"Because of Kiyohime's effect, the attack power increased by half of the dropped monster's attack power, which is 1250 points!"

  【Heroic-Kiyohime ATK: 800→2050】

   "Go to Kiyomi, and dance like a dragon of flame!"

   "Hate... Because of the master, Kiyohime's body is almost hotter than lava~" Qinghime, who was holding her chest, blushed and said shyly.

   The dark blue flames that were disturbed seemed to be hotter than the crimson magma.

   "—turn around and fire samādhi!"

   The blue fire dragon roaring, instantly wrapped around the body of the giant rock soldier, and the giant rock soldier after being roasted at high temperature slowly melted the magma flowing into it.

  【The Giant Soldier of the Rock】Destroy

   Looking at the monster on the field that was melted by the high temperature, Naia said with emotion: "Even a rock giant with 2000 defensive power can easily be defeated in the first round. It really is Qianxue~"

   "Little brother Noya, if you want to get close to your sister, you should be before the duel, not when the duel has already started." The battle process ended, Hoshino with a card was buried, and the duel plate was put down.

   "After I started the duel, my six relatives didn't recognize me. The round is over!"

   Hoshino’s remaining hand cards: 3 cards, 1 cover card

   "My turn, draw a card! Then summon the monster [Sage Chiron] as an attack!" Still ignoring Hoshino's teasing, Noah, who started the round, threw out the monster card to prepare to counterattack.

   [Sage Chiron ★★★★ (4 stars) Land] [Beast Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 1800DEF: 1000]

   Charon the centaur, holding a staff of red gems, stood on the crimson ground.

   Hoshino cheered secretly: "Hehe, my Chiron is more handsome, I won!"

   "Activate the special effect of [Sage Chiron]!" Just as Hoshino was snickering, Chiron's light beam shot through the ruby ​​staff hit the only Gecka in the backcourt.

   [Discard a magic card from your hand. Destroy 1 Spell/Trap card on the opponent's field. This effect can be used once per turn. 】

   The dazzling beam, after Naia threw away the magic in his hand, shattered Gika in the backcourt of Hoshino.

   "This way your monster will lose the protection of the trap, attack [Sage Chiron]!"

   Entering the battle flow, Chiron, who was waving the staff in his hand, violently threw three magic bullets towards Qing Ji.

   "Yeah, master, danger!" Seeing the oncoming light bombs, Kiyohime urged: "Quickly throw the Okita Souji in the card to Kiyohime to increase his attack power!"

   "Sorry, Okita really didn't come this time..." You group of heroic spirits seem to have a 100% card hand rate.

   "But it doesn't matter! Activate the leadership effect of the card group leader [Heroic Spirit-Matthew Girelette]!"

   Ma Xiu, who had been standing behind Hoshino, finally received the command from Hoshino.

   "Because of the characteristics of the deck leader, even if Matthew hasn't been summoned to play, he can still use his abilities!" He waved his finger to the star field ahead and called out, "Go on Matthew, now is the time to show your leadership!"

   "Senior!" Raising the shield in his hand, Matthew's gentle energy sprinkled on the venue.

   [Once per turn, it can only be activated by targeting 1 monster on your side. That monster will not be destroyed by battle until the end of the turn. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn. 】

  "—Time is a hazy chalky wall!"

   The sacred guardian light enveloped Qing Ji, and the looming shield of light blocked all the three magic bullets of Chiron.

Chapter 223: Seven Singularities in Human History VS Seven Rounds of Creation of Heaven and Earth

   "The leader of the defensive deck is different from just now. This time I am unexpectedly conservative, Qianxue~"

  Naya's "just now" should refer to Hoshino's duel, and in the first round, he called out the deck leader Lily to attack. From the eyes of Naia, it is undoubtedly suicide.

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 4000→3000

   "Sorry, senior, although she protected Ms. Kiyohime, her health was still lost."

   "It's okay~" Hoshino responded with a smile, and touched Matthew's head that came up by the way: "Just fight steadily like this, and win step by step!"

   "Play steady? It's too late for Qianxue. Starting from this round, the seven rounds created by Heaven and Earth will obliterate any possibility of victory for you!"

   Naiya arrogantly pointed to the surging earth under her feet: "And this is the first round of creation of heaven and earth, the original earth!"

   "Seven rounds of creation of heaven and earth?" Hoshino leaned over and waved his hand in disdain.

   "Although you keep saying that you stopped growing up because of the data, your second-year-old's personality is very consistent with your apparent age."

