After the   Nightmare Penguin was liberated, the [Great Emperor Penguin], which was several times larger than the average penguin, was physically located on the ice sheet.

   "Is the deck leader as a sacrifice?!" Hoshino's eyes were slightly startled.

   "Hehe, this is the third characteristic of the deck leader that the old man wants to show!"

   [③: Monsters summoned using the card leader as a material, or monsters that appear based on the card leader leaving the field, inherit the position of the card leader. And perfectly inherit the status and command skills of the deck leader. 】

"Because of the characteristics of the deck leader, [Great Emperor Penguin] has become the old man's brand new deck leader, and it has perfectly inherited the state of [Nightmare Penguin] whose attack power has been increased by 700 points (500 points for penguin monsters and 200 points for water attribute monsters), And [Penguin] monster's commanding skill that increases attack power and defense power by 500 points!"

   The violent Emperor Penguin, after inheriting the position of command, soaring momentum, his huge body is constantly jumping on the ice.

   "Total attack power increased, 1,200 points!"

   [Great Emperor Penguin ATK: 1800→3000]

   Kyoko who was watching the battle exclaimed: "You can use the characteristics of the deck leader to continuously stack the attack power, so that the penguin's attack power can be improved to be comparable to that of the blue-eyed white dragon!"

   Shizuka looked worriedly at Hoshino's back: "It always feels dangerous, Miss Hoshino."

   "The young old man has only penguins as company!"

   Without warning, Otaki Shuzo suddenly entered the memory mode.

   "In order to bring the spirit of childhood and the beauty of the cute penguins to more children, the old man has set up a penguin swimming pool in the seahorse paradise..."

   "Uncle, we definitely don't want to listen to your memories, okay, hurry up and continue!" Hoshino looked helpless, looking at Otaki Shuzo who was inexplicably sorrowful, and urged.

   "But the Haima Raito, the Haima Seti actually told the old man!" Otaki Shuzo gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with anger.

   (Hippocampus: "Pandas are enough for black and white things!")

   "Wow, this is really too much!" Although I didn't want to hear the memories of this uncle, Hoshino felt a little sympathetic to him after learning the truth. With the stinky character of the hippocampus, it is perfectly possible to do such a thing.

   "So, the old man wants to obtain the body of a lovely female high student, and then take revenge on the seahorse who trampled on the dignity of the penguin and the old man!"

   Hoshino complained with all his might: "If you get revenge, you have revenge. You have half a dime relationship with a girl's high school student. To put it bluntly, it's a perverted uncle!"

"Shut up! You are such a female high school student who enjoys the convenience of a young and cute appearance, how can you appreciate the pain of such an ugly uncle like me!" Shuzo Otaki, who almost roared, fell vigorously on the duel plate Cards.

   "Feel the anger of the old man's revenge! Activate the equipment magic card, [Huge]! Because my HP is less than yours, [Great Emperor Penguin] has doubled the attack power!"

  【Great Emperor Penguin ATK: 3000→6000】

   "Hey, you are silly, how do I remember that the huge increase should only be the original attack power!" Hoshino immediately pointed out the error loudly.

"Hehe, because of the increased attack power of the deck commander effect, it is considered the original attack power of the deck commander!" The [Great Emperor Penguin] swelled to twice the size of the original, and the heavy body gradually crushed the ice on the soles of the feet. .

   "The leader of the deck opposite the target, [The Emperor Penguin] launches an attack!" Commanding his giant penguin to launch an attack, the anger and desire in the old man's eyes almost overflowed.

   "Hoshino Chiyuki, your lovely body, the old man will accept it unceremoniously! And before you fail, I will tell you the final characteristics of the deck leader."

   [④: The player who loses the leader of the deck is deemed to have failed the duel. 】

   "Under the bombardment of the Great Emperor Penguin Blizzard, let's be wiped out in ashes!" The huge penguin, stirring up its unspeakable huge wings, set off a sharp ice storm to blow towards Saberlily.

