[The Reversal of the World and the Underworld], when there are more than 15 cards in your graveyard, you can force both parties to exchange the cards in the graveyard with the remaining decks.

   "Furthermore, as far as my concubine's body knows, the rarity of this card is not lost to the thing called the blue-eyed white dragon."

   Being reminded by the Cthulhu, Hoshino also suddenly realized. When Xian Ming reversed, those heroic card effects that can only be activated in the cemetery can be used unscrupulously. Just like the easy integration of the Demon God Chief in the last round, as long as the number of cards in the cemetery is large enough, the operating space is simply infinite.

   The tiny sense of guilt in his heart was instantly washed away by the powerful effects brought about by the [Reversal of the World and the Underworld]. Hoshino, who took the card from Cthulhu's hand, also smirked and said: "Cthulhu Sang, you are really smart. Since it is a duel on a duel urban airship, it is naturally not surprising to adopt the card gambling rules."

   "Hey hey, who do you think the concubine is~" The two masters and slaves, who were embarrassed, looked at each other and smiled.


   About to settle the sleepy Isis, Hoshino left the room and went to the sky duel above the airship.

   "The duel should be over at this time. If the future predicted by Isis is true, I have to comfort Sister Wu a little bit." Thinking like this, Hoshino pushed open the door to the sky duel arena.

   However, Hoshino was taken aback by the darkness that was so familiar and seemed to have just seen.

   "Dark game?! In the sky duel? No way!" In the familiar dark environment, Hoshino dared to conclude that it was a dark game.

   "Sister Hoshino!" Akashia, who found Hoshino's figure for the first time, greeted, "Hey, why are you wearing such clothes?"

   The current Hoshino is no longer just dressed up in a skirt and shirt. Hoshino put on the Egyptian costume of Isis, although there is no black skin that can bring out the exotic style like Isis, but the white and tender body with this exotic style of attire can be regarded as showing a unique charm different from **** Isis.

   "It suits you well, Hoshino!" Keihei, who was still staring at the duel attentively just now, was instantly attracted.

   But now Hoshino is totally in no mood to put Kung Fu on everyone's opinion of their costumes. Glancing at the Wang Yang and Peacock Dance in the audience, Hoshino can probably guess that the second game is over.

   "Qianxue, you are back." Peacock Dance's tone was mixed with some loss, and it was not difficult to see the result of the second duel.

   "Sister Wu, are you okay..."

   Peacock Dancer smiled frankly: "This is not the time to worry about me, I just lost a game, but in the city he..."

   "Malik has started a dark game!" Wang Xiang said suddenly, solemnly.

   Hoshino's eyes became serious: "It really is a dark game played by Malik." This is the only possibility that Hoshino can think of.

   "So what's the situation now?" Hoshino, who was watching the battle midway, couldn't see the current HP score, and his attention was completely attracted by the outrageous red magma monster on the field in the castle.

   "Do you think there is such a monster in the castle deck?"

   "This is the [lava demon] that Malik summoned on the field in the city with the effect." Wang Yang's tone was full of worry, and it seemed that the situation was not optimistic.

  The castle inside on the field roared: "Attack the lava demon, use the inside of the castle flame!"

   "Fire within the city (~ヘ~?

Chapter 208: Mortal Body Against Gods (1/3)

   [Lava Demon ★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Flame] [Demon Clan/Special Summon/Effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2500]

  【This card cannot be summoned normally. You can free 2 monsters on the opponent's field and Special Summon them from your hand to the opponent's field. Every time I was preparing, I suffered 1,000 points of damage. 】

   "Damn it, I forcibly liberated my [Artificial Human-Mind Deterrent] and Baby Dragon, and summoned this thing."

   Although the body of the lava demon **** and the blue-eyed white dragon is not weak, it is obviously not cost-effective to use the humanoid that was originally summoned by the superior as the sacrificial emancipation summon. And the point is that the lava demon has a negative effect of giving the controller 1000 damage every round.

