"It's disgusting, I don't want it!" Shizuka, who is still young, probably saw this level of perversion for the first time, holding Kyoko next to him and screaming.

   But is it the first time Hoshino and Kyoko have seen such a perversion.

   "I will never let you succeed, super perverted old man!"

   Hoshino leaned back again, blocking Kyoko who was hugging Shizuka.

   "I, Chiyuki Hoshino, I will stop you even if I bet on my life!"

   This is not a joke, it is better to die than to be seized by such an abnormality.

   Otaki Shuzo followed and started the duel plate: "Then start the duel, the deck command mode will start!"

   "The deck leader?" Hoshino asked questioningly. Although Naia just mentioned the new rules governing the deck, she didn't give a specific explanation.

   "First of all, set your own deck leader!"

  Otaki Shuzo, who started without authorization, drew a card from the deck and showed it.

   "The deck leader I set is this one, [Nightmare Penguin]!"

   A huge penguin in a suit and a dome hat appeared behind Otaki Shuzo.

Hoshino looked at his deck and scratched his head: "Set the deck leader?" Even if she was asked to set the deck leader, Hoshino didn't even know what the deck leader meant, and didn't know what to do. choose.

   "It's you!" In desperation, Hoshino directly drew a card from the top of the deck. In this case, choose to trust the deck.

   "Master, I'm just a half-knight. The deck leader or something, will it be incompetent?" The materialized Saberlily heard that Hoshino was going to choose herself as the deck leader, and she looked a little nervous.

   Hoshino clenched fists with both hands and encouraged: "It's okay, I believe lily very much! Didn't you just say that you want to grow hard last night? Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

   "Since the master believes in me so!" She tightened the holy sword in her hand again, and Lily's eyes gradually became firm.

   "I will definitely not disappoint the master's expectations. I will be the leader of the deck this time!"

   "It's the deck leader chosen by the girls' high school students, so cute~" Shuzo Otaki sighed as he looked at Saberlily standing behind Hoshino with a serious expression.

   "But my [Nightmare Penguin] is not bad anymore, then the duel begins!"

   Hoshino Chiyuki VS Otaki Shuzo


   Otaki Shuzo took the lead in drawing out the card: "Since I want to explain the effect of the card group leader, let me attack first!"

   "First summoned by attack, [Flying Penguin]!"

  【Flying Penguin★★★★(4 stars) Water】【Aquarium ATK: 1200DEF: 1000】

   Two penguins with giant long ears, inciting their ears to float in the air.

  Looking at the penguin in front of him, Hoshino couldn't help chuckles: "I will bring such a monster with a poor figure and no effect. It seems that the level of the Big Five is like that."

  "Then activate the effect of [Nightmare Penguin] deck leader, and the defense mode is called to play!"

   Without warning, Shuzo Otaki, who didn't throw any cards, had another [Nightmare Penguin] on the field.

  【Nightmare Penguin★★★★(4 stars) Water】【Aquarium/Effect ATK: 900DEF: 1800】

   "This is one of the characteristics of the deck leader!"

   [①: The leader of the deck can directly special summon]

   "Is it such a characteristic!" Kyoko felt a little pity: "If Hoshino chose a powerful monster of Gaoxing, it would be even better."

   "It's okay Kyoko, Lily can definitely be the leader of the deck!" The extremely confident Hoshino, since the opponent did not choose a high-level monster as the leader, it means that the deck leader must have other characteristics.

   "The second ability of the deck leader!"

  【②: The deck leader has his own unique ability, and the effect is different from the original monster. 】

   "Nightmare Penguin's deck command ability is to increase the attack power and defense power of all penguin monsters on the field by 500 points!"

  【Flying Penguin ATK: 1200→1700】

  【Nightmare Penguin DEF: 1800→2300】

   "Although it is not written on the card, it has this effect, right..."

   Hoshino can be considered to understand what the deck leader means.

   "Isn't this just being more verbal than anyone else!"

Chapter 217: The power of the deck leader

   "And because of the effect of [Nightmare Penguin] itself, all water monsters on the field will increase their attack power by 200!"

  【Flying Penguin ATK: 1700→1900】

   Otaki Shuzo triumphantly smiled and said, "I'm clear, Hoshino Chiyuki, this is the powerful force of the leader of the old card team!"