   "Danger, Miss Lily!" Matthew leaped flexibly in front of Lily, roared, and inserted the shield (dining table) in his hand into the ice under his feet with all his strength.

   "Even if I can't keep up, I will try my best to protect the master and everyone!"

In the face of the blizzard, Hoshino counterattacked: "Activate the special effect of [Heroic-Matthew Girelette]. When this card indicates that it exists, the opponent can only choose Matthew as the target of attack, and the defense mode Matthew will not be destroyed!"

   "Oh oh oh oh! —— meaning the shield of decision to rise up!!" The shield standing in the violent cold wind, without wavering, blocked a fatal blow of up to 6000 attack power for Hoshino.

"It's useless, activate the final command effect of [Great Emperor Penguin]-this card can do 2 attacks in 1 round! And your Matthew must change form after being attacked." Otaki Shuzo laughed triumphantly: "Hoshino Qianxue, in order to seize your body, I have carefully studied every duel of yours!"

   "Oh? Then you have studied me so many duels, have you come to a conclusion?"

   "Huh? What conclusion?"

   On the ice sheet, huge gates rose from the ground, perfectly isolating the blade-sharp Blizzard. "That is, no one has ever broken through the guardianship of Matthew!"

   "Real name, unfolding-standing in the midst of disaster!"

Chapter 219: One million words breakthrough! !

   "That is our hometown that can heal all wounds, and heal all resentments-let's show the "an ideal city that is far away!!"

   The two cover cards of Hoshino opened together with the glorious Camelot wall, and the interweaving power blocked the second attack of the card group leader [The Emperor Penguin].

   Lily sighed with shining eyes: "Wow! It's Camelot~ Ma Xiu can summon the entire gate of Camelot, it's amazing!"

   "Because of the quick attack magic [Glory of Camelot], the monsters on the field are given the effect that they will not be destroyed by battle once! So the attacks of [Great Emperor Penguin] cannot break my deck leader Lily!"

  Otaki Osamu three times questioned: "Don't be kidding, even if it won't be destroyed by battle, the attack power of the Emperor Penguin 6000 is enough to empty your health!"

   Hoshino smiled relaxedly and replied: "Yes, with the attack power of the Emperor Penguin, it will indeed clear my health directly. Otherwise, I can't activate this card."

   "Trap Card [I will exterminate all poisons]!"

  【I will exterminate all poison trap cards. Effect: You can only activate it when you have suffered more than basic damage. That damage becomes 0. After that, I revert to the basic points of the number of [Heroic] monsters on the field, graveyard, and excluded X200. 】

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 4000→4400

   After the city gate, Pure White Phantom offset the fatal damage. The absolute defense formed by the intertwined gentle forces cut off the ugly desires of Otaki Osamu.

  Otaki Shuzo strongly squeezed the card in his hand and shouted: "How can it be repaired, the old man thought that he could finally realize his dream and get that young and beautiful body!"

   "I said I won't let you succeed. Don't take it for granted that perverted behavior is named as a dream!"

   Hoshino hesitated without hesitation. After fully understanding the characteristics of the deck leader, the old man in front of her had no use value in her eyes.

   "Just block an attack from the leader of the old card group, don't be too arrogant."

   After being scolded by Hoshino, Otaki Shuzo who recovered his sanity instead glanced at his hand card and thought silently.

   "Although the [Great Emperor Penguin] with 6000 attack power is fearless, but to be safe, I still bury this [Broken Armor]. As long as Hoshino Chiyuki uses her deck to lead the attack, the victory belongs to me!"

   "Hehe, cover a card, and the round is over!" Otaki Shuzo, who had a perfect abacus, put down the duel board proudly.

   Otaki Shusan Remaining hand cards: 3 cards, 1 cover card

   "My round, draw a card!"

   pointed the card out to the old man on the opposite side, and Hoshino said: "This round, I will crush your abnormal behavior called Dream!"

