The corner of the hippocampus' mouth raised slightly: "Malik is finally about to summon the Winged Dragon. The more the hidden effect of the Winged Dragon is exposed, the more detrimental it will be to his future battles. The only way a mediocre is to do this is already considered very valuable. Up!"

   "Activate the magic card [Susheng of the Dead] to bring the [Pterodactyl of the Sun God] back to the field in the cemetery!"

  The scorching flame swept the audience. In the cemetery, the reborn winged dragon roared high, and the entire dark game space was illuminated by the bright red flame.

   [The Winged Dragon of the Sun God★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) God] [Illusory Beasts/Effects ATK:0DEF:0]

   "This is the real Pterodactyl. It is completely different from the coercion of the pirated version." Hoshino, who looked at the genuine Pterodactyl in the sky, said with emotion.

   Wangyang felt a slight violation: "Even if the real Winged Dragon is summoned, the Winged Dragon that uses the deceased Susheng for special summons has no sacrifice to inherit the attack power, and has no combat power at all."

   "There is no fighting power, let alone laugh, let you see the strongest form of the pterosaur!" Pointing at the pterosaur roaring in the sky, Malik activated the god's effect.

   "Pay 1000 points of health, and the winged dragon will change its form-God · Phoenix!"

   Malik LP: 1300→300

   The flames that originally surrounded the Wing Shenlong all gathered towards the huge golden body. The winged dragon, which put the turbulent flames on its body, turned into a burning undead phoenix.

   "This is the strongest form of the Wing Shenlong?" On the battlefield, the castle was surprised to look at the Wing Shenlong that had transformed into a **** and undead.

   "After the Winged Dragon enters the God and Phoenix mode, all the monsters on the opponent's field will be destroyed!"

  Pointed at Malik and retorted unhappily, "Huh? Just destroy my Lightning Swordsman? Even so, your attack power is still 0. As long as I draw a monster next round, your 300 health points are not enough!"

"Haha, don't forget, this is a dark game!" Malik, whose head was lowered, could not see his expression clearly, but could only hear his weird laugh: "Within the city, you can really bear it, this god's one hit!"

   The flames bursting by the **** Phoenix instantly engulfed the lightning warriors in the city, and at the same time swallowed the inside of the city behind him.

   "Send your life to God, in the castle!"

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The city wailed miserably in the city that had never heard of it before.

"elder brother!"

   "Inside the castle!"

   Hoshino, who finally couldn't bear it, sued Haima, "Hippocampus, this is not a normal duel at all, stop it!"

   The hippocampus with his arms folded sternly said: "A true duelist, as long as he steps on this battlefield, stopping midway is the biggest insult to him."

   "Damn it, people in this world are not normal!" This is the first time Hoshino has begun to hate the inexplicable rules of this world. She clearly felt that such a violent divine energy was simply beyond the reach of human beings.

   Different from Lishid's time, this is the flames of the real Winged Dragon with all its strength. If Malik is allowed to attack, the worst situation in the city will die.

   "Girl, don't worry..." Perceiving the emotional fluctuations in Hoshino's heart, Cthulhu said in a low voice, "Your friend hasn't given up yet. Don't mess with yourself at this time."

   "Ah!!!" In the city with his fists clenched in the flames, struggling as hard as he could, traces of blood flowed out of the cracks in his fists, and then instantly dried by the flames.

   "Hahahaha, burn it, burn it!" Malik laughed wildly, and his entire expression collapsed.

   Finally, the lightning warrior who could not withstand such a high temperature shattered and destroyed.

  【Guilford, Warrior of Lightning】Break

   With the destruction of the Lightning Warrior, the flames burning in the city slowly disappeared.

   "It's over, the strongest blow of the **** Phoenix is ​​not something mortal can bear!" Malik, who put away the duel plate, was obviously confident in the attack of the **** Phoenix.

【warn! Forcibly retracting the duel plate during a duel will be handled as failure! 】

   "Nani?!" Malik, who was taken aback, turned his gaze to the other side again: "Could it be that he..."

  God’s blow ended, and the entire venue was exposed to the white smoke after being smoked and roasted at high temperature, and of course it also included the physical body in the city.

   But even so, even if the body has begun to smoke, even if the spirit has been destroyed and exhausted, the city still has not fallen.

   "Mediocre, actually survived the attack of God!" Haima's eyes were full of surprise.

   "In the castle, great!" Honda and Kyoko, who were about to cry, shouted loudly.

   "What kind of mental power is this, in the castle." Knowing that the **** Phoenix attacked the terrible Hoshino, looking at the castle still standing on the field, the whole person couldn't help shaking.

