"So handsome, big sister!"

   "It's really dead and no regrets to be able to follow the eldest sister!"

   "The big sisters on the big screen are full of majesty and cuteness!"

   Nancheng Qiba, who was roaring with excitement, was stared at by people around him with foolish eyes, and consciously separated from them for a certain distance.


  At this moment, the eyes of duelists from all over the world gather here, eager to witness the opening duel of the final battle in this duel city. Hoshino, as the person involved, was completely unconscious.

   "Why haven't it started yet? Don't say that the cold wind in mid-air is blowing and freezing people~" Hoshino, who rubbed his thin white arms, whispered.

   Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there. After Hoshino finished complaining, the familiar black-clothed host leaked his head.

   "The first game of the duel city semi-final is about to begin. Chiyuki Hoshino will play against Malik Isudar! Now, please cut the deck of the cards!!"

   "Please cut and shuffle the deck of cards!!"

   "Please cut and shuffle the deck of cards!!"

   I don’t know if it’s important to say three times, the host in black repeatedly emphasized the operation of cutting and shuffling the deck. And watched the two people on the field.

   Of course, Hoshino needless to say, every time he will shuffle the cards seriously, otherwise he will not always get stuck in the cross talk duo. But in another way of thinking, the cross talk duo can be accurately drawn from more than forty cards every time, which is another sense of not shuffling the cards.

   While cutting the card set Hoshino, he stared at Malik seriously. After seeing that Malik really washed the deck, Hoshino finally settled down.

   Why are you only half relieved? What if this group of people are shuffled at the God of Gambler level, after shuffling, it is too much than no shuffling, such as a god-level shuffle that puts an unnamed combat unit and fusion at the top of the deck.

   "So--" the referee who exited the duel stage declared loudly.

   "Chiyuki Hoshino VS Malik Ishdar, the duel begins!"


   "I will attack first, draw the card!" Hoshino, who took the lead in the first attack, can be said to be full of momentum.

   "Activate a magic card from the hand card [Spirit Transfer]! Special summon 1 [Heroic] monster from the deck with 4 stars or less, and the normal summon cannot be performed this round after activation."

   Under the radiance of Reiko shining on the field, Hoshino selected his most perfect opening monster.

   "Special summon in the form of attack, [Heroic-Spartacus]!"

  [Heroic Spirit-Spartacus ★★★ (3 stars) Flame] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 1500DEF: 1500]

   "Yo Xi, it's Spartacus!" In the extremely excited city, a classic Yan Yi stomped on the floor: "Win!!"

Chapter 246: VS Malik, a dark game with no retreat

   "It is my mission to overturn the oppression!" As if responding to the excitement in the city, Ai Jiang's smile became more ‘bright’.

   Hoshino continued to insert two cards into the duel board: "Cover another card, and cast perpetual magic [Chaldean Mana Supply Organization]!"

   The bright red magic spell, engraved on the back of the white hand.


   Satisfiedly waved the enchantment on the back of his hand, Hoshino put down the duel plate: "The round is over."

   Hoshino remaining hand cards: 3

   Wangyang smiled softly: "Hoshino's start is really good. Lingshu plus Spartacus, both offensive and defensive, but also able to guarantee their own resources."

   Chengouchi said: "It seems that my luck has been allocated to Hoshino, and I must defeat Malik instead of me!"

   "My turn, draw a card!" Malik, who started the round, changed his expression to a familiar smirk again.

   "It's really noisy, do you treat this as an ordinary game? What follows is a dark game that determines life and death!" The darkness that broke out from behind Malik swept the entire floor in an instant.

   was a sunny stage just now, and in the next second it has become a deep dark space.

"Unexpectedly, using such a powerful dark power, Malik is doing his best this time!" The king who deeply understands the darkness can clearly feel that this dark game is far more dangerous than the one in the city, or wins. He has seen all the dark games.

   The hippocampus standing on the side was indifferent: "Do you want to play this kind of boring trick again? If Malik thinks that this kind of bluffing can work a second time, it would be ridiculous."

   "Now I can finally enjoy the game happily, Hoshino." While smiling strangely, Malik drew his hand card and placed it on the duel plate.

   "Summon [Dark Colloidal Man] in the form of an attack, and activate the effect of a monster!"

  【Dark Colloid Man★★★★(4 stars) Dark】【Demon Clan/Effect ATK: 1200DEF: 1500】

   [When this card is successfully summoned, reversed summoned, or special summoned, select 1 face-up monster on the field. As long as that monster is face-to-face on the field, its attack power drops by 800. 】

   "I choose Spartacus on your field, and the attack power drops by 800!"

