"That's a long story..."

   Hoshino casually explained to everyone, and by the way, he added a lot of his heroism to the attack by the three of Gurus.

   "It's too much!" After listening to the whole cause and effect, within the city, he hammered his fist hard and said angrily, "The opponent Hoshino, who has no power to bind a chicken, will make a move. That Malik will definitely not forgive him!"

"During the duel city convention, the Gurus Legion can actually make such a violent incident!" Seahorse, who was also angry, took a peek at Hoshino, "No serious accident...It's a blessing. "

"But you don’t need to care too much about the disappearance of the Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel. It is a very strange artifact. I have tried to throw it away from Tapir Liang, but it can always return to Tapir Liang somehow. . I think this time should be no exception." Wang Xiang added.

"Since you have also lost the means to find Malik, let's go to the decisive battle location together!" Haima once again launched the duel plate and arranged 5 puzzle cards in the 5 monster card areas in turn, and placed the 6th puzzle card to Within the unfolded field area.

   6 puzzle cards glowing with dazzling light, just like this in a line on the duel board. Then the duel plate operated in response, and the actualized image map marked the location of the final battle stage.

   "As long as Malik still wants to get the card of the gods, he will definitely go to the finals. Then, all grievances will be cut off in the finals!"

Chapter 182: Cthulhu? Goth loli?

   [Duel rating is completed, duel Rebecca Hopkins, level C +, 40 Saint Quartz rewards will be issued. 】

  【Duel Rovek Hopkins rank B, and 45 Saint Quartz rewards. 】

  【Dueler ‘Seven Fighters of the South City’, duelist level E, rewards 5X8=40 Saint Quartz. 】

  【The duel is good, the duel is level C, after deducting the repeat level rewards, 0 Saint Quartz rewards will be issued. 】

   [Duel Seahorse Setter, duelist level A+, deducting repeat level rewards, give out 0 Saint Quartz rewards. 】

  【Duel Mutoh game, duelist level A++, after deducting repeat level rewards, 70 Saint Quartz rewards will be issued. 】

  Remaining Saint Quartz: 195 pieces, 1 SSR call sign

   "What is this A++? In the game, you have actually refreshed the upper limit of the duel level in this world." In surprise, the corners of Hoshino's mouth couldn't help but rise. If the sacred spar had a physical body, then Hoshino must be holding a pile of rocks and giggling.

   "Huh? What did I refresh?" The game sitting at the passenger's watch looked back and asked innocently.

   At this moment, Hoshino and the others are riding in a luxury car called by Seahorse that cannot be seen (the advertising space is rented here), heading to the final battle location marked on the map.

   The driver looks like a man in black with sunglasses from Haima Company, printed on the same mold. The game sits in the passenger seat, while Hoshino, Akash and Kyoko sit in the back row. As for Chengouchi and Honda, they said they were going to pick up someone, so they separated temporarily.

   "Just talk to yourself, don't care." Waved, Hoshino's eyes were full of respect when he looked at the game. Maybe the starfish head in front of him would be the first duel in the world to reach the EX level. By the time...

   Hoshino dreamed of such, and the angular hairstyle of the game in front of him seemed to gradually overlap with the image of Saint Quartz. Eventually evolved into a mysterious creature whose body is a game and head is a sacred stone.

"Papa~" He patted his head twice, Hoshino pulled himself out of the fantasies, "What are you thinking about? The game is not an item for sacred spar. And if it can really grow up to The EX level is certainly not easily defeated."

   "But if it's EX level, how many stones will there be..."

   "Oh? It's really interesting, that's how those weird elves came." A soft girl's voice sounded in Hoshino's ears out of thin air.

   Hoshino tilted his head to look at Akashia on the side: "Hey? Akashya, did you say anything just now?"

"Ha call -? Ha call --zzZZ ~ (3 [▓▓]". But just get Aka Xia sleeping response probably because it was early in the morning running around Hoshino pull out, the little girl is very tired .

   And the soft voice of Loli just now is obviously different from Akash, and of course it is even more unlikely that it is Kyoko.

   Eliminate all the impossible, and the remaining answer, even if it is unbelievable, is the truth.

   "Uncle, I didn't expect you to be quite mad. It's a loli voice." Hoshino, who knocked on the driver's seat, said in surprise.

   "Ghaha? How could I be a loli voice!" A bunch of rough and crazy voices, this sound completely conforms to his own appearance.

"Sorry for disturbing you."

   Could it be that I just heard a hallucination, but the sound is too real. It seemed to be surrounded by Hoshino's ears like magic, and now it even recalled something breathtaking.

   "Does this start to panic? When the concubine was summoned by a duel, it didn't look so delicate."

   is definitely not a hallucination! Hoshino was very sure that this slightly naive voice did not match anyone in the car. And from the fact that the game and Kyoko did not react at all, this voice should only be heard by himself.

   And she just mentioned the duel and the elves, is it the new hero? But he hasn't summoned yet.

   "Who are you?" Hoshino, who lowered his volume as much as possible, also avoided being discovered by the game and Kyoko.