   "It's okay!" Hoshino made a face at the old man, and Hoshino mocked.

   "The leader of the deck was so amazing, but in the end it didn't even break through the 2000 attack power. To be honest, your penguin is too weak. Even if the mortal monster is Shuangmeilin, it can't help it?"

  Otaki Shuzo's original hairless head suddenly jumped out of two blue veins: "What, you dare to say bad things about the cute penguin. Penguin...Penguin is the only companion who accompanied me in the long life of the old man!"

   Kyoko's expression became complicated: "This uncle, is he still a penguin?"

   Shizuka timidly echoed: "But, penguins are really cute."

   "But the uncle who is so close to his grandfather is not cute at all as a penguin!" Hoshino was ruthlessly broken. Sorry, this is a face-seeking world.

   "That's why the old man has to be reborn as a cute high school girl, so that he can like penguins with integrity, and others will think that they are very cute!"

   "Oh!" Hoshino couldn't help retching, please don't change the subject to ‘people’ without permission.

   It is unreasonable to say that this old man wanted to seize the body of a girl's high school student in order to like penguins in an upright manner.

   "Hoshino Chiyuki! When the old man seizes your body, he will definitely turn you into the world's favorite penguin high school girl!" After finishing the operation, Otaki Shuzo put down the duel plate.

   "The round is over!"

  Otaki Shusan Remaining cards: 5 cards, 0 cards, [Flying Penguin ATK: 1900], [Deck Leader·Nightmare Penguin DEF: 2300]

   Hoshino drew a card and said with a smile: "Not only is the monster so weak, he doesn't even have a cover card, and wants to beat me? You still drown in your 55-year-old dream!"

   "Come on, Miss Hoshino!" Shizuka behind Hoshino cheered softly.

   "Unceremoniously, this penguin-controlled perverted old man!" Kyoko Sora shook his fists twice as a threat.

   Hoshino responded with a handsome thumbs up to the two behind him: "You can rest assured to give your body to me, I will take good care of it!"

   "Master, what you said just now is a bit unsound~" Lily's eyes narrowed into a slit lily.

   "Don't care about such small things~"

   Turning his gaze to Lily, Hoshino asked: "Lily, if you think you become the leader of the deck, what kind of abilities do you have."

   Although the rule of card group rule sounds like a rhetoric at first, its real effect should be linked to the characteristics of different cards, not just talking about it.

  Lily tilted her cute little head, put her finger against her chin and thought: "If I want to become a qualified leader, I need to grow faster..."

   "Grow up." Hoshino also thought about it.

   "Of course, if you can help me with Merlin, you will be able to control the deck with greater peace of mind!"

   Hoshino's eyes lit up suddenly: "Merlin! Yo Xi, I seem to understand!"

   Throwing his finger forward, Hoshino declared: "Go saberlily, I specially call my deck leader [Heroic Spirit-Altria Pandoragon Lily] to play!"

   "Then I'll be on, master!" Lily, who was standing next to Hoshino, took a step forward with firm eyes.

  【Heroic Spirit-Altria Pandoragon lily★★★★(4 stars) Light】【Dragons/Effect ATK: 1200DEF: 800】

  Otaki Shuzo taunted: "Hahaha, there are still cute penguins who are too weak to dislike me? Chiyuki Hoshino, your deck leader is not even as good as the penguin!"

   "Don't compare my lily with your penguins, activate lily's own special effects. When the Special Summon is successful, choose 1 [Heroic] monster to add to your hand!"

  Lily held up the sword of gold: "A hero who is a thousand riders, respond to the call of the holy sword!"

   "The card I added to my hand is this one, [Heroic Spirit-Matthew Girelette]!"

   Hoshino, who had included Matthew in the hand card, did not immediately summon it.

   "Next is the time to show the power of lily deck leader! One of the effects of lily deck leader!"

   Without putting down the golden sword in her hand, Lily's expression became more serious, and then took a deep breath and shouted: "Merlin, come to me!"

  【Deck Leadership Effect: ①: Once per round. Add 1 [Hero Shaping] from the deck and graveyard to your hand. This effect is added to the hand card [Hero Shaping] can only be activated for the leader of the deck. 】

Under the light of the holy sword, Merlin's hooded translucent figure gradually appeared.