   Some unbelievable Shizuka, looking at the penguin who is bigger than the blue-eyed ultimate dragon, timidly asked: "The deck leader on the opposite side has 6000 attack power, is it really okay for Miss Hoshino?"

   Kyoko replied firmly: "Since Hoshino said there is no problem, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!"

   "Activate the effect of [Glory and Eternal Camelot]! At the beginning of the round, the [Heroic] monsters on our side except Ma Xiu will increase their attack power equal to the value of Ma Xiu's defense power, 2000 points!"

   "Come on, Miss Saberlily!" Matthew, who passed the power, encouraged.

  【SaberlilyATK: 1200→3200】

   Shizuka nervously held Kyoko's delicate jade hand beside her: "Although 2000 points are a lot, it's still not enough..."

   waved the holy sword in my hand to pull out a golden golden light, Lily said sternly: "I can't rely on Matthew's power alone, I must work harder and grow more!"

   Responding to Lily's decision, Hoshino said: "Yes! Work hard and grow, this is the final effect of Lily's deck leadership!"

   [②: During the preparation phase of your turn, the attack power of the deck leader increases by 1000. 】

  【SaberlilyATK: 3200→4200】

   "And because of the effect of the saberlily deck leader, add the [hero shaping] in the cemetery to the hand card and activate it!"

  【SaberlilyATK: 4200→5200】

"Oh oh oh oh! Master, I feel the blooming magic power and the road to blooming flowers ahead!" Lily, with huge magic power lingering around her body, said with emotion, "Unexpectedly, it can grow to such a level! Too! incredible!"

   "Hoshino Chiyuki, is this your limit? The increase in attack power by 4000 in one breath is commendable, but it's a pity, it's almost a little bit~" Otaki Shuzo, who has the dual guarantee of monsters and traps, opened the taunt mode.

"Limit? That's not something you are qualified to see~" Easily refuted the opponent's ridicule, Hoshino threw out the third monster: "Summon the monster card in the form of attack [Heroic-Von Hohenheim Paracelsus] !"

   [Heroic-Von Hornheim Paracelsus ★★★★ (4 stars) dark] [Magician/Effect ATK: 1000DEF: 1600]

  【This card can only be activated if it is successfully summoned or Special Summoned. Add a magic card with the description of [Heroic] from the deck to your hand. 】

"And activate the effect of Hoinheim, add a magic card with the description of [Heroic] from the deck to the hand card!" The retrieved card was suddenly drawn, and Hoshino directly threw it onto the duel board. .

   "The general, abnormal penguin control! Launch the quick attack magic [Dream Summon]! Fuse the 3 monsters on the field!"

  Otaki Shuzo, who was still laughing just now, was as if he was hitting the stop button and was directly sluggish: "Nani, it's a fusion!"

   Hoshino field, the heroic spirits transformed into three rays of light, gathered together to become a brand-new warrior of light.

   "According to the characteristics of the deck leader, the new monster summoned using the deck leader lily as the fusion material will inherit the position of the deck leader!"

   Raised his arms high and pointed to the sky, the bright light cut through the cold wind, and fell on the ice continent.

   "Fusion Summoning, come on! My brand new deck leader-[Heroine-Heroine of Mystery X]!"

   [Heroine-Heroine of Mystery X★★★★★★★★★ (9 stars) Light] [Dragon/Fusion/Effect ATK: 3000DEF: 2000]

  X-Sang, holding the holy sword in his hand, sorted out the cap that was crooked because of the fall, and declared full of determination, "Code: Heroine X, come to report in order to wipe out Saber!"

   "According to the characteristics of the deck leader, the new deck leader that inherits the position of leader will perfectly inherit the state of the original deck leader! That is to say, the attack power of the heroine of the fan X is increased by 4000 points!"

  【Mysterious Heroine XATK: 3000→7000】

   "Attack power of 7000!" Although I believed Hoshino very much, the arrival of this moment still detonated Kyoko and Shizuka's excitement.

