Looking at his reddish wrist like Nero, Hoshino temporarily put down his arm that raised the duel plate: "The round is over."

   Hoshino’s remaining hand cards: 4 cards, 1 card cover

   "It's my turn again, draw a card!" Malik trembled with excitement when he glanced at the card he had drawn.

   "Ghahahaha, it seems that the fortune is on my side, Hoshino! Activate the magic card [Pottery of Desire] from your hand card!"

   Malik, who throws magic, draws two cards in a row from the deck, and adds up to 6 cards in the remaining hand.

   "Then activate the magic card [mechanical copy] from the hand card!"

   [Mechanical Copy Spell Card Effect: Activate only by targeting 1 mechanical monster with an ATK of 500 or less on your field. Special summon up to 2 face-up monsters of the same name from the deck. 】

"I take the [Restriction Arm] on the field as the target, and I will Special Summon the remaining 2 [Restriction Arms] in the deck on my field!" Arrange the monsters retrieved by the magic card on the duel board in sequence, Malik Field There are already three monsters on it.

   "Next, it's time to call God!" Malik held up the card in his hand, and the three [Binding Arms] on the field had disappeared from the darkness because of the light of liberation.

   Seahorse said in surprise: "He said he wanted to summon a god? But if you use a monster like the restraining arm to summon the Pterodactyl, you can only inherit a total of 1,500 attack power."

   "Ghahahaha, who said I was going to summon the Winged Dragon? Look, the real strong, even the wrath of God can dominate it to you!" Opened his arms, Malik's head flashed and thundered instantly.

   "I will sacrifice the three monsters on my field, and the superior will summon [Osiris' Sky Dragon]!"

Chapter 248: Fettered Sky Dragon

  [Sky Dragon of Osiris★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars) God] [Illusive Gods/Effects ATK: X000DEFX000]

   Wangyan’s eyes were filled with incredible expressions: "Osiris’ Sky Dragon?! This is impossible, I remember Osiris’s card was handed over..."

   "Ghahahahaha, Pharaoh, you have handed Osiris's card to Hoshino, right, but do you think this will defeat me?"

   Under the thunder of friction bombardment, Malik’s smile became more and more beautiful: "I am the one who can truly rule the three phantom gods and rule this world. Then I will prove it to you!"

   Huge lightning grazed Malik's body, and even the gorgeous golden theater was split from the middle by the violent lightning.

   "The theater of Yu, the glory of Rome! It's irritating, it's so irritating!" Since [Binding Arm] was offered as a sacrifice, Nero naturally released the restraint of sex.

   Hoshino noticed something: "This sky dragon doesn't feel right to people...this kind of unusual anger emotion?!"

   Although God usually looks very angry, I don’t know why God is so irritable and always angry all the time. But the sky dragon of Osiris in front of him hadn't actually appeared in the thundercloud yet, but the angry thunder light had been smashing the field continuously.

   saw Wang Yang handing the Sky Dragon to the seahorse in Hoshino's hands, and gradually sorted out the situation in front of him: "Malik, you actually made more than a **** copy card of the Winged Dragon!"

   Chengouchi widened his eyes and looked at the seahorse: "Nani? You said that you are also a copy of God, but won't you be punished by God if you use God's copy card?!"

   Malik, who started the duel plate, once again emphasized: "I just said that the real strong, even the wrath of God will dominate you! Witness it, this is the moment for me to dominate God!"

   "I activated the Venue Magic Card [Bound God Mound] in my hand!" Due to the inability of Venue Magic Cards to coexist, the squeezed Golden Theater began to spread and collapse from the cracks split by the Sky Dragon.

  【Golden Theater with Heart-struck Heart】Destruction

   Then several thick chains shot out from the ground, reaching out to the clouds with lightning in the sky, and forcibly dragging the [Osiris Sky Dragon] hovering in the black thundercloud.

  【Bound God’s Mound Field Magic Effect: ①: Monsters with more than 10 stars on the field will not be the target of the effect, and will not be destroyed by the effect. 】

   "In this way, the **** is completely controlled by me, the effect of Osiris' Sky Dragon, since I have 3 cards left in my hand, the attack power and defense power become 3000!"

  [Osiris’ Sky Dragon ATK: 3000]

   surrounded and forcibly bound the chains of the sky dragon's huge body, making the sky dragon's roar to a higher level. But Wang Yang and Hoshino heard more pain and sorrow from the deafening roar.

   Wang-like clenched his fists angrily: "Using this method to forcibly control God!"

   "God is restless, I feel the wrath of the real God's card..." The duel plate on Hoshino's arm, and the slightly trembling deck, have never appeared in previous duels.

   "Malik, do you really know what you're doing?"

"Ghahahaha?! Do you still have time to teach me? Those who fail in this dark game will really lose their lives!" Slowly holding the outstretched palm, Malik was restrained by the black chain at the top The sky dragon gave the order.

   "Give me the lightning of the gods to smash the opposite side, Sky Dragon! Launch an attack on Caligula on the field-Super Conductive Wave Lightning Lightning Cannon (ThunderForce)!"

