[Detected that you have a special call sign for SSR, and you are redirecting to the card store. 】

   "Choose to consume call signs for extraction!"


  The skilled Hoshino, krypton gold, draw cards, sink the ship in one go! However, if there is a dedicated call sign, there is no shipwreck. Even the last blank card had already been printed with La Er, which originally existed in this world. So only the SSR call sign is the most reliable!


   "Here again, this kind of laughter..." Hoshino's eyes twitched, and he felt like he was surrounded by this kind of brainwashing laughter recently.

   From the sparkle during the day to the second at night, now this one is here again before going to bed. Hoshino bet you will definitely have a nightmare today...

  —The nightmare of being surrounded by the Chaldean Smile Association and forcing them to laugh wildly.

   The card in Hoshino's hand, the count who stopped laughing, his expression suddenly became serious, "Complicity!? Such a person would dare to call yourself an accomplice...It's really whimsical!"

   "Accomplice?" Hoshino recalled vigorously, "Oh, you mean Malik!"

   "Listen well, on this road of revenge that is blazing because of hatred and resentment, I can only be your accomplice!"

   Hoshino scratched his head helplessly: "Excuse me, is this an important position... an accomplice?"

"Very important!"

   "Well, from now on, I will admit that you are my only accomplice!"

   "Koohahahaha! So accomplices, next time let's use this toxic black flame that is deadly to death, let's send that guy on the road together!"

   is worthy of the revenge class, and hate-keeping is simply the standard configuration...Of course, there is also Tsundere.

   Putting away the earl’s card, Hoshino, who obviously still had a stone, resolutely withdrew from the card shop.

   "Then next..."

   Due to the continuous battles in the duel city, Hoshino has drawn a lot of new heroes. However, even if the number of heroic spirits keeps expanding, there are only more than 40 cards that can be packed into the deck in a duel.

   is about to enter the decisive battle, the matter of drawing a wife is very important, but the top priority is to increase the overall strength of the deck.

  【Open the card enhancement system——】

   A card enhancement system that has not been used for a long time. In order to deceive Hoshino's stones, Da Vinci, cough, wrong... In order to help Hoshino to further increase the card strength, in order to make further breakthroughs in the heroes of the duel monster card.

   Only 30 stones are needed to stably increase the card strength. Although the degree and result of the promotion cannot be determined, this is very face-to-face, but compared to the draw of the shipwreck, it is very suitable for Hoshino, the African, to improve before the decisive battle.

   "Then the next step is to choose the card that needs to be strengthened..." Hoshino, who sat cross-legged on the bed, shook his body thinking.

   The sound of Akash’s bathing water in the bathroom has gradually stopped. Calculated by time, Akash should be shampooing on his small, soft, egg-white body.

   "Move faster~" In fact, Hoshino has already had the best candidate in his mind. The card used in duels is very high, but the strength is somewhat lacking. It is the first choice for breaking the boundaries.

   "It's up to you, the boundary is broken!"


   "I actually spend precious resources on me, master!"

   The little angel Saberlily with a touched face, looked at the gilded card name on his head.

   "Although I am only a half-handed knight, I have the confidence to be chosen by the holy sword! In order to respond to the master's expectations, I must grow up faster! Fight!"

   Lily cheering for herself, really an angel! Such a pure soul can truly heal people's hearts.

   Hoshino sighed slightly: "Compared to those heroes who are always ‘hahahahaha’, you are lily more cute~"

   "Sister Hoshino, I will come out. If you are doing something strange, please take care of it within 5 seconds!" Akaxia's dim voice came from the bathroom.

   Hoshino hurriedly put away the cards, obviously he didn't do anything wrong, why do you need to be so panicked?

   "I'm staring at the deck again, why is sister Hoshino staring at the deck in a daze every time I come out..." Akashia asked with a towel on her head. Not staring at the cards, but staring at the back of the deck in a daze. It's weird no matter how you look at it.

   Hoshino, who was asked so by Akashic, couldn't help but recall that every time Dad entered his room, he always cut the computer desktop in seconds.

   ("Why do you stare at the computer desktop in a daze every time Qianxue comes in?"

