Kyoko observed the surrounding scenery without any movement: "So, since the boy named Noa said to play the game with a duel monster, if we win, does it mean we can go out?"

   "It's probably not that simple..." Hoshino's tone suddenly became serious. During the conversation between the three of them, a door that was incompatible with the icefield environment appeared out of thin air in the original location of Otaki Shuzo.

"It looks like we are going to go in. As for where we can go, we can't say for sure." Even if you win the duel, in this virtual world where Yuna has the final say, he and his companions are still absolutely weak, and Hoshino is equally aware. At this point.

   "Ms. Hoshino, do we want to go in?" I don't know what to do with Shizuka, so I can only ask for help and rely on Hoshino's judgment.

   Pushing the door open without hesitation, Hoshino replied: "Of course I want to go in. If you don't actively advance the game flow, you won't be able to see the follow-up BOSS."

   squeak —~

   Mingming seemed to be a brand new door, but unexpectedly made the sound of an old wooden door.

"This is!"

   appeared in front of the three people, is almost at two extremes with the ice field outside the door. The magnificent decoration and noble and elegant style inside the door resemble a luxurious castle inhabited by nobles, and even more exquisite than the castle of Bekas, the kingdom of duels back then.

   "Welcome to my house, beautiful ladies~" It sounded a little immature, but he said words that did not fit the age of the voice at all.

   Looking at the green-haired boy who slowly walked down the stairs on the second floor, the three of them couldn't help opening their small mouths.

   "Hippocampus, Naia?" The surprised Hoshino was already mentally prepared to challenge the subsequent intermediate or advanced BOSS, but he did not expect that the final BOSS would appear in front of him in the next second.

   "It is really rude to put the beautiful ladies on the ice sheet to be frozen." Noah, who came to Hoshino and the others, raised his hand and snapped a crisp finger.

   Then there was a fire, and the fireplace in the corner lit a very warm flame without warning.

   Of course, it’s just what it looks like. No matter it’s the ice field or the fireplace, you can’t feel the real temperature.

   "Naya..." Hoshino didn't know how to speak as he looked at the young man with extremely confident expression in front of him.

Naia, who seemed to understand Hoshino's gaze, laughed at herself and laughed twice: "Hahaha, is it funny? Yes, this is my life for so many years! Virtual world, virtual data. No temperature, no sense of reality. , Nothing but the so-called'consciousness'!"

   "Is that why you plan to take the body?" Kyoko asked straightforwardly. At least the boy in front of him looks more serious than the perverted penguin.

   "I don't care about your bodies, my goal is only one, and that is the seahorse mane!" When it comes to seahorses, Noah's originally mild eyes suddenly give an indescribable chill.

   Shizuka hurriedly asked: "Since you are not interested in us, can you let us out?"

   "It's not impossible to let you out. But your friends are still fighting~" After that, Naia raised her arm again, and a screen showing different duel locations appeared suspended in the room.

   "Everyone?!" The familiar figure on the screen attracted the attention of the three.

   "Game, Akashia!" In the jungle, there is a dueling king and Akashia watching from the sidelines. This made Hoshino finally relieved, since staying with Wang-like, it should be very safe.

   "In the castle, the Peacock Dance?!" It looks like a court room, and the castle is standing in front of the Peacock Dance, fighting with the five giants on the opposite side.

   "Mr. Honda!" In the scene that looked like a factory, only Honda faced it alone.

   "Does this fellow Honda fight a duel?" There is no need for Hoshino to worry about the other two sides. Regardless of Wang Yang, even with the strength of the city, he would never lose to the Big Five, so the most dangerous one should still be on Honda's side.

"Mr. Honda is very powerful!" Never expected that Shizuka, who had always been weak, was unexpectedly confident this time. "Mr. Honda used to tell me that he is a master who teaches O'Neill to duels. That must be better than O'Neill is even better!"

   Hoshino and Kyoko couldn't help twitching their mouths twice, "Shizuka, this should just be Honda's bragging in order to make a good impression in front of you."

   "This stupid Honda!" Kyoko was helpless, even she could see that Honda was only one step away from failure.

  Naya's triumphant laughter sounded again: "Hahaha, although the level of the Big Five is not very good, but with the rules of the deck leadership, it can still make the best of the duel city into a hard fight!"

"Does Honda have to pretend that kind of middle-aged uncle will be in Honda's body in the future?" When Hoshino thought of the end of Honda's failure, Hoshino felt like it was not unacceptable, anyway, Honda didn't exist anyway. feel.

   "So Hoshino Chiyuki, as the first duel who defeated the Big Five, I Naia decided to reward you-that's a chance to challenge me!"

   Hoshino frowned: "Challenge you?"

   "As long as you win, even if your companions lose, you will not be taken from your body."

   Hoshino didn’t believe it. As the mastermind behind the scenes, Naia, who holds the absolute initiative, shouldn’t offer unfavorable conditions for him: "Naia? Are you planning something strange again?"

   "Hahaha, it's really convenient to communicate with smart people." Naiya waved his backhand, and the surrounding castle scenes began to change.

