definitely win!" Akashia, who was jumping in excitement, was already thinking about how to use the card of the gods.

   "As a miscellaneous practitioner, it's not bad." The duel was over, and the materialized Gilgamesh still refused to leave.

   Enkidu reluctantly grabbed Gilgamesh's wrist: "It's time to go back to Gil, and staying longer will cause trouble to the master."

"Hehe, that's what I said." After a glance at Hoshino, who had been thinking about something after the duel was over, Gilgamesh smiled knowingly, "It seems that there is no problem anymore. Let her solve the next thing by herself. Bar."

   Looking at his daughter's relieved expression, the Uruk couple slowly disappeared.

   Putting away the Wang Yang and Seahorse of the duel plate, they walked over to Hoshino in a tacit understanding. The clear mechanical clash of the duel plate seemed to match the rhythm of the two men's pace.

   "Game, you just sent to the cemetery..."

   "You won, Hoshino."

   Without asking Hoshino to continue, Wang Yang directly drew [Osiris’ Sky Dragon] from the deck.

   "Although this card has not been with me for a long time, it has saved me many times in crisis. Now, he belongs to you."

   Looking at the king who gave the sky dragon to himself without the slightest hesitation, Hoshino even felt some inexplicable guilt in his heart. The card of the gods is equally important to Wang Yang. It is an item necessary for the nameless pharaoh to retrieve his lost thousand-year memory.

   After the darkness lingering in his heart was dispelled, Hoshino became aware of it deeply. To sacrifice the fate of the king for thousands of years for his own benefit, is it really correct to do so?

"What are you hesitating? Hoshino!" Hippocampus suddenly yelled, and then handed out [Obelisk's Titan Soldiers], "Since you have won the duel, take the rare card according to the rules of the duel city, otherwise Why do you think I should make such a rule!"

   Seeing a seahorse with a rare card like a fate, there will be a day when he does not hesitate to hand over the card of the gods.

   Haima added: "Only if you abide by the rules, next time after I defeat you, I can take away all the cards of God from your hands without hesitation!"

   Take it all away... Then you don't intend to follow the rules at all!

   Simply squeezing Hoshino's hesitating hand hovering in mid-air, Wang Yang gently placed the sky dragon's card in that white palm.

"Although I don't know what Hoshino needs to do with God's Card, I believe that must be a very important and correct thing. This is what you conveyed to us through the duel, and the unwavering belief in your heart. "

   "Game..." Looking at Wang Yang in front of him moved, Hoshino's heart surged with warmth.

   [The system detected that due to the duel number 001, Chiyuki Hoshino got the card of the gods. Open the special limited time card pool, and the divine heroic spirit is up. 】

   Then the sudden system sound pulled Hoshino out of the touch.

   "Obtaining the card of the phantom **** will actually open the card pool of the divine heroic spirit." Unexpected surprise, when I got the card of the evil **** before, it also opened the card pool for the divine nature like this. [For Divine Card Pool] and [Divine Card Pool], thinking about it now, that the three evil gods card is an urban legend created for the three fantasy gods, it seems that it has also been confirmed from the side.

   glanced at Wang Yang who was holding Hoshino's palm, Seahorse directly reached out and squeezed [Obelisk's Titan Soldier].

"Instead of having time to grind here, it is better to set off now for the final battle location in the duel city. Don't forget the rules of the convention. Only the top eight duelists who have collected the puzzle cards and arrived at the final battle location are eligible to participate. finals."

   In other words, even if you have collected 6 puzzle cards, but you went too late and ranked behind the top eight, you are also not eligible to participate.

   "You go first, I still have the account to find Malik." Gratefully put the two God's cards into the card box, Hoshino reached out and touched the Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel hanging on the back.

   However, Hoshino didn't touch anything except his soft and elastic buttocks.

   "Hey?! My wheel, I just put it behind the back, why is the big Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel gone!?"

  Because he was too involved in the duel, Hoshino didn’t notice that the Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel had escaped without authorization. “Oh, if you don’t have the Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel, how can I find Malik?”

   "Use the Millennium Wisdom Wheel to find Malik..." Wang Yang, who raised his eyebrows, quickly understood Hoshino's plan. Even if Malik, who holds the Thousand-Year Pewter Rod, hides in hiding, he can use the Wheel of Wisdom that can search for Thousand-Year Sacred Artifacts to extract it.

   "As expected, Hoshino, I can come up with such a method."

   Hoshino sighed and said, "No matter how wonderful the method is, the thousand-year wisdom wheel will be lost in vain."

   "However, why did Tapiryo's Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel appear in Hoshino's place?" Wang Yang has never understood this.

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