   "Ah la la, master and Altria. Although I can't do my best now, please let me give you the blessings of flowers on the way forward!"

   "Because of the effect of the deck leader, I activated and used the quick attack magic [Hero Shaping]!" Hoshino fell heavily and used the cards, and the magic power on the golden sword in Lily's hand skyrocketed instantly.

   [Hero Shaped Quick Attack Magic Effect: Only activate with a [Heroic] monster on your field. The attack power and defense power of that monster increase by 1000 points until the end of the turn. When fighting an opponent's monster, the battle damage dealt to the opponent is doubled. 】

  【SaberlilyATK: 1200→2200】

   Hoshino swung forward hard and entered the battle flow: "Start an attack, target [Flying Penguin], let him see the will that rests on the Holy Sword!"

   "Oh oh oh oh oh!" Holding hands with the soaring golden magic power, Lily pointed the tip of the sword at the [Flying Penguin] in the sky.

   "The chosen sword, give me strength! This is the sword that cuts off evil-the golden sword (Caliburn)!"

   The dazzling golden light shot from the holy sword bombarded the plump body of the flying penguin. The flying penguin that was shot down by the light fell on the ice sheet.

  [Flying Penguin] Destroyed, Otaki Shusan LP: 4000→3700→3400

   "Great, I made it master!" Lily reported back excitedly.

   "It's well done, lily, then I will summon the [Heroic Spirit-Matthew Gilead] who has just been retrieved in a defensive manner!"

   [Heroic Spirit-Matthew Girelette★★★★ (4 stars) Light] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 1000 DEF: 2000]


   "Senior! Actually, I think I can also be the leader of the deck!"

   Ma Xiu, who was on the court with the light materialized, had a lonely look in her eyes for some reason.

   Perceiving Matthew's anomaly, Hoshino asked, "What happened, Matthew?"

   "Because, because..." The soft voice was mixed with obvious grievances, and Matthew lowered his head and said: "Because Senior hasn't called me for a long time. It seems that the stronger Senior doesn't need me anymore!"

   "No, it's nothing, Matthew..." Although Hoshino comforted him like this, it seemed that he hadn't used Matthew for a while.

   At the time in the Kingdom of Duelists, the card was not very comprehensive. Standing at the forefront, Matthew, almost every duel will help Hoshino to block all kinds of fierce attacks.

   "So I think if I can become the leader of the deck, I will definitely be able to help seniors again!"

Chapter 218: The Guardian Has Never Been Broken

   "Alright, alright, you will definitely be arranged for Matthew to be the leader of the deck in the next game~"

   Facing the eggplant that was almost playing with a lemon, Hoshino could only choose to smooth it first.

   "That's it, it must be!" Ma Xiu, holding a shield in front of him, turned back and confirmed several times, "You can't lie to me, senior!"

   And behind him is Hoshino, who lights his head like a chicken pecking rice.

   "Cover 2 more cards, the round ends."

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 4

   Hoshino, who didn't choose to launch a fierce attack this round, had his own plan. Based on the personality of the perverted old man and the old fritters, the deck leader must have hidden other characteristics.

   First choose a conservative wave, and use this weak chicken penguin control to completely figure out the rules of the deck command, which will also be of great help to future operations.

   "My turn, draw a card! Hehehe, there are so many cute girls on the court, it's a really enjoyable duel~" Shuzo Otaki who drew the card showed a hairy smile.

   "Senior, what kind of attack is this that can actually penetrate my shield!" Unbelievable Ma Xiu asked with an uncomfortable expression: "I feel uncomfortable now, as if I have been in a negative state!"

   Hoshino didn’t know how to explain it, his eyes twitched: “Mash, don’t look at this filthy thing in your eyes. You’ll be blind.”

   "It turned out to be for the negative state of the battle vision, I understand!" Mashu hiding behind the shield, adjusted the angle just to block the figure of Shuzo Otaki in front.

   "This round, the old man will show you the other characteristics of the card group leader, as well as the final effect of the card group leader [Nightmare Penguin]!" Raising the arm of the duel plate, Otaki Shuzo drew a card in his hand and threw it out.

   "Take the nightmare penguin on the field as a sacrifice, and attack the superior summon monster card [Emperor Penguin]!"

  【Great Emperor Penguin★★★★★(5 stars) water】【ATK:1800DEF:1500】

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