   "After experiencing the true ability of my deck leader [Ark of Miracles], Qianxue, can you stay so calm?"

   Naia put down the duel plate with a cold snort.

   "The round is over!"

  Naya remaining hand cards: 3 cards, 1 cover card

   "Hehe, let you experience Ma Xiu's abilities before that! My turn, draw the card, and then..." Hoshino's mouth raised, and **** hooked Ma Xiu behind him.

   Ma Xiu took a deep breath, and put her shield on the ground a little embarrassingly, "It's going to start, senior."

   "Yo Xi! Get ready for Krypton... No, summon the heroes!"

   Then three white halo effects flashed out on Matthew's shield.

   "The second effect of the deck leader Matthew!"

  【②: Your own preparation process can be activated only when there are [Heroic] monsters on the field. Select 1 [Heroic] monster from the deck and add it to your hand. 】

   "Senior, wouldn't it be too good to use Krypton drawing as a commanding skill?" This is why Ma Xiu is embarrassed.

   Hoshino said sternly: "What do you say about drawing cards with krypton gold? This is a formal Chaldean summoning system. Matthew, you are completely poisoned by Leonardo’s pro-profite business thoughts.

  Ma Xiu was taken aback for a moment: "It's a senior, you really see it thoroughly!"

   After pulling out the retrieved heroes, the shining light on Matthew's shield suddenly turned into dazzling gold.

   "Naya!" Take out a card and point at Naia, and Hoshino's solemn declaration in the double layer of golden light and red lava.

   "Seven rounds of creation of heaven and earth? Then I will use the seven singularities of human history to contend with! Next, let you see the will of mankind who will survive even in the face of the fission of heaven and earth!"

   "Seven peculiarities? Even if I haven't heard of them because of my huge knowledge reserve, it was Qianxue you made up, right?"

"The real world is very vast, Ah Naia, it's not comparable to the virtual world you think you can call the wind and rain!" The card that was drawn out was slammed onto the duel plate, and the golden summoning light beside Hoshino finally appeared. The true body of the heroic spirit.

"The first singularity, 1431 AD, the Evil Dragon Hundred Years War [Orleans]. The saint of salvation and the vengeful evil dragon burned up, the era of wars! Excluding the [heroic spirit-Joan] in the cemetery, special summons —[Heroic Spirit-Jeanne Alter]!"

   [Heroic-Jeanne Alter★★★★★★★★ (8 stars) dark] [Demon family/effect ATK:3000DEF:2500]

   [This card cannot be normally summoned, except for 1 [Heroic-Jean of Arc] in the graveyard to be summoned. The race of this card can be used as [Angel Race]. 】

   "Hey, master, did you make a mistake? I'm the villain, the villain!" In the golden light, Joan Black, holding a cursed banner, said in a disgusting tone.

   "As for the will of human beings to survive, it would be better for humans to become extinct earlier."

   "If mankind goes extinct, I will die too~" Hoshino, who has become accustomed to Heizhen Tsaojiao, ridiculed.

   Kurosada hurriedly responded: "Master, you are different! Even if a comet hits the earth, it will be fine~"

  Naya sneered upon seeing this: "I've been flirting with my own duel monster from the beginning, Qianxue seems that you can feel the beauty of the data world just like me~"

   "Same as you? Don't disgust me. You are a waste person who traps others in a virtual world only with your own desires. What can you compare with the heroes who save the world?"

   "Save the world? I have created the greatness of the world in seven rounds. Feel the terrible earth at the beginning of this birth." Said Naiya opened the card covering the soles of the feet in the first round.

   "Trap Card [Crust Change]!"

  The magma surging in the cracks on the surface suddenly began to boil and accelerate.

  【Crustal Change Trap Card Effect: Choose 2 attributes by yourself. The opponent chooses one of them. Destroy all monsters with selected attributes on the face-up side of the field. 】

   "I choose the dark attribute and the flame attribute, and then Qianxue, you can choose one from the dark and the flame~"

   "Choose from darkness and flame..." Hoshino became nervous in an instant. If it is dark, it is the black Jean that Hoshino has just summoned, so Yan is naturally the Qinghime summoned last round.

"Naya, you let you use such a vicious trick!" That is to say, the effect of this card is to make Hoshino choose to give up one of Kiyohime and Kurosada. For Hoshino, this is simply a matter of life. The bitter choice.

   "I choose...choose..."