  【Spartacus ATK: 1500→700】

   Aijiang: "Well, this is the feeling of being oppressed!!"

   "This time the attack power is overtaken, feel the fun of this dark game of death, Hoshino!" With a wave of his hand, Malik entered the battle flow.

   "Let’s attack the dark colloid-death piercing!"

   The two pointed claws protruding from the gelatinous body quickly penetrated the thick body of Spartacus.

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 4000→3500

   Hoshino covered his chest: "It really hurts, I'm beginning to admire the fact that the city can support it."

   It seems that even mortal bones are far superior to ordinary people in terms of physical and mental strength within the city.

After the attack was over, Malik's sly smile did not stop, and the interest in his eyes became more intense: "This dark duel is not only to pass pain to such a degree~ With the reduced health, part of the body will be swallowed randomly. Into the darkness!"

   "Hey?!!!" Following Malik's explanation, Hoshino looked at the darkness attacking his body with a flustered expression.

   As Malik said, the body after being swallowed by darkness becomes transparent as if it disappears directly from the space, and the whole body looks like a part is missing from the body.

   "Ah?!!! The chest... the chest is gone!!" Looking down at the Hoshino on his chest, he began to doubt life a bit.

   To be precise, it is not just the chest, because 500 points of health have been reduced, and one-eighth of the entire body has disappeared.

   "It's fun, this dark game~Ghahahaha." Malik smiled abnormally with his tongue out.

   "Although the body doesn't feel strange on the way of swallowing. But the moment when the health value returns to zero, your existence will completely disappear from this world!"

   As long as the moment of failure, the existence will completely disappear, but it is different from the duel in the castle, and there is no chance of rescue.

   has never seen such a dark game like a king, frowning: "This Malik does not hesitate to use this method. Sure enough, the dark personality dominated by the thousand-year tin rod has only the desire to destroy everything."

   "Isn't it the rule that you die or I live? You have the courage, Malik." Hoshino, who quickly recovered from the shock of losing his body, sent the destroyed monster card to the cemetery.

   "However, you are the one who has swallowed your body this round! Activate the special effect of the monster [Heroic Spartacus] that has just been destroyed!"

  【Activate when this card is destroyed by battle. Give the opponent 500 basic points of damage, and then restore 500 basic points to yourself. 】

   Ai-chan's roar from the cemetery: "This pleasure will be doubled back!!"

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 3500→4000

   With the recovery of health, Hoshino's disappeared body is gradually restored.

   "Great, I'm back." He touched Hoshino on his chest, and finally felt relieved. Although it is said that even if the body is swallowed, it will not feel strange, but it will always be a little weird if you can't see it when you lower your head.

   Malik LP: 4000→3500

"Ah ah ah ah!" Love sauce counterattack pain, plus the darkness swallowed right leg, could not help but let Malik producing a low roar.

   "Good job Hoshino, it wouldn't be fun if it wasn't like this!"

   From the analysis of Malik who lost his right leg and still standing steadily, it seems that the so-called swallowing is only temporarily covering the body. Only the moment when the last health reaches zero is it true.

   "Cover a card, and the round ends."

   Malik remaining hand cards: 4 cards

   "My round, draw a card!"


   "Activate the special effect of [Heroic Spartacus] who has just entered the cemetery. If there are more monsters on the opposite side of the field than ours in the preparation phase, you can special summon it from the cemetery!"

  [Heroic Spirit-Spartacus ★★★ (3 stars) Flame] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 1500DEF: 1500]

   "Rebel! Never stop!"

   After drew Aichan's card from the graveyard, Hoshino continued to insert another card in the duel plate: "Activate the perpetual magic card from the card in your hand [French glory eternal]!"

  【French Radiance Permanent Magic Effect: Every time [Heroic] monster is summoned or Special Summoned, place a radiant counter on this card. (Maximum 6)]

"Then Spartacus on the field is liberated, summon [Heroic-Nero Claudius] from the hand card, and pull out [Heroic-Caligula] from the deck! Place 2 cards at the same time Glorious indicator!"

   Hoshino's series of operations continuously lit up the shining light in the dark space.


Chapter 247: The Golden Theater in the Dark


  【Heroic Spirit-Nero Claudius (6 stars) Flame】【Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 2300DEF: 1900】

   Nero Card.jpg

   At the moment when the summon is completed, Hoshino immediately added a card from the deck: "Nero's special effect, when there is no other monster on the field when the summon is successful, draw a card from the deck."