   "So strong, so strong energy!" Feeling his soaring attack, X Sang said in surprise.

   "With such a powerful force, even the Golden Emperor-Universe Gilgamesh can be killed!"

   "Hmm, let's start!" Waving his hand to the huge Emperor Penguin opposite, Hoshino gave the final combat command: "X-san, target the saber penguin, swing the inscription victory sword with all your strength!"

   "Oh! It turns out that the big thing is also a saber, it really feels like a saber!"

   X with open arms called out loudly, and the second black holy sword appeared in his hand because of the power of the fan.

   "At this moment, the interweaving of light and darkness is the strongest! Kataphrakti·Shift! See the power of the kingly way!"

  Using the X-Sang of the two-sword style, flying and dragging two two-color light trails towards the Great Emperor Penguin.

   "Obviously it is the first time to use the deck command rules, so I can use the commanding ability to such an extent." Facing Hoshino's strong offensive and counterattack, Otaki Shuzo couldn't help sighing the horror of the true duel king.

   "However, fortunately, I left a hand and opened the trap card [Burst Armor]! The leader of the deck you attacked was destroyed!"

   Frantically opened the cover card, Otaki Shusan faced the victory that was close at hand, so excited that he was going to lose his breath.

   "I won this duel in the end, Chiyuki Hoshino! My dream, my wish finally..."

"All said, I will crush your perverted behavior called Dream! The fusion effect of the mysterious heroine X!" Hoshino who interrupted Otaki Shuzo's crazy cry, just as X swung a sword to cut off the explosion in front of him As swift as the flame.

   [[Altria] monster + [Heroic] monster + light attribute monster. 】

   [①: The card summoned by the fusion of 3 monsters with light attribute effects is not affected by the effects of other cards. 】

"Because of Hoinheim's effect, it can be used as [Light], [Water], [Fire], [Earth], [Wind] monsters at the same time, so it satisfies the fusion effect of Mysterious Heroine X! A mere [Broken Armor] , I also want to block me, it's so weird!"

   Breaking through the severed explosion flames, the brilliant sword of light cut out by two swords, blooming gorgeously on the huge body of the Great Emperor Penguin.

   "Impossible, the old man’s dream, the old man’s dream of becoming a female high school student for so many years, will actually be ruined in the hands of a female high school student!"

   "Oh oh oh! This is the last star lightsaber-"Wu Ming Victory Sword"!!!" The X slash with the logo exploded on the Emperor Penguin's body, smashing the deck leader directly.

   Because the deck leader left the field, the duel ended, the winner Chiyuki Hoshino

   "As a female high student, it is also very hard!!!"

Chapter 220: Naia's Hospitality

   In a closed space filled with several screens, Naia sitting on a seat with operating buttons, one hand propped his face and watched one of the scenes with interest.

Every screen in front of   Naya shows real-time images of the Big Five fighting a group of people in the game in order to seize the body. The duelists who first came into contact with the rules of the deck, even the king would inevitably fall into a hard fight, but there is only this exception...

"Oh? Actually figured out the rules of the deck leader in two rounds, and easily defeated Otaki Shuzo. Isn’t it true that Hoshino Chiyuki? There are records showing that she was a woman who had a tie with Seto, and Seto did. I personally presented her special duel plate..."

   Operated the buttons twice with one hand, and Naiya zoomed in on the screen in front of him, clearly showing a close-up of Hoshino's face.

   "I didn't expect that Seto would like this type, hahaha, it's really interesting." As if thinking of some interesting conspiracy, Noah laughed cheerfully.

   "The thought of seeing Seto's embarrassment makes me feel so refreshed!"


   "You won, Miss Hoshino won!"

   After watching Otaki Shuzo's virtual body shattered like a monster being smashed, the three of them felt extremely happy when they hit their hearts.

   Hoshino, who put away the duel plate, said with emotion: "I have fought so many duels, but this is the first time I feel like doing harm to the people."

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