   "How could there be such a thing!" Malik, who was in a cold sweat, had never foreseen such a thing, and his expression began to panic.

   "Why! Is the mental power in the castle stronger than the attack of the gods!"

"Oh ...... Oh ...... Oh ......" within the city covered in smoke, the exhaustion of the last vestiges of power laugh: "It's my turn round Malik .... ...Draw a card..."

   "Draw cards...then summon monsters...[Iron Knight Kia Fried]..."

   "Go on, in the city!"

   "Show the soul of your true duelist!"

   "Give Malik one last blow!"

   "Come on, Oni sauce!"

   In the fierce shouts of everyone, Haima realized: "This mediocre is actually going to defeat Malik and defeat the gods?!"

   "Iron Knight... launches the final direct attack..." After the final attack declaration was issued, the castle finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Game, Hoshino...I won the battle...Finally, I can officially duel with you..."

   Facing the attack from the iron knight close at hand, Malik's expression became more and more distorted: "I would lose to someone like Chengouchi! Impossible, there can be no such thing!"

   "No girl, it's already at the limit!" Cthulhu quickly reminded, "Your friend's mental power can't support it. If you let him go on like this, he will die!"

   In the castle that fell in response, the Iron Knight's card also fell from the duel plate.

   "Damn it, it's almost too!" Hoshino gritted his teeth and persisted until now, and wanted to stop the duel a long time ago. But in the city, he saw the will of a true duel, even if he was a mortal bone, he could resist the gods with a mortal body!

   Hoshino shook the millennium bracelet quickly, drawing a golden track in the air: "Medea lily, hurry up!"

   "Yes, master!" The materialized Medea also instantly noticed that the life in the city before him was at stake. There was no need for Hoshino to make any explanation. The blue petite body directly threw out the treasure.

  "—All defects must be repaired!"

   The light of healing lightly spread into the fallen city. Within the city, which was only a ray of death away, was pulled back from the edge of **** by this gentle brilliance.

   "Oni sauce!" Shizuka, who ran up crying, surrounded the unconscious city with her friends.

   "Oh!" Malik on the opposite side of the venue retched. He almost lost to Chengouchi, and the huge humiliation made it instinctively difficult for him to accept this fact.

   "Damn it, just a mere mortal bone, in a mere city, don't be too arrogant!"

   "Malik!" Hoshino, who didn't encircle his friends, knew that after Medea's treasure had passed, there would no longer be life-threatening in the city.

   "Slap!" He slapped Malik's twisted face with a crisp and heavy slap. When Hoshino came to Malik, he really didn't know how to vent his anger, he could only show it in this form.

   "I absolutely, I will never let you go!"

Chapter 211: The quarterfinals are officially over

   "Hoshino Chiyuki?" Malik tilted his head, but was a little dazed by Hoshino's sudden slap.

   But what makes Malik feel incredible is...

   "You actually came back, then it proves that the old lady lost." In Malik's invincible position, the Xianming tactics can not defeat Hoshino, which is the most unexpected.

"Hahaha...hahahahahaha! Interesting, really interesting Hoshino Chiyuki. First helped me get rid of the annoying Lishid, and now even the old lady who caused me a terrible headache has been solved by you. I really don't I know how to thank you."

   rubbed the little hand that was a little numb because he slapped Malik with all his strength, Hoshino's eyes were full of contempt: "It's really a complete insult to be thanked by a scum like you."

   "Insult? Haha, now I feel a little bit, you are probably the same kind of person as me~ you are the so-called accomplice. Hahahaha!"

   Malik, who turned and walked off the platform with a smile, felt Hoshino's glaring gaze behind him, leaving the last sentence.

   "You think you are driving away the darkness, but you are just walking with the darkness."


   "In the castle, wake up, awaken in the castle!" Honda grabbed the inner collar of the castle and called out anxiously.

   Kyoko quickly grabbed Honda, who had gradually lost his composure, "Honda, don’t do this!"

  Although Kyoko understands Honda’s feelings, but if he shakes the injured like him, he will have internal injuries even if nothing happens. “Just wait for the doctor to come over. Keiping has already contacted the medical staff of the Haima Group.”

   However, the airship used to play cards is even equipped with specialized medical staff. Does it prove that Seahorse Corporation recognizes that dueling monsters is a high-risk game.

   "Oni sauce QAQ" Shizuka, who was sitting on her knees beside the castle, kept touching tears.

   silently stepped forward, Hoshino knelt down and observed the unconscious city.

   is not using the duel plate as a medium, but directly summoning Medea through the power of the thousand-year-old bracelet. Once the [every defect must be repaired], in theory, even the dying person should be able to come back.