   "Ohhhhhhh!!!" It was like being forced out of the attack, and the lightning leaked from the mouth of the terrifying dragon blasted towards Caligula.

  In the dazzling electric light, Caligula's body turned into nothingness: "The rest of Nero, oh oh oh!!"


   "Uncle! Damn it, first destroyed the Yu Golden Theater, and now even the rest of the relatives will not let it go!" Holding the hilt tightly, the flame on the original fire blade in Nero's hand seemed to be even hotter and brighter.

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 4000→2500

   Malik: "It's not over yet, at the moment when the monster is destroyed by the sky dragon, the special effect of the field magic [Bound God Tomb] was triggered!"

   [②: Activate when a 10-star or higher monster on the field destroys a monster and sends it to the graveyard. The controller of the destroyed monster suffers 1000 damage. 】

   The pitch-black chain shot again from the ground penetrated Hoshino's slender body, ruthlessly taking away more than half of her life.

   Hoshino Chiyuki LP: 2500→1500

   "Then be swallowed by darkness, your weak body!"

   Hoshino, who has directly lost more than half of his health, began to erode from the white thighs, including his arms, and more than half of his body was swallowed by darkness and became transparent.

   Peacock Dance worried: "It's okay, Qianxue?!"

   "Except that it seems a little unsuitable, it's okay." Hoshino told the truth, even if he was swallowed by darkness, his body didn't feel strange. But the body that I usually watched suddenly disappeared in half, and it would be strange for anyone to change it.

   "Death is getting closer and closer, Hoshino, let's struggle slowly in front of God!"

   Malik smiled sinisterly and inserted a card into the duel plate: "Cover a card, and the round is over!"

   Malik remaining hand cards: 2 cards, 1 card cover

  【Osiris’ Sky Dragon ATK: 3000→2000】

   Seeing Malik's operation, Jouchi suddenly became excited: "At this time, don't you want to guarantee the attack power of the sky dragon, but choose to cover the card?! This Malik made a mistake!"

   Keipi also echoed: "Good opportunity, Hoshino sister, hurry up and attack!"

   However, Wang Yang and Haima frowned and remained silent. Even if Hoshino's Nero leaves the Golden Theater, his attack power is as high as 2,300 points. Malik can't possibly miss this point.

   That Gika looked like a trap that Malik used to induce Hoshino to attack.

   "My turn, draw a card!" At the beginning of the round, Hoshino's spell on the back of his hand resumed. However, because the number of monsters on the field is the same as Malik, he cannot Special Summon Spartacus in the Graveyard.


   "I summon [Heroic Spirit-Matthew Girelette] in defensive form!" Facing the powerful suppression power of the sky dragon, this is the only monster that Hoshino can take out now.

   [Heroic Spirit-Matthew Girelette★★★★ (4 stars) Light] [Warrior Clan/Effect ATK: 1000 DEF: 2000]


   "Huh, just eat the effect of the sky dragon at the moment your summon is successful, summon the thunder bomb!!" The circular thunder and lightning spit out from the second dragon's mouth directly bombed Matthew's shield.

   [The opponent summons? Reverse summon? This is activated when a monster is Special Summoned. Decrease the value of those monsters' ATK and DEF by 2,000 points according to the display format, and destroy the monsters whose ATK and DEF are reduced to 0 by this effect. 】

  【Matthew DEF: 2000→0】

   "Although the defensive power is reduced to 0, the defensive form of Ma Xiu will not be destroyed." With Ma Xiu's absolute defense shield, Hoshino can only barely block a blow from the sky dragon.

Chapter 249: Nero Counterattack, and the Burning Sky Dragon

   "Because Ma Xiu in the defensive state will not be destroyed by the effect, even the Sky Dragon's lightning bombs are useless!" After the lightning dissipated, Hoshino was still a solid figure with Ma Xiu blocking the shield in front of him.

   Malik smiled and said, "As a 4-star monster, it can actually block a blow from the gods, Matthew, right? I really want to praise you."

  Ma Xiu looked disgusted: "I don't want someone like you to praise me, it will have nightmares!"

   "That's right, my lovely Matthew only needs my praise! Since Matthew was summoned, Perpetual Magic [French Glory Forever] adds a [光辉] counter!"


   "And at this moment, remove the cost of a command spell, resurrect the monster in the cemetery by attack, [Heroic-Caligula], and add [Glow] counters again!"



   The magic power spread from the back of Hoshino’s white clean hands, drilled into the duel disk cemetery area, and summoned Caligula, who had just been destroyed by the sky dragon's attack.

Draw a card from the cemetery, Hoshino solemnly photographed it: "In order to defeat the false **** in front of you, lend me your power and lend it to your favorite Nero! Special summon [Heroic Spirit-Caligu] in the form of an attack pull】!"

  【Heroic-Caligula★★★★(4 stars) Dark】【Warrior Clan/Effect ATK:1500DEF:1200】

   Malik disdainfully said: "This weak monster, no matter how many resurrected, can't stand in front of the sky dragon for even a second! Since you have specially summoned the monster, then eat it, this lightning bomb!"

   The second mine-calling bomb spit out from the strange dragon's mouth, directly slammed on the newly resurrected Caligula, completely submerging Caligula in the roar.