   The castle was locked in a cage by the lava demon and roared angrily: "Since you have summoned the monster to my field, then I will use it unceremoniously!"

   entered the battle flow decisively, and the castle pointed forward vigorously, and then the attack that should have been done in one go suddenly stopped: "Oops, I don't know the name of this monster's moves!"

   Dark Malik sneered twice, and put his hands on his chest to prompt: "The name of my lava pet's attack moves is called lava flame strike!"

   "I don't want to use the name you gave it. Since it's on my court, I'll name it myself!" He waved his arm unhappily, and rejected Malik's opinion in this strangely stubborn city.

   "Attack the lava demon and use the flames in the castle!"

   "Fire in the castle?" Just after casting his gaze on the star field on the battlefield, he heard the name of this vulgar move from the castle.

   "It's so handsome, Oni-chan, the flames in the castle!" Shizuka who was watching the game shouted excitedly in support.

   "Fight back against the flames in the castle, let Macri see your enlightenment!" Kyoko and Honda are also excited.

   is the name unexpectedly well received? Hoshino, who can't figure it out, is it the world's unique aesthetic for the name of the move...

   "Will you try to name the heroic moves with Hoshino rays, or Qianxue Kuangfeng?" Hoshino, dragging his chin, began to think about this issue seriously.

   The roaring magma flame, accompanied by an attack power equivalent to that of the blue-eyed white dragon, flocked to the monster [Legendary Demon] that is the only attack indication in Malik's field.

  【Legendary Demon★★★★★★ (6 stars) Dark】【Demon Clan/Effect ATK: 1500DEF: 1800】

"As long as this attack in the city works, Malik who has no monsters on the field will be continuously attacked." After observing the situation on the field, Hoshino found that in addition to the lava devil, there are [Rocket Warrior] and [Cang] in the field. Yan's Swordsman] Two monsters.

   [Rocket Warrior ATK: 1500]

  【Cangyan Swordsman ATK: 1800】

   "This way, you won directly!" The clever Hoshino quickly came to the conclusion and threw a flag into the castle.

   "The analysis is good, but it is a pity to activate the covered trap card~" Malik showed a weird smile, and then the cover card on the sole of his foot slowly opened, "Trap card, [Monster exchange]."

  【Monster swap trap card effect: Activate only when the opponent's monster declares an attack. Return a monster in your field to your hand, and then Special Summon a 4-star monster from your hand. 】

   "Because of the effect of the trap card, I took the [Legendary Demon] on the field back to my hand, and then specially summoned the [Wanli Devil Death Torture] in the hand card in a defensive manner!"

   As Malik slapped another monster card on the duel, the monster on the field that was attacked by the lava demon was replaced with a strange-looking machine.

  【Wanli Demon God Death Torture★★★★(4 stars) Dark】【Machine Clan/Effect ATK: 500DEF: 1200】

"If this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can select 1 monster on the opponent's field for punishment and torture, and it will be destroyed by the torture monster after 3 rounds!" Following the direction of Malik's finger, the weird torture machine caught [Cang] Yan's Swordsman].

   "I choose to torture the Cangyan swordsman!" After being clamped by Malik's monster, the Cangyan swordsman wailed in pain.

   "Ah-it hurts!" But even more strangely, the city that was still attacking also cried out in pain.

   The alert Hoshino quickly guessed the situation, and understood why everyone had a worried expression just now: "Is it the rule of this dark game."

   "That's right~" Malik sneered, spreading his hands arrogantly, "In this dark game, 100% of the pain the monster suffers will be fed back to the duelist. The torture of Wanli Demon is very painful~"

   "It's just this bit of pain, it's not enough to compare with Honda's fist!" In the castle that gritted his teeth, he forcibly supported it and continued to attack, "Besides your monster, it will soon be engulfed by the flames of the castle!"