   "It's so cruel and ruthless. Just ten minutes ago, I was still using my concubine to my heart's content~"

   A slight vibration came from the card box that Hoshino tied to his waist, and then the card box was shaken open, and a card stored in it fell out.

   "No..." Looking at the card that fell on his skirt, Hoshino Sakura Hong's mouth opened slightly.

  ——Looking at the [Cthulhu-God Incarnation] that fell on my skirt.

   "Aren't you a ball? It turns out that the voice is so cute." Searching in the few memories, it seems that the voices of the incarnation of God that Hoshino has heard are all from the monsters she transformed.

   "The concubine body does not have a fixed shape. However, as the greatest evil god, it is as simple as moving a finger to transform it into a human being."

   The incarnation of the gods seemed to prove his own words, and accompanied by a card that revealed the power of slight darkness, the petite figure quietly materialized.

   Then, the little black-haired loli dressed in Gothic style clothes sat face to face on Hoshino's lap. But even though he was sitting on his lap, Hoshino could not feel the weight of his thigh.

   "The strongest Cthulhu, is it actually Gothic Lolita? The contrast is too big!" The little Lolita in front of me, no, it should be the Cthulhu. Except for the creamy skin, the overall feeling for Hoshino was dark.

  Black hair, black eyes, black clothes, and the charming smirk from the corner of his mouth.

   God’s incarnation smiled charmingly, "This is just an appearance that is imaginary based on the concubine's body preferences. However, humans will actually make a fuss about a pair of skins, so they are inferior creatures."

"Actually, I should have discovered it a long time ago..." When she recalled the duel with the incarnation of the gods, she seemed more inclined to transform into a woman like Nero or Okita than a monster like a tauren or a genetic wolf. Heroic spirit.

   I thought it was just a lady's big boss, but now from the self-proclaimed ‘concubine’, it sounds like this ball should have been...mother, right?

   "So what's the situation now?" Kyoko could not see the apparently materialized card spirit. Otherwise, the goth loli who appeared on Hoshino's legs out of thin air would not be unresponsive no matter how she thought.

   As for the game, it seems that you can see the card sprites, but I haven't looked back yet.

   "The concubine body can show up, of course, because of the girl you used the concubine body card." It is obviously a childish face similar to Akash's age, but he smiles with an indescribable strange charm.

   "The moment the card is used, it represents the signing of a new contract~ Then you will have to perform the duties of the contract in the future." Cthulhu's deep and smiling eyes gradually bend into two black crescents.

   "If you want to use the power of the evil god, you need to pay a certain amount of reward."

Chapter 183: Assembled Duelists

   "Remuneration?" A dark gothic loli, sitting on her lap right now, rubbing her fingers with a charming face to ask for money, always feels like this... Se Qin?

   Hoshino said in a low voice, "The ugliness is at the forefront. With regard to poverty, I am confident that I will not lose to anyone." The implication is that there is no way to get a child out of me. Even if I sit in a luxury car now...

   "Please don't compare your concubine body with those vulgar humans." After all, the evil **** put his pink cherry lips close to Hoshino's ear and blew a mouthful. The breath that filled his ears made Hoshino numb.

   "Now I just come out to say hello to you. When we are alone, my concubine will communicate with you in a simple way~"

   Maybe the Cthulhu himself found it inconvenient to talk like this in the car. After molesting Hoshino, he left a charming smile and disappeared.

Feeling the scented warm breath remaining in his ears, Hoshino blushed and put away the Cthulhu card that fell on the skirt, "Calm down, it's just a ball...just a ball... "

   I didn’t expect you to be this kind of ball!


  The final battle place in the duel city, in the outdoor stadium of Tonomi City——

   "This is where the puzzle card points at the end~" Looking around the surrounding environment, the game exclaimed.

   There is no open-air stadium during the event, probably because it is located in the suburbs, not to mention the interior of the stadium, even the people around the stadium are very sparsely populated. The spacious and empty open-air stadium, as the final duel stage, although the atmosphere is slightly insufficient, but it is also very suitable.

   Hoshino shrugged: "It was so mysterious, but the final battle location was unexpectedly simple."

   Akashia, who had slept well in the car, looked very excited when he came to the gymnasium, walking windy: "Sister Hoshino, it seems that we were the first to arrive. The empty gymnasium is really interesting~"

   "Is it interesting?" Kyoko who couldn't understand, the huge gymnasium seemed too empty, and the occasional cool breeze could reverberate strangely.

   I skipped the body chill, and let Kyoko subconsciously touched her delicate bare arm, "Game, Hoshino, do you think Malik will really come over?"

   Kyoko still feels a little scared when he thinks that the final black hand hidden behind the scenes is about to appear.

   "It will come, that Malik! If he still wants to get the card of the gods, the final of the duel city will be his last chance." Of course, Hoshino said this to himself. Want to defeat Malik and gather the cards of the three magic gods, the final is also the last chance for her.

   "Here is someone!" A game that is good at perceiving subtle changes in the environment, and immediately caught the sound of footsteps approaching the gymnasium.