   "I, the wallpaper looks good...")

   "Sister Hoshino, aren't you doing anything erotic, right?" Akashia consciously glued her body, and the fragrance of the young girl (shampoo) rushed towards Hoshino, "Help me blow my hair!"


   A soft knock on the door suddenly sounded, interrupting Akash's acting like a baby.

   "It's already this point, and even knocking on the door, who would it be?"

   The very vigilant Hoshino puts his finger in front of his mouth and signaled Akash to not say anything, while he quietly stood on tiptoe to the door and observed the door through the cat’s eyes.

   "This... shouldn't be." Some Hoshino with sweaty forehead, through the cat's eyes, I can clearly see Isis who is waiting outside anxiously.

   "After saying that I fell asleep for a whole day, and then I woke up in just a few hours?"

   But Hoshino thought about it, but Isis's words were something nervous.

   I just secretly took the core card from her deck [The Reversal of the World and the Underworld], and then arbitrarily replaced her in the final duel of the quarter-finals.

   "This is too much! Or just pretend to sleep..."


   The original soft knock on the door became more and more rapid. Judging from the attitude of Isis, it is estimated that relying on pretending to sleep should not be able to pass.

   Hoshino swallowed his saliva, slowly opened the door, and then timidly got his head out from the crack in the door.

   "Hey hey, Isis, you wake up so early, don't you sleep a little longer?"

Chapter 213: Are you spoiling your brother too much?

   "Hoshino, is it convenient for me to go in and explain?"

   Seeing Hoshino sticking out a small head from the crack in the door, Isis begged.

   "Ah, do you want to come in? Okay..."

   Hoshino, after doing something bad, obviously couldn't harden his back. Reluctantly retracted his head and opened the door completely.

   Isis, who nodded slightly, with an inanimate expression, just walked into the room.

   "Wow, she is a pretty sister who looks like brother Malik! Good evening~"

   Akashia on the bed immediately greeted with excitement when Isis came in.

   "Good evening~"

   Isis responded with a smile, then turned her gaze to Hoshino, paused for a while, and spoke slowly.


   "Sorry!" Hoshino, who put his palms together in front of him, apologized first.

   "I'm very sorry to help you abstain without permission. I thought Isis you wouldn't wake up today."

   Faced with Hoshino's unexpected high-speed apology, Isis's expression was also slightly taken aback.

   "I didn't intend to blame you Hoshino for helping me abstain."

   Isis shook her head and said that she didn't care: "I originally lost the dark game. Although I woke up early with some tricks, I definitely couldn't keep up with the final duel. Besides..."

   Isis’s smile is a little bit more playful: "After the [Reversal of the World and the Underworld] from the deck was taken away by Hoshino, I can’t beat the seahorse~"

   "Cough, cough, cough!" It was over, everything was exposed, and Isis had discovered the stealing of the card. It seemed that I was here to find fault tonight.

   I blame the Loli Cthulhu, saying that if you fainted, don't take the white or take the words, now everyone has come to the door. Hoshino drooped his head as if he had done something wrong.

   "Hehe~" Isis, who was amused by Hoshino's cute look, gradually became softer in her eyes.

   "Hoshino, I hope you keep doing this and don't lose the kindness in your heart."

   "Isis?" Hoshino, who quietly raised her head, found that Isis was looking at herself with a gentle face.

   "I'm not here to ask you for a card. [The Reversal of the World and the Underworld] contains a powerful force. I hope you can use it well, and you will surely be able to help you in future battles."

   "Hey? Then is Isis here?"

  Okay, now Isis has forgiven all the bad things I have done, and I no longer have to adopt that kind of poor animal attitude to win sympathy.

   Isis's eyes also became serious, and she placed her hands on her neck where she was the thousand-year-old jewelry.

   "After the duel is over, I can't see the future at all. All the blurry lights and shadows that I could observe before have disappeared."

   "Can't see the future clearly, is the Thousand-Year Jewelry broken?" Recalling the end of the duel, the Demon God Chief's very powerful light seemed to penetrate the Thousand-Year Jewelry. But Hoshino does not believe that such virtual images can cause substantial damage to the Thousand-Year Artifact.