   "It's useless... The Wanli Demon possessing the monster will not be destroyed by battle! Your attack this round has been blocked, and it's my turn."

   Chengouchi put down the duel plate and complained: "What a despicable tactic."

  In the city, there are 0 remaining hand cards, 0 cover cards, LP: 2800

   Hey hello, in the city, you snatched your round without saying that the other side is over, you just reacted a little!

   "My turn, draw a card. Then activate the magic card [Mechanical Copy]!"

   [Mechanical Copy Spell Card Effect: Activate only by targeting 1 mechanical monster with an ATK of 500 or less on your field. Special summon up to 2 face-up monsters of the same name from the deck. 】

   "Because of the effect of mechanical duplication, I copied the [Wanli Devil Death Torture] on the field!" Because of the activation of the magic card, two strange torture machines were materialized on the Malik field.

   "If you can hold one, then three! Gahahahaha!" With a nearly manic smile, Malik's expression gradually distorted, and Yan Yi level rose to a new height again.

   The king-like expression was instantly hard to look like: "Oops, in the castle!"

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! But through the dark game, the pain the monster suffered was completely transferred to the city.

   "Ouni-chan!" Shizuka almost burst into tears after hearing the painful wailing in the castle.

   Hoshino clenched his fists angrily: "This Malik is not in a duel at all!"

Chapter 209: Mortal body resists gods (2/3)

   "I'm a very serious duel~" Malik, who easily refuted Hoshino's words, put down the duel plate and looked at the opposite castle: "Look, I'm about to win!"

   Malik remaining hand cards: 3 cards, 1 cover card, LP: 1300

   "At the end of the round, activate the effect of the lava demon. Inflict 1000 health points on the opponent's burning damage!"

   Inside the city locked in the iron cage of the lava demon god, his already very weak body was flowed through by the demon god's magma. The high-temperature scorching sound of ‘Zila!’ came from the shoulders in the city.

  城内 LP: 2800→1800

   "As long as the two rounds pass, the castle will lose because of the effect of the lava demon!" Malik, who covered his disgusting face, was obviously very satisfied with his tactics.

   "However, it is also the situation in the castle that can survive that time." Looking at the castle that has been completely silent and can't even mourn, Malik taunted.

   "It's too mean Malik!" Wang Xiang scolded solemnly.

   Haima was disappointed and shook his head: "Sure enough, if you are mediocre, even Malik's pterosaur can't be forced out. It's really worthless to lose."

   "Euni-chan, don't lose!" Shizuka, who folded her hands in front of her eyes, closed her eyes and prayed. The first time Shizuka saw her brother's duel, she encountered this scene, and Hoshino couldn't help but feel distressed.

   Hoshino took a deep breath and shouted at the court: "Don't give up inside the castle, let Shizuka look at your mortal backbone!"

   "Miss Hoshino..."

   "Don't worry Shizuka, don't look at the usual jokes in the castle, it is very reliable at critical moments!"

   Shizuka focused his head: "I know, O'Neill sauce is very reliable. From before to now, it has always been...very reliable!"

   "What mortal bones are you talking about, Hoshino...I am a true duelist in my city!" In the iron cage, the city slowly raised his head again.

   Honda danced with his fists excitedly: "Well, within the city, I know you are not so easy to give up! Don't let Shizuka down!"

   Malik disdainfully said: "Even if it's useful to wake up, if you don't have a card in your hand, you will definitely lose the next round!"

   Seeing that the castle hasn't given up yet, Wang Yang frowned and loosened a little: "In the castle, let them see, you are the bond between the duel and the deck!"

   "In my city, there are still promises that must be fulfilled! I will fight Game and Hoshino again in this duel city. Don't stop Malik in front of me!"

   Peacock Dance asked: "The three monsters on the field in the castle are all being tortured. Can it really be reversed with just one card?"