   After being reminded by the game, Hoshino immediately became alert: "It won't be so coincidental, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there."

   "Sister Hoshino, who is Cao Cao?"

   "A satellite that hasn't landed yet, but 80% will be a girl."

  The three nervous people stared at the entrance of the outdoor stadium without blinking, for fear that if they missed a glance, the other party would disappear.

   Then, with the sound of clear and steady footsteps, the tall and **** figure, after the game and Hoshino, reached the final place of the duel city in third place.

   "Hey? Qianxue, games, and Kyoko! You guys have arrived early!" Still in a chic posture with one-handed backpack behind her, Peacock Dance looked at the few people in front of her with surprise.

   "Sister Dance?!" Hoshino was surprised, but he didn't expect that the third finalist after them was actually the Peacock Dance, who had not been seen for a long time.

   But with the strength of the peacock dance, it is really not difficult to pass the preliminaries of the duel city.

   Throwing the backpack behind him casually, Peacock Dance said with a smile: "I thought I should be the first person to collect six puzzle cards, but I didn't expect to lose you two again."

   The game politely said: "The dance that can arrive first is also amazing. Let's cheer for the finals together."

   "Wow, what a **** and beautiful big sister!" Akashia stood behind Hoshino, looking up at the Peacock Dance in front of him.

   "Where is this cute little girl, her little mouth is as sweet as eating honey~" After Akashia spoke out, Peacock Dance noticed the cute little girl who was relying on Hoshino's back.

   "Is that Qianxue's younger sister?"

   "It's a daughter!" Akashia added.

   "Hey? Qianxue's daughter, no wonder she is so cute."

   Unexpectedly, Peacock Dance was not surprised at all, just tilted his head and thought for a while.

   "So Qianxue and Yuyi's daughter?"

   "How could it be possible!" Kyoko retorted anxiously.

   Looking back at the game with his head lowered next to him, there was already a blush on his face.

   "Sister Wu is really bad-hearted." At a glance, I could see that Peacock Dance was playing with them, Hoshino, and squeezed Aka Xia's mouth without any barriers.

   "Ah, it hurts QxQ!" Akashia's elastic cheeks were unceremoniously pinched out by Hoshino with the same flush as the game.

   "Hehehe~" Peacock Dance covered her mouth and laughed, "It's really fun to be with you, and it never feels boring."

   "It seems that someone is coming again." The game raised his head and reminded it again.

   But it was not the sound of footsteps that was approaching this time, but the roar of the engine.

   "Oh, oh! Your grandpa in the city is on the stage!" Sitting in the city behind the Honda motorcycle, the man obviously waved the duel plate to everyone before he even reached the venue.

   "In the castle, Honda..." Kyoko was also relieved to see a friend she was familiar with. And as the number of acquaintances around him gradually increased, it seemed that Malik was not so scared anymore.

   "Huh? A Wu, can you pass the preliminaries too?" Said to the Peacock Dance, who hadn't seen him for a long time, in the city who jumped off the motorcycle.

   "What do you mean, what do you mean I can pass the preliminaries?" Obviously Peacock Dance is not very satisfied with the way of greeting in the city. "It's strange that a rookie like you can pass the preliminaries of the duel city!"

   "Nani, dare to say that I am a rookie. To tell you the truth, don't be scared. Neike in my city is already more than twice as powerful as in the duel kingdom!"

   Peacock Dancer turned his head aside unhappily: "Huh, if the combat power was originally 0, it would be meaningless even if it was more powerful."

   Looking at the two people who had pinched each other when they met, Hoshino smiled helplessly and rounded up: "I said that in the castle, you and Honda went to pick up people? So who on earth did you pick up?"

   "Huh? This..." Talking about this, Jouchou scratched his face awkwardly.

   "Meeting for the first time!" A polite and sweet greeting came from behind the castle.

   Then the cute girl in a pink shirt walked out a little shyly, "My name is Kawai Shizuka, I am the younger sister of Katsuya Jounouchi."

   Within the city, when I see your sister, I will make an appointment with you as a brother.

Chapter 184: Card Store System Upgrade

   Hoshino was the first to jump out of his unbelief: "A lie! Don't think I haven't seen the frustration of your Yan Yi in the castle, how could you have such a cute sister!"

   The girl named Shizuka in front of her also looks like a middle school student. She is slightly shorter than Hoshino and is similar to a game. However, his polite speech, coupled with his quiet and lovely appearance, made people unable to believe that he would be one of the barbaric brothers, the sister in the city.

   "You're Miss Hoshino Chiyuki..." said timidly, and Shizuka's white and childish face was reddish.

   was suddenly spoken by a cute girl, which made Hoshino a little happy: "Well, just call me Hoshino. We are about the same age."

   "Thank you very much, Ms. Hoshino Chiyuki!" The sudden 90° bow caught Hoshino off guard.

   "Hey?! What's going on!" After talking to him, he suddenly gave this gift, which made Hoshino happy and added a hint of panic.

   Shizuka bowed deeply, lowered her head and said, "Miss Hoshino Chiyuki is my savior, so I have to thank him solemnly."

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