  —The damage caused by curses or magic can be restored. It is not the operation time, but the calculation of the original appearance of the repaired person and automatic repair. In the eyes of others, it looks like time is going backwards. Except for death, it can be overcome unreasonably.

   So Hoshino who came to the conclusion: "Actually, you are already awake in the castle..."

   Wang Yang was surprised: "What did you say, Hoshino?"

   "Actually, it was because you lost so stubbornly that you didn't have the face to face everyone, so I continued to pretend to be fainted and unconscious."

   "Miss Hoshino?" Shizuka pumped up, although she couldn't believe it, she hoped that Hoshino's words were true. After all, compared to the real coma, if it's just for the reason of having no face to meet people, although it sounds embarrassing, it can also make the partners feel relieved.

   "Is it really like this, inside the castle?" Peacock dance stretched out two fingers, and tentatively pinched the arm inside the castle.

   The slightly trembling eyelashes instantly exposed the fact that the castle is pretending to be dizzy.

   "City—in—inside!" The anger that the partners were ignited instantly broke out, and they began to unceremoniously deal with the inside of the city.

   "It's going to die, it's going to die! This is really going to die!" In the city, who screamed out of the crowd, immediately jumped up.

   "That's great, O'Neill is okay." The little angel Shizuka jumped up and burst into laughter when he saw the life in the city.

   Kyoko complained indignantly: "Why pretend to be dizzy to make us worry, really, foolish inside the city!" He said so, but after seeing that there was no major problem inside the city, he was more relieved than angry.

   Chengouchi scratched his head awkwardly: "I thought, I really died."

   Shizuka tilted her head and asked, "Really dead?"

   "At the moment I fell, a large river appeared in front of my eyes, and then a punting grandfather told me that it was a Styx and informed me that it was time to go on the road."

   "It's a lie. Within the city, you're not making up a story, are you?" Honda couldn't believe it.

   "Really!" The tone of the castle intensified, to express his honest heart.

   "Then just when I was about to set foot on the boat, an angel in a strange costume pulled me down. He said to me..."

  Interested Kyoko urged, "What are you talking about? Don't sell Guanzi."

   "She said... ‘Actually, you are already awake in the city’, and then I woke up."

   "It must be a lie, beat him!" Honda directly gave Jouchou a hand knife. This story sounded like it had been made up after hearing Hoshino's words in the castle who pretended to be dizzy.

   Chengouchi covered his head aggrievedly: "I didn't lie!"

Then when he saw Hoshino on the side, his aggrieved expression was replaced with surprise: " weird costume, angel! It's an angel, the angel in the dream came out to testify for me...hey? This is not Hoshino. Well?"

   The corner of Hoshino’s mouth was proudly raised, and he picked up the corner of the skirt that was almost dragging to the ground, and turned around gracefully: "Why, do I look like an angel?"

   Chengouchi replied with a serious expression: "It doesn't look like it, but your clothes are strange."

   angrily beat the members of the army in the castle +1

   "Is there enough trouble!" Seeing that Chengouchi was beaten to the point where it was almost dead, the seahorse, who was watching quietly, finally said, "The game is not over yet!"

   Wang Xiang, who has been smiling and watching, also reminded: "Yes, there is still no duel between Haima and Isis!"

   "Uh...Isis she..." Hoshino who suddenly realized the problem, Isis is still asleep on the bed in the room.

   moved his gaze to the side Hoshino, pouted and began to lie: "Isis just told me that she abstained and does not plan to participate in the competition."

   "Very good, then count as I won!" Hoshino's expression was obviously hiding something, but Haima had no doubts, and directly announced the result of his victory.

   "Then the duel city quarterfinals are officially over! The quarterfinals will be held tomorrow after the airship arrives at the destination!"

   "Why is the seahorse so lucky to win without a fight!" In the half-dead city, complained uncomfortably.

   The seahorse that raised its head proudly, looked at the boundless night sky, with an extremely compelling attitude, "Even if there is a duel, the one who wins will definitely be me!"

   "No, if you really fight, you might lose miserably." Hoshino thought secretly.

Chapter 212: Chaldean Smile Association

   [Duel rating is completed, duelist Isis Ishdar, duelist level A, will issue 60 Saint Quartz rewards, remaining Saint Quartz: 80]

   [Detected duelist number 001 Hoshino Chiyuki wins the dark game, and rewards a special call sign for SSR. 】

   "Very subtle, Isis's rating." Sitting on the bed, Hoshino dragged his chin to think. Judging from the strength of [Reversal of the World and the Underworld], this rating is indeed lower, but it may also be because Isis did not fully exert the strongest effect of this card.

   "Anyway, first, open the card shop."

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