   "This is the drawing of the soul of this uncle!" With the golden light, Jouchou drew the destiny card from the duel plate.

   Hoshino rubbed his eyes in disbelief, "No way, is this D. Draw? This one in the city doesn't even have a mortal bone, so how could this trick be possible. I must have read it wrong."

   "Look at Malik, my reversal counterattack!" He threw the drawn card onto the duel plate with all his strength, and then the huge lava trapped in the city began to collapse in an instant.

   "With the [Rocket Warrior], [Cangyan Swordsman], and [Lava Demon God] on my field as sacrifices, there are 3 in total, summoned by the superior!"

   Seahorse was slightly surprised: "Unexpectedly, all the 3 monsters possessed on the field were liberated in one go!"

   "Come on, the strongest fighter in my deck-[Guildford, Warrior of Lightning]!"

"At the last moment, the castle was drawn to the Lightning Warrior!" Hoshino waved his small pink fists in excitement. As Hoshino who has personally experienced the effect of the Lightning Warrior, he knows the terrible aspects of the Lightning Warrior summoned by using 3 sacrifices. "This kind of strong fortune at this critical moment is really worthy of you in the city!"

   In the castle liberated from the iron prison of the lava demon, there is only one monster left on the field. The strongest warrior clad in electric lights raised the sword in his hands and called for the sky thunder.

   [Guildford, Warrior of Lightning★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) Light] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 2800DEF: 1400]

   "The special effect of the Lightning Warrior, but use 3 monsters to liberate and do the superior summon successfully. Destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field!"

   Raised his arm to the sky, and the castle roared, "Malik, this is the final blow that will defeat you, the effect of the lightning warrior-the thunder explosion!"

   Shocking Thunder Light burst on Malik's field in an instant, and the 3 defensive forms of [Wanli Demon Death Torture] squatting on the field were all destroyed because of the effects of the Lightning Warrior.

   "This is over, launch a direct attack, Lightning Warrior, Nine Sky Thunder Lightning Cut!"

   "It's so handsome, in the castle, the nine-day thunder light cut!" The excited Honda and Kyoko began to support the name of the move in the castle.

Hey? It turns out that such rustic names are also within your aesthetic range?

   "I was actually forced to this point by a mortal bone like the castle!" Facing the lightning sword that was about to slash at him, Malik sighed uncomfortably: "The trap card is activated, [Together Fight]!"

  【Total Trap Card Effect: During the turn this card is activated, your monster cannot attack directly. ①: Discard 1 monster from your hand and target 1 face-up monster on the field to activate. The ATK and DEF of that monster until the end of the turn become the same as the respective values ​​of the monster discarded for this card activation. 】

   "The monster I discarded from my hand card is [The Winged Dragon of the Sun God]!"

   Seahorse cheered: "Malik was forced to abandon the **** card! This mediocre in the city can actually do so!"

   "Because the original attack power of the Winged Dragon is 0, the attack power of the Lightning Warrior is also reduced to 0 this turn!"

  【Lightning Warrior ATK: 2800→0】

   A blow that did not cause any physical damage, struck Malik.

   Chenguchi stomped his feet: "It's a pity, it's almost a bit!"

   "It has done a great job inside the castle!" Wang Xiang praised: "Not only did he defeat all the monsters on the opposite side, he also forced Malik to throw away the Winged Dragon!"

   "Hey, that's it!" Rubbing his nose proudly, Jouchi smiled: "Then I will end the round, and you will be dead when you attack Malik in the next round!"

"My turn, draw a card!" Looking at the card he had drawn, Malik's eyes showed a hint of killing intent: "Do you think I was forced to give away the Winged Dragon? Entering the cemetery is just for a more convenient summoning!"

Chapter 210: Mortal Body Against Gods (3/3)

   "Within the city, you need to use God's Card to deal with you. It really makes me feel very ashamed! So as a price, let's be burned under the flames of God!" Malik said with murderous intent.

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