   Of course, except for Grandpa's Thousand-Year Eyes, that is simply not a dimensional power.

   Isis replied helplessly: "There should be no problem with the Millennium Jewelry. It is impossible to observe the future. The problem can only come from the owner."

   "Isis, do you mean something is wrong with your body?"

   "It doesn't refer to physical problems, but I, who is full of confusion in my heart. I have lost my strength and the qualifications to observe the future."

   "Is my heart full of confusion?"

  Isis, who made up her mind, took off the thousand-year-old jewelry from her neck and handed it to Hoshino.

   "Isis, this..." Looking at the Thousand-Year Jewelry suddenly stuffed into his hand, Hoshino's hair curled up with a question mark.

   "Hoshino, please agree to my request and save Malik!" The hands holding Hoshino couldn't help shaking, Isis pleaded.

   "Malik?!" After hearing this name, Hoshino ignited another nameless fire in his heart.

   "Did you do such an excessive thing, are you still trying to get someone else to save him?" Withdrawing the hands held by Isis, Hoshino pointed out solemnly, "Isis, are you too doting as a sister?"

   "No, in fact, Malik is not bad in nature. He is just fighting against the sad fate of the tomb guard." Isis, who was reprimanded by Hoshino, withdrew her hands a bit aggrieved.

   "A fight at the price of the fate of innocent people?"

  Uncle Rovik, Akash, in the city, and those people whose lives were ruined by Malik's darkness that Hoshino didn't know. If this is what Malik calls resistance, then who will fight instead of the injured person?

   "No, Malik was only caught by the dark personality..."

   "Sorry Isis, your request is too selfish, I can't agree to it." Interrupting Isis's explanation, Hoshino firmly refused.

   If it is only affected by the dark personality in the artifact. According to the hosts of several artifacts known to Hoshino, the game is aside.

   Although he is messing up, he has his own bottom line, the millennium wisdom wheel of Tapir Liang.

   and even if affected by the Thousand-Year Eye, Bekas, who will take care of the homeless children.

   In such a comparison, Malik is actually the same black on the outside. It's just that the personality in the show is more straightforward, and there is no concealment.

   "I will defeat Malik and stop his plan. But it is not my responsibility to save him."

   Judging from the intensity of the dark game played by Malik, it will probably be the same as this time in Castle. The one who loses is equivalent to death.

   "This is a battle where the real duelists are betting their lives, so Isis asks you to go back."

   Hoshino's resolute attitude can no longer tolerate what Isis said. Isis, who also understood the atmosphere, had tears in her eyes: "That's right, I'm too naive. Such immature thoughts are simply insulting to a duel of your lives."

   "Then, Hoshino. Please stop Malik. Even if my brother cannot be saved, I don't want to see his sins become more serious." Isis, who had left behind a thousand-year jewelry, turned around and wiped the corner of her eyes and left the room.

"The dark personality Malik has no purpose or plan, only pure desire for destruction. He has a soul that is more similar to the Millennium Divine Tool Dark Grievance, so he is more able to display the original power of the Winged Dragon. Hoshino, you must be more careful. ."

   Isis, who gave her last advice, walked out of Hoshino's room.

   Holding the thousand-year-old jewelry that had lost its light in his hand, Hoshino recalled the decision he had just made because of the anger in his heart, "Akasha, do you think my choice is correct?"

   "What kind of answer does Hoshino want to hear?" Akashia seemed to see through everything, and showed a pure smile.

Chapter 214: The Orthodox Heir of the Haima Group

   "Obviously he is just a kid, so his speech is too smooth!"

   smiled and knocked Akash on the head, and Hoshino rolled onto the bed.

   "Sleep to sleep, but also to recharge for tomorrow~"

   "Hmm, help me blow my hair, sister Hoshino~" Akasha pouted and shook Hoshino's mouth.

   "Akasha is already a mature duelist, and should learn to blow her hair~" Hoshino teased while lying on the bed, squinting.

   "What a wicked sister!" Akashia jumped out of the bed and picked up the hair dryer obediently.

   "But no matter what answer Hoshino wants to hear, Akash will say that I believe Hoshino's choice~"


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