   Hoshino, who was originally a relaxed and comfortable pair, has already shed a drop of sweat from the corner of his forehead.

   "I choose inflammation attributes..."

   Kiyohime was astonished as if she was hit by five thunders: "The master abandoned me! Impossible, Kiyohime, Kiyohime..."

   "The master made this choice for granted, Kiyohime!" Hei Zhen sneered and mocked: "In this case, it is obvious that I will choose to leave me who has a higher combat effectiveness."

   Hoshino nodded, but Kurosada's seemingly mocking words were actually defending herself.

   "Even so, Qing Ji is very angry!" Qing Ji, who used a folding fan to block the corner of her mouth, was engulfed by the lava of the shifting crust: "Qing Ji will go to the master bed to vent the hot anger in her heart tonight!"


   "Damn it, Noah! How do you make up for me? I might not even dare to sleep in bed tonight!" Hoshino angrily scolded Noah for his'despicable' behavior.

  Naya is an expression on which I care about you.

   "Let’s attack, Joan Black! This roar of the soul tempered by my hatred!!"

   Joan of Arc, who pulled out the saber around her waist, looked helpless: "Master, this is my line, why are you rushing to say it!?"

   "Because-my old lady is so angry!"

   Along with Hoshino's roar, the black magic sword exploded and violently killed Chiron on the field of Naia.

  【Sage Chiron】Break

  Naya LP: 4000→2800

Chapter 224: Prehistoric Flood

   in the forest—

   Akash: "It's over, the game brother is about to become an uncle!"

Oshita Konosuke (one of the five giants): "Hmm, the legendary Muto game that defeated President Seahorse is nothing more than that? In the face of the effect of my deck leader [Deep Sea Warrior], I can't even fight back! "

  【Deep Sea Warrior Deck Leadership Effect: When the opponent declares an attack on a monster on your field, activate it with 2 monsters on your field as sacrifices. The target of the opponent's attack must be changed to the player who controls the attacking monster. 】

   Oshita Konosuke LP: 2100, [Injection Angel Lily], [Catapult Turtle]

  Muto Game LP: 100, deck leader: chestnut ball

"Now I have 2 monsters on the field. With the effect of my deck leader, as long as you attack, your health will be cleared by counterattack. Of course, even if you don’t attack, the effect of [Catapult Turtle] in the next round will be able to destroy you. Defeated! So, the general!"

   "Huh, Solevado Kana!" The zero-handed card's health in the empty field is like the king of candles in the wind, but there is no panic about failing, "My turn, draw cards!"

   glanced at the cards he had drawn, and the Wang-like expression became more confident: "Don't worry Akash, I will protect you, otherwise Hoshino will be blamed."

   Looking at the corners of Wang Yang’s upward mouth, Akashia understood in an instant: "Brother Gaming, you printed the card again, right!"

   "I specially summon the leader of my deck [Chest Ball] to play and activate the command effect!"

   "Kuri Kuri!" The chestnut ball with fierce eyes slowly floated out from behind Wang Xiang, and then the whole body was exuding colorful rainbow light.

  【1 duel can be used once. All attacks from your own monsters this turn turned into direct attacks on the player. 】

   "The command effect of the deep sea warrior can only be used when attacking monsters! Finally, I summon [Gaia the Dark Knight of Stormwind] in my hand!"

   [Gaia the Dark Knight of the Storm ★★★★★★★ (7 stars) Dark] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 2300DEF: 2100]

   [If there is only one card in your hand, this card can be summoned without liberation. 】

   The chestnut ball of rainbow rays rushed to the sky, turning into a bridge of rainbow rays to connect Gaia and Oshita Konosuke.

   "Step on the Rainbow Bridge, Gaia the Dark Knight of the Storm! Launch a direct attack!"

   The dark knight running across the rainbow track bypassed the two monsters on the field and directly pierced Oshita Konosuke.

   "How... how is it possible!"

   Oshita Kinosuke LP: 2100→0

   "That's great, the double anti-kill of Gaming Brother Yinka and Kouhu!" Akashia who spoke the truth from the very beginning.

   The king who put away the duel plate, a victory is just a matter of course.

   "This is not the time to relax Akash, the violent vibration of the earth just made me feel very bad. I must hurry up and meet Hoshino and the others."


   "Inside defense means that a monster card is summoned, and another card is overlaid, and the turn is over."

   Hoshino's remaining hand cards: 2 cards, 1 card cover

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