  【Heroic-Caligula★★★★(4 stars) Dark】【Warrior Clan/Effect ATK:1500DEF:1200】

   "And the effect of Caligula. 1 duel per game. When you have [Nero Claudius] on your field, this card can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard and Deck!"

   As two Roman heroes were summoned consecutively, the brilliance of perpetual magic on the Hoshino field became more dazzling.

"According to the effect of [French Radiance Permanent], summon two monsters and add 2 [Radiance] counters to this card. Then remove the counters and put 1 [Heroic-Marie Antoinette] in the deck Special】Join the hand card!"

   At the same time she retrieved Mary, Hoshino raised the magic spell on the back of his hand, and the light of unyielding darkness spread to the audience.

"The next thing is the main event. With [Heroic Spirit-Nero Claudius] as the target, remove a [令令] counter and retrieve the field magic in the deck [The Golden Theater of Heart and Heart] And launch!"


   Unfolded the hidden magic area of ​​the duel plate, and the whole floor shook after Hoshino put cards in.

  In the rising Golden Theater, Nero was very excited: "Open the door open and open the solo curtain! See the rest of your talent! Listen to the thunderous applause! Then praise! Towards the Golden Theater! Umm!"

   "Due to the effect of the magic golden theater in the venue, Nero's attack power has increased!"

   [Nero Claudius ATK: 2300→2600]

   Looking at the gorgeous Golden Theater in front of him, Jouchou exclaimed: "Hoshino’s attacking rhythm is so fierce. The Golden Theater was moved out in only 2 rounds."

   Wangyang added: "Not only that, Hoshino has also ensured that he has enough cards left while attacking. It can be said that he has found an excellent balance between offense and conservativeness."

   "Miss Hoshino, how strong!" For Malik who defeated her brother with despicable means, Shizuka really hoped that Hoshino could avenge the castle.

   "Take Malik, this gorgeous blow from Nero!" Nero who was inserted into the original fire in the center of the theater was pulled out, following Hoshino's order to attack, dragging the flame to rush forward.

   Malik, who didn't seem panicked in the face of the menacing attack, quietly pressed the start button of the duel plate cover card: "Ha ha ha, the covered trap card is activated, and the target is Nero Claudius."

   "It's useless, Nero in the Golden Theater will not be affected by the effects of the opponent's magic and trap cards!"

   "Did I say it was the target of the trap card? The trap card I activated was [Monster Exchange]!" Pointing at the Gai card whose soles were lifted, Malik smiled triumphantly, and quickly replaced the monster card on the duel board.

  【Monster swapping trap card effect: It can only be activated when the opponent's attack in the battle phase is declared. Return a monster on your field to your hand, and then select a monster with 4 stars or less from your hand to Special Summon. 】

   Castle Nai suddenly felt bad: "Oops, I remember that card was used to exchange the torture monster in the hand card, can Hoshino really hold it up?"

   Probably in the eyes of Jouchou, although Hoshino has a strong duel, he is no different from ordinary girls in physical and mental aspects. Having experienced the pain of that dark game firsthand, he couldn't help worrying.

   "Do you know my tactics very well? It seems that the dark pain has been etched in your body, inside the city!" Malik, who summoned the monster, did not forget to taunt the inside of the city:

   "After I switched [Dark Colloidal Man], the monster that was specially summoned in the defensive form was [Restricted Arm]!"

   [Restriction Arm ★★★★ (4 stars) Dark] [Mechanical/Effect ATK: 500DEF: 1200]

   [①: If this card is successfully summoned or Special Summoned, it targets 1 face-up monster on the opponent's field. The face of this monster indicates the period of existence, and the face of the target indicates that the monster cannot attack, and the effect is negated. ②: As long as the monster targeted by the effect of ① of this card exists on the field, this card will not be destroyed by battles or effects. 】

While the metal monster with the golden eye shape materialized on the Malik field, the pliers on both sides quickly handcuffed Nero's white and delicate wrists, and lifted Nero's arms as a whole, hiding the perfect figure under the red dress. It was also exposed because of the forcibly raised arms.

"Damn it, it is really disrespectful to use this kind of thing to restrain Yu's actions!" However, Nero, who was angrily twisted his wrist in an attempt to break free, did not receive any goods except for leaving a red mark on the wrist of the white child. .

   Malik shrugged with satisfaction: "And as long as the restrained monster exists on the field, the [Limited Arm] cannot be destroyed by the battle or effect. Hoshino, you can no longer attack this turn."

   "It's a miscalculation to block it not with magic or trap but with monster effect." Only the golden theater, which could not resist the monster effect, became the only loophole that Malik had penetrated.

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