   "But if you lose, your consciousness will be controlled by me and let me at my mercy. When Haima Seti sees his favorite woman obeys me, hahahahaha, I really look forward to his expression at that time!"

   "My favorite woman, did I say you made a mistake?"

Chapter 221: Can you also be the leader of the deck?

   "I said you did something wrong?" Facing Naia's inexplicable words, Monk Hoshino was puzzled.

   "Hippocampus likes me, stop kidding..."

Hoshino murmured in his heart: "It is estimated that the effect of finding a blue-eyed white dragon is much better than finding me. I bet that if you control the blue-eyed white dragon to fly back and forth in front of the seahorse, the seahorse will be on the spot. Myocardial infarction."

   Obviously, Noah's understanding of the hippocampus is not as profound as Hoshino's. If the positions of Naya and Hoshino were to be exchanged, Haima would definitely die miserably.

   "For your friends, can you accept this proposal? Hoshino Chiyuki?"

   I don't know when Naiya, who has installed the duel plate on his arm, asked again.

   "Of course, your refusal is also reasonable. I can think that you believe that your friends will not fail, or that... you value your own interests more than the so-called friendship."

  Naya’s questioning words sounded very smooth, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Honda could not win at all.

   "Friendship and self-interest?" Hoshino repeated.

   "Miss Hoshino..."


   Kyoko and Shizuka must hope that Honda will not be taken away by such an uncle. But they also know that they are not qualified to ask Hoshino to gamble on themselves to save Honda.

   "You two, don't put on such a tangled expression." Hoshino sighed in response, "Honda is also my friend, of course I will not abandon him."

   "Miss Hoshino!" Shizuka's expression suddenly relaxed upon hearing Hoshino's answer.

   However, Kyoko's worry between her eyebrows did not alleviate at all, "Hoshino, is this really good?"

   The Naia in front of him is obviously the final BOSS of this game, and he has absolute rights in this virtual world. It would be difficult for even Hoshino to win a duel with such a GM equivalent.

   "Well, I know Kyoko..." Feeling Kyoko's worry, Hoshino turned his head and turned his gaze to the boy who seemed to be in his early ten years. In the few times that Ina just showed, it is not difficult to see that he has the ability to call the wind and the rain in this virtual world.

   "But even so, it's not the reason why I watched my companion be taken away by the middle-aged uncle." The determined Hoshino quickly started the duel. Afterwards, the image space that Naiya had just waved and changed also gradually stabilized.

   This time everyone did not move a step, they came from the magnificent castle to the vast and vast wasteland. The dusty yellow earth is covered with only a few tenacious green plants.

   "Such a vast space, even the battle between you and me is enough~" Naia, who opened her arms, pretended to enjoy the false air and sunshine.

   Hoshino, who observed the surrounding wasteland, said with emotion: "I have specially transferred the battlefield for me. This is really the highest level of treatment."

"Of course." Noah said sternly, "I won't despise your level to be able to draw with Seto, Hoshino. But it is precisely because you can only draw with Seto, so you will never win. I!"

"Tie? Me and Seahorse..." Hoshino recalled, tilting his head, "You said that Seahorse Raipi had to say a tie duel! If you just judge my strength in this way, then you might want to Cheating, little brother Gonya."

   "Little...little brother?!" Naia, who has been calm since she appeared, her expression became complicated for the first time, "Don't call me little brother, it's just that the body in the virtual world can't grow!"

   "If you can't grow up, it's a little brother to me~" Although he pretended to be mature, the appearance of Xiaozheng in a panic was unexpectedly interesting. Hoshino couldn't help but tease.

   "Stop talking nonsense, let's set the deck leader!" Seeing that Hoshino was playing with him, Naia quickly recovered his usual composure.

   "Hmm~" Draw the card, Hoshino smiled confidently: "Of course the leader of my deck is, my cute little eggplant, [Heroic Spirit-Matthew Gillett]!"

   Colored eggplant is out! .jpg

   The materialized Matthew, with a lovely face full of surprises: "Hey~! Did you really choose me as the leader of the deck?"

  Ma Xiu confused Hoshino with this one: "Didn't Matthew, you said in the last game, do you think you can be the leader of the deck?"

"But..." Ma Xiu lowered his head and clicked on two index fingers: "I thought the second game was also a duel with that kind of weak opponent. Who knew that Senior would directly challenge the final boss. La."

   "Uh, it turned out to be like this." What Ma Xiu said is not unreasonable, and even Hoshino himself did not expect the progress of the strategy to be so fast.

   "So, would it be better to choose Miss Lily, who has a clear command effect, or Mr. Wang, who is reliable at all times?"

   Even though Ma Xiu said so, the look of expectation that he dare not say, still did not escape Hoshino's keen eyes.

   Hoshino shook his head, and replied firmly, "No, I want Mathew to be the leader of my deck!"

   "Really, senior?!" The expectation in Ma Xiu's eyes increased a bit.