  【Caligula ATK: 1500→0】

   Malik pointed to the figure that gradually dissipated in the light: "Unlike Matthew, Caligula whose attack power is reduced to 0 will be destroyed by the effect. Obediently destroy it in the thunder of the sky dragon!"

   Caligula, who resisted the thunder with all his strength, shouted hoarsely: "Nero! My lovely niece, my lovely sister's child! Take the last will and go to win glory for Rome!"


   "Fight Nero, now is the time to kill the gods!" After Caligula was destroyed, Hoshino entered the battle process decisively.

   "Yes, master!" Holding the original fire tightly, the burning determination in Nero's eyes is no less than the crimson in his hand.

   In the castle, he looked at Hoshino's operation in a puzzled manner: "It would be fine to fight directly, why waste precious [令 Su] to summon monsters that you know will be destroyed by lightning bombs."

   Wang Yang said solemnly: "Hoshino would never do such useless work. The problem lies with Malik's cover card."

"Hahaha, you just said the fight, then you are fooled!" Seeing Nero dragging the flames to the sky, Malik smiled triumphantly, and pressed the lid without hesitation. Card.

   "I didn't expect such a simple trap to deceive you, she really is a naive little girl! Activate the covered trap card [Innocent Greedy]!"

   [Effect of the Unmistakable Greedy Trap Card: Draw 2 cards from the deck by yourself, and then skip the card draw phase twice. 】

   In the city that suddenly realized, he screamed in panic: "A trap for replenishing cards was planted to induce Hoshino to attack. It's too despicable!"

   "Because of the effect of [Innocent Greedy], I draw 2 cards from the deck, and the sky dragon's attack power rises to 4000 points at the same time!" Malik, who drew the card, made a gesture of wiping his neck to Hoshino.

   "I didn't expect it to be so easy to end. In my own attack, the health value was cleared, and then the darkness will be ruined, the king of duels!"

   "If it's really that simple, wouldn't I be worse than the city?"

   Chengouchi scratched his head: "Why are you taunting me suddenly? Although I really didn't see Gika."

   pointed to the trap card that had already been opened at the bottom of his feet, Hoshino responded solemnly: "Look at Malik, you can only destroy the sky dragon in the battle!"

   Malik was slightly surprised: "Nani? When was the trap activated, but since it is a trap, it should be useless to God!"

"Just when you were intoxicated with the power of your own lightning bombs and immersed in the power of false gods, the battle has been reversed!" With Hoshino's clear voice, the scarlet flame sword in Nero's hand has been heavily smashed into the sky. Among the dragon heads.

   "This is the will that Caligula left behind. I activated it at the moment Caligula was resurrected with the spell-trap card [Eclipse of the Moon]!"

   [Lunar Eclipse Trap Card Effect: You can activate it only when there are 4 or less [Heroic] face-ups on your field. Discard up to 2 cards in your hand. After that, the opponent discards the same number of cards in the hand. For every [Heroic Spirit] sent to the cemetery by this effect, the opponent receives 300 points of damage. 】

  ——Swallow my heart, Moonlight (FlucticulusDiana)! !

   "Because of the effect of [Lunar Eclipse], I discarded 2 cards in my hand, and correspondingly you must discard 2 cards in your hand. Therefore, the final attack power of the sky dragon will also be reduced by 2000 points!"

   drew out two cards in his hand and threw them into the cemetery Hoshino, and looked confidently at Malik's field. Nero, who leaped gorgeously and gracefully above the huge body of the false sky dragon, cut countless red flame knife marks on the originally bright red dragon.

  [Osiris’ Sky Dragon ATK: 2000]

   [Nero Claudius ATK: 2300]

   "The Rome that Yu is king, the will that Yu inherited, the anger that Yu has shown! Just use your body to feel it for yourself!"

   From the dragon head to the dragon tail, the huge body of the sky dragon seemed to be lit by the original fire, burning and circling and struggling hard. Even the pitch-black chain that bound it was scorched to crimson by the flame, feeling that it would be twisted at any time.

   Hoshino forcefully pointed forward and said with a serious face: "If you want to use this false **** to defeat me, Malik, you are the real naive person!"

   "——Laus Saint Claudius of the Acura of the Virgin!!!" The flame knife marks attached to the sky dragon's body all burst in the final roar of Nero. The howling sky dragon dissipated in the flames of countless explosions.

  【Osiris’ Sky Dragon】Smashed

   Malik LP: 3500→3200

   The flame pain transmitted to Malik through the dark duel caused the blue veins on his forehead to violently violently.

  The atmosphere of the onlookers suddenly became enthusiastic: "I actually defeated the **** in one round, still with the blessing of the field magic [Bound God Tomb]. Hoshino is really strong!"

   However, the warm atmosphere is more than just the onlookers. As soon as the sky dragon was slashed by Nero, the whole world boiled along with it.

   "What level of battle is this? It's so gorgeous!"

   "That's a god, the strongest monster in the legend! It was defeated in one round!"

   "That is the king of duelists, even if God stands in front of her, he can't stop it!"

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