   "Of course, did I lie to Matthew?" Hoshino didn't choose without consideration.

   Saberlily commander's offensive effect is very strong, but it will be more effective when bullying a weak duel of the Big Five.

   As for ceremonial monsters like Gilgamesh, they can't be played through ordinary special summoning methods at all, so they shouldn't be the leader of the deck.

"I will be most relieved only by giving my back to Matthew!" And if the deck leader is defeated, the duel will fail, so I chose Matthew, who is good at defense, as the leader to deal with the unknown strength of Naia. , May well be the best choice.

   "Have you chosen, then it's my turn." Seeing that Hoshino's deck leader was already standing beside him, Naiya didn't hurriedly drew a card.

   "This is my deck leader, the ritual magic card [Ark of Miracles]!"

   "Huh? The ritual magic card can also be used as the deck leader?!" This operation of Naia really made Hoshino surprise. Generally, when you set the card group leader, you will think of monster cards as soon as possible, but there is indeed no rule that other types of cards cannot be used as the card group leader.

   "Too despicable, choose ritual magic as the deck leader, how can I defeat it?"

  Naya shrugged: "Despicable? This is just a reasonable tactic. Besides, under normal circumstances, no one would summon the deck leader to play. Even if the deck leader is not summoned, the command skills can still be used."

   "Uh, it seems to be such a thing~" Hoshino scratched his head, and Naiai reminded him that he seemed to have found a blind spot. Since the deck leader is defeated, it is tantamount to failure. It is stupid to summon the deck leader to go up in the first round like yourself.

   "Then, let's start, this duel of creation of heaven and earth!"

   "A duel to create heaven and earth?"

Chapter 222: VS Naia, hotter than lava

   Hoshino Chiyuki vs Sea Horse Naia

   "The duel begins (Duel)!"

   With the sound of the duel horn, the yellow ground of the wasteland shook violently.

   "Hey? What's the matter!"

   Facing the sudden earthquake, Hoshino was also unable to stand firm and almost fell to the ground.

   "Senior, are you okay!" Seeing Hoshino's swaying body following the ground, Matthew said worriedly.

   "Hehe, then I will attack first, draw the card!"

  Naya, who was not touched by the earthquake at all, drew the card first.

   "It's too despicable!" Hoshino yelled, "I used this method to steal the first strike!"

   If you use this method at the beginning, Hoshino can already predict how severe this duel will unfold in the future.

   "Don't be so impatient, Hoshino, no, I actually prefer to call you Qianxue."

   Standing on the shaking ground, Noah seemed to be in a very good mood, "Snow is really pure and flawless, just like this new born earth."

   "The newborn earth, what are you talking about...Wow, wow, what's going on?!" Hoshino got used to the shaking, and it was just a virtual image. After a little stabilization, he can also be as unmoved as Naia.

   But the yellow earth, which was shaking more and more violently, collapsed from the feet of Hoshino, and red magma was flowing in dense and wide cracks. The originally dusty wasteland was also completely gone, and the fragmented ground showed the color of crimson lava.

   "Kyoko, Shizuka!" Hoshino, who quickly looked back at the situation of his companions, found that the two also happened to be standing on the ground that was not covered by magma.

   "Even if it is a virtual image, this is my entire world! Let's start the official duel on the earth where the heaven and earth created the original appearance!" After completing the preparation work, Niya finally officially started her round.

   "Summon [Rock Giant Soldier] in defensive mode, then cover 1 card, and the round is over!"

   Proficiently dropped two cards on his duel board. On the surface of Naia's field that was not swallowed by magma, a huge stone statue was materialized.

   [Rock Giant ★★★ (3 stars) Land] [Rock Clan ATK: 1300DEF: 2000]

  Naya remaining hand cards: 4

"It was so fancy, but the start was unexpectedly simple and neat, pure little brother Naia~" Hoshino drew a card, even though there was crimson lava flowing at his feet, this kind of temperatureless image could not stop it at all. A heart that speaks.

   Naia, who was indifferent, seemed to be immune to Hoshino's ridicule.

   "Cut, it's boring!" Seeing that Naia didn't respond, Hoshino started the round seriously: "Summoned by attack, [Heroic Spirit-Kiyohime]!"

  【Heroic Spirit-Kiyohime★★★(3 stars) Flame】【Dragon Clan/Effect ATK: 800 DEF: 500】

   Similar to the rock giant, the materialized Kiyohime also appeared on the surface of the Hoshino field that was not buried by magma.

   Even if it's a trio who can swim in lava, don't perform this kind of stunt in this case.

   "Oh oh oh~ what a hot environment, it's just like the heart of Qinghime's love master!"

   "Forget it as hot as magma... it will burn." Hoshino spit out while drew out a hand card and threw it into the cemetery area of ​​the duel board.

   "Activate the special effect of [Heroic-Kiyohime] and discard the [Heroic-Jeanne] in your hand."

  【You can only activate by discarding a heroic monster from your hand. The ATK and DEF of this card will increase by half of the ATK and DEF of the discarded monster until the end of the turn. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

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